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# Release Notes

## 1. Upgrade notes

As usual, we recommend that you have a full backup, of the database, application code and static files.

To update, follow these steps:

### 1.1. Update your ruby version

If you're using rbenv, this is done with the following commands:

rbenv install 3.2.2
rbenv local 3.2.2

If not, you need to adapt it to your environment. See "2.1. Ruby update to 3.2"

### 1.2. Update your Gemfile

gem "decidim", github: "decidim/decidim"
gem "decidim-dev", github: "decidim/decidim"

### 1.3. Run these commands

bundle update decidim
bin/rails decidim:upgrade
bin/rails db:migrate

### 1.4. Follow the steps and commands detailed in these notes

## 2. General notes

## 2.1. Ruby update to 3.2

We have updated the Ruby version to 3.2.2. Upgrading to this version will require either to install this Ruby version on your host, or change the decidim docker image to use ruby:3.2.2.
You can read more about this change on PR [#12199](

## 2.2. Rails update to 7.0

We have updated the Rails version to You do not need to do anything.

You can read more about this change on PR [#12616](

## 2.3. Removal of the accountability naming customization

We have removed the ability to customize the labels from the Accountability component, as it was not following the recommended way of handling these text customizations. If you want to migrate your current customizations, you can read about [Text customizations in Decidim Documentation](

You can read more about this change on PR [#12853](

## 3. One time actions

These are one time actions that need to be done after the code is updated in the production database.

### 3.1. CarrierWave removal

Back in Decidim 0.25 we have added ActiveStorage (via [\#7902]( as main uploader instead of CarrierWave.

We've left some code to ease-up with the migration process during these last versions.

In your application, you need to remove the initializer:

rm config/initializers/carrierwave.rb

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12200](

### 3.2. Verifications documents configurations

Until now we have hard-coded the document types for verifications with types from Spain legislation ("DNI, NIE and passport"). We have change it to "Identification number and passport", and allow installations to adapt them to their own needs.

If you want to go back to the old setting, you need to follow these steps:

#### 3.2.1. Add to your config/secrets.yml the `decidim.verifications.document_types` key

decidim_default: &decidim_default
  application_name: <%%="DECIDIM_APPLICATION_NAME", "My Application Name").to_json %>
    document_types: <%%="VERIFICATIONS_DOCUMENT_TYPES", %w(identification_number passport)).to_array %>

#### 3.2.2. Add to your `config/initializers/decidim.rb` the following snippet in the bottom of the file

if Decidim.module_installed? :verifications
  Decidim::Verifications.configure do |config|
    config.document_types = Rails.application.secrets.dig(:verifications, :document_types).presence || %w(identification_number passport)

#### 3.2.3. Add the values that you want to define using the environment variable `VERIFICATIONS_DOCUMENT_TYPES`


#### 3.2.4. Add the translation of these values to your i18n files (i.e. `config/locales/en.yml`)

          dni: DNI
          nie: NIE
          passport: Passport

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12306](

### 3.3. esbuild migration

In order to speed up the asset compilation, we have migrated from babel to esbuild.

There are some small changes that needs to be performed in your application code.

- Remove `babel.config.js`
- Replace `config/webpack/custom.js` with the new version.

wget -O config/webpack/custom.js

In case you have modifications in your application's webpack configuration, adapt it by [checking out the diff of the changes](

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12238](

### 3.4. Allow removal of orphan categories

A bug was identified that prevented the deletion of categories lacking associated resources. This action is a one-time task that must be performed directly in the production database.

bin/rails decidim:upgrade:fix_orphan_categorizations

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12143](

### 3.5. Improved CSS overrides

We have improved the CSS overriding mechanism. This is what allows you to change the CSS of decidim in your application in a more granular way.

Previously, you could do this by adding CSS rules in the `app/packs/stylesheets/decidim/decidim_application.scss` file. This file remains in place but is loaded as the last file in the application, so it will take precedence over all the CSS rules from the Decidim modules.

Additionally, if you need, you can also customize the `admin` and `system` interfaces by creating in your application the following files:

- `app/packs/stylesheets/decidim/admin/decidim_application.scss` for admin interface
- `app/packs/stylesheets/decidim/system/decidim_application.scss` for system interface

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12646](

### 3.6. Update to Footer Topic and Pages functionality

We have changed the behavior of the footer pages and topics links:

- Removed the "show in the footer" checkbox for pages.
- Removed duplicate "Terms of Service" link.
- Always show the link to the "Terms of Service" page.
- Only show links in footer to topics.

You can read more about this change on PR [\#12592](

### 3.7. [[TITLE OF THE ACTION]]

You can read more about this change on PR [\#XXXX](

## 4. Scheduled tasks

Implementers need to configure these changes it in your scheduler task system in the production server. We give the examples
 with `crontab`, although alternatively you could use `whenever` gem or the scheduled jobs of your hosting provider.

### 4.1. [[TITLE OF THE TASK]]

4 0 * * * cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails decidim:TASK

You can read more about this change on PR [\#XXXX](

## 5. Changes in APIs

### 5.1 Migration of Proposal states in own table

As of [\#12052]( all the proposals states are kept in a separate database table, enabling end users to customize the states of the proposals. By default we will create for any proposal component that is being installed in the project 5 default states that cannot be disabled nor deleted. These states are:

- Not Answered ( default state for any new created proposal )
- Evaluating
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Withdrawn ( special states for proposals that have been withdrawn by the author )

For any of the above states you can customize the name, description, css class used by labels. You can also decide which states the user can receive a notification or an answer.

You do not need to run any task to migrate the existing states, as we will automatically migrate the existing states to the new table.

You can see more details about this change on PR [\#12052](

### 5.2. Seeds require assets precompiling

In order to successfully showcase the features of the application, we have added as a mandatory step the assets precompiling, as the seeds will now fire the notification system. That allows any Decidim demo instance to display user notifications.

if you previously seeded your database using:

bin/rails db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed

You are required to run using:

bin/rails db:drop db:create db:migrate assets:precompile db:seed

You can see more details about this change on PR [\#12828](

### 5.3. [[TITLE OF THE CHANGE]]

In order to [[REASONING (e.g. improve the maintenance of the code base)]] we have changed...

If you have used code as such:

# Explain the usage of the API as it was in the previous version
result = 1 + 1 if before

You need to change it to:

# Explain the usage of the API as it is in the new version
result = 1 + 1 if after