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# @title Contributing as a Shark, Monkey, or Platypus
# Thinking about contributing to Decko?
Nice! There's tons to do involving lots of different skillsets, and we welcome the help. 
We want to make contributing to Decko as rewarding an experience as possible. Please 
jump in, and ask away for help.

For starters, it's helpful to be clear whether you're interested in helping as a Shark,
a Monkey, or a Platypus. (Or as more than one of these!)

## Sharks - Masters of Cards
Decko is built around the _card_ concept, so we call advanced users who create,
structure, organize, and maintain Decko websites "Card Sharks." There are many things
Sharks can do to contribute to the project: design, community support, documentation,
outreach, or even just the occasional kind word. 

Because Sharks live not in the land of code but in the sea of websites, we
maintain information that pertains to them – **including installation troubleshooting, 
mod lists, and deck configuration** – on [][1].

Sharks are invited to:

 - email the [Decko Sharks Google Group][2]
 - add issues to [GitHub's Issue Tracker][3]
 - sign up and contribute at [][1]

## Monkeys - Makers of Mods
Mods (short for modules, modifications, modicum, whatever...) are the main 
mechanism for extending Decko behavior, and they're the ideal place for coders
new to Decko to start contributing. As _Monkeys_!

There are endless possibilities for mods, and many much-needed mods can be built
as relatively minor variations of existing mods.

In addition to the Shark invitations above, Monkeys are invited to:

 - email the [Decko Monkeys Google Group][4]
 - make [pull requests][5] to the [card-mods][6] repo.
 - join us on Slack (just request an invite in the Google Group)

## Platypuses - Weirdos Building the Platform

The rest of this document is for the more traditional audience of CONTRIBUTING files:
folks who want to help develop the code in this repository, which we often call
the _core_.

### Pull Requests
The Decko team makes heavy use of [GitHub's pull request system][5]. 
If you're not familiar with pull requests, that's the best place to start.

A great pull request is:
* small - so the team can review changes incrementally
* tested - including automatic tests that would fail without its changes
* explained - with a clear title and comments

### Development Environment

First, you will need a copy of the decko repo:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

Then you will need to install a platypus deck (somewhere else – not inside the repo):

    decko new MY_DECK --platypus
The `--platypus` flag will make several key configuration alterations for you and make 
it easy to run tests from the repo.

You will be prompted to give the path to your repo. Alternatively you can use the 
`--repo-path` flag or a `DECKO_REPO_PATH` environmental variable.

### Testing
There are three different types of core tests. 
Unit tests are in rspec, integration/end-to-end tests exists as cucumber features and 
cypress tests.

#### Rspec
To run the whole rspec test suite execute `bundle exec decko rspec` in your
platypus deck directory. 
If you want to run only a single spec file use 
`bundle exec decko rspec -- <path_to_spec_file>`.
For more options run `bundle exec decko rspec --help`. 

#### Cucumber
Similar to rspec run `bundle exec decko cucumber` in your platypus deck directory.

#### Cypress
Start the server for your platypus deck with `RAILS_ENV=cypress bundle exec decko s -p 
5002` and then in the gem in `decko/spec` run `yarn run cypress open` to open the 
cypress interface. Cypress upgrades can be installed in that same directory via npm. 

#### Jasmine
Some special configuration is required for Jasmine
testing, which is currently very limited. 

See the [Jasmine README][7] for more information.

### Documentation

We use `yard`. You can run your own documentation server by calling this from the repo

    yard server --reload

By default, the yard server will detect changes to normal ruby modules and update the
docs accordingly. But currently set modules only work if we regenerate tmpfiles after
changing code. To do that you can run the following from the development deck root:

    rake decko:docs:update
BUT: only do this if you're both (a) in development mode and (b) using a decko gem from
within a copy of the repo.

A few notes on yard documentation:

- It's important to document classes and modules only once. If, for example, `class Card`
  is preceeded by a comment in multiple files, only one will be used, which often means
  the intended documentation may get overridden.
- If comments are broken by uncommented lines, the comments before or after the break
  (depending on context) may be lost.
- It's always great to check yardoc links in comments after refactoring to make sure 
  the changes didn't break them.

[7]: decko/spec/javascripts/support/