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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="PHP_CS DWS WordPress">
    <description>Sniff for the coding standards of the DWS WordPress code.</description>

    <!-- Check all PHP files in directory tree by default. -->
    <arg name="extensions" value="php"/>

    <rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment">
        <!-- Ignore custom spacing in function comments. -->
        <exclude name="Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.SpacingAfterParamType"/>
        <!-- Ignore missing parameter comments if @inheritDoc is present. -->
            <property name="skipIfInheritdoc" value="true" />

    <!-- Ignore end char rule since it conflicts with PhpStorm's code folding regions. -->
    <rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment">
        <exclude name="Squiz.Commenting.InlineComment.InvalidEndChar"/>

    <!-- Since all files contain classes, a file comment seems extraneous. -->
    <rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.FileComment">
        <exclude name="Squiz.Commenting.FileComment.Missing"/>

    <!-- There are some instances that are false-positives, so better to just rely on PhpStorm. -->
    <rule ref="Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag">
        <exclude name="Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.WrongNumber"/>

    <!-- Minimum PHP and WP versions. -->
    <config name="testVersion" value="7.4-"/>
    <config name="minimum_supported_wp_version" value="5.5"/>

    <!-- WordPress coding standards. -->
    <rule ref="WordPress">
        <!-- Exclude as plugin adheres to the PSR-4 standard. -->
        <exclude name="WordPress.Files.FileName"/>
        <!-- Allow the usage of short ternaries since they're useful. -->
        <exclude name="WordPress.PHP.DisallowShortTernary"/>

    <!-- Check that the proper text domain(s) is used everywhere. -->
    <rule ref="WordPress.WP.I18n">
            <property name="text_domain" type="array">
                <element value="dws-wp-framework-utilities"/>

    <!-- Allow the forward-slash as a hook delimiter. -->
    <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName">
            <property name="additionalWordDelimiters" value="/"/>

    <!-- Check that all things are properly prefixed. -->
    <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals">
            <property name="prefixes" type="array">
                <element value="dws_"/>
                <element value="dws_wp_framework_"/>
                <element value="dws_wp_framework_utilities_"/>
                <element value="DeepWebSolutions"/>
        <!-- All hooks are auto-generated. This sniff is a false positive. -->
        <exclude name="WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.DynamicHooknameFound"/>

    <!-- Define some special rules for the Codeception tests. -->
    <rule ref="PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration">
    <rule ref="WordPress.NamingConventions">

    <!-- Ignore certain folders. -->

    <!-- Ignore index.php files since they're just empty. -->