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package org.nd4j.codegen.ops

import org.nd4j.codegen.api.AtLeast
import org.nd4j.codegen.api.Language
import org.nd4j.codegen.api.doc.DocScope
import org.nd4j.codegen.dsl.*
import org.nd4j.codegen.api.DataType.*
import org.nd4j.codegen.api.Exactly

fun SDImage() =  Namespace("Image"){
    val namespaceJavaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.custom"
    Op("CropAndResize") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "CropAndResize"
        Input(NUMERIC, "image") { description = "Input image, with shape [batch, height, width, channels]" }
        Input(NUMERIC, "cropBoxes") { description = "Float32 crop, shape [numBoxes, 4] with values in range 0 to 1" }
        Input(NUMERIC, "boxIndices") { description = "Indices: which image (index to dimension 0) the cropBoxes belong to. Rank 1, shape [numBoxes]" }
        Input(INT, "cropOutSize") { description = "Output size for the images - int32, rank 1 with values [outHeight, outWidth]" }
        Arg(NUMERIC, "extrapolationValue") { description = "Used for extrapolation, when applicable. 0.0 should be used for the default"; defaultValue=0.0 }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "Cropped and resized images" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Given an input image and some crop boxes, extract out the image subsets and resize them to the specified size.

    Op("extractImagePatches") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "ExtractImagePatches"
        Input(NUMERIC, "image") { description = "Input image to extract image patches from - shape [batch, height, width, channels]" }
        Arg(INT, "kSizes") { count = Exactly(2); description = "Kernel size - size of the image patches, [height, width]" }
        Arg(INT, "strides") { count = Exactly(2);description = "Stride in the input dimension for extracting image patches, [stride_height, stride_width]" }
        Arg(INT, "rates") { count = AtLeast(0); description = "Usually [1,1]. Equivalent to dilation rate in dilated convolutions - how far apart the output pixels\n" +
                "                 in the patches should be, in the input. A dilation of [a,b] means every {@code a}th pixel is taken\n" +
                "                 along the height/rows dimension, and every {@code b}th pixel is take along the width/columns dimension" }
        Arg(BOOL, "sameMode") { description = "Padding algorithm. If true: use Same padding" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "The extracted image patches" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Given an input image, extract out image patches (of size kSizes - h x w) and place them in the depth dimension. 

    Op("nonMaxSuppression") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "NonMaxSuppression"
        Input(NUMERIC, "boxes") { description = "Might be null. Name for the output variable" }
        Input(NUMERIC, "scores") { description = "vector of shape [num_boxes]" }
        Arg(INT, "maxOutSize") { description = "scalar representing the maximum number of boxes to be selected" }
        Arg(NUMERIC, "iouThreshold") { description = "threshold for deciding whether boxes overlap too much with respect to IOU" }
        Arg(NUMERIC, "scoreThreshold") { description = "threshold for deciding when to remove boxes based on score" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "vectort of shape [M] representing the selected indices from the boxes tensor, where M <= max_output_size" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
            Greedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score

    Op("adjustContrast") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "AdjustContrast"
        Input(NUMERIC, "in") { description = "images to adjust. 3D shape or higher" }
        Arg(FLOATING_POINT, "factor") { description = "multiplier for adjusting contrast" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "Contrast-adjusted image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Adjusts contrast of RGB or grayscale images.

    Op("adjustSaturation") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "AdjustSaturation"
        Input(NUMERIC, "in") { description = "RGB image as 3D array" }
        Arg(FLOATING_POINT, "factor") { description = "factor for saturation" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "adjusted image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Adjust saturation of RGB images

    Op("adjustHue") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "AdjustHue"
        Input(NUMERIC, "in") { description = "image as 3D array" }
        Arg(NUMERIC, "delta") { description = "value to add to hue channel" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "adjusted image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Adjust hue of RGB image 

    Op("pad") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms"
        javaOpClass = "Pad"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "input array" }
        Input(NUMERIC, "padding") { description = "padding input" }
        Arg(ENUM,"Mode") {possibleValues = listOf("CONSTANT", "REFLECT", "SYMMETRIC"); description = "padding mode: CONSTANT, REFLECT, SYMMETRIC"}
        Arg(NUMERIC, "padValue") { description = "The value to pad with" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "the padded array" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Pads an image according to the given padding type

    Op("randomCrop") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "RandomCrop"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "input array" }
        Input(INT, "shape") { description = "shape for crop" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "cropped array" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Randomly crops image

    Op("rgbToHsv") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "RgbToHsv"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting array from HSV to RGB format

    Op("hsvToRgb") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "HsvToRgb"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting image from HSV to RGB format 

    Op("rgbToYiq") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "RgbToYiq"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting array from RGB to YIQ format 

    Op("yiqToRgb") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "YiqToRgb"
        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting image from YIQ to RGB format 

    Op("rgbToYuv") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "RgbToYuv"

        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting array from RGB to YUV format 

    Op("yuvToRgb") {
        javaPackage = namespaceJavaPackage
        javaOpClass = "YuvToRgb"

        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "3D image" }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "3D image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Converting image from YUV to RGB format 

    Op("imageResize") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "ImageResize"

        Input(NUMERIC, "input") { description = "4D image [NHWC]" }
        Input(INT, "size") { description = "new height and width" }
        Arg(BOOL, "preserveAspectRatio") { description = "Whether to preserve the aspect ratio." +
                " If this is set, then images will be resized to a size that fits in size while preserving the aspect ratio" +
                " of the original image. Scales up the image if size is bigger than the current size of the image. Defaults to False."; defaultValue=false; }
        Arg(BOOL, "antialias") { description = "Whether to use an anti-aliasing filter when downsampling an image"; defaultValue=false;  }
        Arg(ENUM, "ImageResizeMethod") { possibleValues = listOf( "ResizeBilinear", "ResizeBicubic", "ResizeNearest", "ResizeGaussian",
                "ResizeLanczos5", "ResizeMitchellcubic", "ResizeArea"); description = "ResizeBilinear: Bilinear interpolation. If 'antialias' is true, becomes a hat/tent filter function with radius 1 when downsampling.\n" +
                "ResizeLanczos5: Lanczos kernel with radius 5. Very-high-quality filter but may have stronger ringing.\n" +
                "ResizeBicubic: Cubic interpolant of Keys. Equivalent to Catmull-Rom kernel. Reasonably good quality and faster than Lanczos3Kernel, particularly when upsampling.\n" +
                "ResizeGaussian: Gaussian kernel with radius 3, sigma = 1.5 / 3.0.\n" +
                "ResizeNearest: Nearest neighbor interpolation. 'antialias' has no effect when used with nearest neighbor interpolation.\n" +
                "ResizeArea: Anti-aliased resampling with area interpolation. 'antialias' has no effect when used with area interpolation; it always anti-aliases.\n" +
                "ResizeMitchellcubic: Mitchell-Netravali Cubic non-interpolating filter. For synthetic images (especially those lacking proper prefiltering), less ringing than Keys cubic kernel but less sharp." }

        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "Output image" }

        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Resize images to size using the specified method.

    Op("resizeBiLinear") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "ResizeBilinear"
        Input(NUMERIC,"input") { description = "4D image"}
        Arg(INT ,"height") { description = "target height for resizing to "}
        Arg(INT ,"width") { description = "target width for resizing to"}
        Arg(BOOL ,"alignCorners") { description = "whether to align corners during resizing. Images are aligned to preserve corners."}
        Arg(BOOL,"halfPixelCenters") { description = "When resizing, assumes pixels are centered at 0.5."}
        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "Output image" }
        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Resize images to size using the specified method.

    Op("resizeBiCubic") {
        javaPackage = "org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.image"
        javaOpClass = "ResizeBicubic"
        Input(NUMERIC,"input") { description = "4D image"}
        Input(INT ,"size") { description = "the target size to resize to "}
        Arg(BOOL ,"alignCorners") { description = "whether to align corners during resizing. Images are aligned to preserve corners."}
        Arg(BOOL,"alignPixelCenters") { description = "When resizing, assumes pixels are centered at 0.5."}
        Output(NUMERIC, "output"){ description = "Output image" }
        Doc(Language.ANY, DocScope.ALL){
             Resize images to size using the specified method.
