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 *  ******************************************************************************
 *  *
 *  *
 *  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 *  * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 *  *
 *  *
 *  *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *  *  information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 *  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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 *  *
 *  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 *  *****************************************************************************

package org.datavec.local.transforms;

import com.codepoetics.protonpack.Indexed;
import com.codepoetics.protonpack.StreamUtils;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import lombok.val;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator;
import org.apache.arrow.memory.RootAllocator;
import org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector;
import org.datavec.api.transform.DataAction;
import org.datavec.api.transform.Transform;
import org.datavec.api.transform.TransformProcess;
import org.datavec.api.transform.filter.Filter;
import org.datavec.api.transform.join.Join;
import org.datavec.api.transform.ops.IAggregableReduceOp;
import org.datavec.api.transform.rank.CalculateSortedRank;
import org.datavec.api.transform.reduce.IAssociativeReducer;
import org.datavec.api.transform.schema.Schema;
import org.datavec.api.transform.schema.SequenceSchema;
import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.ConvertToSequence;
import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.SequenceSplit;
import org.datavec.api.writable.*;
import org.datavec.arrow.ArrowConverter;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.functions.EmptyRecordFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.join.ExecuteJoinFromCoGroupFlatMapFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.join.ExtractKeysFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.misc.ColumnAsKeyPairFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.rank.UnzipForCalculateSortedRankFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.reduce.MapToPairForReducerFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.sequence.*;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.transform.LocalTransformFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.transform.SequenceSplitFunction;
import org.datavec.local.transforms.transform.filter.LocalFilterFunction;
import org.nd4j.common.function.Function;
import org.nd4j.common.function.FunctionalUtils;
import org.nd4j.common.primitives.Pair;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;

import static;

public class LocalTransformExecutor {
    //a boolean jvm argument that when the system property is true
    //will cause some functions to invoke a try catch block and just log errors
    //returning empty records
    public final static String LOG_ERROR_PROPERTY = "org.datavec.spark.transform.logerrors";

    private static BufferAllocator bufferAllocator = new RootAllocator(Long.MAX_VALUE);

     * Execute the specified TransformProcess with the given input data<br>
     * Note: this method can only be used if the TransformProcess returns non-sequence data. For TransformProcesses
     * that return a sequence, use {@link #executeToSequence(List, TransformProcess)}
     * @param inputWritables   Input data to process
     * @param transformProcess TransformProcess to execute
     * @return Processed data
    public static List<List<Writable>> execute(List<List<Writable>> inputWritables,
                                               TransformProcess transformProcess) {
        if (transformProcess.getFinalSchema() instanceof SequenceSchema) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot return sequence data with this method");


        List<List<Writable>> filteredSequence = inputWritables.parallelStream()
                .filter(input -> input.size() == transformProcess.getInitialSchema().numColumns()).collect(toList());
        if(filteredSequence.size() != inputWritables.size()) {
            log.warn("Filtered out " + (inputWritables.size() - filteredSequence.size()) + " values");
        return execute(filteredSequence, null, transformProcess).getFirst();

     * Execute the specified TransformProcess with the given input data<br>
     * Note: this method can only be used if the TransformProcess
     * starts with non-sequential data,
     * but returns <it>sequence</it>
     * data (after grouping or converting to a sequence as one of the steps)
     * @param inputWritables   Input data to process
     * @param transformProcess TransformProcess to execute
     * @return Processed (sequence) data
    public static List<List<List<Writable>>> executeToSequence(List<List<Writable>> inputWritables,
                                                               TransformProcess transformProcess) {
        if (!(transformProcess.getFinalSchema() instanceof SequenceSchema)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot return non-sequence data with this method");

        return execute(inputWritables, null, transformProcess).getSecond();

     * Execute the specified TransformProcess with the given <i>sequence</i> input data<br>
     * Note: this method can only be used if the TransformProcess starts with sequence data, but returns <i>non-sequential</i>
     * data (after reducing or converting sequential data to individual examples)
     * @param inputSequence    Input sequence data to process
     * @param transformProcess TransformProcess to execute
     * @return Processed (non-sequential) data
    public static List<List<Writable>> executeSequenceToSeparate(List<List<List<Writable>>> inputSequence,
                                                                 TransformProcess transformProcess) {
        if (transformProcess.getFinalSchema() instanceof SequenceSchema) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot return sequence data with this method");

        return execute(null, inputSequence, transformProcess).getFirst();

     * Execute the specified TransformProcess with the given <i>sequence</i> input data<br>
     * Note: this method can only be used if the TransformProcess starts with sequence data, and also returns sequence data
     * @param inputSequence    Input sequence data to process
     * @param transformProcess TransformProcess to execute
     * @return Processed (non-sequential) data
    public static List<List<List<Writable>>> executeSequenceToSequence(List<List<List<Writable>>> inputSequence,
                                                                       TransformProcess transformProcess) {
        if (!(transformProcess.getFinalSchema() instanceof SequenceSchema)) {
            List<List<List<Writable>>> ret = new ArrayList<>(inputSequence.size());
            for(List<List<Writable>> timeStep : inputSequence) {
                ret.add(execute(timeStep,null, transformProcess).getFirst());

            return ret;

        return execute(null, inputSequence, transformProcess).getSecond();

     * Convert a string time series to
     * the proper writable set based on the schema.
     * Note that this does not use arrow.
     * This just uses normal writable objects.
     * @param stringInput the string input
     * @param schema the schema to use
     * @return the converted records
    public static List<List<String>> convertWritableInputToString(List<List<Writable>> stringInput,Schema schema) {
        List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        List<List<String>> timeStepAdd = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int j = 0; j < stringInput.size(); j++) {
            List<Writable> record = stringInput.get(j);
            List<String> recordAdd = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int k = 0; k < record.size(); k++) {


        return ret;

     * Convert a string time series to
     * the proper writable set based on the schema.
     * Note that this does not use arrow.
     * This just uses normal writable objects.
     * @param stringInput the string input
     * @param schema the schema to use
     * @return the converted records
    public static List<List<Writable>> convertStringInput(List<List<String>> stringInput,Schema schema) {
        List<List<Writable>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        List<List<Writable>> timeStepAdd = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int j = 0; j < stringInput.size(); j++) {
            List<String> record = stringInput.get(j);
            List<Writable> recordAdd = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int k = 0; k < record.size(); k++) {
                switch(schema.getType(k)) {
                    case Double: recordAdd.add(new DoubleWritable(Double.parseDouble(record.get(k)))); break;
                    case Float:  recordAdd.add(new FloatWritable(Float.parseFloat(record.get(k)))); break;
                    case Integer:  recordAdd.add(new IntWritable(Integer.parseInt(record.get(k)))); break;
                    case Long:  recordAdd.add(new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(record.get(k)))); break;
                    case String: recordAdd.add(new Text(record.get(k))); break;
                    case Time: recordAdd.add(new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(record.get(k)))); break;



        return ret;

     * Convert a string time series to
     * the proper writable set based on the schema.
     * Note that this does not use arrow.
     * This just uses normal writable objects.
     * @param stringInput the string input
     * @param schema the schema to use
     * @return the converted records
    public static List<List<List<String>>> convertWritableInputToStringTimeSeries(List<List<List<Writable>>> stringInput,Schema schema) {
        List<List<List<String>>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < stringInput.size(); i++) {
            List<List<Writable>> currInput = stringInput.get(i);
            List<List<String>> timeStepAdd = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int j = 0; j < currInput.size(); j++) {
                List<Writable> record = currInput.get(j);
                List<String> recordAdd = new ArrayList<>();
                for(int k = 0; k < record.size(); k++) {



        return ret;

     * Convert a string time series to
     * the proper writable set based on the schema.
     * Note that this does not use arrow.
     * This just uses normal writable objects.
     * @param stringInput the string input
     * @param schema the schema to use
     * @return the converted records
    public static List<List<List<Writable>>> convertStringInputTimeSeries(List<List<List<String>>> stringInput,Schema schema) {
        List<List<List<Writable>>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < stringInput.size(); i++) {
            List<List<String>> currInput = stringInput.get(i);
            List<List<Writable>> timeStepAdd = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int j = 0; j < currInput.size(); j++) {
                List<String> record = currInput.get(j);
                List<Writable> recordAdd = new ArrayList<>();
                for(int k = 0; k < record.size(); k++) {
                    switch(schema.getType(k)) {
                        case Double: recordAdd.add(new DoubleWritable(Double.parseDouble(record.get(k)))); break;
                        case Float:  recordAdd.add(new FloatWritable(Float.parseFloat(record.get(k)))); break;
                        case Integer:  recordAdd.add(new IntWritable(Integer.parseInt(record.get(k)))); break;
                        case Long:  recordAdd.add(new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(record.get(k)))); break;
                        case String: recordAdd.add(new Text(record.get(k))); break;
                        case Time: recordAdd.add(new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(record.get(k)))); break;




        return ret;

     * Returns true if the executor
     * is in try catch mode.
     * @return
    public static boolean isTryCatch() {
        return Boolean.getBoolean(LOG_ERROR_PROPERTY);

    private static Pair<List<List<Writable>>, List<List<List<Writable>>>> execute(
            List<List<Writable>> inputWritables, List<List<List<Writable>>> inputSequence,
            TransformProcess sequence) {
        List<List<Writable>> currentWritables = inputWritables;
        List<List<List<Writable>>> currentSequence = inputSequence;

        List<DataAction> dataActions = sequence.getActionList();
        if (inputWritables != null) {
            List<Writable> first = inputWritables.get(0);
            if (first.size() != sequence.getInitialSchema().numColumns()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Input data number of columns (" + first.size()
                        + ") does not match the number of columns for the transform process ("
                        + sequence.getInitialSchema().numColumns() + ")");
        } else {
            List<List<Writable>> firstSeq = inputSequence.get(0);
            if (firstSeq.size() > 0 && firstSeq.get(0).size() != sequence.getInitialSchema().numColumns()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Input sequence data number of columns (" + firstSeq.get(0).size()
                        + ") does not match the number of columns for the transform process ("
                        + sequence.getInitialSchema().numColumns() + ")");

        for (DataAction d : dataActions) {
            //"Starting execution of stage {} of {}", count, dataActions.size());     //

            if (d.getTransform() != null) {
                Transform t = d.getTransform();
                if (currentWritables != null) {
                    Function<List<Writable>, List<Writable>> function = new LocalTransformFunction(t);
                    if (isTryCatch())
                        currentWritables =
                                .map(input -> function.apply(input)).filter(input -> new EmptyRecordFunction().apply(input)).collect(toList());
                        currentWritables =
                                .map(input -> function.apply(input)).collect(toList());
                } else {
                    Function<List<List<Writable>>, List<List<Writable>>> function =
                            new LocalSequenceTransformFunction(t);
                    if (isTryCatch())
                        currentSequence =
                                .map(input -> function.apply(input)).filter(input ->
                                new SequenceEmptyRecordFunction().apply(input)).collect(toList());
                        currentSequence =
                                .map(input -> function.apply(input)).collect(toList());

            } else if (d.getFilter() != null) {
                Filter f = d.getFilter();
                if (currentWritables != null) {
                    LocalFilterFunction localFilterFunction = new LocalFilterFunction(f);
                    currentWritables =
                            .filter(input -> localFilterFunction.apply(input)).collect(toList());
                } else {
                    LocalSequenceFilterFunction localSequenceFilterFunction = new LocalSequenceFilterFunction(f);
                    currentSequence = -> localSequenceFilterFunction.apply(input)).collect(toList());

            } else if (d.getConvertToSequence() != null) {
                //Convert to a sequence...
                final ConvertToSequence cts = d.getConvertToSequence();

                if(cts.isSingleStepSequencesMode()) {
                    ConvertToSequenceLengthOne convertToSequenceLengthOne = new ConvertToSequenceLengthOne();
                    //Edge case: create a sequence from each example, by treating each value as a sequence of length 1
                    currentSequence =
                            .map(input -> convertToSequenceLengthOne.apply(input))
                    currentWritables = null;
                } else {
                    //Standard case: join by key
                    //First: convert to PairRDD
                    Schema schema = cts.getInputSchema();
                    int[] colIdxs = schema.getIndexOfColumns(cts.getKeyColumns());
                    LocalMapToPairByMultipleColumnsFunction localMapToPairByMultipleColumnsFunction = new LocalMapToPairByMultipleColumnsFunction(colIdxs);
                    List<Pair<List<Writable>, List<Writable>>> withKey =
                                    .map(inputSequence2 -> localMapToPairByMultipleColumnsFunction

                    Map<List<Writable>, List<List<Writable>>> collect = FunctionalUtils.groupByKey(withKey);
                    LocalGroupToSequenceFunction localGroupToSequenceFunction = new LocalGroupToSequenceFunction(cts.getComparator());
                    //Now: convert to a sequence...
                    currentSequence = collect.entrySet().stream()
                            .map(input -> input.getValue())
                            .map(input -> localGroupToSequenceFunction.apply(input))

                    currentWritables = null;
            } else if (d.getConvertFromSequence() != null) {
                //Convert from sequence...

                if (currentSequence == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Cannot execute ConvertFromSequence operation: current sequence is null");

                currentWritables =
                        .flatMap(input ->
                currentSequence = null;
            } else if (d.getSequenceSplit() != null) {
                SequenceSplit sequenceSplit = d.getSequenceSplit();
                if (currentSequence == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Error during execution of SequenceSplit: currentSequence is null");
                SequenceSplitFunction sequenceSplitFunction = new SequenceSplitFunction(sequenceSplit);

                currentSequence =
                        .flatMap(input ->
            } else if (d.getReducer() != null) {
                final IAssociativeReducer reducer = d.getReducer();

                if (currentWritables == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Error during execution of reduction: current writables are null. "
                            + "Trying to execute a reduce operation on a sequence?");
                MapToPairForReducerFunction mapToPairForReducerFunction = new MapToPairForReducerFunction(reducer);
                List<Pair<String, List<Writable>>> pair =
               -> mapToPairForReducerFunction.apply(input))

                //initial op
                Map<String, IAggregableReduceOp<List<Writable>, List<Writable>>> resultPerKey = new HashMap<>();

                val groupedByKey = FunctionalUtils.groupByKey(pair);
                val aggregated = StreamUtils.aggregate(groupedByKey.entrySet()
                        .stream(), new BiPredicate<Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>>, Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>>>() {
                    public boolean test(Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>> stringListEntry, Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>> stringListEntry2) {
                        return stringListEntry.getKey().equals(stringListEntry2.getKey());

      <Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>>> input) -> {
                    for(Map.Entry<String, List<List<Writable>>> entry : input) {
                        if(!resultPerKey.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                            IAggregableReduceOp<List<Writable>, List<Writable>> reducer2 = reducer.aggregableReducer();
                            for(List<Writable> value : entry.getValue()) {



                currentWritables = resultPerKey.entrySet().stream()
                        .map(input -> input.getValue().get()).collect(Collectors.toList());

            } else if (d.getCalculateSortedRank() != null) {
                CalculateSortedRank csr = d.getCalculateSortedRank();

                if (currentWritables == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(
                            "Error during execution of CalculateSortedRank: current writables are null. "
                                    + "Trying to execute a CalculateSortedRank operation on a sequence? (not currently supported)");

                Comparator<Writable> comparator = csr.getComparator();
                String sortColumn = csr.getSortOnColumn();
                int sortColumnIdx = csr.getInputSchema().getIndexOfColumn(sortColumn);
                boolean ascending = csr.isAscending();
                //NOTE: this likely isn't the most efficient implementation.
                List<Pair<Writable, List<Writable>>> pairRDD =
               -> new ColumnAsKeyPairFunction(sortColumnIdx).apply(input))
                pairRDD = Comparator<Pair<Writable, List<Writable>>>() {
                    public int compare(Pair<Writable, List<Writable>> writableListPair, Pair<Writable, List<Writable>> t1) {
                        int result =,t1.getFirst());
                            return result;
                            return -result;

                List<Indexed<Pair<Writable, List<Writable>>>> zipped = StreamUtils.zipWithIndex(;
                currentWritables = -> new UnzipForCalculateSortedRankFunction()
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown/not implemented action: " + d);


        //"Completed {} of {} execution steps", count - 1, dataActions.size());       //Lazy execution means this can be printed before anything has actually happened...
        if(currentSequence != null) {
            boolean allSameLength = true;
            Integer length = null;
            for(List<List<Writable>> record : currentSequence) {
                if(length == null) {
                    length = record.size();
                else if(record.size() != length)  {
                    allSameLength = false;

            if(allSameLength) {
                List<FieldVector> arrowColumns = ArrowConverter.toArrowColumnsTimeSeries(
                 int timeSeriesLength = currentSequence.get(0).size() * currentSequence.get(0).get(0).size();
              /*   if(currentSequence.get(0).get(0).size() == 1) {
                     timeSeriesLength = 1;
                List<List<List<Writable>>> writablesConvert = ArrowConverter.toArrowWritablesTimeSeries(
                currentSequence = writablesConvert;

            return Pair.of(null, currentSequence);

        else {

            return new Pair<>(ArrowConverter.


     * Execute a join on the specified data
     * @param join  Join to execute
     * @param left  Left data for join
     * @param right Right data for join
     * @return Joined data
    public static List<List<Writable>> executeJoin(Join join, List<List<Writable>> left,
                                                   List<List<Writable>> right) {

        String[] leftColumnNames = join.getJoinColumnsLeft();
        int[] leftColumnIndexes = new int[leftColumnNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < leftColumnNames.length; i++) {
            leftColumnIndexes[i] = join.getLeftSchema().getIndexOfColumn(leftColumnNames[i]);
        ExtractKeysFunction extractKeysFunction1 = new ExtractKeysFunction(leftColumnIndexes);

        List<Pair<List<Writable>, List<Writable>>> leftJV =
                .filter(input -> input.size() != leftColumnNames.length).map(input ->

        String[] rightColumnNames = join.getJoinColumnsRight();
        int[] rightColumnIndexes = new int[rightColumnNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < rightColumnNames.length; i++) {
            rightColumnIndexes[i] = join.getRightSchema().getIndexOfColumn(rightColumnNames[i]);

        ExtractKeysFunction extractKeysFunction = new ExtractKeysFunction(rightColumnIndexes);
        List<Pair<List<Writable>, List<Writable>>> rightJV =
       -> input.size() != rightColumnNames.length)
                        .map(input -> extractKeysFunction.apply(input))

        Map<List<Writable>, Pair<List<List<Writable>>, List<List<Writable>>>> cogroupedJV = FunctionalUtils.cogroup(leftJV, rightJV);
        ExecuteJoinFromCoGroupFlatMapFunction executeJoinFromCoGroupFlatMapFunction = new ExecuteJoinFromCoGroupFlatMapFunction(join);
        List<List<Writable>> ret =  cogroupedJV.entrySet().stream()
                .flatMap(input ->

        Schema retSchema = join.getOutputSchema();
        return ArrowConverter.toArrowWritables(ArrowConverter.toArrowColumns(bufferAllocator,retSchema,ret),retSchema);

