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package org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers;

import lombok.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.InputPreProcessor;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.NeuralNetConfiguration;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.RNNFormat;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.samediff.SDLayerParams;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.samediff.SameDiffLayer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.samediff.SameDiffLayerUtils;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.params.SimpleRnnParamInitializer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInitUtil;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDVariable;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SameDiff;
import org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.activations.Activation;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.memory.MemoryWorkspace;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;

import java.util.Map;

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class RecurrentAttentionLayer extends SameDiffLayer {
    private long nIn;
    private long nOut;
    private int nHeads;
    private long headSize;
    private boolean projectInput;
    private Activation activation;
    private boolean hasBias;

    private static final String WEIGHT_KEY_QUERY_PROJECTION = "Wq";
    private static final String WEIGHT_KEY_KEY_PROJECTION = "Wk";
    private static final String WEIGHT_KEY_VALUE_PROJECTION = "Wv";
    private static final String WEIGHT_KEY_OUT_PROJECTION = "Wo";
    private static final String WEIGHT_KEY = SimpleRnnParamInitializer.WEIGHT_KEY;
    private static final String BIAS_KEY = SimpleRnnParamInitializer.BIAS_KEY;
    private static final String RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY = SimpleRnnParamInitializer.RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY;
    private int timeSteps;

    private RecurrentAttentionLayer(){/*No arg constructor for serialization*/}

    protected RecurrentAttentionLayer(Builder builder){
        nIn = builder.nIn;
        nOut = builder.nOut;
        nHeads = builder.nHeads;
        headSize = builder.headSize == 0 ? nOut / nHeads : builder.headSize;
        projectInput = builder.projectInput;
        activation = builder.activation;
        hasBias = builder.hasBias;

    public InputPreProcessor getPreProcessorForInputType(InputType inputType) {
        return InputTypeUtil.getPreprocessorForInputTypeRnnLayers(inputType, RNNFormat.NCW, getLayerName());

    public void setNIn(InputType inputType, boolean override) {
        if (inputType == null || inputType.getType() != InputType.Type.RNN) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid input for Recurrent Attention layer (layer name = \"" + getLayerName()
                    + "\"): expect RNN input type with size > 0. Got: " + inputType);

        if (nIn <= 0 || override) {
            InputType.InputTypeRecurrent r = (InputType.InputTypeRecurrent) inputType;
            this.nIn = r.getSize();

    public InputType getOutputType(int layerIndex, InputType inputType) {
        if (inputType == null || inputType.getType() != InputType.Type.RNN) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid input for Recurrent Attention layer (layer index = " + layerIndex
                    + ", layer name = \"" + getLayerName() + "\"): expect RNN input type with size > 0. Got: "
                    + inputType);

        InputType.InputTypeRecurrent itr = (InputType.InputTypeRecurrent) inputType;

        return InputType.recurrent(nOut, itr.getTimeSeriesLength());

    public void defineParameters(SDLayerParams params) {

        params.addWeightParam(WEIGHT_KEY, nIn, nOut);
        params.addWeightParam(RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY, nOut, nOut);
            params.addBiasParam(BIAS_KEY, nOut);

            params.addWeightParam(WEIGHT_KEY_QUERY_PROJECTION, nHeads, headSize, nOut);
            params.addWeightParam(WEIGHT_KEY_KEY_PROJECTION,   nHeads, headSize, nIn);
            params.addWeightParam(WEIGHT_KEY_VALUE_PROJECTION, nHeads, headSize, nIn);
            params.addWeightParam(WEIGHT_KEY_OUT_PROJECTION, nHeads * headSize, nOut);

    public void initializeParameters(Map<String, INDArray> params) {
        try (MemoryWorkspace ws = Nd4j.getWorkspaceManager().scopeOutOfWorkspaces()) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> e : params.entrySet()) {
                final String keyName = e.getKey();
                switch (keyName) {
                    case WEIGHT_KEY:
                        WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nIn, nOut, e.getValue().shape(), weightInit, null, 'c', e.getValue());
                    case RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY:
                        WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nOut, nOut, e.getValue().shape(), weightInit, null, 'c', e.getValue());
                    case BIAS_KEY:
                    case WEIGHT_KEY_OUT_PROJECTION:
                        WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nIn, headSize, e.getValue().shape(), weightInit, null, 'c', e.getValue());
                        WeightInitUtil.initWeights(nHeads * headSize, nOut, e.getValue().shape(), weightInit, null, 'c', e.getValue());

    public void applyGlobalConfigToLayer(NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder globalConfig) {
        if (activation == null) {
            activation = SameDiffLayerUtils.fromIActivation(globalConfig.getActivationFn());

    public void validateInput(INDArray input) {
        final long inputLength = input.size(2);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(inputLength == (long) this.timeSteps, "This layer only supports fixed length mini-batches. Expected %s time steps but got %s.", this.timeSteps, inputLength);

    public SDVariable defineLayer(SameDiff sameDiff, SDVariable layerInput, Map<String, SDVariable> paramTable, SDVariable mask) {
        final val W = paramTable.get(WEIGHT_KEY);
        final val R = paramTable.get(RECURRENT_WEIGHT_KEY);
        final val b = paramTable.get(BIAS_KEY);

        long[] shape = layerInput.getShape();
        Preconditions.checkState(shape != null, "Null shape for input placeholder");
        SDVariable[] inputSlices = sameDiff.unstack(layerInput, 2, (int)shape[2]);
        this.timeSteps = inputSlices.length;
        SDVariable[] outputSlices = new SDVariable[timeSteps];
        SDVariable prev = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < timeSteps; i++) {
            final val x_i = inputSlices[i];
            outputSlices[i] = x_i.mmul(W);
                outputSlices[i] = outputSlices[i].add(b);

            if(prev != null){
                SDVariable attn;
                    val Wq = paramTable.get(WEIGHT_KEY_QUERY_PROJECTION);
                    val Wk = paramTable.get(WEIGHT_KEY_KEY_PROJECTION);
                    val Wv = paramTable.get(WEIGHT_KEY_VALUE_PROJECTION);
                    val Wo = paramTable.get(WEIGHT_KEY_OUT_PROJECTION);

                    attn = sameDiff.nn.multiHeadDotProductAttention(getLayerName()+"_attention_"+i, prev, layerInput, layerInput, Wq, Wk, Wv, Wo, mask, true);
                    attn = sameDiff.nn.dotProductAttention(getLayerName()+"_attention_"+i, prev, layerInput, layerInput, mask, true);

                attn = sameDiff.squeeze(attn, 2);

                outputSlices[i] = outputSlices[i].add(attn.mmul(R));

            outputSlices[i] = activation.asSameDiff(sameDiff, outputSlices[i]);
            outputSlices[i] = sameDiff.expandDims(outputSlices[i], 2);
            prev = outputSlices[i];
        return sameDiff.concat(2, outputSlices);

    public static class Builder extends SameDiffLayer.Builder<Builder> {

         * Number of inputs to the layer (input size)
        private int nIn;

         * Number of outputs (output size)
        private int nOut;

         * Number of Attention Heads
        private int nHeads;

         * Size of attention heads
        private int headSize;

         * Project input before applying attention or not.
        private boolean projectInput = true;

         * If true (default is true) the layer will have a bias
        private boolean hasBias = true;

         * Activation function for the layer
        private Activation activation = Activation.TANH;

         * @param nIn Number of inputs to the layer (input size)
        public Builder nIn(int nIn) {
            this.nIn = nIn;
            return this;

         * @param nOut Number of outputs (output size)
        public Builder nOut(int nOut) {
            this.nOut = nOut;
            return this;

         * Number of Attention Heads
        public Builder nHeads(int nHeads){
            this.nHeads = nHeads;
            return this;

         * Size of attention heads
        public Builder headSize(int headSize){
            this.headSize = headSize;
            return this;

         * Project input before applying attention or not.
        public Builder projectInput(boolean projectInput){
            this.projectInput = projectInput;
            return this;

         * @param hasBias If true (default is true) the layer will have a bias
        public Builder hasBias(boolean hasBias) {
            this.hasBias = hasBias;
            return this;

         * @param activation Activation function for the layer
        public Builder activation(Activation activation) {
            this.activation = activation;
            return this;

        public RecurrentAttentionLayer build() {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(this.projectInput || this.nHeads == 1, "projectInput must be true when nHeads != 1");
            Preconditions.checkArgument(this.projectInput || nIn == nOut, "nIn must be equal to nOut when projectInput is false");
            Preconditions.checkArgument(!this.projectInput || nOut != 0, "nOut must be specified when projectInput is true");
            Preconditions.checkArgument(this.nOut % nHeads == 0 || headSize > 0, "nOut isn't divided by nHeads cleanly. Specify the headSize manually.");
            return new RecurrentAttentionLayer(this);