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/* ******************************************************************************
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 *  See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *  information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// Created by GS <>

#include <system/op_boilerplate.h>
#if NOT_EXCLUDED(OP_embedding_lookup)

#include <helpers/ShapeUtils.h>
#include <ops/declarable/CustomOperations.h>

#include <numeric>
#include <vector>

namespace sd {
namespace ops {

CUSTOM_OP_IMPL(embedding_lookup, 2, 1, false, 0, 1) {
  auto input = INPUT_VARIABLE(0);    // lookup param
  auto indices = INPUT_VARIABLE(1);  // indices, as is
  auto output = OUTPUT_VARIABLE(0);  //

  if (block.width() > 2) {  // multiple input
    indices = INPUT_VARIABLE(block.width() - 1);
    std::vector<sd::LongType> dims(input->rankOf());
    int i = output->rankOf() - input->rankOf();
    for (auto& v : dims) {
      v = i++;

    ResultSet outputView = output->allTensorsAlongDimension(dims);
    REQUIRE_TRUE(block.width() > output->sizeAt(0), 0,
                 "embedding_lookup: input list should be greater then %i, but %i given.", output->sizeAt(0),
    for (sd::LongType e = 0; e < indices->lengthOf(); ++e) {
      sd::LongType thisIndex = (*indices).e<sd::LongType>(e);
      input = INPUT_VARIABLE(thisIndex);  // lookup param>assign(input);
  } else {
    int indexRank = indices->rankOf();
    REQUIRE_TRUE(indexRank > 0, 0,
                 "embedded_lookup: input array of indexes can't be single scalar, the requirement is: rank > 0 !");

    int inputRank = input->rankOf();
    int lastIndDim = indices->lengthOf();
    int partition_mode = INT_ARG(0);  // partition_mode == 0 - i.e. 'mod' , 1 - 'div'

    sd::ops::gather op;

    auto result(op.evaluate({input, indices}, {0}));
    REQUIRE_TRUE(result.status() == sd::Status::OK, 0, "embedding_lookup: cannot retrieve results from gather op.");
    REQUIRE_TRUE(>isSameShape(output), 0, "embedding_lookup: wrong shape of return from gather op.");
  return sd::Status::OK;

DECLARE_TYPES(embedding_lookup) {

DECLARE_SHAPE_FN(embedding_lookup) {
  auto inShapeInfo = inputShape->at(0);
  auto indicesShapeInfo = inputShape->at(1);
  int inRank = shape::rank(inShapeInfo);
  if (inputShape->size() == 2u) {
    int outRank = inRank;

    std::vector<sd::LongType> shapeInfo(outRank);

    shapeInfo[0] = indicesShapeInfo[1];  // vector - how many elements
    for (sd::LongType e = 1; e < outRank; e++) shapeInfo[e] = shape::sizeAt(inShapeInfo, e);

    auto outShapeInfo = ConstantShapeHelper::getInstance().createShapeInfo(ArrayOptions::dataType(inShapeInfo),
                                                                           shape::order(inShapeInfo), shapeInfo);
    return SHAPELIST(outShapeInfo);

  int outRank = inRank + 1;
  std::vector<sd::LongType> shapeInfo(outRank);
  auto indices = INPUT_VARIABLE(block.width() - 1);
  shapeInfo[0] = indices->lengthOf();  // vector - how many elements
  for (sd::LongType e = 1; e < outRank; e++) shapeInfo[e] = shape::sizeAt(inShapeInfo, e);

  auto outShapeInfo = ConstantShapeHelper::getInstance().createShapeInfo(ArrayOptions::dataType(inShapeInfo),
                                                                         shape::order(inShapeInfo), shapeInfo);
  return SHAPELIST(outShapeInfo);

}  // namespace ops
}  // namespace sd
