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/* ******************************************************************************
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// @author Yurii Shyrma (, created on 18.09.2018
#include <execution/Threads.h>
#include <ops/declarable/helpers/convolutions.h>
namespace sd {
namespace ops {

template <typename T>
static void pooling2d_(sd::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, NDArray& output, const LongType kH, const LongType kW,
                       const LongType sH, const LongType sW, const LongType pH, const LongType pW, const LongType dH, const LongType dW,
                       const int poolingMode, const int extraParam0) {
  // input is  [bS, iC, iH, iW]
  // output is [bS, iC, oH, oW]
  T* out = output.bufferAsT<T>();
  T* in = const_cast<NDArray&>(input).bufferAsT<T>();

  const int kHEff = kH + (kH - 1) * (dH - 1);
  const int kWEff = kW + (kW - 1) * (dW - 1);

  const LongType bS = input.sizeAt(0);
  const LongType iC = input.sizeAt(1);
  const LongType iH = input.sizeAt(2);
  const LongType iW = input.sizeAt(3);
  const LongType oC = output.sizeAt(1);
  const LongType oH = output.sizeAt(2);
  const LongType oW = output.sizeAt(3);

  // sd_debug("MKL-DNN is not used for pooling2d!\n", 0);

  const sd::LongType iStride0 = input.stridesOf()[0];
  const sd::LongType iStride1 = input.stridesOf()[1];
  const sd::LongType iStride2 = input.stridesOf()[2];
  const sd::LongType iStride3 = input.stridesOf()[3];
  const sd::LongType oStride0 = output.stridesOf()[0];
  const sd::LongType oStride1 = output.stridesOf()[1];
  const sd::LongType oStride2 = output.stridesOf()[2];
  const sd::LongType oStride3 = output.stridesOf()[3];

  const sd::LongType iStep2 = dH * iStride2;
  const sd::LongType iStep3 = dW * iStride3;
  const int kProd = kH * kW;

  if (poolingMode == 0) {  // max
    auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
      sd::LongType hstart, wstart, hend, wend;
      T* pIn;

      for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x) {
        for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y) {
          for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
            for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
              pIn = in + b * iStride0 + c * iStride1;

              hstart = oh * sH - pH;
              wstart = ow * sW - pW;
              hend = hstart + kHEff;
              wend = wstart + kWEff;

              if (hstart < 0)
                hstart +=
                    dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) /
              if (wstart < 0)
                wstart +=
                    dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) /
              if (hend > iH)
                hend -=
                    dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) /
              if (wend > iW)
                wend -=
                    dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) /

              hstart *= iStride2;
              hend *= iStride2;
              wstart *= iStride3;
              wend *= iStride3;

              T max = -DataTypeUtils::max<T>();

              for (sd::LongType kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep2)
                for (sd::LongType kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep3) {
                  T val = pIn[kh + kw];
                  if (val > max) max = val;
              out[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + oh * oStride2 + ow * oStride3] = max;

    samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
  else if (poolingMode == 1) {  // avg
    auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
      sd::LongType hstart, wstart, hend, wend;
      T* pIn;

      for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x) {
        for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y) {
          for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
            for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
              pIn = in + b * iStride0 + c * iStride1;

              hstart = oh * sH - pH;
              wstart = ow * sW - pW;
              hend = hstart + kHEff;
              wend = wstart + kWEff;

              if (hstart < 0)
                hstart +=
                    dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) /
              if (wstart < 0)
                wstart +=
                    dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) /
              if (hend > iH)
                hend -=
                    dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) /
              if (wend > iW)
                wend -=
                    dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) /

              hstart *= iStride2;
              hend *= iStride2;
              wstart *= iStride3;
              wend *= iStride3;

              T sum = static_cast<T>(0.f);

              for (sd::LongType kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep2)
                for (sd::LongType kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep3) sum += pIn[kh + kw];

              if (extraParam0 == 0) {  // Exclude padding
                int a = (hend - hstart) / iStep2 + ((hend - hstart) % iStep2 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
                int r = (wend - wstart) / iStep3 + ((wend - wstart) % iStep3 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
                sum /= static_cast<T>(a * r);  //  Accounts for dilation
              } else if (extraParam0 == 1)     // Include padding
                sum /= kProd;

              out[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + oh * oStride2 + ow * oStride3] = sum;

    samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
  else if (poolingMode == 2) {  // pnorm
    auto func = PRAGMA_THREADS_FOR_2D {
      sd::LongType hstart, wstart, hend, wend;
      T* pIn;

      for (int b = start_x; b < stop_x; b += inc_x) {
        for (int c = start_y; c < stop_y; c += inc_y) {
          for (int oh = 0; oh < oH; ++oh) {
            for (int ow = 0; ow < oW; ++ow) {
              pIn = in + b * iStride0 + c * iStride1;

              hstart = oh * sH - pH;
              wstart = ow * sW - pW;
              hend = hstart + kHEff;
              wend = wstart + kWEff;

              if (hstart < 0)
                hstart +=
                    dH * ((-hstart + dH - 1) /
              if (wstart < 0)
                wstart +=
                    dW * ((-wstart + dW - 1) /
              if (hend > iH)
                hend -=
                    dH * ((hend - iH + dH - 1) /
              if (wend > iW)
                wend -=
                    dW * ((wend - iW + dW - 1) /

              hstart *= iStride2;
              hend *= iStride2;
              wstart *= iStride3;
              wend *= iStride3;

              T sum = static_cast<T>(0.f);

              for (sd::LongType kh = hstart; kh < hend; kh += iStep2)
                for (sd::LongType kw = wstart; kw < wend; kw += iStep3)
                  sum += sd::math::sd_pow<T, T, T>(sd::math::sd_abs<T>(pIn[kh + kw]), extraParam0);

              sum = sd::math::sd_pow<T, T, T>(sum, static_cast<T>((T)1.f) / extraParam0);

              out[b * oStride0 + c * oStride1 + oh * oStride2 + ow * oStride3] = sum;

    samediff::Threads::parallel_for(func, 0, bS, 1, 0, iC, 1);
  } else {
        "ConvolutionUtils::pooling2d: pooling mode argument can take three values only: 0, 1, 2, but got %i instead "
    throw "";

void ConvolutionUtils::pooling2d(sd::graph::Context& block, const NDArray& input, NDArray& output, const LongType kH,
                                 const LongType kW, const LongType sH, const LongType sW, const LongType pH, const LongType pW, const LongType dH,
                                 const LongType dW, const PoolingType poolingMode, const int extraParam0) {
  BUILD_SINGLE_SELECTOR(input.dataType(), pooling2d_,
                        (block, input, output, kH, kW, sH, sW, pH, pW, dH, dW, poolingMode, extraParam0),

}  // namespace ops
}  // namespace sd