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package org.nd4j.samediff.frameworkimport.onnx.definitions.implementations

import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDIndex
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDVariable
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SameDiff
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.internal.SameDiffOp
import org.nd4j.enums.ImageResizeMethod
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j
import org.nd4j.samediff.frameworkimport.ImportGraph
import org.nd4j.samediff.frameworkimport.hooks.PreImportHook
import org.nd4j.samediff.frameworkimport.hooks.annotations.PreHookRule
import org.nd4j.samediff.frameworkimport.registry.OpMappingRegistry
import org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.GeneratedMessageV3
import org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

 * A port of from onnx tensorflow for samediff:
 * @author Adam Gibson
@PreHookRule(nodeNames = [],opNames = ["Resize"],frameworkName = "onnx")
class Resize : PreImportHook  {

    override fun doImport(
        sd: SameDiff,
        attributes: Map<String, Any>,
        outputNames: List<String>,
        op: SameDiffOp,
        mappingRegistry: OpMappingRegistry<GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, ProtocolMessageEnum, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3>,
        importGraph: ImportGraph<GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, GeneratedMessageV3, ProtocolMessageEnum>,
        dynamicVariables: Map<String, GeneratedMessageV3>
    ): Map<String, List<SDVariable>> {
        // Parameter docs below are from the onnx operator docs:
        var inputVariable = sd.getVariable(op.inputsToOp[0])
        val inputShape = sd.shape(inputVariable)
        val roi = sd.getVariable(op.inputsToOp[1])
        val scales = sd.getVariable(op.inputsToOp[2])
        val sizes = sizes(sd,op)
         * If coordinate_transformation_mode is "half_pixel",
        x_original = (x_resized + 0.5) / scale - 0.5,

        if coordinate_transformation_mode is "pytorch_half_pixel",
        x_original = length_resized > 1 ? (x_resized + 0.5) / scale - 0.5 : 0,

        if coordinate_transformation_mode is "align_corners",
        x_original = x_resized * (length_original - 1) / (length_resized - 1),

        if coordinate_transformation_mode is "asymmetric",
        x_original = x_resized / scale,

        if coordinate_transformation_mode is "tf_crop_and_resize",
        x_original = length_resized > 1 ? start_x * (length_original - 1) + x_resized * (end_x - start_x) * (length_original - 1) / (length_resized - 1) : 0.5 * (start_x + end_x) * (length_original - 1).
        val coordTransformationMode = attributes.getOrDefault("coordinate_transformation_mode","half_pixel") as String
        val extrapolationValue = attributes.getOrDefault("extrapolation_value",0.0) as Double
         * Three interpolation modes: nearest (default), linear and cubic. The "linear" mode includes linear
         * interpolation for 1D tensor and N-linear interpolation for N-D tensor (for example, bilinear interpolation for 2D tensor).
         * The "cubic" mode includes cubic interpolation for 1D tensor
         * and N-cubic interpolation for N-D tensor (for example, bicubic interpolation for 2D tensor).
        val mode = attributes.getOrDefault("mode","nearest") as String

        val outputVarName = outputNames[0]
        val outputSize = outputSize(sd, op, inputVariable, scales, sizes,inputShape)

        //switch to NWHC (tensorflow format) and then back to NCHW (onnx format)
        inputVariable = sd.permute(inputVariable,0,2,3,1)
        var result: SDVariable? = null
        when (coordTransformationMode) {
            "tf_crop_and_resize" -> {
                val indices = mutableListOf<Int>()
                val rank = inputVariable.arr.rank()
                for(i in 2 until rank) {
                    indices.add(i - 2,i)
                    indices.add(i,i + rank)

                val boxes = sd.expandDims(sd.gather(roi,indices.toIntArray(),0),0)
                val boxIndices = sd.range(0.0,inputVariable.shape[0] as Double,1.0, DataType.INT64)
                result =  sd.image().cropAndResize(inputVariable,boxes,boxIndices,outputSize,extrapolationValue)
            "align_corners" -> {
                result =  invokeResize(mode, sd, inputVariable, outputSize, true, false)
            "asymmetric" -> {
                result = invokeResize(mode, sd, inputVariable, outputSize, false, false)
            else -> {
                when(mode) {
                    "nearest" -> {
                        result = sd.image().imageResize(inputVariable,outputSize,false,false,ImageResizeMethod.ResizeNearest)
                    "cubic" -> {
                        result = sd.image().imageResize(inputVariable,outputSize,false,false,ImageResizeMethod.ResizeBicubic)
                    "linear" -> {
                        result = sd.image().imageResize(inputVariable,outputSize,false,false,ImageResizeMethod.ResizeBilinear)


                if(result == null) {
                    throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal mode found $mode")

        val finalOutput = sd.permute(outputVarName,result,0,3,1,2)
        return mapOf( to listOf(finalOutput))

    fun invokeResize(
        type: String,
        sd: SameDiff,
        input: SDVariable,
        size: SDVariable,
        alignCorners: Boolean,
        halfPixelCenters: Boolean
    ): SDVariable? {
        return when (type) {
            "linear" -> {
                val height = size.arr.getInt(0)
                val width = size.arr.getInt(1)
                sd.image().resizeBiLinear(input,height,width, alignCorners, halfPixelCenters)
            "cubic" -> {
            else -> {

    fun outputSize(
        sd: SameDiff,
        op: SameDiffOp,
        input: SDVariable,
        scales: SDVariable,
        sizes: SDVariable,
        inputVariableShape: SDVariable
    ): SDVariable?  {
        var ret: SDVariable? = null
        ret = if(op.inputsToOp.size == 3) {
            val heightWidthScale = scales.get(SDIndex.interval(2,-1))
            val subGet = inputVariableShape.get(SDIndex.interval(2,-1))
            val heightWidthShape = sd.castTo(subGet,heightWidthScale.dataType())
            val scaled = sd.castTo(sd.math.mul(heightWidthScale,heightWidthShape),DataType.INT32)
        } else {
            sizes.get(SDIndex.interval(2, 1,input.rank().arr.getInt(0)))

        if(ret.shape.size < 2) {
            var newRet =,DataType.INT32,2)
            ret = newRet.add(ret.arr.getInt(0).toDouble())

        return ret.castTo(DataType.INT32)

    fun alignCornersFor(coordTransformationMode: String): Boolean {
        //note this includes the coordTransformationMode == "asymmetric"
        return coordTransformationMode == "align_corners"

    fun sizes(sd: SameDiff,op: SameDiffOp): SDVariable {
        if(op.inputsToOp.size == 4)
            return sd.getVariable(op.inputsToOp[3])
            return sd.constant(Nd4j.empty())
