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package org.nd4j.python4j;

import org.bytedeco.cpython.PyObject;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Pointer;

import java.util.*;

import static*;

public class PythonObject {

    static {
        new PythonExecutioner();

    private boolean owned = true;
    private PyObject nativePythonObject;

    public PythonObject(PyObject nativePythonObject, boolean owned) {
        this.nativePythonObject = nativePythonObject;
        this.owned = owned;
        if (owned && nativePythonObject != null) {

    public PythonObject(PyObject nativePythonObject) {
        this.nativePythonObject = nativePythonObject;
        if (nativePythonObject != null) {


    public PyObject getNativePythonObject() {
        return nativePythonObject;

    public String toString() {
        return PythonTypes.STR.toJava(this);


    public boolean isNone() {
        if (nativePythonObject == null || Pointer.isNull(nativePythonObject)) {
            return true;
        try (PythonGC gc = PythonGC.pause()) {
            PythonObject type = Python.type(this);
            boolean ret = Python.type(this).toString().equals("<class 'NoneType'>") && toString().equals("None");
            return ret;

    public void del() {
        if (owned && nativePythonObject != null && !PythonGC.isWatching()) {
            nativePythonObject = null;

    public PythonObject callWithArgs(PythonObject args) {
        return callWithArgsAndKwargs(args, null);

    public PythonObject callWithKwargs(PythonObject kwargs) {
        if (!Python.callable(this)) {
            throw new PythonException("Object is not callable: " + toString());
        PyObject tuple = PyTuple_New(0);
        PyObject dict = kwargs.nativePythonObject;
        if (PyObject_IsInstance(dict, new PyObject(PyDict_Type())) != 1) {
            throw new PythonException("Expected kwargs to be dict. Received: " + kwargs.toString());
        PythonObject ret = new PythonObject(PyObject_Call(nativePythonObject, tuple, dict));
        return ret;

    public PythonObject callWithArgsAndKwargs(PythonObject args, PythonObject kwargs) {
        PyObject tuple = null;
        boolean ownsTuple = false;
        try {
            if (!Python.callable(this)) {
                throw new PythonException("Object is not callable: " + toString());

            if (PyObject_IsInstance(args.nativePythonObject, new PyObject(PyTuple_Type())) == 1) {
                tuple = args.nativePythonObject;
            } else if (PyObject_IsInstance(args.nativePythonObject, new PyObject(PyList_Type())) == 1) {
                tuple = PyList_AsTuple(args.nativePythonObject);
                ownsTuple = true;
            } else {
                throw new PythonException("Expected args to be tuple or list. Received: " + args.toString());
            if (kwargs != null && PyObject_IsInstance(kwargs.nativePythonObject, new PyObject(PyDict_Type())) != 1) {
                throw new PythonException("Expected kwargs to be dict. Received: " + kwargs.toString());
            return new PythonObject(PyObject_Call(nativePythonObject, tuple, kwargs == null ? null : kwargs.nativePythonObject));
        } finally {
            if (ownsTuple) Py_DecRef(tuple);


    public PythonObject call(Object... args) {
        return callWithArgsAndKwargs(Arrays.asList(args), null);

    public PythonObject callWithArgs(List args) {
        return call(args, null);

    public PythonObject callWithKwargs(Map kwargs) {
        return call(null, kwargs);

    public PythonObject callWithArgsAndKwargs(List args, Map kwargs) {
        try (PythonGC gc = {
            if (!Python.callable(this)) {
                throw new PythonException("Object is not callable: " + toString());
            PythonObject pyArgs;
            PythonObject pyKwargs;

            if (args == null || args.isEmpty()) {
                pyArgs = new PythonObject(PyTuple_New(0));
            } else {
                PythonObject argsList = PythonTypes.convert(args);
                pyArgs = new PythonObject(PyList_AsTuple(argsList.getNativePythonObject()));
            if (kwargs == null) {
                pyKwargs = null;
            } else {
                pyKwargs = PythonTypes.convert(kwargs);

            PythonObject ret = new PythonObject(
                            pyKwargs == null ? null : pyKwargs.nativePythonObject


            return ret;


    public PythonObject attr(String attrName) {
        return new PythonObject(PyObject_GetAttrString(nativePythonObject, attrName));

    public PythonObject(Object javaObject) {
        if (javaObject instanceof PythonObject) {
            owned = false;
            nativePythonObject = ((PythonObject) javaObject).nativePythonObject;
        } else {
            try (PythonGC gc = PythonGC.pause()) {
                nativePythonObject = PythonTypes.convert(javaObject).getNativePythonObject();


    public int toInt() {
        return PythonTypes.INT.toJava(this).intValue();

    public long toLong() {
        return PythonTypes.INT.toJava(this);

    public float toFloat() {
        return PythonTypes.FLOAT.toJava(this).floatValue();

    public double toDouble() {
        return PythonTypes.FLOAT.toJava(this);

    public boolean toBoolean() {
        return PythonTypes.BOOL.toJava(this);


    public List toList() {
        return PythonTypes.LIST.toJava(this);

    public Map toMap() {
        return PythonTypes.DICT.toJava(this);

    public PythonObject get(int key) {
        return new PythonObject(PyObject_GetItem(nativePythonObject, PyLong_FromLong(key)));

    public PythonObject get(String key) {
        return new PythonObject(PyObject_GetItem(nativePythonObject, PyUnicode_FromString(key)));

    public PythonObject get(PythonObject key) {
        return new PythonObject(PyObject_GetItem(nativePythonObject, key.nativePythonObject));

    public void set(PythonObject key, PythonObject value) {
        PyObject_SetItem(nativePythonObject, key.nativePythonObject, value.nativePythonObject);

    public PythonObject abs(){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_Absolute(nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject add(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_Add(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject sub(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_Subtract(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject mod(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_Divmod(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject mul(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_Multiply(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject trueDiv(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_TrueDivide(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject floorDiv(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_FloorDivide(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));
    public PythonObject matMul(PythonObject pythonObject){
        return new PythonObject(PyNumber_MatrixMultiply(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject));

    public void addi(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);
    public void subi(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);
    public void muli(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);
    public void trueDivi(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);
    public void floorDivi(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);
    public void matMuli(PythonObject pythonObject){
        PyNumber_InPlaceMatrixMultiply(nativePythonObject, pythonObject.nativePythonObject);