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package org.nd4j.python4j;

import org.bytedeco.cpython.PyObject;

import java.util.*;

import static*;

public class PythonTypes {

    private static List<PythonType> getPrimitiveTypes() {
        return Arrays.asList(STR, INT, FLOAT, BOOL, BYTES,new NoneType());

    private static List<PythonType> getCollectionTypes() {
        return Arrays.asList(LIST, DICT);

    private static List<PythonType> getExternalTypes() {
        List<PythonType> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        ServiceLoader<PythonType> sl = ServiceLoader.load(PythonType.class);
        Iterator<PythonType> iter = sl.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return ret;

    public static List<PythonType> get() {
        List<PythonType> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        return ret;

    public static <T> PythonType<T> get(String name) {
        for (PythonType pt : get()) {
            if (pt.getName().equals(name)) {  // TODO use map instead?
                return pt;

        throw new PythonException("Unknown python type: " + name);

    public static PythonType getPythonTypeForJavaObject(Object javaObject) {
        for (PythonType pt : get()) {
            if (pt.accepts(javaObject)) {
                return pt;
        throw new PythonException("Unable to find python type for java type: " + javaObject.getClass());

    public static <T> PythonType<T> getPythonTypeForPythonObject(PythonObject pythonObject) {
        PyObject pyType = PyObject_Type(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
        try {
            String pyTypeStr = PythonTypes.STR.toJava(new PythonObject(pyType, false));

            for (PythonType pt : get()) {
                String pyTypeStr2 = "<class '" + pt.getName() + "'>";
                if (pyTypeStr.equals(pyTypeStr2)) {
                    return pt;
                } else {
                    try (PythonGC gc = {
                        PythonObject pyType2 = pt.pythonType();
                        if (pyType2 != null && Python.isinstance(pythonObject, pyType2)) {
                            return pt;

            throw new PythonException("Unable to find converter for python object of type " + pyTypeStr);
        } finally {


    public static PythonObject convert(Object javaObject) {
        PythonType pt = getPythonTypeForJavaObject(javaObject);
        return pt.toPython(pt.adapt(javaObject));

    public static final PythonType<String> STR = new PythonType<String>("str", String.class) {

        public String adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof String) {
                return (String) javaObject;
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to String");

        public String toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            PyObject repr = PyObject_Str(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            PyObject str = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(repr, "utf-8", "~E~");
            String jstr = PyBytes_AsString(str).getString();
            return jstr;

        public PythonObject toPython(String javaObject) {
            return new PythonObject(PyUnicode_FromString(javaObject));

    public static final PythonType<Long> INT = new PythonType<Long>("int", Long.class) {
        public Long adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof Number) {
                return ((Number) javaObject).longValue();
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to Long");

        public Long toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            long val = PyLong_AsLong(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            if (val == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != null) {
                throw new PythonException("Could not convert value to int: " + pythonObject.toString());
            return val;

        public boolean accepts(Object javaObject) {
            return (javaObject instanceof Integer) || (javaObject instanceof Long);

        public PythonObject toPython(Long javaObject) {
            return new PythonObject(PyLong_FromLong(javaObject));

    public static final PythonType<Double> FLOAT = new PythonType<Double>("float", Double.class) {

        public Double adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof Number) {
                return ((Number) javaObject).doubleValue();
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to Long");

        public Double toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            double val = PyFloat_AsDouble(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            if (val == -1 && PyErr_Occurred() != null) {
                throw new PythonException("Could not convert value to float: " + pythonObject.toString());
            return val;

        public boolean accepts(Object javaObject) {
            return (javaObject instanceof Float) || (javaObject instanceof Double);

        public PythonObject toPython(Double javaObject) {
            return new PythonObject(PyFloat_FromDouble(javaObject));

    public static final PythonType<Boolean> BOOL = new PythonType<Boolean>("bool", Boolean.class) {

        public Boolean adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof Boolean) {
                return (Boolean) javaObject;
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to Boolean");

        public Boolean toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            PyObject builtins = PyImport_ImportModule("builtins");
            PyObject boolF = PyObject_GetAttrString(builtins, "bool");

            PythonObject bool = new PythonObject(boolF, false).call(pythonObject);
            boolean ret = PyLong_AsLong(bool.getNativePythonObject()) > 0;
            return ret;

        public PythonObject toPython(Boolean javaObject) {
            return new PythonObject(PyBool_FromLong(javaObject ? 1 : 0));

    public static final PythonType<List> LIST = new PythonType<List>("list", List.class) {

        public boolean accepts(Object javaObject) {
            return (javaObject instanceof List || javaObject.getClass().isArray());

        public List adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof List) {
                return (List) javaObject;
            } else if (javaObject.getClass().isArray()) {
                List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<>();
                if (javaObject instanceof Object[]) {
                    Object[] arr = (Object[]) javaObject;
                    return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(arr));
                } else if (javaObject instanceof short[]) {
                    short[] arr = (short[]) javaObject;
                    for (short x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                } else if (javaObject instanceof int[]) {
                    int[] arr = (int[]) javaObject;
                    for (int x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                }else if (javaObject instanceof byte[]){
                    byte[] arr = (byte[]) javaObject;
                    for (int x : arr) ret.add(x & 0xff);
                    return ret;
                } else if (javaObject instanceof long[]) {
                    long[] arr = (long[]) javaObject;
                    for (long x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                } else if (javaObject instanceof float[]) {
                    float[] arr = (float[]) javaObject;
                    for (float x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                } else if (javaObject instanceof double[]) {
                    double[] arr = (double[]) javaObject;
                    for (double x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                } else if (javaObject instanceof boolean[]) {
                    boolean[] arr = (boolean[]) javaObject;
                    for (boolean x : arr) ret.add(x);
                    return ret;
                } else {
                    throw new PythonException("Unsupported array type: " + javaObject.getClass().toString());

            } else {
                throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to List");

        public List toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            List ret = new ArrayList();
            long n = PyObject_Size(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            if (n < 0) {
                throw new PythonException("Object cannot be interpreted as a List");
            for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                PyObject pyIndex = PyLong_FromLong(i);
                PyObject pyItem = PyObject_GetItem(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject(),
                PythonType pyItemType = getPythonTypeForPythonObject(new PythonObject(pyItem, false));
                ret.add(pyItemType.toJava(new PythonObject(pyItem, false)));
            return ret;

        public PythonObject toPython(List javaObject) {
            PyObject pyList = PyList_New(javaObject.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < javaObject.size(); i++) {
                Object item = javaObject.get(i);
                PythonObject pyItem;
                boolean owned;
                if (item instanceof PythonObject) {
                    pyItem = (PythonObject) item;
                    owned = false;
                } else if (item instanceof PyObject) {
                    pyItem = new PythonObject((PyObject) item, false);
                    owned = false;
                } else {
                    pyItem = PythonTypes.convert(item);
                    owned = true;
                Py_IncRef(pyItem.getNativePythonObject()); // reference will be stolen by PyList_SetItem()
                PyList_SetItem(pyList, i, pyItem.getNativePythonObject());
                if (owned) pyItem.del();
            return new PythonObject(pyList);

    public static final PythonType<Map> DICT = new PythonType<Map>("dict", Map.class) {

        public Map adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof Map) {
                return (Map) javaObject;
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to Map");

        public Map toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            HashMap ret = new HashMap();
            PyObject dictType = new PyObject(PyDict_Type());
            if (PyObject_IsInstance(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject(), dictType) != 1) {
                throw new PythonException("Expected dict, received: " + pythonObject.toString());

            PyObject keys = PyDict_Keys(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            PyObject keysIter = PyObject_GetIter(keys);
            PyObject vals = PyDict_Values(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
            PyObject valsIter = PyObject_GetIter(vals);
            try {
                long n = PyObject_Size(pythonObject.getNativePythonObject());
                for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    PythonObject pyKey = new PythonObject(PyIter_Next(keysIter), false);
                    PythonObject pyVal = new PythonObject(PyIter_Next(valsIter), false);
                    PythonType pyKeyType = getPythonTypeForPythonObject(pyKey);
                    PythonType pyValType = getPythonTypeForPythonObject(pyVal);
                    ret.put(pyKeyType.toJava(pyKey), pyValType.toJava(pyVal));
            } finally {
            return ret;

        public PythonObject toPython(Map javaObject) {
            PyObject pyDict = PyDict_New();
            for (Object k : javaObject.keySet()) {
                PythonObject pyKey;
                if (k instanceof PythonObject) {
                    pyKey = (PythonObject) k;
                } else if (k instanceof PyObject) {
                    pyKey = new PythonObject((PyObject) k);
                } else {
                    pyKey = PythonTypes.convert(k);
                Object v = javaObject.get(k);
                PythonObject pyVal;
                if (v instanceof PythonObject) {
                    pyVal = (PythonObject) v;
                } else if (v instanceof PyObject) {
                    pyVal = new PythonObject((PyObject) v);
                } else {
                    pyVal = PythonTypes.convert(v);
                int errCode = PyDict_SetItem(pyDict, pyKey.getNativePythonObject(), pyVal.getNativePythonObject());
                if (errCode != 0) {
                    String keyStr = pyKey.toString();
                    throw new PythonException("Unable to create python dictionary. Unhashable key: " + keyStr);
            return new PythonObject(pyDict);

    public static final PythonType<byte[]> BYTES = new PythonType<byte[]>("bytes", byte[].class) {
        public byte[] toJava(PythonObject pythonObject) {
            try (PythonGC gc = {
                if (!(Python.isinstance(pythonObject, Python.bytesType()))) {
                    throw new PythonException("Expected bytes. Received: " + pythonObject);
                PythonObject pySize = Python.len(pythonObject);
                byte[] ret = new byte[pySize.toInt()];
                for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
                    ret[i] = (byte)pythonObject.get(i).toInt();
                return ret;

        public PythonObject toPython(byte[] javaObject) {
            try(PythonGC gc ={
                PythonObject ret = Python.bytes(LIST.toPython(LIST.adapt(javaObject)));
                return ret;
        public boolean accepts(Object javaObject) {
            return javaObject instanceof byte[];
        public byte[] adapt(Object javaObject) {
            if (javaObject instanceof byte[]){
                return (byte[])javaObject;
            throw new PythonException("Cannot cast object of type " + javaObject.getClass().getName() + " to byte[]");
