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package org.nd4j.common.resources;


public interface Resolver {

     * Priority of this resolver. 0 is highest priority (check first), larger values are lower priority (check last)
    int priority();

     * Determine if the specified file resource can be resolved by {@link #asFile(String)} and {@link #asStream(String)}
     * @param resourcePath Path of the resource to be resolved
     * @return True if this resolver is able to resolve the resource file - i.e., whether it is a valid path and exists
    boolean exists(String resourcePath);

     * Determine if the specified directory resource can be resolved by {@link #copyDirectory(String, File)}
     * @param dirPath Path of the directory resource to be resolved
     * @return True if this resolver is able to resolve the directory - i.e., whether it is a valid path and exists
    boolean directoryExists(String dirPath);

     * Get the specified resources as a standard local file.
     * Note that the resource must exist as determined by {@link #exists(String)}
     * @param resourcePath Path of the resource.
     * @return The local file version of the resource
    File asFile(String resourcePath);

     * Get the specified resources as an input stream.
     * Note that the resource must exist as determined by {@link #exists(String)}
     * @param resourcePath Path of the resource.
     * @return The resource as an input stream
    InputStream asStream(String resourcePath);

     * Copy the directory resource (recursively) to the specified destination directory
     * @param dirPath        Path of the resource directory to resolve
     * @param destinationDir Where the files should be copied to
    void copyDirectory(String dirPath, File destinationDir);

     * @return True if the resolver has a local cache directory, as returned by {@link #localCacheRoot()}
    boolean hasLocalCache();

     * @return Root directory of the local cache, or null if {@link #hasLocalCache()} returns false
    File localCacheRoot();

     * Normalize the path that may be a resource reference.
     * For example: "someDir/" --> "someDir/"
     * Returns null if the file cannot be resolved.
     * If the file is not a reference, the original path is returned
    String normalizePath(String path);