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5 days
Test Coverage
'use strict';

var assert = require('assert'),
    wildstring = require('../wildstring');

describe('wildstring - node', function() {
  it('should create an object and set a default wildcard', function() {
    assert.equal(wildstring.wildcard, '*');

  describe('#match', function() {
      it('should match exactly when no wildcard is given', function() {
          // Given: a string and a pattern that match
          var pattern = 'test',
                  string = 'test';

          // When: we call wildcard.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);
      it('should match exactly when no wildcard is given (case sensitivity is off)', function() {
        // Before test: copy settings
        var caseSensitive = wildstring.caseSensitive;
          // Given: a string and a pattern that match and case sensitivity is off
        wildstring.caseSensitive = false;
          var pattern = 'test',
                  string = 'TEsT';

          // When: we call wildcard.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);
        // After test: restore settings
        wildstring.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;

      it('should return false if the string doesn\'t match the pattern and no wildcard is given', function() {
          // Given: a string and a pattern that don't match
          var pattern = 'test',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildcard.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they don't match
          assert.equal(result, false);

      it('should return false if the string doesn\'t match the pattern and no wildcard is given, even when shorter', function() {
          // Given: a string and a pattern that don't match
          var pattern = 'testing',
                  string = '';

          // When: we call wildcard.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they don't match
          assert.equal(result, false);

      it('should match everything if the pattern is only wildcards', function() {
          // Given: any string and a pattern that is only wildcards
          var pattern = '***',
                  string = 'test';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match longer strings if the pattern ends with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches up to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'test*',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match longer strings if the pattern begins with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*ing',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match longer strings if the pattern begins with multiple wildcards', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '***ing',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match matching strings even if the pattern ends with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches up to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'test*',
                  string = 'test';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match matching strings even if the pattern ends with multiple wildcards', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches up to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'test***',
                  string = 'test';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match matching strings even if the pattern begins with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*ing',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should not match strings that have extra characters at the end when the pattern doesn\'t end with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*ing',
                  string = 'ings';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, false);

      it('should not match strings that have extra characters at the beginning when the pattern doesn\'t begin with a wildcard', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'ing*',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, false);

      it('should match strings that match the beginning and end with a wildcard in the middle', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'bow*ing',
                  string = 'bowstring';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should match matching strings even if there\'s a wildcard in the middle', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'test*ing',
                  string = 'testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should work with multiple wildcards in the middle', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'te*st*ing',
                  string = 'tea string';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should work with multiple wildcards in the middle and at the beginning', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*test*ing',
                  string = 'I\'m testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should work with multiple wildcards in the middle and at the end', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = 'te*st*ing*',
                  string = 'tea stings';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should move on if a wildcard doesn\'t continue to match but can later', function() {
          // Given: a string that has a pattern after the wildcard twice
          var pattern = '*test*ing',
                  string = 'I\'m testing this thing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should handle wildcarding duplicate characters well', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*||test*',
                  string = '|||||testing';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

      it('should fail correctly with duplicate characters', function() {
          // Given: a string that is longer than the pattern, but matches after to the wildcard, and the pattern
          var pattern = '*))))))*',
                  string = ')))))';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, false);

      it('should work with case sensitivity off', function() {
          // Given: a string that does not match the case of the pattern, and case sensitivity is off
          wildstring.caseSensitive = false;
          var pattern = '*TEST',
                  string = 'TeSt';

          // When: we call wildstring.match
          var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

          // Then: we should see that they match
          assert.equal(result, true);

    it('should be able to see the same character as a wildcard', function() {
        // Given: a  string with the same character multiple times, and a pattern with a wildcard and some of the same character
        var pattern = '*zz',
            string = 'zzz';

        // When: we call wildstring.match
        var result = wildstring.match(pattern, string);

        // Then: we should see that they match
        assert.equal(result, true);

  describe('#replace', function() {
      it('sholud return the pattern when no wildcard is given', function() {
          // Given: a string array and a pattern with no wildcards
          var pattern = 'test',
                  strings = ['testing'];

          // When: we call wildstring.replace
          var result = wildstring.replace(pattern, strings);

          // Then: we should see that the pattern is unchanged
          assert.equal(result, pattern);

      it('should do ok as a date parser', function() {
          var date = new Date(2015, 6, 15);    // month is 0 based for some reason
          var strings = [ date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate(), date.getFullYear() ];
          var pattern = '*/*/*';
          var result = wildstring.replace(pattern, strings);

          assert.equal(result, '7/15/2015');

      it('should tell you when you add too many strings', function() {
          // Given: more strings than wildcards in the pattern
          var pattern = 'Test *',
                  strings = [ 'testing', 'strings' ];

          // When: we call wildstring.replace with the pattern and strings
          assert.throws(function() { wildstring.replace(pattern, strings); });

          // Then: we should get an error

      it('should tell you when you add too many wildcards', function() {
          // Given: more strings than wildcards in the pattern
          var pattern = '* Te*st *',
                  strings = [ 'testing', 'strings' ];

          // When: we call wildstring.replace with the pattern and strings
          assert.throws(function() { wildstring.replace(pattern, strings); });

          // Then: we should get an error