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Test Coverage
package bring

import (


// ErrInvalidKeyCode is returned by SendKey if an invalid code is passed
var ErrInvalidKeyCode = errors.New("invalid key code")

// OnSyncFunc is the signature for OnSync event handlers. It will receive the current screen image and the
// timestamp of the last update.
type OnSyncFunc = func(image image.Image, lastUpdate int64)

// Client is the main struct in this library, it represents the Guacamole protocol client.
// Automatically handles incoming and outgoing Guacamole instructions, updating its display
// using one or more graphic primitives.
type Client struct {
    session *session
    display *display
    streams streams
    logger  Logger
    onSync  OnSyncFunc

// NewClient creates a Client and connects it to the guacd server with the provided configuration. Logger is optional
func NewClient(addr string, remoteProtocol string, config map[string]string, logger ...Logger) (*Client, error) {
    var log Logger
    if len(logger) > 0 {
        log = logger[0]
    } else {
        log = &DefaultLogger{}

    s, err := newSession(addr, remoteProtocol, config, log)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    c := &Client{
        session: s,
        display: newDisplay(log),
        streams: newStreams(),
        logger:  log,
    return c, nil

// Start the Client's main loop. It is a blocking call, so it
// should be called in its on goroutine
func (c *Client) Start() {
    for {
        select {
        case ins := <-c.session.In:
            h, ok := handlers[ins.Opcode]
            if !ok {
                c.logger.Errorf("Instruction not implemented: %s", ins.Opcode)
            err := h(c, ins.Args)
            if err != nil {

// OnSync sets a function that will be called on every sync instruction received. This event
// usually happens after a batch of updates are received from the guacd server, making it a
// perfect way to get the current screenshot without having to poll with Screen().
// The handler is expected to be called frequently, so avoid adding any blocking behaviour.
// If your handler is slow, consider using a concurrent pattern (using goroutines)
func (c *Client) OnSync(f OnSyncFunc) {
    c.onSync = f

// Screen returns a snapshot of the current screen, together with the last updated timestamp
func (c *Client) Screen() (image image.Image, lastUpdate int64) {
    return c.display.getCanvas()

// State returns the current session state
func (c *Client) State() SessionState {
    return c.session.State

// SendMouse sends mouse events to the server. An event is composed by position of the
// cursor, and a list of any currently pressed MouseButtons
func (c *Client) SendMouse(p image.Point, pressedButtons ...MouseButton) error {
    if c.session.State != SessionActive {
        return ErrNotConnected

    buttonMask := 0
    for _, b := range pressedButtons {
        buttonMask |= int(b)
    c.display.moveCursor(p.X, p.Y)
    err := c.session.Send(protocol.NewInstruction("mouse", strconv.Itoa(p.X), strconv.Itoa(p.Y), strconv.Itoa(buttonMask)))
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// SendText sends the sequence of characters as they were typed. Only works with simple chars
// (no combination with control keys)
func (c *Client) SendText(sequence string) error {
    if c.session.State != SessionActive {
        return ErrNotConnected

    for _, ch := range sequence {
        keycode := strconv.Itoa(int(ch))
        err := c.session.Send(protocol.NewInstruction("key", keycode, "1"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil
        err = c.session.Send(protocol.NewInstruction("key", keycode, "0"))
        if err != nil {
            return nil
    return nil

// SendKey sends key presses and releases.
func (c *Client) SendKey(key KeyCode, pressed bool) error {
    if c.session.State != SessionActive {
        return ErrNotConnected

    keySym, ok := keySyms[key]
    if !ok {
        return ErrInvalidKeyCode

    p := "0"
    if pressed {
        p = "1"

    var instructions []*protocol.Instruction
    for _, k := range keySym {
        keycode := strconv.Itoa(k)
        instructions = append(instructions, protocol.NewInstruction("key", keycode, p))
    return c.session.Send(instructions...)