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Test Coverage
package bring

import (


type layer struct {
    width        int
    height       int
    image        *image.RGBA
    gc           *canvas.Canvas
    visible      bool
    modified     bool
    modifiedRect image.Rectangle
    pathOpen     bool
    pathRect     image.Rectangle
    autosize     bool

func (l *layer) updateModifiedRect(modArea image.Rectangle) {
    before := l.modifiedRect
    l.modifiedRect = l.modifiedRect.Union(modArea)
    l.modified = l.modified || !before.Eq(l.modifiedRect)

func (l *layer) resetModified() {
    l.modifiedRect = image.Rectangle{}
    l.modified = false

func (l *layer) setupCanvas() {
    be := softwarebackend.New(l.width, l.height)
    be.Image = l.image
    l.gc = canvas.New(be)

func (l *layer) fitRect(x int, y int, w int, h int) {
    rect := image.Rect(x, y, x+w, y+h)
    final := l.image.Bounds().Union(rect)
    l.Resize(final.Max.X, final.Max.Y)

func copyImage(dest draw.Image, x, y int, src image.Image, sr image.Rectangle, op draw.Op) {
    dp := image.Pt(x, y)
    dr := image.Rectangle{Min: dp, Max: dp.Add(sr.Size())}
    draw.Draw(dest, dr, src, sr.Min, op)

func (l *layer) Copy(srcLayer *layer, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, x, y int, op draw.Op) {
    srcImg := srcLayer.image
    srcDim := srcImg.Bounds()

    // If entire rectangle outside source canvas, stop
    if srcx >= srcDim.Max.X || srcy >= srcDim.Max.Y {

    // Otherwise, clip rectangle to area
    if srcx+srcw > srcDim.Max.X {
        srcw = srcDim.Max.X - srcx

    if srcy+srch > srcDim.Max.Y {
        srch = srcDim.Max.Y - srcy

    // Stop if nothing to draw.
    if srcw == 0 || srch == 0 {

    if l.autosize {
        l.fitRect(x, y, srcw, srch)

    srcCopyDim := image.Rect(srcx, srcy, srcx+srcw, srcy+srch)
    copyImage(l.image, x, y, srcImg, srcCopyDim, op)
    l.updateModifiedRect(image.Rect(x, y, x+srcw, y+srch))

func (l *layer) Draw(x, y int, src image.Image, op draw.Op) {
    srcDim := src.Bounds()
    if l.autosize {
        l.fitRect(x, y, srcDim.Max.X, srcDim.Max.Y)
    copyImage(l.image, x, y, src, srcDim, op)
    l.updateModifiedRect(image.Rect(x, y, x+srcDim.Max.X, y+srcDim.Max.Y))

func (l *layer) Resize(w int, h int) {
    original := l.image.Bounds()
    if w == l.width && h == l.height {
    newImage := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
    draw.Draw(newImage, l.image.Bounds(), l.image, image.Pt(0, 0), draw.Src)
    l.image = newImage
    l.width = w
    l.height = h

func (l *layer) appendToPath(rect image.Rectangle) {
    if !l.pathOpen {
        l.pathOpen = true
        l.pathRect = image.Rectangle{}
    l.pathRect = l.pathRect.Union(rect)

func (l *layer) endPath() {
    l.pathOpen = false
    l.pathRect = image.Rectangle{}

func (l *layer) Rect(x int, y int, width int, height int) {
    l.appendToPath(image.Rect(x, y, x+width, y+height))
    l.gc.Rect(float64(x), float64(y), float64(width), float64(height))

func (l *layer) Fill(r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte, op draw.Op) {
    // Ignores op, as the canvas library does not support it :/
    l.gc.SetFillStyle(r, g, b, a)

type layers map[int]*layer

func newLayers() layers {
    ls := make(layers)
    ls[0] = newBuffer()
    ls[0].visible = true
    return ls

func newBuffer() *layer {
    l := &layer{
        image:    image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)),
        autosize: true,
    return l

func newVisibleLayer(l0 *layer) *layer {
    l := &layer{
        width:   l0.width,
        height:  l0.height,
        image:   image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, l0.width, l0.height)),
        visible: true,
    return l

func (ls layers) getDefault() *layer {
    return ls[0]

func (ls layers) get(id int) *layer {
    if l, ok := ls[id]; ok {
        return l
    if id > 0 {
        ls[id] = newVisibleLayer(ls[0])
    } else {
        ls[id] = newBuffer()
    return ls[id]

func (ls layers) delete(id int) {
    if id == 0 {
    ls[id].image = nil
    ls[id] = nil
    delete(ls, id)