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import { isArray, flatMap, clone, get, castArray } from 'lodash';
import * as protochain from 'protochain';
import Instrumentation from '../metal/instrumentation';
import Model from '../data/model';
import Parser from '../parse/parser';
import * as createDebug from 'debug';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import DenaliObject from '../metal/object';
import Request from './request';
import Errors from './errors';
import View from '../render/view';
import { ServerResponse } from 'http';
import Serializer from '../render/serializer';
import { lookup } from '../metal/container';
import Logger from './logger';
import ConfigService from './config';
import { RelationshipConfigs } from '../render/serializer';

const debug = createDebug('denali:action');

export interface Responder {
  (params: ResponderParams): any;

 * The parser determines the exact shape and structure of the arguments object
 * passed into your Action's respond method. However, the common convention is
 * to at least expose the properties listed below.
 * *Note for Typescript users:*
 * It's possible to have a parser that returns a query object with non-string
 * properties (i.e. your parser automatically converts the `page=4` query param
 * into a number). In that case, you should probably define your own interface
 * that extends from this, and use that interface to type your respond method
 * argument.
export interface ResponderParams {
  body?: any;
  query?: any;
  headers?: any;
  params?: any;
  [key: string]: any;

export interface RenderOptions {
   * The view class that should be used to render this response. Overrides the
   * `serializer` setting. This is useful if you want complete, low-level
   * control over the rendering process - you'll have direct access to the
   * response object, and can use it to render however you want. Render with a
   * streaming JSON renderer, use an HTML templating engine, a binary protocol,
   * etc.
  view?: string;
   * Explicitly set the name of the serializer that should be used to render
   * this response. If not provided, and the response body is a Model or array
   * of Models, it will try to find a matching serializer and use that. If it
   * can't find the matching serializer, or if the response body is another
   * kind of object, it will fall back to the application serializer.
  serializer?: string;
   * Override which attributes should be serialized.
  attributes?: string[];
   * Override which relationships should be serialized.
  relationships?: RelationshipConfigs;
  [key: string]: any;

const beforeFiltersCache = new Map<typeof Action, Filter[]>();
const afterFiltersCache = new Map<typeof Action, Filter[]>();

export interface Filter {
  (params: ResponderParams): boolean | void;
export type FilterSpecifier = string | Filter;

 * Actions form the core of interacting with a Denali application. They are the
 * controller layer in the MVC architecture, taking in incoming requests,
 * performing business logic, and handing off to the renderer to send the
 * response.
 * When a request comes in, Denali will invoke the `respond` method on the
 * matching Action class. The return value (or resolved return value) of this
 * method is used to render the response.
 * Actions also support filters. Simply define a method on your action, and add
 * the method name to the `before` or `after` array. Filters behave similar to
 * responders in that they receive the request params and can return a promise
 * which will be waited on before continuing. Filters are inheritable, so child
 * classes will run filters added by parent classes.
 * @package runtime
 * @since 0.1.0
export default abstract class Action extends DenaliObject {

   * Invoked before the `respond()` method. The framework will invoke filters
   * from parent classes and mixins in the same order the mixins were applied.
   * Filters can be synchronous, or return a promise (which will pause the
   * before/respond/after chain until it resolves).
   * If a before filter returns any value (or returns a promise which resolves
   * to any value) other than null or undefined, Denali will attempt to render
   * that response and halt further processing of the request (including
   * remaining before filters).
   * Filters must be defined as static properties to allow Denali to extract
   * the values. Instance fields are not visible until instantiation, so
   * there's no way to build an "accumulated" value from each step in the
   * inheritance chain.
   * @since 0.1.0
  static before: FilterSpecifier[] = [];

   * Invoked after the `respond()` method. The framework will invoke filters
   * from parent classes and mixins in the same order the mixins were applied.
   * Filters can be synchronous, or return a promise (which will pause the
   * before/respond/after chain until it resolves).
   * Filters must be defined as static properties to allow Denali to extract
   * the values. Instance fields are not visible until instantiation, so
   * there's no way to build an "accumulated" value from each step in the
   * inheritance chain.
   * @since 0.1.0
  static after: FilterSpecifier[] = [];

   * Application config
   * @since 0.1.0
  config = lookup<ConfigService>('service:config');

   * Force which parser should be used for parsing the incoming request.
   * By default it uses the application parser, but you can override with the
   * name of the parser you'd rather use instead.
   * @since 0.1.0
  parser = lookup<Parser>('parser:application');

   * Automatically inject the logger into all actions
   * @since 0.1.0
  logger = lookup<Logger>('app:logger');

   * The incoming Request that this Action is responding to.
   * @since 0.1.0
  request: Request;

   * The outgoing HTTP server response
   * @since 0.1.0
  response: ServerResponse;

   * Track whether or not we have rendered yet
  protected hasRendered = false;

   * The path to this action, i.e. 'users/create'
  actionPath: string;

   * Render the response body
   * @since 0.1.0
  async render(body: any, options?: RenderOptions): Promise<void>;
  async render(status: number, body?: any, options?: RenderOptions): Promise<void>;
  async render(status: number, body?: any, options?: RenderOptions): Promise<void> {
    if (typeof status !== 'number') {
      options = body;
      body = status;
      status = 200;
    if (!options) {
      options = {};

    this.hasRendered = true;

    debug(`[${ }]: rendering`);

    debug(`[${ }]: setting response status code to ${ status }`);
    this.response.statusCode = status;

    if (!body) {
      debug(`[${ }]: no response body to render, response finished`);

    // Render with a custom view if requested
    if (options.view) {
      let view = lookup<View>(`view:${ options.view }`);
      assert(view, `No such view: ${ options.view }`);
      debug(`[${ }]: rendering response body with the ${ options.view } view`);
      return await view.render(this, this.response, body, options);

    // Pick the serializer to use
    let serializerLookup = 'application';
    if (options.serializer) {
      serializerLookup = options.serializer;
    } else {
      let sample = isArray(body) ? body[0] : body;
      if (sample instanceof Model) {
        serializerLookup = sample.modelName;

    // Render with the serializer
    let serializer = lookup<Serializer>(`serializer:${ serializerLookup }`);
    debug(`[${ }]: rendering response body with the ${ serializerLookup } serializer`);
    return await serializer.render(this, this.response, body, options);

   * Invokes the action. Determines the best responder method for content
   * negotiation, then executes the filter/responder chain in sequence,
   * handling errors and rendering the response.
   * You shouldn't invoke this directly - Denali will automatically wire up
   * your routes to this method.
   * @since 0.1.0
  async run(request: Request, response: ServerResponse) {
    this.request = request;
    this.response = response;

    // Parse the incoming request based on the action's chosen parser
    debug(`[${ }]: parsing request`);
    assert(typeof this.parser.parse === 'function', 'The parser you supply must define a `parse(request)` method. See the parser docs for details');
    let parsedRequest = await this.parser.parse(request);

    // Build the before and after filter chains
    let { beforeChain, afterChain } = this._buildFilterChains();

    let instrumentation = Instrumentation.instrument('', {
      action: this.actionPath,
      parsed: parsedRequest

    // Before filters
    debug(`[${ }]: running before filters`);
    await this._invokeFilters(beforeChain, parsedRequest);

    // Responder
    if (!this.hasRendered) {
      debug(`[${ }]: running responder`);
      let result = await this.respond(parsedRequest);
      // Autorender if render has not been manually called and a value was returned
      if (!this.hasRendered) {
        debug(`[${ }]: autorendering`);
        await this.render(result);

    // After filters
    debug(`[${ }]: running after filters`);
    await this._invokeFilters(afterChain, parsedRequest);

    // If no one has rendered, bail
    if (!this.hasRendered) {
      throw new Errors.InternalServerError(`${ this.actionPath } did not render anything`);


   * The default responder method. You should override this method with
   * whatever logic is needed to respond to the incoming request.
   * @since 0.1.0
  abstract respond(params: ResponderParams): any;

   * Invokes the filters in the supplied chain in sequence.
  protected async _invokeFilters(chain: Filter[], parsedRequest: ResponderParams): Promise<any> {
    chain = clone(chain);
    while (chain.length > 0) {
      let filter = chain.shift();
      let instrumentation = Instrumentation.instrument('action.filter', {
        action: this.actionPath,
        request: parsedRequest,
      debug(`[${ }]: running '${ }' filter`);
      let filterResult = await, parsedRequest);
      if (!this.hasRendered && filterResult) {
        return this.render(200, filterResult);

   * Walk the prototype chain of this Action instance to find all the `before`
   * and `after` arrays to build the complete filter chains.
   * Caches the result on the child Action class to avoid the potentially
   * expensive prototype walk on each request.
   * Throws if it encounters the name of a filter method that doesn't exist.
  protected _buildFilterChains(): { beforeChain: Filter[], afterChain: Filter[] } {
    let ActionClass = <typeof Action>this.constructor;
    if (!beforeFiltersCache.has(ActionClass)) {
      let prototypeChain: typeof Action[] = protochain(ActionClass).reverse().concat(ActionClass);
      this._buildFilterChain('before', beforeFiltersCache, prototypeChain);
      this._buildFilterChain('after', afterFiltersCache, prototypeChain);
    return {
      beforeChain: beforeFiltersCache.get(ActionClass),
      afterChain: afterFiltersCache.get(ActionClass)

  protected _buildFilterChain(stageName: 'before' | 'after', cache: Map<typeof Action, Filter[]>, prototypes: typeof Action[]) {
    let ActionClass = <typeof Action>this.constructor;
    let compiledFilterList = flatMap(prototypes, (prototype) => {
      let filters = get(prototype, stageName, <FilterSpecifier[]>[]);
      filters = castArray(filters);
      return => {
        if (typeof filter === 'string') {
          assert(typeof get(this, filter) === 'function', `${ filter } method not found on the ${ this.actionPath } action.`);
          return <Filter>(<any>this)[filter];
        return filter;
    cache.set(ActionClass, compiledFilterList);
