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# Getting Started

Once you've completed with installation, you need to do 2 things: 
- Make data provider in your controller: ```$dataProvider = new EloquentDataProvider(Model::query())```
- Use @grid construction in your view:

    'dataProvider' => $provider, // see info about DataProviders
    'rowsPerPage' => 20,
    'columnOptions' => [ // you may specify options common for all columns in your grid
        'class' => 'attribute',
        'formatters' => 'text', 
    'columns' => [
        '', // dots notation is allowed
        'username', // passing a string by default casts to AttributeCollumn
            // class will be copied from GridView's columnOptions property
            'value' => 'avatar',
            'formatters' => ['image'], // formatters are available for all column types.
        'view:columns.some-dummy-view', // path to blade template
            'value' => 'is_active',
            'filter' => [ // by default, TextFilter is used, but you may override with any other
                'class' => 'dropdown',
                'items' => [
                    'Y' => 'Yes',
                    'N' => 'No',
            'class' => 'callback', // its recommended to use view instead of passing a callback, but still its available
            'value' => function($row) { 
                return $row->status; 
            'class' => 'actions', // class option allows to change column class
            'value' => [
                'edit:/path/to/{id}', // {id} - will be replaced with an attribute from row
                new \Woo\GridView\Columns\Actions\Action('copy/{id}', '<i class="fa fa-copy"></i>'),


{!! grid([
]) !!}

In this example, you can see data provider is passed to GridView with some extra configuration.
You can see the whole configuration by <a href="grid-view-configuring">link</a>.

Columns represents a list of rendered columns in the table. By default, sorting is enabled, 
but you may disable it by configuring grid view with an extra option: 
'columnOptions' => [
    'class' => 'attribute',
    'sortable' => false, 

Also, in case you want to disable filters, configure GridView with such option:
'showFilters' => false,

Column by default is AttributeColumn which renders an attribute from object/array. 
Dots notation (key.subkey) is also available.

In class section you may specify alias (see <a href="aliases">Aliases</a> reference).