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Line length

Есть у нас два коэффициента, `cx` и `nk`, и ещё список `coeffs`, в который мы поместили эти коэффициенты. Но, как мы видим, в итоге ни эти коэффициенты, ни этот список нам не понадобились: мы просто вывели строку и тихо вышли. В этом случае ни одно из этих выражений так и не было вычислено, оставшись в виде thunk. То есть оператор деления так и не был применён к `2` и `6.054`, оператор умножения не прикоснулся ни к `4`, ни к `12.003`, а список остался лишь в наших умах. Ленивая стратегия рациональна: зачем тратить компьютерные ресурсы на создание того, что в итоге никому не понадобится?
Severity: Info
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MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Чёрная дыра была проигнорирована, ведь функция `fakeSum` ленива по второму аргументу. Если же мы напишем так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Как уже было упомянуто, ленивая стратегия помогает программе быть рациональной и не делать лишнюю работу. Рассмотрим пример:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

И вот только здесь мы реально вычисляем второй аргумент, складывая три единицы. Вы спросите, почему же мы накапливали эти сложения вместо того, чтобы делать их сразу? Потому что мы ленивы: раз результат сложения понадобился нам лишь на последней итерации, значит до этой итерации никакого сложения не будет, ведь лень вынуждает нас откладывать работу до конца.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Что же касается проблемы space leak, то к счастью, существуют способы обнаружения функций, шибко прожорливых до памяти. В самом деле, представьте себе большой проект, тысячи функций, и что-то кушает гигабайты памяти. Как найти виновного? Этот процесс называют ещё «space leak профилированием». Рассказывать об этом здесь я не стану, материал довольно объёмный. Но для особо любопытных привожу ссылку на неплохую англоязычную статью по теме: [Chasing a Space Leak in Shake](
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

При энергичной модели (называемой ещё «жадной» или «строгой») выражение, являющееся аргументом функции, будет вычислено ещё до того, как попадёт в тело функции. На фоне определения функции `square` будет яснее:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Список `evens`, формируемый через арифметическую последовательность, содержит в себе чётные числа от `2` до `100` включительно. Используется этот список в качестве второго аргумента стандартной функции `take`, которая даёт нам N первых элементов из переданного ей списка:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Проблема space leak вытекает из самой природы ленивых вычислений. Многие программисты, узнав об этой проблеме, отворачиваются от Haskell. Мол, если в этом языке можно легко написать код, сжирающий уймищу памяти, значит этот язык точно не подходит для серьёзного использования. Но не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют. Я расскажу о двух способах борьбы со space leak.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Haskell — не первый язык с ленивой стратегией вычислений. Открою вам исторический факт: у языка Haskell был предшественник, язык программирования с красивым женским именем [Miranda]( Лень и чистая функциональность пришли в Haskell именно из Miranda, и лишь в этих двух языках ленивая стратегия вычисления аргументов используется по умолчанию. На сегодняшний день, насколько мне известно, язык Miranda мёртв. Впрочем, как сугубо исследовательский язык он, может быть, кем-то и используется.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Ага, уже интереснее. В этот раз захотелось нам узнать длину списка `coeffs`. В этом случае нам уже не обойтись без списка, иначе как же мы узнаем его длину? Однако фокус в том, что выражение `[cx, nk]` вычисляется не до конца, а лишь до той своей формы, которая удовлетворит функцию `length`.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Ленивая модель вычислений позволяет нам работать с бесконечными структурами данных. Вот прямо так, начиная с двойки и, с шагом через один, уходим в бесконечные дали... Шучу. На самом деле, список получится вовсе не бесконечным, а настолько большим, насколько нам это понадобится.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

В самом деле, если функция `take` требует от нас N элементов — зачем нам вообще задавать окончание диапазона списка? Всё равно в нём будет не более чем N. Бесконечная структура данных тем и полезна, что из неё всегда можно взять столько, сколько требуется.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Впечатляющая разница, не правда ли? Флаг `-O0` говорит компилятору о том, чтобы тот не производил никакую оптимизацию, в этом случае говорят о нулевом уровне оптимизации. Флаг `-O2`, напротив, устанавливает стандартный для production-проектов уровень оптимизации. Так вот при стандартном уровне компилятор способен распознать излишнюю ленивость в нашем коде и добавить чуток жадности. В примере выше компилятор увидит накопление thunk-ов сложения и пресечёт оное. Согласитесь, с гигабайтов прыгнуть сразу на килобайты — это круто.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Функцию называют ленивой по тем аргументам, которые не вычисляются, и строгой по тем аргументам, которые вычисляются. Примитивный пример:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Если бы не sharing-механизм, функция `sin` была бы применена к `2` дважды. К счастью, значение синуса будет вычислено единожды и тут же сохранено, чтобы потом просто встать на места тех двух `x`.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

и понимает, что он нигде не используется в её теле. Значит, он не нужен. А раз так, то и вычислен он не будет. Кстати, если аргумент функции игнорируется, определение принято писать с универсальным образцом:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Оператору сложения требуется значение обоих своих аргументов, в том числе левого, а потому получите ошибку деления на ноль.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Ничего страшного не случится, функция `take` проверяет выход за границы и в случае, если её первый аргумент превышает длину списка, она просто даёт нам тот же список. Да, но ведь мы хотим увидеть пятьсот чётных чисел, а не пятьдесят! Можно было бы увеличить список:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Вот потому-то наш «хвост» из thunk-ов и не будет накапливаться, ведь на каждой из 50 миллионов итераций будет происходить незамедлительное применение оператора сложения. Таким образом, заставить аргумент тут же вычислиться до слабой головной или нормальной формы можно как посредством того, что этот аргумент прямо сейчас кому-то понадобился, так и посредством строгого применения.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Внимательный читатель удивится, мол, неужели выражение `2 + 2` вычисляется дважды?! Ведь это нерационально. Конечно нерационально, поэтому в действительности оно будет вычислено единожды. В Haskell есть особый механизм «шаринга» (англ. sharing), позволяющий избежать напрасной работы. И если у нас есть несколько одинаковых выражений, вычисление оного происходит один раз, результат же сохраняется и потом просто подставляется в нужные места. Например:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Теперь не сомневайтесь: в списке `evens` будет не менее пятисот чётных чисел. Но что это за конструкция такая? Начало дано, шаг дан, а где же конец? Познакомьтесь, это бесконечный список:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Первым элементом этого списка является thunk, ассоциированный с невычисленным выражением `2 / 6.054`, а вторым элементом списка является thunk, ассоциированный с невычисленным выражением `4 * 12.003`. Фактически, список `coeffs` получился как бы не совсем настоящим, пустышечным: он был сформирован в памяти как корректный список, однако внутри обоих его элементов — вакуум. И всё же даже такая его форма вполне подходит для функции `length`, которая и так прекрасно поймёт, что в списке два элемента. О таком списке говорят как о выражении в слабой головной форме.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

«Голова» списка откусывается и игнорируется, а к `0` прибавляется `1`. Но поскольку результат сложения пока что никому не нужен, сложение не производится. Вместо этого, на второй итерации, мы видим следующее:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Как вы думаете, что произойдёт раньше? Применение оператора сложения или же применение функции `square`? Вопрос хитрый, ведь правильного ответа на него нет, поскольку существует две модели вычисления аргументов, а именно энергичная (англ. eager) и ленивая (англ. lazy).
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Такой подход прямолинеен и строг: сказали нам сначала разделить на ноль — разделим, не задумываясь. Ленивая же модель придерживается иного подхода. Взгляните на Haskell-вариант:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

А вот вычисленным не до конца называют такое выражение, которое начали было вычислять, но сделали это не до конца, то есть не до нормальной формы, а до так называемой «слабой головной формы» (англ. Weak Head Normal Form, WHNF). Вы спросите, как же это можно вычислить выражение не до конца? Рассмотрим пример:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Задумаемся: функция `length` возвращает число элементов списка, но какое ей дело до содержимого этих элементов? Ровным счётом никакого. Поэтому в данном случае список формируется из thunk-ов:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Однако первый элемент списка так и остался невостребованным, поэтому выражение `2 / 6.054` по-прежнему остаётся лишь нашей мыслью, не более чем. В этом случае список `coeffs` всё равно остаётся в слабой головной форме, ведь внутри первого его элемента всё ещё вакуум.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

тогда в списке `evens` окажется уже пятьдесят элементов, потому что именно столько запросила функция `take`. Повторю философию ленивого рационализма: сделаем не столько, сколько нам сказали, а лишь столько, сколько действительно понадобится.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

но это ненадёжно, ведь потом опять может потребоваться ещё больше. Нужно что-нибудь универсальное, и в Haskell есть подходящее решение:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Иногда space leak ошибочно путают с другой проблемой, называемой memory leak (англ. «утечка памяти»), однако это вовсе не одно и то же. Утечка памяти — это ошибка, характерная для языков с ручным управлением памятью, например, C. Если мы выделим память в куче (англ. heap), а затем потеряем указатель, связывающий нас с этой памятью — всё, выделенная память утекла, она потеряна для нас навеки. Но в случае space leak мы не теряем память: когда весь этот «хвост» из сложений в конце концов вычислится, память, занимаемая миллионами thunk-ов, освободится. Мы не теряем память, мы просто используем её слишком много.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Как мы уже знаем, Haskell-программа состоит из выражений, а запуск программы суть начало длинной цепочки вычислений. Вспомним функцию `square`, возводящую свой единственный аргумент в квадрат:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Во-первых, компиляторная оптимизация сродни чёрной магии, на неё трудно полагаться. Мы очень благодарны компилятору GHC за попытку помочь нам, но эта помощь не всегда соответствует нашим ожиданиям. И во-вторых, к сожалению, компилятор не всегда способен распознать излишнюю лень в нашем коде, и в этом случае нам приходится-таки прибегнуть ко второму способу борьбы со space leak.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Ordered list item prefix

3. вычисленное до конца.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD029 - Ordered list item prefix

Tags: ol

Aliases: ol-prefix

Parameters: style ("one", "ordered"; default "one")

This rule is triggered on ordered lists that do not either start with '1.' or do not have a prefix that increases in numerical order (depending on the configured style, which defaults to 'one').

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'one':

1. Do this.
1. Do that.
1. Done.

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'ordered':

1. Do this.
2. Do that.
3. Done.

Line length

Но какая разница, спросите вы? Всё равно в итоге получим `16`, хоть там сложили, хоть тут. Так и есть: модель вычисления не влияет на результат этого вычисления, но она влияет на путь к этому результату.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Жадная модель нашла своё воплощение практически во всех современных языках программирования. Напишем на C:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

тогда другое дело: значение аргумента уже используется в теле функции, а значит вычисление аргумента непременно произойдёт:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

В стандартной библиотеке Haskell определена особая функция `undefined`. Это — чёрная дыра: при попытке прикоснуться к ней программа гарантированно падает с ошибкой. Проверяем:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Помните, в главе с первыми вопросами о Haskell я упомянул, что этот язык является ленивым? Сейчас мы наконец-то узнаем о ленивых вычислениях и познакомимся с их светлой и тёмной сторонами.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Функция `strange` действительно странная, ведь она игнорирует свой аргумент и просто возвращает число `22`. И всё же при запуске этой программы вы гарантированно получите ошибку `Floating point exception`, ибо компилятор языка C категорически не терпит деления на ноль. А всё потому, что язык C придерживается энергичной модели вычислений: оператор деления `2` на `0` будет вызван ещё до того, как мы войдём в тело функции `strange`, поэтому программа упадёт.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Ленивый подход вполне гармонирует со своим названием: нам лень делать работу сразу же. Вместо этого мы, подобно ребёнку, которого заставили убрать разбросанные по комнате игрушки, откладываем работу до последнего. Ленивая модель гарантирует, что работа будет выполнена лишь тогда, когда результат этой работы кому-то понадобится. Если же он никому не понадобится, тогда работа не будет выполнена вовсе.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

50 миллионов элементов, а значит, 50 миллионов раз сложение второго аргумента с единицей будет откладываться, накапливая гигантский «хвост» из (пока что) невычисленных выражений. Хотите знать, что произойдёт при запуске такой программы? Её выполнение, на MacBook Pro 2014 года, займёт приблизительно 63 секунды и скушает, ни много ни мало, 6,4 ГБ памяти! А теперь представьте, что случилось бы, если бы элементов в списке было не 50 миллионов, а 50 миллиардов...
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Впрочем, с концептуальной точки зрения способ всего один. Задумаемся: если в примере выше лень явилась причиной откладывания сложений на потом, что же можно сделать? Ответ прост: мы должны убрать излишнюю ленивость и заменить её строгостью. В этом случае применение оператора сложения уже не будет откладываться до последнего, а будет производиться тут же, как в языках со строгой моделью вычислений.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

При ленивой же модели всё наоборот: выражение, являющееся аргументом функции, передаётся в функцию прямо так, без вычисления. Изобразить это можно следующим образом:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Выражение, содержащее деление на ноль, попадает внутрь функции, будучи ещё невычисленным, но поскольку в теле функции оно нигде не используется, оно так и останется невычисленным. Девиз лени: если результат работы никому не нужен — зачем же её делать? Вот почему фактического деления на ноль здесь не произойдёт и программа не рухнет.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Вот, теперь никакой лени. Список `coeffs` должен быть выведен на консоль полностью, а следовательно, оба его элемента должны быть вычислены до своей нормальной формы, в противном случае мы не смогли бы показать их в консоли.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Здесь всё просто: функция `square` применяется к нередуцируемому выражению `4` и даёт нам `16`. А если так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Вот философия ленивой стратегии: даже если нам нужно вычислить выражение, мы вычисляем его лишь до той формы, достаточной в конкретных условиях, и не более того.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Мы увидели, что программа не упала, и это говорит нам о том, что деления не было. То есть функция `div` так и не была применена к своим аргументам. Вообще. Такое выражение называют thunk (можно перевести как «задумка»). То есть мы задумали применить функцию `div` к `2` и к `0`, приготовились сделать это — но в итоге так и не сделали.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Да, я должен рассказать вам правду: есть у ленивой стратегии вычислений тёмная сторона, получившая название space leak (букв. «утечка пространства»). И вот в чём её суть.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Вычисленным до конца называют такое выражение, которое вычислено до своей окончательной, нередуцируемой формы. О таком выражении говорят как о выражении в «нормальной форме» (англ. normal form).
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Функция `fakeSum` строга по своему первому аргументу и ленива по своему второму аргументу. Первый аргумент `x` непременно будет вычислен, ведь он передаётся оператору сложения. Второй же аргумент игнорируется, оставшись невычисленным. И кстати, существует простой способ проверить, строга ли функция по некоторому аргументу или ленива.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Как мы помним, деления на ноль так и не произошло за ненадобностью его результата. В этом случае выражение осталось в виде thunk. Возникает вопрос: что же с ним стало? У нас есть функция `div` и есть два значения типа `Int`, `2` и `0`. Если функция `div` так и не была применена к ним, где же всё это хозяйство находилось в процессе работы нашей программы? Оно находилось в памяти, в виде особого графа, который можно изобразить так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

В чём же здесь рациональность, спросите вы? А в том, что список `evens` в итоге содержал в себе лишь 5 элементов. Да, но ведь чётных чисел от `2` до `100` куда больше, нежели пять! Совершенно верно, но лень позволяет нам сделать лишь столько работы, сколько реально требуется. Раз уж список `evens` нужен лишь функции `take`, которая, в свою очередь, хочет только пять первых его элементов — зачем же создавать оставшиеся элементы? Нужно первые пять — получи пять. Если же напишем так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Эта строка содержит различные опции компилятора GHC, и оптимизационный флаг дописывается именно сюда. Попробуем подставить туда сначала флаг `-O0`, а затем `-O2`. Результаты запуска программы будут такими:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

То есть сама функция и два значения, которые должны были занять место двух её аргументов. И вот этот граф в памяти так и остался невостребованным. Казалось бы, ну и в чём проблема? А проблема в количестве. Если мы смогли написать код, при работе которого в память отложился один thunk, значит теоретически мы можем написать и такой код, количество thunk-ов при работе которого будет исчисляться миллионами. А учитывая тот факт, что каждый thunk занимает в памяти хотя бы несколько байт, вы можете себе представить масштаб проблемы.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Не сомневайтесь: программа спокойно вернёт нам `23`, ведь функция `head` строга лишь по первому элементу переданного ей списка, остальное содержимое оного её абсолютно не интересует. Но если попробуете вытащить второй или третий элемент из подобного списка — крах неминуем.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

К предыдущему выражению вновь прибавляется единица — и мы опять входим в очередную итерацию, так и не выполнив сложения:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Первый способа самый простой — оптимизация. Когда компилятор превращает наш код в программу, его можно попросить оптимизировать наш код, сделав его более эффективным, по тем или иным критериям. Чтобы попросить компилятор провести оптимизацию, мы должны использовать специальный флаг. Откроем сборочный файл нашего проекта `real.cabal`, найдём секцию `executable real-exe`, в которой есть строка:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Вместо привычного оператора применения `$` мы видим оператор строго применения `$!` (англ. strict application operator). Этот оператор говорит аргументу: «Забудь о лени, я приказываю тебе немедленно вычислиться до слабой головной формы»:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

программа, попытавшись передать `undefined` оператору сложения, аварийно остановится. Или вот другой пример:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

До тех пор, пока результат вычисления никому не нужен, оно не производится. Однако даже тогда, когда результат кому-то понадобился, вычисление происходит не до конца. Помните, выше я сказал, что при жадной модели вычисления выражение, являющееся аргументом, вычисляется «полностью»? А вот при ленивой модели мы вычисляем выражение лишь настолько, насколько это необходимо. Как вышеупомянутый ребёнок, убирающий игрушки в комнате, убирает их вовсе не до конца, а лишь до такой степени, чтобы его не ругали родители.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Необычного вида оператор `!!` извлекает из списка элемент по индексу, в данном случае нас интересует второй по счёту элемент. Теперь нам уже недостаточно просто сформировать список, нам действительно нужен его второй элемент, иначе как бы мы смогли вывести его на консоль? В этом случае выражение `4 * 12.003` будет вычислено до своей окончательной, нормальной формы, а результат этого вычисления ляжет вторым элементом списка, вот так:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Простенькая рекурсивная функция, пробегающаяся по ненужному ей списку и увеличивающаяся свой второй аргумент на единицу. Но я не просто так назвал её `bad`. Давайте применим её:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

То есть видим выражение `2 + 2`, жадно на него набрасываемся, полностью вычисляем, а уже потом результат этого вычисления передаём в функцию `square`.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Впрочем, почему удивительно? Функция `strange`, проигнорировав свой аргумент, дала нам значение `22`, которое, попав на вход функции `print`, вылетело в наш терминал. Но где же ошибка деления `2` на `0`, спросите вы? Её нет.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Невычисленным называется такое выражение, которое вообще не трогали. Вспомним вышеупомянутое деление на ноль:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Так что же, проблемы нет? Ну, если оптимизация `-O2` и так стандартна — так давайте ставить её в наши проекты и забудем про space leak! К сожалению, не всё так просто.
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Этот код даст нам приблизительно такой же выигрыш, что и оптимизация уровня `-O2`: секунды вместо минуты и килобайты вместо гигабайтов. Что же изменилось? Смотрим внимательно:
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Ordered list item prefix

2. вычисленное не до конца,
Severity: Info
Found in chapters/ by markdownlint

MD029 - Ordered list item prefix

Tags: ol

Aliases: ol-prefix

Parameters: style ("one", "ordered"; default "one")

This rule is triggered on ordered lists that do not either start with '1.' or do not have a prefix that increases in numerical order (depending on the configured style, which defaults to 'one').

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'one':

1. Do this.
1. Do that.
1. Done.

Example valid list if the style is configured as 'ordered':

1. Do this.
2. Do that.
3. Done.

There are no issues that match your filters.
