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Test Coverage
package dht

import (

    mh ""


// These wrapped top level functions are here for testing purposes.
var (
    wrapDHT   wrap.DHTer   = wrap.DHT{}
    wraptime  wrap.Timer   = wrap.Time{}
    wrapmanet wrap.Maneter = wrap.Manet{}

var (
    // ConnThreshold represents the minimum number of bootstrap peers we need a connection to.
    ConnThreshold = 3

    // TruncateDuration represents the time slot to which the current time is truncated.
    TruncateDuration = 5 * time.Minute

    // bootstrap holds the sync.Onces for each host, so that bootstrap is called for each host
    // only once.
    bootstrap = map[peer.ID]*sync.Once{} // may need locking in theory?

// protocol encapsulates the logic for discovering peers
// through providing it in the IPFS DHT.
type protocol struct {

    // Service holds an abstraction of a long running
    // service that is started and stopped externally.
    dht wrap.IpfsDHT

    offset time.Duration

func newProtocol(h host.Host, dht wrap.IpfsDHT) *protocol {
    bootstrap[h.ID()] = &sync.Once{}
    return &protocol{Host: h, dht: dht, Service: service.New("DHT")}

// Bootstrap connects to a set of bootstrap nodes to connect
// to the DHT.
func (p *protocol) Bootstrap() (err error) {
    // The receiving peer looks for the current and previous time slot. So it would call
    // bootstrap twice. Here we're limiting it to only one call.
    once := bootstrap[p.ID()]
    once.Do(func() {
        peers := wrapDHT.GetDefaultBootstrapPeerAddrInfos()
        peerCount := len(peers)
        if peerCount == 0 {
            err = fmt.Errorf("no bootstrap peers configured")

        // Asynchronously connect to all bootstrap peers and send
        // potential errors to a channel. This channel is used
        // to capture the errors and check if we have established
        // enough connections. An error group (errgroup) cannot
        // be used here as it exits as soon as an error is thrown
        // in one of the Go-Routines.
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        errChan := make(chan error, peerCount)
        for _, bp := range peers {
            go func(pi peer.AddrInfo) {
                defer wg.Done()
                errChan <- p.Connect(p.ServiceContext(), pi)

        // Close error channel after all connection attempts are done
        // to signal the for-loop below to stop.
        go func() {

        // Reading the error channel and collect errors.
        errs := ErrConnThresholdNotReached{BootstrapErrs: []error{}}
        for {
            err, ok := <-errChan
            if !ok {
                // channel was closed.
            } else if err != nil {
                errs.BootstrapErrs = append(errs.BootstrapErrs, err)

        // If we could not establish enough connections return an error
        if peerCount-len(errs.BootstrapErrs) < ConnThreshold {
            err = errs

// TimeSlotStart returns the time when the current time slot started.f
func (p *protocol) TimeSlotStart() time.Time {
    return p.refTime().Truncate(TruncateDuration)

// refTime returns the reference time to calculate the time slot from.
func (p *protocol) refTime() time.Time {
    return wraptime.Now().Add(p.offset)

// DiscoveryID returns the string, that we use to advertise
// via mDNS and the DHT. See chanID above for more information.
// Using UnixNano for testing.
func (p *protocol) DiscoveryID(chanID int) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("/pcp/%d/%d", p.TimeSlotStart().UnixNano(), chanID)

// strToCid hashes the given string (SHA256) and produces a CID from that hash.
func strToCid(str string) (cid.Cid, error) {
    h, err := mh.Sum([]byte(str), mh.SHA2_256, -1)
    if err != nil {
        return cid.Undef, err
    return cid.NewCidV1(cid.Raw, h), nil