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Test Coverage
<div class="row">
    <div class="span6">

      <table class="table">
            <td><%= @connection.address %></td>

      <table class="table">
        <% tube_names = [] %>
            <% @tubes.each do |tube| %>
          <% tube_names << %>
                  <td><a href="<%= u("/tube/#{CGI::escape(}") %>"><%= %></a></td>
            <% end %>

        <table class="table">
            <th colspan="2">Current Jobs</th>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of ready jobs with priority < 1024.">
                  <% if @stats[:current_jobs_urgent] > 0 %>
                    <td class="data_cell"><span class="badge badge-warning"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_urgent] %></span></td>
                  <% else %>
                    <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_urgent] %></td>
                  <% end %>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of jobs in the ready queue.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_ready] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of jobs reserved by all clients.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_reserved] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of delayed jobs.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_delayed] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of buried jobs.">
                  <% if @stats[:current_jobs_buried] > 0 %>
                    <td class="data_cell"><span class="badge badge-error"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_buried] %></span></td>
                  <% else %>
              <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_jobs_buried] %></td>
            <% end %>

      <table class="table">
              <th colspan="2">Meta Statistics</th>
            <tr rel="tooltip" title="The rate of job bury calls to reserve calls.">
              <td>Bury Rate</td>
                  <% bury_reserve_rate = (@stats[:cmd_bury].to_f / @stats[:cmd_reserve].to_f) %>
                  <% bury_reserve_rate = 0 if bury_reserve_rate.nan? %>
                  <% if bury_reserve_rate > 0.01 %>
                  <td class="data_cell"><span class="badge badge-error"><%= bury_reserve_rate %></span></td>
              <% else %>
                <td class="data_cell"><%= bury_reserve_rate %></td>
              <% end %>
                <tr rel="tooltip" title="The rate of job timeouts to reserve calls.">
              <td>Timeout Rate</td>
              <% timeout_reserve_rate = (@stats[:job_timeouts].to_f / @stats[:cmd_reserve].to_f) %>
              <% timeout_reserve_rate = 0 if timeout_reserve_rate.nan? %>
                  <% if timeout_reserve_rate > 0.01 %>
                  <td class="data_cell"><span class="badge badge-error"><%= timeout_reserve_rate %></span></td>
              <% else %>
                <td class="data_cell"><%= timeout_reserve_rate %></td>
              <% end %>

      <table class="table">
            <th colspan="2">Statistics</th>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative count of times a job has timed out.">
            <td>Job Timeouts</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:job_timeouts] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative count of jobs created.">
            <td>Total Jobs</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:total_jobs] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The maximum number of bytes in a job.">
            <td>Max Job Size</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:max_job_size] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of currently open connections.">
            <td>Current Connections</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_connections] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of open connections that have each issued at least one put command.">
            <td>Current Producers</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_producers] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of open connections that have each issued at least one reserve command.">
            <td>Current Workers</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_workers] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of open connections that have issued a reserve command but not yet received a response.">
            <td>Current Waiting</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:current_waiting] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative count of connections.">
            <td>Total Connections</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:total_connections] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The process id of the server.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:pid] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The version string of the server.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:version] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The accumulated user CPU time of this process in seconds and microseconds.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:rusage_utime] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The accumulated system CPU time of this process in seconds and microseconds.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:rusage_stime] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The number of seconds since this server started running.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:uptime] %></td>

        <table class="table">
            <th colspan="2">Binlog</th>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The index of the oldest binlog file needed to store the current jobs.">
            <td>Oldest Index</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:binlog_oldest_index] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The index of the current binlog file being written to. If binlog is not active this value will be 0.">
            <td>Current Index</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:binlog_current_index] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The maximum size in bytes a binlog file is allowed to get before a new binlog file is opened.">
            <td>Max Size</td>
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:binlog_max_size] %></td>


      <table class="table">
            <th colspan="2">API Call Histogram</th>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of put commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_put] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of peek commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_peek] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of peek-ready commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_peek_ready] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of peek-delayed commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_peek_delayed] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of peek-buried commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_peek_buried] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of reserve commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_reserve] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of use commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_use] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of watch commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_watch] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of ignore commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_ignore] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of delete commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_delete] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of release commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_release] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of bury commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_bury] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of kick commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_kick] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of stats commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_stats] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of stats-job commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_stats_job] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of stats-tube commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_stats_tube] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of list-tubes commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_list_tubes] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of list-tube-used commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_list_tube_used] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of list-tubes-watched commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_list_tubes_watched] %></td>
          <tr rel="tooltip" title="The cumulative number of pause-tube commands.">
            <td class="data_cell"><%= @stats[:cmd_pause_tube] %></td>
    <div class="span6">
        <div class="span6">
      <h3>Add Job</h3>
            <form id="add_job_form" class="well" name="add_job_form" action="<%= u("/add_job") %>" method="POST">
              <input id="form_tube_name" type="text" class="span3" placeholder="Tube name" name="tube" data-provide="typeahead" autocomplete="off" data-tubes='<%= "#{tube_names.to_json.to_s}" %>'>
              <input id="form_job_priority" type="text" class="span3" placeholder="Priority, e.g. 65536" name="priority">
              <input id="form_job_delay" type="text" class="span3" placeholder="Delay, e.g. 0" name="delay">
              <input id="form_job_ttr" type="text" class="span3" placeholder="TTR, e.g. 120" name="ttr">
              <label class="control-label" for="form_job_body">Job Body JSON Hash, e.g. {} or {"id": 1, "name": "Bob"}</label>
              <textarea id="form_job_body" class="input-xlarge" name="body" rows="3"></textarea>
              <a id="add_job_btn" href="#" class="btn">Add Job</a>
        <div class="span6">
            <h3>Peek Range</h3>
            <form id="peek_range_form" class="well form-inline" name="peek_range_form" action="<%= u("/peek-range") %>" method="GET">
              <input type="text" class="span2" placeholder="0" name="min">
              <input type="text" class="span2" placeholder="0" name="max">
              <button type="submit" class="btn">Peek</button>
        <div class="span6">
            <div id="total_jobs_container">
                <h3>Total Jobs</h3>
          <canvas id="total_jobs_chart" data-set='<%= "#{@total_jobs_data.to_json.to_s}" %>'></canvas>
            <div id="buried_jobs_container" style="visibility:hidden">
                <h3>Current Jobs Buried</h3>
          <canvas id="buried_jobs_chart" data-set='<%= "#{@buried_jobs_data.to_json.to_s}" %>'></canvas>

<%= erb :job_info_popup %>