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# Pimatic Angular Material Frontend

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A web frontend build for the pimatic framework using angular and material design (angular material).


## Configuration
Example configuration:

          "plugin": "angular-material-frontend",
        "mountPath": "/material",
        "customTitle": "Pimatic Material",
        "debug": false

By default, the webinterface wil be available via `http://<hostname>/material`. You can change this by setting the `mountPoint` option.

If the `debug` setting is set to true, the web app will print additional debug information to the console of the browser.

A screen width of at least 400 pixels is advised, otherwise some buttons will overlap with text.

## Installation
You can install the plugin either via npm or via git.

1. Add the plugin to the plugins section of the `config.json` file of your pimatic app:

          "plugin": "angular-material-frontend"

2. Now you can do one of two steps:
   - Start pimatic. The plugin will be downloaded automatically
   - Install the plugin manually by executing the following command in the pimatic app root:

            npm install pimatic-angular-material-frontend


            npm install git://

        This should also automatically download all dependencies via bower. If not, run the following command in the root of the plugin:

            bower install -p

## Changelog
### 0.3.4
- Fixed failing builds on Travis
    - Chrome is used instead of PhantomJS
    - Node 4 is used instead of 0.10
    - Yarn is used instead of npm
- [PR 15]( Enable web feature for Apple devices

### 0.3.3
Fixed [Issue #10]( Installation not working
Fixed [Issue #9]( Login not working

### 0.3.2
Fixed [issue #7](, caused by an update of

### 0.3.1
Fixed [issue #4](
Fixed [issue #5](

### 0.3.0
This update does not change much in the frontend, but has some rather big changes in the background.

- Updated description to make the plugin ready for Pimatic 0.9.x (thanks to
- Updated dependencies (also fixes bug with visible scrollbar when toast message is shown)
- Added loading page
- Background changes:
    - Many restructurings and refactorings of the code.
    - Introduced config based on environment.
    - Added CI using Travis and CodeClimate.

### 0.2.1

### 0.2.0
- All basic devices (except music player) added
- Better localisation

### 0.1.2
A little bugfix.

### 0.1.1
- Description updated
- Documentation updated

### 0.1.0
Initial release.

## To do
(not in order of priority)

- Add all default templates [link](
    - ~~switch~~
    - ~~shutter~~
    - ~~dimmer~~
    - ~~device~~
    - ~~buttons~~ Test many buttons (more than fitting in one row)
    - musicplayer
    - ~~thermostat (GUI settings)~~
    - ~~timer~~
- Error if device could not be found [link](
- Default (device)template if given template does not exist
- Graphs :)
- Edit pages
- Themes
- More settings

## Developing
First make sure all development dependencies are installed:

    npm install

The full source code is available at the git repository. Download the source by cloning the repository.

The application itself is in the `app/` directory. After a change in the application, you should update the file used in the `dev.html` page. This can be done by executing the following command:

    grunt dev

or simply


This command wil update the `dist/pimatic-angular-material-frontend.js` file. I recommend creating some kind of file watcher to do this automatically after a file change.

### Testing
Jasmine is used to unit test the frontend. Running the following command should run all tests (all files ending with `.test.js`):

    grunt test

### Building
A Grunt task is specified which should test the scripts and build the production files. Simply run the following command in the project root:

    grunt build

This command will run tests, execute a jshint inspection and update the `dist/pimatic-angular-material-frontend.min.js` and `index.tmpl.html` files.

## References
Pimatic: [](

Angular: [](

Angular Material: [](

Jasmine: [](

Grunt: [](

Bower: [](

npm: [](

This project attempts to follow the AngularJS style guide, which can be found [here](

## License

    Pimatic Angular Material Frontend is published under the GNU General Public License Version 3:
    you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this plugin. If not, see <>.