# ShinyCMS: Project Progress
## Done
_(Note: this document is out of date and doesn't include all currently-implemented features.)_
### Features from the Perl version that are now available in the Ruby version
(Noting improvements from the Perl version, if any)
* Pages, with page templates, page sections, and dynamically-generated menus
* Improvements: the Perl version requires all pages to be in a section, and
you can only nest sections two levels deep. The Ruby version allows you to
have pages at the top-level of your site, and to nest sections to any depth
* Inserts (re-usable content fragments that can be pulled into any template)
* Improvements: snappier name? ;) (Renamed from Shared Content to Inserts)
* Access control for content on main site (separate from auth system for admin area)
* Basic form handlers
* Improvements: MJML email templates
* Blog
* Improvements: Split up single-blog and multi-blog versions (the latter of
which was never fully implemented in the Perl version but just cluttered
up the codebase a bit) into two separate plugins. Now the multi-blog
feature is in an unmerged development branch and the merged single-blog
code is much cleaner
* News section
* Newsletters and mailing lists
* Improvements:
* Email address verification (AKA double opt-in) for email recipients
* MJML templates
* Records exact consent text agreed to for list subscriptions (for GDPR compliance)
* Nested comment threads
* Currently enabled on blog posts and news posts
* Ready to add to any other content type going forward
* Improvements:
* Perl's main ORM doesn't have native support for polymorphism,
and in fact I'd never heard of polymorphism at the time - but to get the
comments feature to work how I wanted, I basically came up with all the
same ideas. The Ruby version uses ActiveRecord's native polymorphism,
which is no doubt better than my hand-rolled version :)
* MJML templates for reply notification emails
* Double opt-in required before sending notification emails
* Tags
* Currently enabled on blog posts and news posts
* Ready to add to any other content type going forward
* Improvements: more generic implementation (powered by ActAsTaggableOn)
* 'Likes'
* Currently enabled on comments, blog posts, and news posts
* Ready to add to any other content type going forward
* Improvements: adds optional 'downvote' feature; more generic implementation
(powered by ActsAsVoteable)
* Site search
* Improvements: Support for multiple search back-ends
* User accounts and administration
* Improvements:
* The Perl version has role-based authorisation. The Ruby version has
more flexible ACL-based authorisation (powered by Pundit).
* MJML templates for all user account emails (welcome, forgot password, etc)
* User profile pages
* With links to user-generated content, e.g. recent comments/blog posts/etc
* reCAPTCHA bot protection for registrations, comments, and forms
* Improvements: supports reCAPTCHA v3 with scores. Tries an invisible
CAPTCHA first, falling back to an interactive CAPTCHA if that fails.
* Akismet support, to flag potential spam comments and form submissions
* Comment moderation queue in admin area
* Confirming/removing flag sends ham/spam training data to Akismet
* Improvements: the Perl version doesn't feed back to Akismet (yet)
### Features that the Perl version didn't have, but the Ruby version does
* Support for themes
* Low-lift; override the core templates on a per-file, as-needed basis
* Two themes included
* ShinyConcerns
* While re-implementing various features I've tried to pull useful common
functionality out into concerns, that might be handy building blocks for
anybody else who wants to write a ShinyCMS plugin
* Recoverable soft delete on almost all models (powered by ActsAsParanoid)
* Admin page for viewing/managing (non-user) email recipients
* Double opt-in for comment notification emails, newsletter subscriptions, etc
* Email open and click tracking (powered by Ahoy::Email)
* Disabled by default (privacy, yay!)
* Web tracking (powered by Ahoy) - track visits, visitors, page views, etc
* Disabled by default, and has support for GDPR-friendly stats (IP masking, etc)
* Build your own charts and dashboards to dig into the data gathered by Ahoy (powered by Blazer)
## TODO / In Progress
See the multiple 'To-do' columns of the [ShinyCMS project board]( for features from the original ShinyCMS that I haven't started implementing in this version yet, and ideas for new features too (theoretically to be built _after_ the first list, but... things happen) ;)
There are also still to-do items in the old [TODO]( document, which are slowly being transferred to the board as I get a chance.
Everything from the old 'in-progress' document has now been moved to the 'In Progress' column of the project board.