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Test Coverage

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content td {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

!important not allowed

  margin:               0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.6em 0;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Hex values should use the shorthand format - 3 characters where possible

$lighter-blue:      #66ccdd;

Hex Length

Rule hex-length will enforce the length of hexadecimal values


  • style: short/long (defaults to short)


When style: short, the following are allowed. When style: long, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #456;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #3ff, #ddd);

.baz {
  color: #fff;

When style: long, the following are allowed. When style: short, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #445566;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #33ffff, #dddddd);

.baz {
  color: #ffffff;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values cannot be shortened:

$quz-color: #abcdef;

.qux {
  color: #123456;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  text-shadow: -1px -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Selectors must be placed on new lines

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  -webkit-appearance:   checkbox;

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Qualifying elements are not allowed for class selectors

a.button:hover {

No Qualifying Elements

Rule no-qualifying-elements will enforce that selectors are not allowed to have qualifying elements.


  • allow-element-with-attribute: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-class: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-id: true/false (defaults to false)


By default, the following are disallowed: {
  content: 'foo';

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-attribute: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-attribute: false, the following are disallowed.

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';

a[href] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-class: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-class: false, the following are disallowed. {
  content: 'foo';
} {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-id: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-id: false, the following are disallowed.

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

p#bar {
  content: 'foo';

!important not allowed

  margin:               0 2em 0 0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  font-size:            0.8em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Class

.button:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.banner .button-large a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Qualifying elements are not allowed for attribute selectors

input[type="radio"] {

No Qualifying Elements

Rule no-qualifying-elements will enforce that selectors are not allowed to have qualifying elements.


  • allow-element-with-attribute: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-class: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-id: true/false (defaults to false)


By default, the following are disallowed: {
  content: 'foo';

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-attribute: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-attribute: false, the following are disallowed.

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';

a[href] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-class: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-class: false, the following are disallowed. {
  content: 'foo';
} {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-id: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-id: false, the following are disallowed.

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

p#bar {
  content: 'foo';

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  -webkit-appearance:   radio;

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

!important not allowed

  margin:               0.5em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0 0.3em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  text-shadow: -1px -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.6em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.5em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Commas should be followed by a space

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Space After Comma

Rule space-after-comma will enforce whether or not a space should be included after a comma (,).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo', 'bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo','bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black,1px 1px black;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

No space allowed at beginning of parenthesis

  clip:         rect( 0 0 0 0 );

Space Between Parens

Rule space-between-parens will enforce whether or not a space should be included before the first item and after the last item inside parenthesis (()).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

@function foo($bar) {
  @return $bar;

@mixin bar($baz) {
  content: $baz;

.foo {
  @include bar('Hello');
  content: foo('bar');
  width: calc(100% - 10px);

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

@function foo( $bar ) {
  @return $bar;

@mixin bar($baz ) {
  content: $baz;

.foo {
  @include bar( 'Hello' );
  content: foo( 'bar');
  width: calc( 100% - 10px);

No space allowed at end of parenthesis

  clip:         rect( 0 0 0 0 );

Space Between Parens

Rule space-between-parens will enforce whether or not a space should be included before the first item and after the last item inside parenthesis (()).


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

@function foo($bar) {
  @return $bar;

@mixin bar($baz) {
  content: $baz;

.foo {
  @include bar('Hello');
  content: foo('bar');
  width: calc(100% - 10px);

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

@function foo( $bar ) {
  @return $bar;

@mixin bar($baz ) {
  content: $baz;

.foo {
  @include bar( 'Hello' );
  content: foo( 'bar');
  width: calc( 100% - 10px);

Strings must use single quotes

input[type="checkbox"] {


Rule quotes will enforce whether single quotes ('') or double quotes ("") should be used for all strings.


  • style: single/double (defaults to single)


When style: single, the following are allowed. When style: double, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When style: double, the following are allowed. When style: single, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: "bar";

Selectors must be placed on new lines

strong, b {

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Class

a.button:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Hex values should use the shorthand format - 3 characters where possible

$alert-bg:          #ffdddd;

Hex Length

Rule hex-length will enforce the length of hexadecimal values


  • style: short/long (defaults to short)


When style: short, the following are allowed. When style: long, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #456;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #3ff, #ddd);

.baz {
  color: #fff;

When style: long, the following are allowed. When style: short, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #445566;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #33ffff, #dddddd);

.baz {
  color: #ffffff;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values cannot be shortened:

$quz-color: #abcdef;

.qux {
  color: #123456;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Commas should be followed by a space

  background-image: linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Space After Comma

Rule space-after-comma will enforce whether or not a space should be included after a comma (,).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo', 'bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo','bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black,1px 1px black;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Selectors must be placed on new lines

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Attribute-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

input[type="checkbox"] {

Force Attribute Nesting

Rule force-attribute-nesting will enforce the nesting of attributes


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss input[type='radio'] { color: red; }

a[target='_blank'] { content: ''; }

.form { .class input[type='text'] { padding: 0; } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

input {
  &[type='radio'] {
    color: red;

a {
  &[target='_blank'] {
    content: '';

.form {
  .class input {
    &[type='text'] {
      padding: 0;

Qualifying elements are not allowed for attribute selectors

input[type="checkbox"] {

No Qualifying Elements

Rule no-qualifying-elements will enforce that selectors are not allowed to have qualifying elements.


  • allow-element-with-attribute: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-class: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-id: true/false (defaults to false)


By default, the following are disallowed: {
  content: 'foo';

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-attribute: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-attribute: false, the following are disallowed.

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';

a[href] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-class: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-class: false, the following are disallowed. {
  content: 'foo';
} {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-id: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-id: false, the following are disallowed.

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

p#bar {
  content: 'foo';

Strings must use single quotes

input[type="radio"] {


Rule quotes will enforce whether single quotes ('') or double quotes ("") should be used for all strings.


  • style: single/double (defaults to single)


When style: single, the following are allowed. When style: double, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When style: double, the following are allowed. When style: single, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: "bar";

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.banner p a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Commas should be followed by a space

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Space After Comma

Rule space-after-comma will enforce whether or not a space should be included after a comma (,).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo', 'bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo','bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black,1px 1px black;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Hex notation should all be lower case

$light-blue:        #89C4F4;

Hex Notation

Rule hex-notation will enforce the case of hexadecimal values


  • style: lowercase/uppercase (defaults to lowercase)


When style: lowercase, the following are allowed. When style: uppercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #fff;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #cc2, #44d);

.baz {
  color: #12a;

When style: uppercase, the following are allowed. When style: lowercase, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #FFF;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #CC2, #44D);

.baz {
  color: #12A;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values contain only numbers:

.qux {
  color: #123;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  margin:               0.5em 0;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  -moz-appearance:      checkbox;

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $dark-blue-grey !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  color:        $nearly-white !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  padding:              0.6em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  border-left: 0.2em solid $light-grey;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  padding-left: 0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $light-blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Hex values should use the shorthand format - 3 characters where possible

$notice-bg:         #ddffdd;

Hex Length

Rule hex-length will enforce the length of hexadecimal values


  • style: short/long (defaults to short)


When style: short, the following are allowed. When style: long, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #456;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #3ff, #ddd);

.baz {
  color: #fff;

When style: long, the following are allowed. When style: short, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #445566;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #33ffff, #dddddd);

.baz {
  color: #ffffff;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values cannot be shortened:

$quz-color: #abcdef;

.qux {
  color: #123456;

Hex values should use the shorthand format - 3 characters where possible

$lightest-blue:     #00eeff;

Hex Length

Rule hex-length will enforce the length of hexadecimal values


  • style: short/long (defaults to short)


When style: short, the following are allowed. When style: long, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #456;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #3ff, #ddd);

.baz {
  color: #fff;

When style: long, the following are allowed. When style: short, the following are disallowed:

$foo-color: #445566;

.bar {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #33ffff, #dddddd);

.baz {
  color: #ffffff;

In both cases the following will be allowed as the values cannot be shortened:

$quz-color: #abcdef;

.qux {
  color: #123456;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

form div {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Color functions such as 'rgba' should only be used in variable declarations

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

No Color Literals

Rule no-color-literals will disallow the use of color literals and basic color functions in any declarations other than variables or maps/lists.

The list of affected color functions are as follows: * rgb * rgba * hsl * hsla

Other color functions, such as adjust-color and mix, may be used, but the original color must be passed in as a variable.


  • allow-map-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)
  • allow-rgba: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-variable-identifiers: true/false (defaults to true)


When enabled and default options are used the following are disallowed.

.literal {
  color: mediumslateblue;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, #fff, white);

.box-shadow {
  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

.background {
  background: 1px solid white;

.hex {
  color: #fff;

// rgb function passed directly as function argument
.adj {
  color: adjust-color(rgb(255, 0, 0), $blue: 5);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.scale {
  color: scale-color(hsl(120, 70%, 80%), $lightness: 50%);

// hsl function passed directly as function argument
.change {
  color: change-color(hsl(25, 100%, 80%), $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

// color literal passed directly as function argument
.function {
  color: test(#fff);

// color functions used directly as property values
.rgb {
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);

.rgba {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);

.hsl {
  color: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);

.hsla {
  color: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

When enabled and default options are used the following are allowed.

$literal: mediumslateblue;
$hexVar: #fff;
$rgb: rgb(255, 255, 255);
$rgba: rgba(255, 255, 255, .3);
$hsl: hsl(40, 50%, 50%);
$hsla: hsla(40, 50%, 50%, .3);

// using color literals as property names
$colors: (
  red: #fff,
  blue : (
    orange: #fff

// using color literals as variable identifiers
$black: #000;

.literal {
  color: $literal;

.linear-gradient-func {
  background: linear-gradient(top, $hexVar, $literal);

.background {
  background: 1px solid $literal;

.hex {
  color: $hexVar;

.adj {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5);

.scale {
  color: scale-color($off-blue, $lightness: 50%);

.change {
  color: change-color($orange-extra, $lightness: 40%, $alpha: .8);

.function {
  color: test($hexVar);

.rgb {
  color: $rgb;

.rgba {
  color: $rgba;

.hsl {
  color: $hsl;

.hsla {
  color: $hsla;

[allow-rgba: true]

When enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be allowed:

// rgba in variables is still fine
$rgba: rgba(255, 0, 0, .5);
$red: rgb(255, 255, 255,);

// rgba can be used directly to alter a variables opacity
.color {
  color: rgba($red, .3);

In addition, when enabled and allow-rgba is set to true, the following will be disallowed:

.color {
  // you must use variables and not literals
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3);
  color: rgba(black, .3);

[allow-variable-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// variable uses a color literal as an identifier
$black: #000

// variable using a color literal as an identifier is passed to a function
.test {
  color: adjust-color($off-red, $blue: 5)

When enabled and allow-variable-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

// variable not directly using a color literal as an identifier
$primary-black: #000

[allow-map-identifiers: false]

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be disallowed

// map identifiers red, blue and orange share their name with a
// color literal and therefore shouldn't be used
$colors: (
  red: #f00,
  blue: (
    orange: $orange

When enabled and allow-map-identifiers is set to false, the following will be allowed

$colors: (
  primary-red: #f00,
  map-blue: (
    off-orange: $orange

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content tr {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Qualifying elements are not allowed for class selectors

input.long {

No Qualifying Elements

Rule no-qualifying-elements will enforce that selectors are not allowed to have qualifying elements.


  • allow-element-with-attribute: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-class: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-id: true/false (defaults to false)


By default, the following are disallowed: {
  content: 'foo';

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-attribute: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-attribute: false, the following are disallowed.

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';

a[href] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-class: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-class: false, the following are disallowed. {
  content: 'foo';
} {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-id: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-id: false, the following are disallowed.

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

p#bar {
  content: 'foo';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  margin: 0.4em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Class

.button:active {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  margin:               0.5em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.5em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

input.long {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding-left: 0.4em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

a.button:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Space expected after :


Space After Colon

Rule space-after-colon will enforce whether or not a space should be included after a colon (:).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Duplicate properties are not allowed within a block

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

No Duplicate Properties

Rule no-duplicate-properties will enforce that duplicate properties are not allowed within the same block.


  • exclude: [array of property names to be excluded from this rule] (defaults to empty array [])


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  margin: 0 0 15px;
  margin: 0;


When a property is added to the exclude array as shown below then you may place duplicate properties immediately after one another, this is to prevent accidental duplication of properties.

  - 1
      - display

When display is added to the exclude array the following would be allowed:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

When display is added to the exclude array the following would still be disallowed as the duplicate properties are separated by another property:

.display-block {
  display: flex;
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

input.medium {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Qualifying elements are not allowed for class selectors

input.medium {

No Qualifying Elements

Rule no-qualifying-elements will enforce that selectors are not allowed to have qualifying elements.


  • allow-element-with-attribute: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-class: true/false (defaults to false)
  • allow-element-with-id: true/false (defaults to false)


By default, the following are disallowed: {
  content: 'foo';

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-attribute: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-attribute: false, the following are disallowed.

input[type='email'] {
  content: 'foo';

a[href] {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-class: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-class: false, the following are disallowed. {
  content: 'foo';
} {
  content: 'foo';


When allow-element-with-id: true, the following are allowed. When allow-element-with-id: false, the following are disallowed.

ul#foo {
  content: 'foo';

p#bar {
  content: 'foo';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Attribute-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

input[type="radio"] {

Force Attribute Nesting

Rule force-attribute-nesting will enforce the nesting of attributes


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss input[type='radio'] { color: red; }

a[target='_blank'] { content: ''; }

.form { .class input[type='text'] { padding: 0; } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

input {
  &[type='radio'] {
    color: red;

a {
  &[target='_blank'] {
    content: '';

.form {
  .class input {
    &[type='text'] {
      padding: 0;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  margin:               0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li li a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

nav .sm li li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Commas should be followed by a space

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Space After Comma

Rule space-after-comma will enforce whether or not a space should be included after a comma (,).


  • include: true/false (defaults to true)


When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo', 'bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px 1px black;

When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  @include baz('foo','bar');

  box-shadow: 1px 1px black,1px 1px black;

Selectors must be placed on new lines

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Vendor prefixes should not be used

  -moz-appearance:      radio;

No Vendor Prefixes

Rule no-vendor-prefixes will enforce that vendor prefixes are not allowed to be used.

List of prefixes affected by default: * webkit * moz * ms


  • additional-identifiers: [array of additional prefixes to check for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • excluded-identifiers: [array of prefixes to exclude checking for] (defaults to empty array [])
  • ignore-non-standard: true:false (defaults to false)


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

Additional Identifiers

When additional-identifiers contains a custom prefix value of khtml as show below

  - 1
      - khtml

The following would now also be disallowed

.baz {
  position: -khtml-sticky;

Excluded Identifiers

When excluded-identifiers contains currently disallowed prefix values such as webkit and moz as show below

  - 1
      - webkit
      - moz

The following would now be allowed

@-webkit-keyframes anim {
  0% { opacity: 0; }

::-moz-placeholder {
  content: '';

.foo {
  -webkit-transition: none;

.bar {
  position: -moz-sticky;

While the following would remain disallowed

.ms-block {
  -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: no-limit;

Ignore Non Standard

ignore-non-standard is an option that allows you to specify whether only standard properties from our properties list should be affected by this rule or if any prefixed property / element should be affected.

When ignore-non-standard is set to false the following are disallowed, when ignore-non-standard is set to true the following are allowed:

html {
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: $link-color-hover;

input::-moz-focus-inner {
  border: 0;
  padding: 0;

input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
  height: auto;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li ul {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding-bottom:       0.2em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Pseudo-class

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.banner p a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

ID selectors not allowed

#content h3 {

No IDs

Rule no-ids will enforce that ID selectors are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

#foo {
  content: 'bar';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

!important not allowed

  color:                $blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.post img {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  font-size:            0.9em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  color:                $blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.5em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.banner p a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

ID selectors not allowed

#footer a:hover {

No IDs

Rule no-ids will enforce that ID selectors are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

#foo {
  content: 'bar';

!important not allowed

  color:                $light-blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

!important not allowed

  color:                $dark-grey !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.comment footer {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  font-size:            1.3em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Color #ffdddd should be written as #fdd

$alert-bg:          #ffdddd;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  margin:               0.5em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Id

#content h2 {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $light-blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

!important not allowed

  color:                $blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

!important not allowed

  margin:               0.5em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar header a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Color literals like rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar li:first-child {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  padding-top:          0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.algolia-logo img {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $dark-blue-grey !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

!important not allowed

  font-size:            0.9em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  margin:               0.5em 0 0;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Color #89C4F4 should be written as #89c4f4

$light-blue:        #89C4F4;

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar section {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Color literals like rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.check-list li,

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Id

#content h3 {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.2em 0;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  color:                $dark-blue-grey !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

ID selectors not allowed

#footer a {

No IDs

Rule no-ids will enforce that ID selectors are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

#foo {
  content: 'bar';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content header a,

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content footer a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.comment h2 {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class '.comment_form' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form p {

Class Name Format

Rule class-name-format will enforce a convention for class names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the class name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a class doesn't adhere to the convention
  • ignore: Array of names to ignore

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &._with-leading-underscore {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &.another-hyphenated-lowercase {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

._with-leading-underscore {
  content: '';

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 3

Settings: - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.camelCase {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .anotherCamelCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 4

Settings: - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.PascalCase {
  content: '';

.Foo {
  @extend .AnotherPascalCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 5

Settings: - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .another_snake_case;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 6

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.block-name__elem-name {
  content: '';

.owner-name_mod-name_mod-val {
  content: '';

.block-name__elem-name_mod-bool {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 7

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.site-search {
  color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100%;

.site-search__field {
  text-decoration: underline;

.site-search--full {
  color: green;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 8

Settings: - convention: ^[_A-Z]+$ - convention-explanation: 'Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  content: '';

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a class will report Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  content: '';

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Class should be nested within its parent Class

.comment_form .author {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

A value of none is not allowed. 0 must be used.

  border: none;

Border Zero

Rule border-zero will enforce whether one should use 0 or none when specifying a zero border value


  • convention: '0'/'none' (defaults to 0)

If an invalid convention is provided the rule will default back to convention: '0'. An extra warning/error will also be thrown on line 1 column 1 of a file with a lint issue to inform you of this fact.


When convention: '0', the following are allowed. When convention: 'none', the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  border: 0;

.bar {
  border-right: 0;

When convention: 'none', the following are allowed. When convention: '0', the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  border: none;

.bar {
  border-left: none;

Invalid conventions

When the invalid convention convention: 'zero' is supplied, the following are allowed as the rule defaults to convention: '0'.

.foo {
  border: none;

.bar {
  border-left: 0;

Color literals like rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Class should be nested within its parent Class

.banner .button-large a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  margin-bottom:        1em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar li:first-child {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content header a,

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content header a:hover,

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content footer a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.comment header {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class '.comment_form' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form .author {

Class Name Format

Rule class-name-format will enforce a convention for class names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the class name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a class doesn't adhere to the convention
  • ignore: Array of names to ignore

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &._with-leading-underscore {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &.another-hyphenated-lowercase {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

._with-leading-underscore {
  content: '';

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 3

Settings: - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.camelCase {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .anotherCamelCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 4

Settings: - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.PascalCase {
  content: '';

.Foo {
  @extend .AnotherPascalCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 5

Settings: - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .another_snake_case;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 6

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.block-name__elem-name {
  content: '';

.owner-name_mod-name_mod-val {
  content: '';

.block-name__elem-name_mod-bool {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 7

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.site-search {
  color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100%;

.site-search__field {
  text-decoration: underline;

.site-search--full {
  color: green;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 8

Settings: - convention: ^[_A-Z]+$ - convention-explanation: 'Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  content: '';

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a class will report Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  content: '';

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Color #ddffdd should be written as #dfd

$notice-bg:         #ddffdd;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

ID selectors not allowed

#content h2 {

No IDs

Rule no-ids will enforce that ID selectors are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

#foo {
  content: 'bar';

!important not allowed

  color:                $dark-blue-grey !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

!important not allowed

  padding:              1.5em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Selectors must be placed on new lines

.sidebar header, p {

Single Line Per Selector

Rule single-line-per-selector will enforce whether selectors should be placed on a new line.


When enabled, the following are allowed:

.bar {
  content: 'baz';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo, .bar {
  content: 'baz';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

#footer a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar header a:hover {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.post p:first-of-type img {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

!important not allowed

  margin-bottom:        1em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Class should be nested within its parent Class

.comment_form .title {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Class should be nested within its parent Class

.header .alerts {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              0.5em;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  color:                $nearly-black !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  border-bottom:        0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Id

#footer a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Id

#footer a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar header a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class '.comment_form' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form {

Class Name Format

Rule class-name-format will enforce a convention for class names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the class name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a class doesn't adhere to the convention
  • ignore: Array of names to ignore

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &._with-leading-underscore {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &.another-hyphenated-lowercase {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

._with-leading-underscore {
  content: '';

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 3

Settings: - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.camelCase {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .anotherCamelCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 4

Settings: - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.PascalCase {
  content: '';

.Foo {
  @extend .AnotherPascalCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 5

Settings: - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .another_snake_case;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 6

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.block-name__elem-name {
  content: '';

.owner-name_mod-name_mod-val {
  content: '';

.block-name__elem-name_mod-bool {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 7

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.site-search {
  color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100%;

.site-search__field {
  text-decoration: underline;

.site-search--full {
  color: green;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 8

Settings: - convention: ^[_A-Z]+$ - convention-explanation: 'Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  content: '';

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a class will report Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  content: '';

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

!important not allowed

  padding-bottom:       0.2em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

nav .sm li li li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.quote-list li {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  padding-bottom:       0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content footer a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $light-blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.post p:first-of-type img {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding:              2em 1.5em 0.5em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

!important not allowed

  padding-top:          0.5em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.comment_form p {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Class '.comment_form' should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form .title {

Class Name Format

Rule class-name-format will enforce a convention for class names.


  • allow-leading-underscore: true/false (defaults to true)
  • convention: 'hyphenatedlowercase' (default), camelcase, snakecase, strictbem, hyphenatedbem, or a Regular Expression that the class name must match (e.g. ^[_A-Z]+$)
  • convention-explanation: Custom explanation to display to the user if a class doesn't adhere to the convention
  • ignore: Array of names to ignore

Example 1

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: true - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &._with-leading-underscore {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 2

Settings: - allow-leading-underscore: false - convention: hyphenatedlowercase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.hyphenated-lowercase {
  content: '';

  &.another-hyphenated-lowercase {
    content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .hyphenated-lowercase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

._with-leading-underscore {
  content: '';

  content: '';

.camelCase {
  content: '';

  @extend .snake_case;

Example 3

Settings: - convention: camelcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.camelCase {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .anotherCamelCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 4

Settings: - convention: pascalcase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.PascalCase {
  content: '';

.Foo {
  @extend .AnotherPascalCase;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .snake_case;

Example 5

Settings: - convention: snakecase

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .another_snake_case;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 6

Settings: - convention: strictbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.block-name__elem-name {
  content: '';

.owner-name_mod-name_mod-val {
  content: '';

.block-name__elem-name_mod-bool {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 7

Settings: - convention: hyphenatedbem

When enabled, the following are allowed:

.site-search {
  color: blue;
  width: 50px;
  height: 100%;

.site-search__field {
  text-decoration: underline;

.site-search--full {
  color: green;

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Example 8

Settings: - convention: ^[_A-Z]+$ - convention-explanation: 'Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores'

When enabled, the following are allowed:

  content: '';

.foo {

When enabled, the following are disallowed:

(Each line with a class will report Class must contain only uppercase letters and underscores when linted.)

  content: '';

.snake_case {
  content: '';

.foo {
  @extend .camelCase;

Avoid using id selectors

#footer a {

Class should be nested within its parent Class

.header .notices {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  border-top:           0 !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar li:last-child {

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar li:last-child {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content footer a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Pseudo-class

.post p:first-of-type img {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  font-size:            0.9em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.banner p a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Expected indentation of 2 space but found 4.

    list-style: none;


Rule indentation will enforce an indentation size (tabs and spaces) and it will also ensure that tabs and spaces are not mixed.

The mixed spaces and tabs warnings check will take into account what you have set in your config file whether it should expect to see spaces or tabs. If it encounters a tab anywhere in a file when your rule config doesn't specify tabs it will flag a lint warning, Similarly for any whitespace using spaces when tabs are specified. Obviously spaces between properties and values etc are ignored.


  • size: number or 'tab' (defaults to 2 spaces)


When enabled (assuming size: 2) the following are allowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar';

  .baz {
    content: 'qux';

    // Waldo
    &--waldo {
      content: 'alpha';

When enabled (assuming size: 2) the following are disallowed:

.foo {
content: 'bar';
   .baz {
  content: 'qux';
  // Waldo
      &--waldo {
        content: 'alpha';

Commas in function arguments should be followed by one space

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Color literals like rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.sidebar header, p {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  color:                $blue !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.content footer a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Pseudo-class should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content header a:hover,

Force Pseudo Nesting

Rule force-pseudo-nesting will enforce the nesting of pseudo elements/classes.


When enabled, the following are disallowed: ```scss p:nth-of-type(2) { margin: 0; }

.parent { .child { p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } }

.parent { .child { .sub p::first-line { color: #ff0000; } } } ```

When enabled, the following are allowed:

p {
  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    margin: 0;

.parent {
  .child {
    p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

.parent {
  .child {
    .sub p {
      &::first-line {
        color: #ff0000;

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Class

.banner p a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

ID selectors not allowed

#footer {

No IDs

Rule no-ids will enforce that ID selectors are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

#foo {
  content: 'bar';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.content header a:hover,

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar header a {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

Type-selector should be nested within its parent Type-selector

.sidebar header a:hover {

Force Element Nesting

Rule force-element-nesting will enforce the nesting of elements


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

div p {
  content: '';

.parent {
  &__child h1 {
    content: '';

a[target="_blank"] span {
  content: '';

When enabled, the following are allowed:

div {
  p {
    content: '';

.parent {
  &__child {
    h1 {
      content: '';

a[target="_blank"] {
  span {
    content: '';

!important not allowed

  padding:              2em 1.5em 0.5em !important;

No Important

Rule no-important will enforce that important declarations are not allowed to be used.


When enabled, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  content: 'bar' !important;

Don't include leading zeros on numbers

  padding-top:          0.5em !important;

Leading Zero

Rule leading-zero will enforce whether or not decimal numbers should include a leading zero.


  • include: true/false (defaults to false)


When include: false, the following are allowed. When include: true, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: .5em;

When include: true, the following are allowed. When include: false, the following are disallowed:

.foo {
  font-size: 0.5em;

Color #66ccdd should be written as #6cd

$lighter-blue:      #66ccdd;

Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line

strong, b {

Commas in function arguments should be followed by one space

  background-image: linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element.

input[type="checkbox"] {

Avoid using id selectors

#content h3 {

Avoid using id selectors

#content h2 {

Avoid using id selectors

#footer {

Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line

.sidebar header, p {

Selector comment_form should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form {

Color literals like rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element.

input.medium {

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 5

nav .sm li li a {

Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 5

nav .sm li li:last-child a {

Selector comment_form should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form .title {

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4

nav .sm li ul {

Avoid using id selectors

#footer a:hover {

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element.

input.long {

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Commas in function arguments should be followed by one space

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Selector comment_form should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form p {

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg, $button-bg-active);

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own single line

nav ul, .sidebar ul, .header ul, .footer ul {

Avoid qualifying attribute selectors with an element.

input[type="radio"] {

Avoid qualifying class selectors with an element.

a.button:hover {

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 5

nav .sm li li li {

Color #00eeff should be written as #0ef

$lightest-blue:     #00eeff;

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 5

nav .sm li li a:hover {

Selector comment_form should be written in lowercase with hyphens

.comment_form .author {

Commas in function arguments should be followed by one space

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,$button-bg-hover, $dark-red);

Color literals like rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75), inset 0 2px 0 0 rgba(255, 192, 192, 0.5), inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 96, 96, 0.85), 3px 3px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

Avoid vendor prefixes.

  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, $button-bg-active, $red);

Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces

    list-style: none;

border: 0 is preferred over border: none

  border: none;

Color literals like rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) should only be used in variable declarations; they should be referred to via variable everywhere else.

  text-shadow: -1px -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

Selector should have depth of applicability no greater than 3, but was 4

nav .sm li li {

There are no issues that match your filters.
