#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ===================================================================
# File: bin/clone
# Project: ShinyCMS
# Purpose: Clone the data for a page/template/shop item/product type
# (and its elements) from one ShinyCMS database to another.
# Author: Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
# Set this to 1 to get more output, 0 to get less
my $verbose = 1;
# Work out where our local libs are, and load some of them
use Cwd;
my $shinyroot;
my $shinylib;
my $shinybinlib;
$shinyroot = cwd();
$shinyroot =~ s{ShinyCMS/.+}{ShinyCMS};
$shinylib = $shinyroot.'/lib';
$shinybinlib = $shinyroot.'/bin/lib';
use lib $shinylib;
use lib $shinybinlib;
# Helper methods for getting database config details
require ''; ## no critic
# Load ShinyCMS modules
use ShinyCMS::Schema;
use ShinyCMS::Duplicator; # *boink*
my $item_type = $ARGV[0];
my $item_id = $ARGV[1];
display_usage_and_exit() unless item_details_are_valid( $item_type, $item_id );
# Get schema objects
my $source_db = shinycms_schema( 'Model::DB' );
my $destination_db = shinycms_schema( 'DuplicatorDestination' );
# Ready...
my $duplicator = ShinyCMS::Duplicator->new({
source_db => $source_db,
destination_db => $destination_db,
verbose => $verbose
# Aim...
my $source_item = $source_db->resultset( $item_type )->find( $item_id );
$duplicator->source_item( $source_item );
# Fire!
say $duplicator->clone->result;
sub shinycms_schema {
my( $config_section ) = @_;
my $config = get_config();
my $connect_info = $config->{ $config_section }->{ connect_info };
return ShinyCMS::Schema->connect( $connect_info );
sub display_usage_and_exit {
say 'Usage:';
say ' bin/clone CmsPage 123';
say '';
say ' Supported types: CmsPage, CmsTemplate, ShopItem, ShopProductType';
exit 1;
sub item_details_are_valid {
my( $item_type, $item_id ) = @_;
return 0 unless $item_id;
return ShinyCMS::Duplicator->is_supported_type( $item_type );