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#!/usr/bin/env perl

# ===================================================================
# File:        bin/database/insert-blog-demo-data
# Project:    ShinyCMS
# Purpose:    Insert blog demo data via DBIC
# Author:    Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================

use strict;
use warnings;

# CPAN modules
use DateTime::Duration;

# Load local helper lib and get connected schema object
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
require '';  ## no critic

my $schema = get_schema();

# Create a user, make them a blog author
my $user = $schema->resultset( 'User' )->find_or_create({
    username    => 'w1n5t0n',
    password    => 'changeme',
    email       => '',
    firstname   => 'Marcus',
    surname     => 'Yarrow',
    location    => 'San Francisco',
    admin_notes => 'Part of the Little Brother blog demo data.',
my $role = $schema->resultset( 'Role' )->find_or_create({
    role => 'Blog Author',
    role => $role->id,

# Create a blog
my $blog = $schema->resultset( 'Blog' )->find_or_create({
    title => 'Little Blogger',

# Create a timestamp and some time durations
my $date = DateTime->new({
    day   => 01,
    month => 01,
    year  => 2013,
    hour  => 12,
my $hour     = DateTime::Duration->new( hours =>  1 );
my $half_day = DateTime::Duration->new( hours => 12 );
my $day      = DateTime::Duration->new( days  =>  1 );

# Create some blog posts
my $body1 = <<'EOT';
<p>    I'm a senior at Cesar Chavez high in San Francisco's sunny Mission
    district, and that makes me one of the most surveilled people in the
    world. My name is Marcus Yallow, but back when this story starts, I
    was going by w1n5t0n. Pronounced &quot;Winston.&quot;
<p>    <i>Not</i> pronounced &quot;Double-you-one-enn-five-tee-zero-enn&quot; 
    -- unless you're a clueless disciplinary officer who's far enough behind 
    the curve that you still call the Internet &quot;the information
<p>    I know just such a clueless person, and his name is Fred Benson, one of
    three vice-principals at Cesar Chavez. He's a sucking chest wound of
    a human being. But if you're going to have a jailer, better a
    clueless one than one who's really on the ball.
<p>    &quot;Marcus Yallow,&quot; he said over the PA one Friday morning. The 
    PA isn't very good to begin with, and when you combine that with Benson's
    habitual mumble, you get something that sounds more like someone
    struggling to digest a bad burrito than a school announcement. But
    human beings are good at picking their names out of audio confusion
    -- it's a survival trait.
<p>    I grabbed my bag and folded my laptop three-quarters shut -- I didn't
    want to blow my downloads -- and got ready for the inevitable.
<p>    &quot;Report to the administration office immediately.&quot;
<p>    My social studies teacher, Ms Galvez, rolled her eyes at me and I rolled
    my eyes back at her. The Man was always coming down on me, just
    because I go through school firewalls like wet kleenex, spoof the
    gait-recognition software, and nuke the snitch chips they track us
    with. Galvez is a good type, anyway, never holds that against me
    (especially when I'm helping get with her webmail so she can talk to
    her brother who's stationed in Iraq).
<p>    My boy Darryl gave me a smack on the ass as I walked past. I've known
    Darryl since we were still in diapers and escaping from play-school,
    and I've been getting him into and out of trouble the whole time. I
    raised my arms over my head like a prizefighter and made my exit from
    Social Studies and began the perp-walk to the office.
my $blog_post1 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'w1n5t0n',
    url_title => 'w1n5t0n',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body1,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion1 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post1->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post1->discussion( $discussion1->id );

# Add comments
my $comment1 = <<EOT;
"If it isn't Double-you-one-enn-five-tee-zero-enn," said Fredrick Benson.

"Sorry, nope," I said. "I never heard of this R2D2 character of yours."
my $next_id = $discussion1->comments->get_column( 'id' )->max;
my $c1 = $discussion1->comments->find_or_create({
    id          => $next_id,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => $comment1,
my $comment2 = <<EOT;
"We have reliable intelligence indicating that you are w1n5t0n" -- again, he spelled it out, and I began to wonder if he hadn't figured out that the 1 was an I and the 5 was an S.
my $c2 = $discussion1->comments->find_or_create({
    id          => $next_id,
    parent      => $c1->id,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => $comment2,
my $comment3 = <<EOT;
Benson settled down behind his desk and tapped his class-ring nervously on his blotter. He did this whenever things started to go bad for him. Poker players call stuff like this a "tell" -- something that let you know what was going on in the other guy's head. I knew Benson's tells backwards and forwards.
my $c3 = $discussion1->comments->find_or_create({
    id          => $next_id,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => $comment3,
my $comment4 = <<EOT;
"You have 'reliable intelligence'? I'd like to see it."

He glowered at me. "Your attitude isn't going to help you."
my $c4 = $discussion1->comments->find_or_create({
    id          => $next_id,
    parent      => $c2->id,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => $comment4,
sleep 1;
my $comment5 = <<EOT;
"Marcus, I hope you realize how serious this is."

"I will just as soon as you explain what this is, sir." I always say "sir" to authority figures when I'm messing with them. It's my own tell.
my $c5 = $discussion1->comments->find_or_create({
    id          => $next_id,
    parent      => $c3->id,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => $comment5,

# Add tags
my $tagset1 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post1->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'school',
    tag => 'demo',

my $body2 = <<EOT;
<p>    Class ended in ten minutes, and that didn't leave me with much time to
    prepare. The first order of business were those pesky
    gait-recognition cameras. Like I said, they'd started out as
    face-recognition cameras, but those had been ruled unconstitutional.
    As far as I know, no court has yet determined whether these gait-cams
    are any more legal, but until they do, we're stuck with them.
<p>    &quot;Gait&quot; is a fancy word for the way you walk. People are pretty 
    good at spotting gaits -- next time you're on a camping trip, check out 
    the bobbing of the flashlight as a distant friend approaches you. Chances
    are you can identify him just from the movement of the light, the
    characteristic way it bobs up and down that tells our monkey brains
    that this is a person approaching us.
<p>    Gait recognition software takes pictures of your motion, tries to isolate
    you in the pics as a silhouette, and then tries to match the
    silhouette to a database to see if it knows who you are. It's a
    biometric identifier, like fingerprints or retina-scans, but it's got
    a lot more &quot;collisions&quot; than either of those. A biometric
    &quot;collision&quot; is when a measurement matches more than one
    person. Only you have your fingerprint, but you share your gait with
    plenty of other people.
<p>    Not exactly, of course. Your personal, inch-by-inch walk is yours and
    yours alone. The problem is your inch-by-inch walk changes based on
    how tired you are, what the floor is made of, whether you pulled your
    ankle playing basketball, and whether you've changed your shoes
    lately. So the system kind of fuzzes-out your profile, looking for
    people who walk kind of like you.
<p>    There are a lot of people who walk kind of like you. What's more, it's 
    easy not to walk kind of like you -- just take one shoe off. Of course,
    you'll always walk like you-with-one-shoe-off in that case, so the
    cameras will eventually figure out that it's still you. Which is why
    I prefer to inject a little randomness into my attacks on
    gait-recognition: I put a handful of gravel into each shoe. Cheap and
    effective, and no two steps are the same. Plus you get a great
    reflexology foot massage in the process (I kid. Reflexology is about
    as scientifically useful as gait-recognition).
<p>    The cameras used to set off an alert every time someone they didn't
    recognize stepped onto campus.  
<p>    This did <i>not</i> work.
<p>    The alarm went off every ten minutes. When the mailman came by. When a
    parent dropped in. When the grounds-people went to work fixing up the
    basketball court. When a student showed up wearing new shoes.
<p>    So now it just tries to keep track of who's where and when. If someone
    leaves by the school-gates during classes, their gait is checked to
    see if it kinda-sorta matches any student gait and if it does,
    whoop-whoop-whoop, ring the alarm!
<p>    Chavez High is ringed with gravel walkways. I like to keep a couple handsful
    of rocks in my shoulder-bag, just in case. I silently passed Darryl
    ten or fifteen pointy little bastards and we both loaded our shoes.
$date = $date + $hour;
my $blog_post2 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'False Positives',
    url_title => 'false-positives',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body2,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion2 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post2->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post2->discussion( $discussion2->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset2 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post2->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'school',
    tag => 'surveillance',

my $body3 = <<EOT;
<p>    We felt it first, that sickening lurch of the cement under your feet
    that every Californian knows instinctively -- <i>earthquake</i>.
    My first inclination, as always, was to get away: &quot;when in
    trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.&quot; But the
    fact was, we were already in the safest place we could be, not in a
    building that could fall in on us, not out toward the middle of the
    road where bits of falling cornice could brain us.
<p>    Earthquakes are eerily quiet -- at first, anyway -- but this wasn't 
    quiet. This was loud, an incredible roaring sound that was louder than 
    anything I'd ever heard before. The sound was so punishing it drove me 
    to my knees, and I wasn't the only one. Darryl shook my arm and pointed
    over the buildings and we saw it then: a huge black cloud rising from
    the northeast, from the direction of the Bay.
<p>    There was another rumble, and the cloud of smoke spread out, that spreading
    black shape we'd all grown up seeing in movies. Someone had just
    blown up something, in a big way.
<p>    There were more rumbles and more tremors. Heads appeared at windows up and
    down the street. We all looked at the mushroom cloud in silence.
<p>    Then the sirens started.
<p>    I'd heard sirens like these before -- they test the civil defense sirens
    at noon on Tuesdays. But I'd only heard them go off unscheduled in
    old war movies and video games, the kind where someone is bombing
    someone else from above. Air raid sirens. The wooooooo sound made it
    all less real.
<p>    &quot;Report to shelters immediately.&quot; It was like the voice of God, 
    coming from all places at once. There were speakers on some of the electric
    poles, something I'd never noticed before, and they'd all switched on
    at once.
<p>    &quot;Report to shelters immediately.&quot; Shelters? We looked at each 
    other in confusion. What shelters? The cloud was rising steadily, spreading
    out. Was it nuclear? Were we breathing in our last breaths?
<p>    The girl with the pink hair grabbed her friends and they tore ass
    downhill, back toward the BART station and the foot of the hills.

<p>    &quot;REPORT TO SHELTERS IMMEDIATELY.&quot; There was screaming now, and 
    a lot of running around. Tourists -- you can always spot the tourists, 
    they're the ones who think CALIFORNIA = WARM and spend their San Francisco
    holidays freezing in shorts and t-shirts -- scattered in every direction.
<p>    &quot;We should go!&quot; Darryl hollered in my ear, just barely audible over
    the shrieking of the sirens, which had been joined by traditional
    police sirens. A dozen SFPD cruisers screamed past us.
<p>    &quot;Down to the BART station,&quot; I hollered. My friends nodded. We closed
    ranks and began to move quickly downhill.
$date = $date + $hour;
my $blog_post3 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Then the world changed forever',
    url_title => 'then-the-world-changed-forever',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body3,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion3 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post3->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post3->update({ discussion => $discussion3->id });
my $next_id3 = $discussion3->comments->get_column( 'id' )->max;
    id          => $next_id3,
    author      => $user->id,
    author_type => 'Site User',
    body        => '(I wonder why they test the sirens on Tuesdays)',
# Add tags
my $tagset3 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post3->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'explosions',
    tag => 'sirens',

my $body4 = <<EOT;
<p>    I was as scared as I'd ever been. There was screaming everywhere now,
    and more bodies on the floor, and the press from behind was as
    relentless as a bulldozer. It was all I could do to keep on my feet.
<p>    We were in the open concourse where the turnstiles were. It was hardly
    any better here -- the enclosed space sent the voices around us
    echoing back in a roar that made my head ring, and the smell and
    feeling of all those bodies made me feel a claustrophobia I'd never
    known I was prone to.
<p>    People were still cramming down the stairs, and more were squeezing past the
    turnstiles and down the escalators onto the platforms, but it was
    clear to me that this wasn't going to have a happy ending.
<p>    &quot;Want to take our chances up top?&quot; I said to Darryl.
<p>    &quot;Yes, hell yes,&quot; he said. &quot;This is vicious.&quot;
<p>    I looked to Vanessa -- there was no way she'd hear me. I managed to get
    my phone out and I texted her.
<p>    &gt; We're getting out of here
<p>    I saw her feel the vibe from her phone, then look down at it and then
    back at me and nod vigorously. Darryl, meanwhile, had clued Jolu in.
<p>    <i>&quot;<i>What's the plan?&quot;</i> Darryl shouted in my ear.
<p>    &quot;We're going to have to go back!&quot; I shouted back, pointing 
    at the remorseless crush of bodies.
<p>    &quot;It's impossible!&quot; he said.
<p>    &quot;It's just going to get more impossible the longer we wait!&quot;
<p>    He shrugged. Van worked her way over to me and grabbed hold of my wrist.
    I took Darryl and Darryl took Jolu by the other hand and we pushed out.
<p>    It wasn't easy. We moved about three inches a minute at first, then
    slowed down even more when we reached the stairway. The people we
    passed were none too happy about us shoving them out of the way,
    either. A couple people swore at us and there was a guy who looked
    like he'd have punched me if he'd been able to get his arms loose. We
    passed three more crushed people beneath us, but there was no way I
    could have helped them. By that point, I wasn't even thinking of
    helping anyone. All I could think of was finding the spaces in front
    of us to move into, of Darryl's mighty straining on my wrist, of my
    death-grip on Van behind me.
<p>    We popped free like Champagne corks an eternity later, blinking in the
    grey smoky light. The air raid sirens were still blaring, and the
    sound of emergency vehicles' sirens as they tore down Market Street
    was even louder. There was almost no one on the streets anymore --
    just the people trying hopelessly to get underground. A lot of them
    were crying. I spotted a bunch of empty benches -- usually staked out
    by skanky winos -- and pointed toward them.
<p>    We moved for them, the sirens and the smoke making us duck and hunch our
    shoulders. We got as far as the benches before Darryl fell forward.
<p>    We all yelled and Vanessa grabbed him and turned him over. The side of
    his shirt was stained red, and the stain was spreading. She tugged
    his shirt up and revealed a long, deep cut in his pudgy side.
<p>    &quot;Someone freaking <i>stabbed</i> him in the crowd,&quot; Jolu said, 
    his hands clenching into fists. &quot;Christ, that's vicious.&quot;
$date = $date + $hour;
my $blog_post4 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'The madding crowd',
    url_title => 'the-madding-crowd',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body4,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion4 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post4->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post4->discussion( $discussion4->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset4 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post4->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'crowds',

my $body5 = <<EOT;
<p>    The first vehicle that screamed past -- an ambulance -- didn't even slow
    down. Neither did the cop car that went past, nor the firetruck, nor
    the next three cop-cars. Darryl wasn't in good shape -- he was
    white-faced and panting. Van's sweater was soaked in blood.
<p>    I was sick of cars driving right past me. The next time a car appeared
    down Market Street, I stepped right out into the road, waving my arms
    over my head, shouting &quot;<i>STOP</i>.&quot;
    The car slewed to a stop and only then did I notice that it wasn't a
    cop car, ambulance or fire-engine.
<p>    It was a military-looking Jeep, like an armored Hummer, only it didn't
    have any military insignia on it. The car skidded to a stop just in
    front of me, and I jumped back and lost my balance and ended up on
    the road. I felt the doors open near me, and then saw a confusion of
    booted feet moving close by. I looked up and saw a bunch of
    military-looking guys in coveralls, holding big, bulky rifles and
    wearing hooded gas masks with tinted face-plates.
<p>    I barely had time to register them before those rifles were pointed at
    me. I'd never looked down the barrel of a gun before, but everything
    you've heard about the experience is true. You freeze where you are,
    time stops, and your heart thunders in your ears. I opened my mouth,
    then shut it, then, very slowly, I held my hands up in front of me.
<p>    The faceless, eyeless armed man above me kept his gun very level. I
    didn't even breathe. Van was screaming something and Jolu was
    shouting and I looked at them for a second and that was when someone
    put a coarse sack over my head and cinched it tight around my
    windpipe, so quick and so fiercely I barely had time to gasp before
    it was locked on me. I was pushed roughly but dispassionately onto my
    stomach and something went twice around my wrists and then tightened
    up as well, feeling like baling wire and biting cruelly. I cried out
    and my own voice was muffled by the hood. 
<p>    I was in total darkness now and I strained my ears to hear what was
    going on with my friends. I heard them shouting through the muffling
    canvas of the bag, and then I was being impersonally hauled to my
    feet by my wrists, my arms wrenched up behind my back, my shoulders
<p>    I stumbled some, then a hand pushed my head down and I was inside the
    Hummer. More bodies were roughly shoved in beside me.
<p>    &quot;Guys?&quot; I shouted, and earned a hard thump on my head for my trouble. I heard
    Jolu respond, then felt the thump he was dealt, too. My head rang
    like a gong.
<p>    &quot;Hey,&quot; I said to the soldiers. &quot;Hey, listen! We're just high school
    students. I wanted to flag you down because my friend was bleeding.
    Someone stabbed him.&quot; I had no idea how much of this was making
    it through the muffling bag. I kept talking. &quot;Listen -- this is
    some kind of misunderstanding. We've got to get my friend to a
    hospital --&quot;
<p>    Someone went upside my head again. It felt like they used a baton or
    something -- it was harder than anyone had ever hit me in the head
    before. My eyes swam and watered and I literally couldn't breathe
    through the pain. A moment later, I caught my breath, but I didn't
    say anything. I'd learned my lesson.
<p>    Who were these clowns? They weren't wearing insignia. Maybe they were
    terrorists! I'd never really believed in terrorists before -- I mean,
    I knew that in the abstract there were terrorists somewhere in the
    world, but they didn't really represent any risk to me. There were
    millions of ways that the world could kill me -- starting with
    getting run down by a drunk burning his way down Valencia -- that
    were infinitely more likely and immediate than terrorists. Terrorists
    killed a lot fewer people than bathroom falls and accidental
    electrocutions. Worrying about them always struck me as about as
    useful as worrying about getting hit by lightning.
<p>    Sitting in the back of that Hummer, my head in a hood, my hands lashed behind
    my back, lurching back and forth while the bruises swelled up on my
    head, terrorism suddenly felt a lot riskier.
$date = $date + $hour;
my $blog_post5 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Kidnapped',
    url_title => 'kidnapped',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body5,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion5 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post5->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post5->discussion( $discussion5->id );

my $body6 = <<EOT;
<p>    He shoved me into the bathroom. My hands were useless, like lumps of
    clay on the ends of my wrists. As I wiggled my fingers limply, they
    tingled, then the tingling turned to a burning feeling that almost
    made me cry out. I put the seat down, dropped my pants and sat down.
    I didn't trust myself to stay on my feet.
<p>    As my bladder cut loose, so did my eyes. I wept, crying silently and
    rocking back and forth while the tears and snot ran down my face. It
    was all I could do to keep from sobbing -- I covered my mouth and
    held the sounds in. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction. 
<p>    Finally, I was peed out and cried out and the guy was pounding on the door. I
    cleaned my face as best as I could with wads of toilet paper, stuck
    it all down the john and flushed, then looked around for a sink but
    only found a pump-bottle of heavy-duty hand-sanitizer covered in
    small-print lists of the bio-agents it worked on. I rubbed some into
    my hands and stepped out of the john.
<p>    &quot;What were you doing in there?&quot; the guy said.
<p>    &quot;Using the facilities,&quot; I said. He turned me around and grabbed my
    hands and I felt a new pair of plastic cuffs go around them. My
    wrists had swollen since the last pair had come off and the new ones
    bit cruelly into my tender skin, but I refused to give him the
    satisfaction of crying out.
<p>    He shackled me back to my spot and grabbed the next person down, who, I
    saw now, was Jolu, his face puffy and an ugly bruise on his cheek. 
<p>    &quot;Are you OK?&quot; I asked him, and my friend with the utility belt
    abruptly put his hand on my forehead and shoved hard, bouncing the
    back of my head off the truck's metal wall with a sound like a clock
    striking one. &quot;No talking,&quot; he said as I struggled to
    refocus my eyes. 
<p>    I didn't like these people. I decided right then that they would pay a
    price for all this.
<p>    One by one, all the prisoners went to the can, and came back, and when
    they were done, my guard went back to his friends and had another cup
    of coffee -- they were drinking out of a big cardboard urn of
    Starbucks, I saw -- and they had an indistinct conversation that
    involved a fair bit of laughter.
<p>    Then the door at the back of the truck opened and there was fresh air, not
    smoky the way it had been before, but tinged with ozone. In the slice
    of outdoors I saw before the door closed, I caught that it was dark
    out, and raining, with one of those San Francisco drizzles that's
    part mist.
<p>    The man who came in was wearing a military uniform. A US military
    uniform. He saluted the people in the truck and they saluted him back
    and that's when I knew that I wasn't a prisoner of some terrorists --
    I was a prisoner of the United States of America.
$date = $date + $hour + $hour;
my $blog_post6 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Liberty vs. Security',
    url_title => 'liberty-vs-security',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body6,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# No discusssion thread - to demonstrate 'comments disabled'
# Add tags
my $tagset6 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post6->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'toilet break',
    tag => 'USA',
    tag => 'armed forces',
    tag => 'truck',

my $body7 = <<EOT;
<p>    They set up a little screen at the end of the truck and then came for 
    us one at a time, unshackling us and leading us to the back of the
    truck. As close as I could work it -- counting seconds off in my
    head, one hippopotami, two hippopotami -- the interviews lasted about
    seven minutes each. My head throbbed with dehydration and caffeine
<p>    I was third, brought back by the woman with the severe haircut. Up
    close, she looked tired, with bags under her eyes and grim lines at
    the corners of her mouth.
<p>    &quot;Thanks,&quot; I said, automatically, as she unlocked me with a 
    remote and then dragged me to my feet. I hated myself for the automatic 
    politeness, but it had been drilled into me.
<p>    She didn't twitch a muscle. I went ahead of her to the back of the truck
    and behind the screen. There was a single folding chair and I sat in
    it. Two of them -- Severe Haircut woman and utility belt man --
    looked at me from their ergonomic super-chairs.
<p>    They had a little table between them with the contents of my wallet and
    backpack spread out on it.
<p>    &quot;Hello, Marcus,&quot; Severe Haircut woman said. &quot;We have some 
    questions for you.&quot;
<p>    &quot;Am I under arrest?&quot; I asked. This wasn't an idle question. If
    you're not under arrest, there are limits on what the cops can and
    can't do to you. For starters, they can't hold you forever without
    arresting you, giving you a phone call, and letting you talk to a
    lawyer. And hoo-boy, was I ever going to talk to a lawyer.
<p>    &quot;What's this for?&quot; she said, holding up my phone. The screen 
    was showing the error message you got if you kept trying to get into its 
    data without giving the right password. It was a bit of a rude message --
    an animated hand giving a certain universally recognized gesture --
    because I liked to customize my gear.
<p>    &quot;Am I under arrest?&quot; I repeated. They can't make you answer 
    any questions if you're not under arrest, and when you ask if you're
    under arrest, they have to answer you. It's the rules.
<p>    &quot;You're being detained by the Department of Homeland Security,&quot; 
    the woman snapped.
<p>    &quot;Am I under arrest?&quot;
<p>    &quot;You're going to be more cooperative, Marcus, starting right now.&quot; 
    She didn't say, &quot;or else,&quot; but it was implied.
<p>    &quot;I would like to contact an attorney,&quot; I said. &quot;I would like
    to know what I've been charged with. I would like to see some form of
    identification from both of you.&quot;
<p>    The two agents exchanged looks.
<p>    &quot;I think you should really reconsider your approach to this situation,&quot;
    Severe Haircut woman said. &quot;I think you should do that right
    now. We found a number of suspicious devices on your person. We found
    you and your confederates near the site of the worst terrorist attack
    this country has ever seen. Put those two facts together and things
    don't look very good for you, Marcus. You can cooperate, or you can
    be very, very sorry. Now, what is this for?&quot;
<p>    &quot;You think I'm a terrorist? I'm seventeen years old!&quot;
<p>    &quot;Just the right age -- Al Qaeda loves recruiting impressionable, 
    idealistic kids. We googled you, you know. You've posted a lot of very 
    ugly stuff on the public Internet.&quot;
<p>    &quot;I would like to speak to an attorney,&quot; I said.
<p>    Severe haircut lady looked at me like I was a bug. &quot;You're under the
    mistaken impression that you've been picked up by the police for a
    crime. You need to get past that. You are being detained as a
    potential enemy combatant by the government of the United States. If
    I were you, I'd be thinking very hard about how to convince us that
    you are not an enemy combatant. Very hard. Because there are dark
    holes that enemy combatants can disappear into, very dark deep holes,
    holes where you can just vanish. Forever. Are you listening to me
    young man? I want you to unlock this phone and then decrypt the files
    in its memory. I want you to account for yourself: why were you out
    on the street? What do you know about the attack on this city?&quot;
<p>    &quot;I'm not going to unlock my phone for you,&quot; I said, indignant. 
    My phone's memory had all kinds of private stuff on it: photos, emails,
    little hacks and mods I'd installed. &quot;That's private stuff.&quot;
<p>    &quot;What have you got to hide?&quot;
<p>    &quot;I've got the right to my privacy,&quot; I said. &quot;And I want 
    to speak to an attorney.&quot;
<p>    &quot;This is your last chance, kid. Honest people don't have anything to 
<p>    &quot;I want to speak to an attorney.&quot; My parents would pay for it. 
    All the FAQs on getting arrested were clear on this point. Just keep
    asking to see an attorney, no matter what they say or do. There's no
    good that comes of talking to the cops without your lawyer present.
    These two said they weren't cops, but if this wasn't an arrest, what
    was it?
<p>    In hindsight, maybe I should have unlocked my phone for them.
$date = $date + $hour + $hour;
my $blog_post7 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Nothing to hide, nothing to fear',
    url_title => 'nothing-to-hide-nothing-to-fear',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body7,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion7 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post7->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post7->discussion( $discussion7->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset7 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post7->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'terrorism',
    tag => 'interview',
    tag => 'phone',
    tag => 'truck',

my $body8 = <<EOT;
<p>    When they took the hood off again, I was in a cell.
<p>    The cell was old and crumbled, and smelled of sea air. There was one 
    window high up, and rusted bars guarded it. It was still dark outside. 
    There was a blanket on the floor and a little metal toilet without a 
    seat, set into the wall. The guard who took off my hood grinned at me 
    and closed the solid steel door behind him.
$date = $date + $hour + $hour + $hour;
my $blog_post8 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Imprisoned',
    url_title => 'imprisoned',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body8,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion8 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post8->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post8->discussion( $discussion8->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset8 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post8->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'prison',
    tag => 'cell',

my $body9 = <<EOT;
<p>    The next time they came to question me, I was filthy and tired, thirsty
    and hungry. Severe haircut lady was in the new questioning party, as
    were three big guys who moved me around like a cut of meat. One was
    black, the other two were white, though one might have been hispanic.
    They all carried guns. It was like a Benneton's ad crossed with a
    game of Counter-Strike. 
<p>    They'd taken me from my cell and chained my wrists and ankles together. I
    paid attention to my surroundings as we went. I heard water outside
    and thought that maybe we were on Alcatraz -- it was a prison, after
    all, even if it had been a tourist attraction for generations, the
    place where you went to see where Al Capone and his gangster
    contemporaries did their time. But I'd been to Alcatraz on a school
    trip. It was old and rusted, medieval. This place felt like it dated
    back to World War Two, not colonial times.
<p>    There were bar-codes laser-printed on stickers and placed on each of the
    cell-doors, and numbers, but other than that, there was no way to
    tell who or what might be behind them.
<p>    The interrogation room was modern, with fluorescent lights, ergonomic
    chairs -- not for me, though, I got a folding plastic garden-chair --
    and a big wooden board-room table. A mirror lined one wall, just like
    in the cop shows, and I figured someone or other must be watching
    from behind it. Severe haircut lady and her friends helped themselves
    to coffees from an urn on a side-table (I could have torn her throat
    out with my teeth and taken her coffee just then), and then set a
    styrofoam cup of water down next to me -- without unlocking my wrists
    from behind my back, so I couldn't reach it. Hardy har har.
<p>    &quot;Hello, Marcus,&quot; Severe Haircut woman said. &quot;How's your 
    'tude doing today?&quot;
<p>    I didn't say anything.
<p>    &quot;This isn't as bad as it gets you know,&quot; she said. &quot;This 
    is as <i>good</i> as it gets from now on. Even once you tell us what we 
    want to know, even if that convinces us that you were just in the wrong 
    place at the wrong time, you're a marked man now. We'll be watching you
    everywhere you go and everything you do. You've acted like you've got
    something to hide, and we don't like that.&quot;
$date = $date + $half_day;
my $blog_post9 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'We don\'t like that',
    url_title => 'we-dont-like-that',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body9,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion9 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post9->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post9->discussion( $discussion9->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset9 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post9->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'prison',
    tag => 'interview',

my $body10 = <<EOT;
<p>    &quot;Hello, Marcus?&quot; she snapped her fingers in front of my face. 
    &quot;Over here, Marcus.&quot; There was a little smile on her face and 
    I hated myself for letting her see my fear. &quot;Marcus, it can be a lot
    worse than this. This isn't the worst place we can put you, not by a
    damned sight.&quot; She reached down below the table and came out
    with a briefcase, which she snapped open. From it, she withdrew my
    phone, my arphid sniper/cloner, my wifinder, and my memory keys. She
    set them down on the table one after the other.
<p>    &quot;Here's what we want from you. You unlock the phone for us today. 
    If you do that, you'll get outdoor and bathing privileges. You'll get a 
    shower and you'll be allowed to walk around in the exercise yard. Tomorrow,
    we'll bring you back and ask you to decrypt the data on these memory
    sticks. Do that, and you'll get to eat in the mess hall. The day
    after, we're going to want your email passwords, and that will get
    you library privileges.&quot;
<p>    The word &quot;no&quot; was on my lips, like a burp trying to come up,
    but it wouldn't come. &quot;Why?&quot; is what came out instead.
<p>    &quot;We want to be sure that you're what you seem to be. This is about 
    your security, Marcus. Say you're innocent. You might be, though why an
    innocent man would act like he's got so much to hide is beyond me.
    But say you are: you could have been on that bridge when it blew.
    Your parents could have been. Your friends. Don't you want us to
    catch the people who attacked your home?&quot;
<p>    It's funny, but when she was talking about my getting &quot;privileges&quot;
    it scared me into submission. I felt like I'd done <i>something</i>
    to end up where I was, like maybe it was partially my fault, like I
    could do something to change it.
<p>    But as soon as she switched to this BS about &quot;safety&quot; and
    &quot;security,&quot; my spine came back. &quot;Lady,&quot; I said,
    &quot;you're talking about attacking my home, but as far as I can
    tell, you're the only one who's attacked me lately. I thought I lived
    in a country with a constitution. I thought I lived in a country
    where I had <i>rights</i>.
    You're talking about defending my freedom by tearing up the Bill of
<p>    A flicker of annoyance passed over her face, then went away. &quot;So
    melodramatic, Marcus. No one's attacked you. You've been detained by
    your country's government while we seek details on the worst
    terrorist attack ever perpetrated on our nation's soil. You have it
    within your power to help us fight this war on our nation's enemies.
    You want to preserve the Bill of Rights? Help us stop bad people from
    blowing up your city. Now, you have exactly thirty seconds to unlock
    that phone before I send you back to your cell. We have lots of other
    people to interview today.&quot;
<p>    She looked at her watch. I rattled my wrists, rattled the chains that
    kept me from reaching around and unlocking the phone. Yes, I was
    going to do it. She'd told me what my path was to freedom -- to the
    world, to my parents -- and that had given me hope. Now she'd
    threatened to send me away, to take me off that path, and my hope had
    crashed and all I could think of was how to get back on it.
<p>    So I rattled my wrists, wanting to get to my phone and unlock it for
    her, and she just looked at me coldly, checking her watch.
<p>    &quot;The password,&quot; I said, finally understanding what she wanted 
    of me. She wanted me to say it out loud, here, where she could record it,
    where her pals could hear it. She didn't want me to just unlock the
    phone. She wanted me to submit to her. To put her in charge of me. To
    give up every secret, all my privacy. &quot;The password,&quot; I
    said again, and then I told her the password. God help me, I
    submitted to her will.
<p>    She smiled a little prim smile, which had to be her ice-queen equivalent
    of a touchdown dance, and the guards led me away. As the door closed,
    I saw her bend down over the phone and key the password in.
$date = $date + $hour;
my $blog_post10 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Here\'s what we want from you',
    url_title => 'heres-what-we-want',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body10,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion10 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post10->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post10->discussion( $discussion10->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset10 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post10->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'phone',
    tag => 'interview',

my $body11 = <<EOT;
<p>    They took my passwords for my USB keys next. Those held some interesting
    messages I'd downloaded from one online discussion group or another,
    some chat transcripts, things where people had helped me out with
    some of the knowledge I needed to do the things I did. There was
    nothing on there you couldn't find with Google, of course, but I
    didn't think that would count in my favor.
<p>    I got exercise again that afternoon, and this time there were others in
    the yard when I got there, four other guys and two women, of all ages
    and racial backgrounds. I guess lots of people were doing things to
    earn their &quot;privileges.&quot;
<p>    They gave me half an hour, and I tried to make conversation with the most
    normal-seeming of the other prisoners, a black guy about my age with
    a short afro. But when I introduced myself and stuck my hand out, he
    cut his eyes toward the cameras mounted ominously in the corners of
    the yard and kept walking without ever changing his facial
<p>    But then, just before they called my name and brought me back into the
    building, the door opened and out came -- Vanessa! I'd never been
    more glad to see a friendly face. She looked tired and grumpy, but
    not hurt, and when she saw me, she shouted my name and ran to me. We
    hugged each other hard and I realized I was shaking. Then I realized
    she was shaking, too.
<p>    &quot;Are you OK?&quot; she said, holding me at arms' length.
<p>    &quot;I'm OK,&quot; I said. &quot;They told me they'd let me go if I gave 
    them my passwords.&quot;
<p>    &quot;They keep asking me questions about you and Darryl.&quot;
<p>    There was a voice blaring over the loudspeaker, shouting at us to stop
    talking, to walk, but we ignored it.
<p>    &quot;Answer them,&quot; I said, instantly. &quot;Anything they ask, 
    answer them. If it'll get you out.&quot;
<p>    &quot;How are Darryl and Jolu?&quot;
<p>    &quot;I haven't seen them.&quot;
<p>    The door banged open and four big guards boiled out. Two took me and two
    took Vanessa. They forced me to the ground and turned my head away
    from Vanessa, though I heard her getting the same treatment. Plastic
    cuffs went around my wrists and then I was yanked to my feet and
    brought back to my cell.
<p>    No dinner came that night. No breakfast came the next morning. No one
    came and brought me to the interrogation room to extract more of my
    secrets. The plastic cuffs didn't come off, and my shoulders burned,
    then ached, then went numb, then burned again. I lost all feeling in
    my hands.
<p>    I had to pee. I couldn't undo my pants. I really, really had to pee.
<p>    I pissed myself.
<p>    They came for me after that, once the hot piss had cooled and gone clammy,
    making my already filthy jeans stick to my legs. They came for me and
    walked me down the long hall lined with doors, each door with its own
    bar code, each bar code a prisoner like me. They walked me down the
    corridor and brought me to the interrogation room and it was like a
    different planet when I entered there, a world where things were
    normal, where everything didn't reek of urine. I felt so dirty and
    ashamed, and all those feelings of deserving what I got came back to me.
<p>    Severe haircut lady was already sitting. She was perfect: coifed and with
    just a little makeup. I smelled her hair stuff. She wrinkled her nose
    at me. I felt the shame rise in me.
<p>    &quot;Well, you've been a very naughty boy, haven't you? Aren't you a 
    filthy thing?&quot;
<p>    Shame. I looked down at the table. I couldn't bear to look up. I wanted 
    to tell her my email password and get gone. 
<p>    &quot;What did you and your friend talk about in the yard?&quot;
<p>    I barked a laugh at the table. &quot;I told her to answer your
    questions. I told her to cooperate.&quot;
<p>    &quot;So do you give the orders?&quot;
<p>    I felt the blood sing in my ears. &quot;Oh come on,&quot; I said. 
    &quot;We play a <i>game</i> together, it's called Harajuku Fun Madness. 
    I'm the <i>team captain</i>. We're not terrorists, we're high school 
    students. I don't give her orders. I told her that we needed to be 
    <i>honest</i> with you so that we could clear up any suspicion and get 
    out of here.&quot;
<p>    She didn't say anything for a moment.
<p>    &quot;How is Darryl?&quot; I said.
<p>    &quot;Who?&quot;
<p>    &quot;Darryl. You picked us up together. My friend. Someone had stabbed 
    him in the Powell Street BART. That's why we were up on the surface. To 
    get him help.&quot;
<p>    &quot;I'm sure he's fine, then,&quot; she said.
<p>    My stomach knotted and I almost threw up. &quot;You don't <i>know</i>?
    You haven't got him here?&quot;
<p>    &quot;Who we have here and who we don't have here is not something we're 
    going to discuss with you, ever. That's not something you're going to 
    know. Marcus, you've seen what happens when you don't cooperate with us.
    You've seen what happens when you disobey our orders. You've been a
    little cooperative, and it's gotten you almost to the point where you
    might go free again. If you want to make that possibility into a
    reality, you'll stick to answering my questions.&quot;
$date = $date + $day;
my $blog_post11 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Anything they ask, answer them',
    url_title => 'anything-they-ask',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body11,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add tags
my $tagset11 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post11->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'yard',
    tag => 'interview',

my $body12 = <<EOT;
<p>    Back in my cell, a hundred little speeches occurred to me. The French 
    call this &quot;esprit d'escalier&quot; -- the spirit of the staircase,
    the snappy rebuttals that come to you after you leave the room and
    slink down the stairs. In my mind, I stood and delivered, telling her
    that I was a citizen who loved my freedom, which made me the patriot
    and made her the traitor. In my mind, I shamed her for turning my
    country into an armed camp. In my mind, I was eloquent and brilliant
    and reduced her to tears.
<p>    But you know what? None of those fine words came back to me when they
    pulled me out the next day. All I could think of was freedom. My parents.
<p>    &quot;Hello, Marcus,&quot; she said. &quot;How are you feeling?&quot;
<p>    I looked down at the table. She had a neat pile of documents in front
    of her, and her ubiquitous go-cup of Starbucks beside her. I found it
    comforting somehow, a reminder that there was a real world out there
    somewhere, beyond the walls.
<p>    &quot;We're through investigating you, for now.&quot; She let that hang 
    there. Maybe it meant that she was letting me go. Maybe it meant that she
    was going to throw me in a pit and forget that I existed. 
<p>    &quot;And?&quot; I said finally.
<p>    &quot;And I want you to impress on you again that we are very serious 
    about this. Our country has experienced the worst attack ever committed 
    on its soil. How many 9/11s do you want us to suffer before you're
    willing to cooperate? The details of our investigation are secret. We
    won't stop at anything in our efforts to bring the perpetrators of
    these heinous crimes to justice. Do you understand that?&quot;
<p>    &quot;Yes,&quot; I mumbled.
<p>    &quot;We are going to send you home today, but you are a marked man. You 
    have not been found to be above suspicion -- we're only releasing you
    because we're done questioning you for now. But from now on, you
    <i>belong</i> to us. We will be watching you. We'll be waiting for you 
    to make a misstep. Do you understand that we can watch you closely, all 
    the time?&quot;
<p>    &quot;Yes,&quot; I mumbled.
<p>    &quot;Good. You will never speak of what happened here to anyone, ever. 
    This is a matter of national security. Do you know that the death penalty 
    still holds for treason in time of war?&quot;
<p>    &quot;Yes,&quot; I mumbled.
<p>    &quot;Good boy,&quot; she purred. &quot;We have some papers here for you to
    sign.&quot; She pushed the stack of papers across the table to me.
    Little post-its with SIGN HERE printed on them had been stuck
    throughout them. A guard undid my cuffs. 
<p>    I paged through the papers and my eyes watered and my head swam. I
    couldn't make sense of them. I tried to decipher the legalese. It
    seemed that I was signing a declaration that I had been voluntarily
    held and submitted to voluntary questioning, of my own free will.
<p>    &quot;What happens if I don't sign this?&quot; I said. 
<p>    She snatched the papers back and made that flicking gesture again. The
    guards jerked me to my feet. 
<p>    &quot;Wait!&quot; I cried. &quot;Please! I'll sign them!&quot; They 
    dragged me to the door. All I could see was that door, all I could 
    think of was it closing behind me. 
<p>    I lost it. I wept. I begged to be allowed to sign the papers. To be so
    close to freedom and have it snatched away, it made me ready to do
    anything. I can't count the number of times I've heard someone say,
    &quot;Oh, I'd rather die than do something-or-other&quot; -- I've
    said it myself now and again. But that was the first time I
    understood what it really meant. I would have rather died than go
    back to my cell.
<p>    I begged as they took me out into the corridor. I told them I'd sign
<p>    She called out to the guards and they stopped. They brought me back. They
    sat me down. One of them put the pen in my hand.
<p>    Of course, I signed, and signed and signed.
$date = $date + $day;
my $blog_post12 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'All I could think of was freedom',
    url_title => 'freedom',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body12,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion12 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post12->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post12->discussion( $discussion12->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset12 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post12->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'paperwork',
    tag => 'interview',

my $body13 = <<EOT;
<p>    A guard passed me my backpack. The woman extended her hand to me. I
    just looked at it. She put it down and gave me a wry smile. Then she
    mimed zipping up her lips and pointed to me, and opened the door.
<p>    It was daylight outside, gray and drizzling. I was looking down an alley
    toward cars and trucks and bikes zipping down the road. I stood
    transfixed on the truck's top step, staring at freedom.
<p>    My knees shook. I knew now that they were playing with me again. In a
    moment, the guards would grab me and drag me back inside, the bag
    would go over my head again, and I would be back on the boat and sent
    off to the prison again, to the endless, unanswerable questions. I
    barely held myself back from stuffing my fist in my mouth. 
<p>    Then I forced myself to go down one stair. Another stair. The last stair.
    My sneakers crunched down on the crap on the alley's floor, broken
    glass, a needle, gravel. I took a step. Another. I reached the mouth
    of the alley and stepped onto the sidewalk. 
<p>    No one grabbed me.
<p>    I was free.
<p>    Then strong arms threw themselves around me. I nearly cried.
<p>    But it was Van, and she <i>was</i> crying, and hugging me so hard I 
    couldn't breathe. I didn't care. I hugged her back, my face buried in 
    her hair. 
<p>    &quot;You're OK!&quot; she said. 
<p>    &quot;I'm OK,&quot; I managed.
<p>    She finally let go of me and another set of arms wrapped themselves
    around me. It was Jolu! They were both there. He whispered, &quot;You're
    safe, bro,&quot; in my ear and hugged me even tighter than Vanessa had.
<p>    When he let go, I looked around. &quot;Where's Darryl?&quot; I asked.
<p>    They both looked at each other. &quot;Maybe he's still in the truck,&quot;
    Jolu said. 
<p>    We turned and looked at the truck at the alley's end. It was a
    nondescript white 18-wheeler. Someone had already brought the little
    folding staircase inside. The rear lights glowed red, and the truck
    rolled backwards towards us, emitting a steady eep, eep, eep.
<p>    &quot;Wait!&quot; I shouted as it accelerated towards us. &quot;Wait! What about
    Darryl?&quot; The truck drew closer. I kept shouting. &quot;What
    about Darryl?&quot;
<p>    Jolu and Vanessa each had me by an arm and were dragging me away. I
    struggled against them, shouting. The truck pulled out of the alley's
    mouth and reversed into the street and pointed itself downhill and
    drove away. I tried to run after it, but Van and Jolu wouldn't let me
<p>    I sat down on the sidewalk and put my arms around my knees and cried. I
    cried and cried and cried, loud sobs of the sort I hadn't done since
    I was a little kid. They wouldn't stop coming. I couldn't stop
$date = $date + $day - $hour;
my $blog_post13 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'A nondescript white 18-wheeler',
    url_title => 'nondescript-18-wheeler',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => $body13,
    posted    => $date->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
# Add a discussion thread
my $discussion13 = $schema->resultset( 'Discussion' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post13->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
$blog_post13->discussion( $discussion13->id );
# Add tags
my $tagset13 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post13->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'truck',

my $tomorrow = DateTime->now->add( days => 1 );
my $blog_post14 = $blog->blog_posts->find_or_create({
    title     => 'Future post',
    url_title => 'future',
    author    => $user->id,
    body      => 'Future post...',
    posted    => $tomorrow->strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ),
my $tagset14 = $schema->resultset( 'Tagset' )->find_or_create({
    resource_id   => $blog_post14->id,
    resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    tag => 'demo',