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#!/usr/bin/env perl

# ===================================================================
# File:        bin/database/insert-pages-demo-data
# Project:    ShinyCMS
# Purpose:    Insert demo data for CMS pages via DBIC
# Author:    Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================

use strict;
use warnings;

# Load local helper lib and get connected schema object
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
require '';  ## no critic

my $schema = get_schema();

# Create some templates
my $cms_template1 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsTemplate' )->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Homepage',
    template_file => ''
my $cms_template2 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsTemplate' )->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Subpage 1',
    template_file => ''
my $cms_template3 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsTemplate' )->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Contact Form',
    template_file => ''
# Add some elements
my $element11 = $cms_template1->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'heading1',
    type => 'Short Text',
my $element12 = $cms_template1->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'html1',
    type => 'HTML',
my $element13 = $cms_template1->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'video_url',
    type => 'Short Text',
my $element21 = $cms_template2->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'heading1',
    type => 'Short Text',
my $element22 = $cms_template2->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'paragraphs1',
    type => 'Long Text',
my $element23 = $cms_template2->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'html1',
    type => 'HTML',
my $element24 = $cms_template2->cms_template_elements->find_or_create({
    name => 'image1',
    type => 'Image',

# Create some sections
my $cms_section1 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsSection' )->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Home',
    url_name      => 'home',
    menu_position => 1,
my $cms_section2 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsSection' )->find_or_create({
    name          => 'More',
    url_name      => 'more',
    menu_position => 2,

# Create some pages
my $cms_page1 = $cms_template1->cms_pages->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Home',
    url_name      => 'home',
    title         => 'Welcome to ShinyCMS',
    section       => $cms_section1->id,
    name    => 'heading1',
    type    => 'Short Text',
    content => 'Introducing ShinyCMS'
    name    => 'html1',
    type    => 'HTML',
    content => <<'EOT'
    This website is powered by <a href="">ShinyCMS</a>,
    an open source content management system which is flexible and easy to
    use, giving you the ability to change and update your content safely
    and easily.</p>
    ShinyCMS can provide customised content management solutions for every
    aspect of your business, from easily edited web pages to blog, forums,
    paid memberships, an online store and more.</p>
    This text comes from the database and is under CMS control. It is
    WYSIWYG editable and <i>can</i> <b>include</b> <u>various</u>
    name    => 'video_url',
    type    => 'Short Text',
    content => 'Shiny.jpg',

my $cms_page2 = $cms_template2->cms_pages->find_or_create({
    name          => 'About ShinyCMS',
    url_name      => 'about',
    title         => 'About ShinyCMS',
    section       => $cms_section2->id,
    menu_position => 1,
    name    => 'heading1',
    type    => 'Short Text',
    content => 'Clean and simple content management',
    name    => 'paragraphs1',
    type    => 'Long Text',
    content => '',
    name    => 'html1',
    type    => 'HTML',
    content => <<'EOT'
    ShinyCMS is an open-source content management system intended for use
    by web designers and web developers who want to keep a clear distinction
    between the markup they create and the content their clients can edit.
    On a ShinyCMS-powered site, the pages are constructed using template files
    on disk which are mostly standard HTML. The CMS then inserts text and
    images specified by the database in places designated by special tokens
    (the templating language used is the well-known and flexible
    <a href="">Template Toolkit</a>). The only
    things the end-user can edit are these small pieces of database-driven
    content - not the whole page.
    This way of working means that it's almost impossible for the end-user to
    accidentally break the page layout when they edit their content. It also
    means that the page-editing interface is very clear and simple - making
    it easy for non-technical people to update their website.
    ShinyCMS has a number of features already in place, and more on the way.
    Take a look at <a href="">our
    feature list</a> to see what's already working, and at our
    <a href="">'to do'
    list</a> (on github) for what's coming soon.</p>
    ShinyCMS is built in <a href="">Perl</a> using the
    <a href="">Catalyst</a> framework. It is
    free and open source - you can
    <a href="">download a copy of the code
    here</a>. If you do decide to give it a test drive, please drop me an
    email (&lt;2019 at;) to let me know how you get on! You can
    also look for other ShinyCMS users in #shinycms on
    name    => 'image1',
    type    => 'Image',
    content => 'Shiny.jpg'

my $cms_page3 = $cms_template2->cms_pages->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Feature List',
    url_name      => 'features',
    title         => 'Feature List',
    section       => $cms_section2->id,
    menu_position => 2,
    name    => 'heading1',
    type    => 'Short Text',
    content => 'Feature List'
    name    => 'paragraphs1',
    type    => 'Long Text',
    content => <<'EOT'
The following is a list of features currently found in ShinyCMS:
    name    => 'html1',
    type    => 'HTML',
    content => <<'EOT'
        CMS Pages
                Add/Edit/Delete templates from CMS control
                        Templates use on-disk files to define page layouts
                                Inside each template file, you can specify a wrapper template to use with that template (reduces markup duplication inside sections of client sites</li>
                Add/Hide/Delete sections</li>
                Edit sections
                        Select a default page for each section</li>
                        Set menu position</li>
                        Set URL stub for section</li>
                Edit pages
                        Select template to use</li>
                        Edit page name, title, meta description and keywords</li>
                        Set section</li>
                        Set menu position</li>
                        Set page URL stub</li>
                        Edit page content
                                Plain text elements for simplicity</li>
                                WYSIWYG editor widget for HTML elements where required</li>
                        Preview edits before saving</li>
                Display page
                        Uses template for layout, content/copy comes from database</li>
                Auto-generate menus based on menu position settings of sections and pages</li>
                Auto-generate basic sitemap based on menu positions and &#39;hidden&#39; status</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search</li>
                Pull in &#39;recent updates&#39; from news, blogs and events sections</li>
                Pull in atom feeds from external blogs&nbsp;</li>
        CMS Forms
                Add/Edit/Delete CMS form handlers</li>
                Process form submissions
                        Spam-protection using reCaptcha</li>
                        Trigger an email
                                Generic or templated</li>
        Shared Content
                Add/Edit/Delete shared content
                        Store snippets of text and HTML that you want to re-use across multiple pages but still allow user to edit (e.g. contact details for use in page footer, etc)</li>
        Restricted Content
                Have static files (images, documents, etc) which are only available&nbsp;to logged-in users who have a certain User Access type set
                        Supports multiple User Access types, for user/content categorisation/separation&nbsp;</li>
                Main menu on user-facing site
                        Auto-generated for sections and pages in CMS Pages area</li>
                Admin footer bar on user-facing site
                        Useful contextual admin links in page footer when admin user is logged in</li>
                Admin menus in back-end can be easily re-ordered via template
                        Only displays menus for features the logged-in user can access&nbsp;</li>
        Site-wide search. &nbsp;Currently pulls in results from:
                CMS pages</li>
                News items</li>
                Blog posts</li>
                Forum posts</li>
        Site-wide tag listings. &nbsp;Currently links to:
                Blog posts</li>
                Forum posts</li>
                Shop items</li>
        404 handler (with home and sitemap links, and search box)</li>
                Allow users to switch between stylesheets, for accessibility or themes</li>
        Mobile device detection
                Detect if user is browsing from a mobile device
                        Allows you to present content differently, or present different content&nbsp;&nbsp;</li>
                Display recent posts
                        With pagination</li>
                Display all posts in a given month
                        With prev/next month navigation</li>
                Display summary of all posts in a given year
                        With prev/next year navigation&nbsp;</li>
                Display all posts with a given tag
                        With pagination</li>
                Display all posts by a given author
                        With pagination&nbsp;</li>
                Display a single post</li>
                Generate atom feed of recent posts</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete posts
                        Schedule posts (future-date a post and it will appear on the site at the specified date and time)</li>
                        Enable/disable comments</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete section</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete forum</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete new thread</li>
                Add comments to thread</li>
                Delete comments (admin-only)</li>
                Display all forums in all sections</li>
                Display forums in a specified section</li>
                Display threads in a forum</li>
                Display threads with a given tag</li>
                Display thread
                        With nested comments</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search&nbsp;</li>
                View list of news items</li>
                View item</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete news items</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search</li>
                Currently enabled on:
                        Blog posts</li>
                        Forum threads</li>
                        Shop items</li>
                Display comments
                        With nested threading</li>
                Add comments
                        Reply to original post or to another comment</li>
                        As logged-in, anonymous, or pseudonymous user
                                Saves and restores details of pseudonymous users</li>
                                Captcha for anonymous and pseudonymous users</li>
                Hide comments
                        Allows soft removal of comments in mid-thread</li>
                        Can be restored</li>
                Delete comments
                        Cascade deletes any child comments</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search&nbsp;</li>
                User registration
                        With email confirmation stage&nbsp;</li>
                Log in / out</li>
                Recover from forgotten password&nbsp;</li>
                View user profile
                        Show recent (and total) blog posts and comments</li>
                        Show recent (and total) forum posts and comments</li>
                User can edit their own details</li>
                Roles (&#39;page editor&#39;, &#39;shop admin&#39;, etc)</li>
                User administration
                        Add/Delete users</li>
                        Edit existing users
                                Edit user details</li>
                                Edit user roles</li>
                        Admin notes (notes about a user which are only visible to admins)</li>
                Display item</li>
                Display list of items in a category</li>
                Display list of recently-added items&nbsp;</li>
                Display list of all items</li>
                Display list of categories
                        With nested sub-categories</li>
                Add/Edit/Delete product types</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete categories</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete items</li>
                Basket and checkout
                        Use built-in &#39;ShinyShop&#39; basket and checkout
                                Payment handlers for physical and virtual goods
                                        Support varous credit card payment processors
                                                Currently supported: CCBill</li>
                                View orders</li>
                                Cancel order (before despatch only)</li>
                        Or, use basic PayPal cart and checkout integration</li>
                Subscription payment handlers for setting User Access
                        Support various credit card payment processors
                                Currently supported: CCBill</li>
                        Background task to check renewals and maintain/remove access</li>
        Mailshot features
                Add/edit/delete mailing lists</li>
                Add/edit/delete newsletter templates from CMS control</li>
                HTML newsletters
                        Create/edit/delete newsletters</li>
                        Background task to send out newsletters to mailing lists</li>
                        View previous newsletters on site</li>
                        Add/Edit/Delete autoresponders
                                Add/Edit/Delete autoresponder emails</li>
                        Allow users to subscribe to autoresponders</li>
                        Background task to send out autoresponder emails to each recipient at configured time intervals</li>
                Display &#39;coming soon&#39; events</li>
                Display all events starting in a given month
                        With prev/next month navigation</li>
                Display details of a single event
                        Link to external event website</li>
                        Link to external ticket-booking website</li>
                        Link to Google Map for event location</li>
                Add/Edit/Hide/Delete events</li>
                Supply search results to site-wide search</li>
                Basic pollbooths</li>
                Anon &amp; logged-in voting</li>
                Basic vote-stacking protection (per-IP for anon, per-user for logged-in)</li>
    name    => 'image1',
    type    => 'Image',
    content => 'Shiny.jpg'

my $cms_page4 = $cms_template3->cms_pages->find_or_create({
    name          => 'Contact Us',
    url_name      => 'contact-us',
    title         => 'Contact Us',
    section       => $cms_section1->id,
    menu_position => 3,

# Create some form handlers
my $cms_form1 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsForm' )->find_or_create({
    name        => 'Contact Form',
    url_name    => 'contact',
    action      => 'Email',
    has_captcha => 1,
my $cms_form2 = $schema->resultset( 'CmsForm' )->find_or_create({
    name        => 'Contact Form (sends HTML email)',
    url_name    => 'contact-html',
    action      => 'Email',
    template    => '',
    redirect    => '/pages/more/features',

# Set default pages for sections
    default_page => $cms_page1->id,