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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env perl

# ===================================================================
# File:     bin/dev-tools/
# Project:  ShinyCMS
# Purpose:  Import Wordpress blog into ShinyCMS blog
# Author:    Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================

use strict;
use warnings;

# Load local helper script for fetching schema
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
require '';  ## no critic

# Load our Wordpress schema
use Wordpress::DB;

# Config
my $sc_username = 'Admin';        # ShinyCMS username to attribute blog posts to
my $wp_database = 'wordpress';    # Name of Wordpress database
my $wp_user     = 'wordpress';    # Wordpress database username
my $wp_pass     = 'wordpress';    # Wordpress database password

my $debug = 1;    # Display debug output?

# Connect to ShinyCMS database
my $schema = get_schema();

# Connect to Wordpress database
my $wp_db = Wordpress::DB->connect({
    dsn        => 'dbi:mysql:'.$wp_database,
    user       => $wp_user,
    password   => $wp_pass,
    quote_char => '`',
    on_connect_call => 'set_strict_mode',

# Start
print "Starting import...\n";

# Get ShinyCMS blog
my $sc_blog = $sc_db->resultset('Blog')->search->first;

# Get ShinyCMS user
my $sc_user = $sc_db->resultset('User')->find({ username => $sc_username });

# Get Wordpress posts
my @posts = $wp_db->resultset('WpPost')->search({
    post_status => 'publish',

# Loop through posts inserting them and their comments into ShinyCMS database
foreach my $wp_post ( @posts ) {
    print 'Processing next post: ', $wp_post->post_title, "\n" if $debug;

    # Get post URL title, or create one
    my $url_title = $wp_post->post_name;
    $url_title = make_url_title( $wp_post->post_title ) unless $url_title;

    # Tidy up post body
    my $body = $wp_post->post_content;
    # Replace newlines (possibly DOS-format) with HTML paragraph tags
    $body =~ s{\r?\n\r?\n}{</p>\n\n<p>}g;
    $body = '<p>'.$body.'</p>';
    # Remove double-spacing special characters
    $body =~ s{[^[:word:]|[:punct:]|[:space:]]}{}g;
    # Put a newline between back-to-back links, otherwise it gets confused (?)
    $body =~ s{</a><a}{</a>\n<a}g;
    # Fix link href URLs
    $body =~ s{href="https?://[\w\.-]+/blogs/wp-content/uploads/\d\d\d\d/\d\d/(.+)"}{href="/static/cms-uploads/images/$1"}g;
    # Fix img src URLs
    $body =~ s{src="https?://[\w\.-]+/blogs/wp-content/uploads/\d\d\d\d/\d\d/(.+)"}{src="/static/cms-uploads/images/$1"}g;

    # Create ShinyCMS blog post
    my $sc_post = $sc_blog->blog_posts->create({
        title     => $wp_post->post_title,
        url_title => $url_title,
        author    => $sc_user->id,
        body      => $body,
        posted    => $wp_post->post_date,

    # Create a new discussion, attach it to the new blog post
    my $discussion = $sc_db->resultset('Discussion')->create({
        resource_id   => $sc_post->id,
        resource_type => 'BlogPost',
    $sc_post->update({ discussion => $discussion->id });

    # Get the top-level Wordpress comments for this post
    my @wp_comments = $wp_db->resultset('WpComment')->search({
        comment_post_id  => $wp_post->id,
        comment_approved => 1,
        comment_parent   => 0,

    my $id = 0;
    foreach my $wp_comment ( @wp_comments ) {
        # Recurse into each thread to do nested comments
        $id = add_comment_thread( $discussion, $wp_db, $wp_post, $wp_comment, undef, $id );

    my $s = 's'; $s = '' if $id == 1;
    print "Found $id comment$s.\n";

# Finish
print "Finished.\n";

# ========== ( Supporting functions ) ==========

sub add_comment_thread {
    my( $discussion, $wp_db, $wp_post, $wp_comment, $sc_parent_id, $id ) = @_;

    my $sc_comment = $discussion->comments->create({
        id           => $id,
        body         => $wp_comment->comment_content,
        posted       => $wp_comment->comment_date,
        author_type  => 'Unverified',
        author_name  => $wp_comment->comment_author,
        author_email => $wp_comment->comment_author_email,
        author_link  => $wp_comment->comment_author_url,
        parent       => $sc_parent_id,

    my @wp_comments = $wp_db->resultset('WpComment')->search({
        comment_post_id  => $wp_post->id,
        comment_approved => 1,
        comment_parent   => $wp_comment->comment_id,

    foreach my $wp_comment ( @wp_comments ) {
        # Recurse into each thread to do nested comments
        add_comment_thread( $discussion, $wp_db, $wp_post, $wp_comment, $sc_comment->id, $id );

    return $id;

sub make_url_title {
    my( $url_title ) = @_;

    $url_title =~ s/s+/-/g;        # Change spaces into hyphens
    $url_title =~ s/[^-\w]//g;    # Remove anything that's not in: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ or -
    $url_title =~ s/-+/-/g;        # Change multiple hyphens to single hyphens
    $url_title =~ s/^-//;        # Remove hyphen at start, if any
    $url_title =~ s/-$//;        # Remove hyphen at end, if any

    return lc $url_title;