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<div id="footer-wrapper">
    <footer id="footer" class="container">
            [%- IF c.user_exists %]
            You are logged in as <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/user' ) %]">[% ( c.user.display_name || c.user.username ) | html %]</a>. <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/user', 'edit' ) %]">Click here</a> to edit your profile, or here to <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/user', 'logout' ) %]">logout</a>.
            [%- ELSE %]
            <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/user', 'login' ) %]">Login</a>
            [%- IF c.controller('User').allow_registration.upper == 'YES' -%]
            or <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/user', 'register' ) %]">register an account</a>
            [%- END %].
            [%- END %]


            View <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/sitemap' ) %]">sitemap</a>.


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            This website is powered by <a href="">ShinyCMS</a>,
            using templates from <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>
            and <a href="">CoreUI</a>.
            ShinyCMS is <a href="">open source software</a>,
            &copy; 2009-2019 <a href="">Denny de la Haye</a>. You can
            <a href="">download it from GitHub</a>.

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