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Test Coverage
<div style="border: 1px solid #ffffff; margin: 20px 10px; padding: 10px;">
    Order Summary

[%- IF order.order_items %]

[%- total_postage = 0 %]
[%- FOREACH order_item IN order.order_items %]
    [%- attributes = order_item.order_item_attributes %]
<div style="float: left; width: 280px; padding: 10px;">
    [%- IF order_item.item.image %]
        <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/shop', 'item', order_item.item.code ) %]"><img src="[% c.uri_for( '/static/cms-uploads/shop-images/thumbnails', order_item.item.image ) %]" alt="Image of [% | html %]" title="Click to enlarge"></a>
    [%- END %]
        <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/shop', 'item', order_item.item.code ) %]">[% | html %]</a>
        <br>([%- FOREACH attribute IN attributes -%]
        [%- %]: [% attribute.value %][% ', ' UNLESS attribute == attributes.last -%]
        [%- END -%])
        <br>Quantity: [% order_item.quantity %]
        [%- IF order_item.quantity > 1 %]
        <br>Price:    [% currency %][% order_item.total_price | format('%.2f') %]
        ([% currency %][% order_item.unit_price  | format('%.2f') %] each)
        [%- ELSE %]
        <br>Price:    [% currency %][% order_item.total_price  | format('%.2f') %]
        [%- END %]
        [%- IF order_item.postage %]
        [%- IF order_item.quantity > 1 %]
        <br>Postage:    [% currency %][% order_item.postage.price * order_item.quantity | format('%.2f') %]
        ([% currency %][% order_item.postage.price | format('%.2f') %] each)
        [%- ELSE %]
        <br>Postage:    [% currency %][% order_item.postage.price | format('%.2f') %]
        [%- END %]
        - [% %]
        [%- END %]
[%- END %]

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

<p style="text-align: right;">
    Subtotal: [% currency %][% order.total_price_without_postage | format('%.2f') %]<br>
    Postage:  [% currency %][% order.total_postage | format('%.2f') %]<br>
    <b><span class="big">Total: [% currency %][% order.total_price | format('%.2f') %]</span></b>
<p style="text-align: right;">
    <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/shop/basket' ) %]">Click here to change quantities
    or remove items</a>

[%- IF order.billing_address %]
<div style="float: left; width: 280px; padding: 10px;">
        <b>Billing address</b>
        [% order.billing_address    %]<br>
        [% order.billing_town       %]<br>
        [%- IF order.billing_county %]
        [% order.billing_county     %]<br>
        [%- END %]
        [% order.billing_country    %]<br>
        [% order.billing_postcode   %]
[%- END %]

[%- IF order.delivery_address %]
<div style="float: left; width: 280px; padding: 10px;">
        <b>Delivery address</b>
        [% order.delivery_address    %]<br>
        [% order.delivery_town       %]<br>
        [%- IF order.delivery_county %]
        [% order.delivery_county     %]<br>
        [%- END %]
        [% order.delivery_country    %]<br>
        [% order.delivery_postcode   %]
[%- END %]

[%- IF order.postage_option %]
<div style="float: left; width: 280px; padding: 10px;">
        [% order.postage_option %]
[%- END %]

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

<p style="text-align: right;">
    <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/shop' ) %]">Click here to return to the shop</a>
[%- ELSE %]
    Order not found.  Please
    <a href="[% c.uri_for( '/shop' ) %]">click here to visit the shop</a>
[%- END %]