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Test Coverage
[%-    meta.title = 'Details sent' -%]

[%- security_level = 'Medium'  # 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low' %]

[%# Set the security level to 'High' if you don't want to confirm or deny
    the existence of usernames or email addresses, set it to 'Medium' if
    you don't mind confirming usernames but want to keep quiet about email
    addresses, and to 'Low' if you don't mind revealing whether a username
    or email addresses is in your database.

    [% meta.title %]

[%- IF security_level == 'High' %]

    If the [% IF username %]username [% ELSE %]email address [%END %]
    you entered was found in our database, then we have sent you an
    email containing a link which will allow you to log in and reset
    your password.

[%- ELSIF security_level == 'Medium' %]

[%- IF username %]
[%- IF username_exists %]
    We have sent you an email containing a link which will allow you to
    log in and reset your password.
[%- ELSE %]
    We do not have a user with that username in our database.
[%- END %]

[%- ELSE # email was given %]
    If your email address is in our database, then we have sent you an email
    containing a link which will allow you to log in and reset your password.
[%- END %]

[%- ELSE  # security_level == 'Low' %]

[%- IF username %]
[%- IF username_exists %]
    We have sent you an email containing a link which will allow you to
    log in and reset your password.
[%- ELSE %]
    We do not have a user with that username in our database.
[%- END %]

[%- ELSE # email was given %]

[%- IF email_exists %]
    We have sent you an email containing a link which will allow you to
    log in and reset your password.
[%- ELSE %]
    We do not have a user with that email address in our database.
[%- END %]
[%- END %]

[%- END %]

    <span class="small"><a href="[% c.uri_for( 'login' ) %]">Click here to login</a></span>
    <span class="small"><a href="[% c.uri_for( 'forgot-details' ) %]">Forgot your login details?</a></span>