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Test Coverage
# ===================================================================
# File:        t/admin-controllers/controller_Admin-Blog.t
# Project:    ShinyCMS
# Purpose:    Tests for blog admin features
# Author:    Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use lib 't/support';
require '';  ## no critic

# Create and log in as a Blog Admin
my $admin = create_test_admin(
    'Blog Author',
    'Blog Admin'
my $t = login_test_admin( $admin->username, $admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as Blog Admin';
# Check login was successful
my $c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'Blog Admin' ),
    'Logged in as Blog Admin'
# Check we get sent to correct admin area by default
    'Blog Posts - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to admin area for blog'

# Add a blog post
    { text => 'New blog post' },
    'Follow link to add a new blog post'
    'New blog post - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached page for adding blog post'
    form_id => 'add_post',
    fields => {
        title => 'This is a test blog post',
        body  => 'This is some test content.',
        tags  => 'test, tests',
    'Submitted form to create blog post'
    'Edit blog post - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to edit page for newly created blog post'
my @inputs1 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^url_title$} });
    $inputs1[0]->value eq 'this-is-a-test-blog-post',
    'Verified that blog post was created'

# Update blog post
    form_id => 'edit_post',
    fields => {
        title => 'Blog post updated by test suite'
    'Submitted form to update blog post'
my @inputs2 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^title$} });
    $inputs2[0]->value eq 'Blog post updated by test suite',
    'Verified that blog post was updated'
    form_id => 'edit_post',
    fields => {
        tags => undef,
        allow_comments => undef,
    'Submitted form to remove tags and discussion thread from blog post'
    form_id => 'edit_post',
    fields => {
        tags => 'test, tests, tags',
        allow_comments => 'on',
    'Submitted form to add new tags to blog post'
my $edit_url1 = $t->form_id( 'edit_post' )->action;
$edit_url1 =~ m{/(\d+)/edit-do$};
my $post1_id = $1;

# Add a second blog post
    { text => 'New blog post' },
    'Follow link to add a second blog post'
    form_id => 'add_post',
    fields => {
        title       => 'This is the second test blog post',
        url_title   => 'second-test-post',
        body        => 'This is some more test content.',
        author      => undef,
        posted_date => DateTime->now->ymd,
        posted_time => '12:34:56',
        hidden      => 'on',
        allow_comments => undef,
    'Submitted form to create second blog post'
my $edit_url2 = $t->form_id( 'edit_post' )->action;
$edit_url2 =~ m{/(\d+)/edit-do$};
my $post2_id = $1;

# Delete blog posts (can't use submit_form_ok due to javascript confirmation)
        delete => 'Delete'
    'Submitted request to delete first test blog post'
        delete => 'Delete'
    'Submitted request to delete second test blog post'
# View list of blog posts
    'Blog Posts - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached list of blog posts'
    'Blog post updated by test suite',
    'Verified that blog post was deleted'

# Paging
    'Fetch paged blog post list; second page, three posts per page'

# Log out, then try to access admin area for blog again
    { text => 'Logout' },
    'Log out of blog admin account'
    'Try to access admin area for blog author after logging out'
    'Log In - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to admin login page instead'

# Log in as the wrong sort of admin, and make sure we're still blocked
my $poll_admin = create_test_admin( 'test_admin_blog_poll_admin', 'Poll Admin' );
$t = login_test_admin( $poll_admin->username, $poll_admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as Poll Admin';
$c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'Poll Admin' ),
    'Logged in as Poll Admin'
    'Try to access blog admin area as Poll Admin'
    qr{^.*Blog.* - ShinyCMS$},
    'Poll Admin cannot access blog admin area'

# Tidy up user accounts
remove_test_admin( $poll_admin );
remove_test_admin( $admin      );
