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Test Coverage
# ===================================================================
# File:        t/admin-controllers/controller_Admin-Pages.t
# Project:    ShinyCMS
# Purpose:    Tests for CMS page admin features
# Author:    Denny de la Haye <>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use lib 't/support';
require '';  ## no critic

# Create and log in as a CMS Template Admin
my $template_admin = create_test_admin(
    'CMS Page Editor',
    'CMS Page Admin',
    'CMS Template Admin'
my $t = login_test_admin( $template_admin->username, $template_admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Template Admin';
# Check that the login was successful
my $c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'CMS Template Admin' ),
    'Logged in as CMS Template Admin'
# Check we get sent to correct admin area by default
    'List Pages - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to admin area for CMS pages'

# Add new CMS template
    { text => 'Add template' },
    'Follow menu link to add a new CMS template'
    'Add Template - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached page for adding new CMS templates'
    form_id => 'add_template',
    fields => {
        name => 'Test Template',
        template_file => ''
    'Submitted form to create new CMS template'
    'Edit Template - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to edit page for new CMS template'
my @template_inputs1 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^name$} });
    $template_inputs1[0]->value eq 'Test Template',
    'Verified that new template was created'
$t->uri->path =~ m{/admin/pages/template/(\d+)/edit};
my $template1_id = $1;
# Update CMS template
    form_id => 'edit_template',
    fields => {
        name => 'Updated Test Template',
    'Submitted form to update CMS template'
my @template_inputs2 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^name$} });
    $template_inputs2[0]->value eq 'Updated Test Template',
    'Verified that template was updated'

# Add extra element to template
    form_id => 'add_template_element',
    fields => {
        new_element => 'extra_element',
        new_type    => 'Image',
    'Submitted form to add extra element to template'
    'Element added',
    'Verified that element was added'

# Add second template
    { text => 'Add template' },
    'Follow menu link to add another CMS template'
    form_id => 'add_template',
    fields => {
        name => 'Test Template Two',
        template_file => ''
    'Submitted form to create second CMS template'
$t->uri->path =~ m{/admin/pages/template/(\d+)/edit};
my $template2_id = $1;

# Now log in as a CMS Page Admin
my $admin = create_test_admin(
    'CMS Page Editor',
    'CMS Page Admin'
$t = login_test_admin( $admin->username, $admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Page Admin';
$c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'CMS Page Admin' ),
    'Logged in as CMS Page Admin'
    'Try to fetch admin area for CMS pages'
    'List Pages - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached admin area for CMS pages'

# Add new CMS section
    { text => 'Add section' },
    'Follow menu link to add a new CMS section'
    'Add Section - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached page for adding new CMS sections'
    form_id => 'add_section',
    fields => {
        name => 'Test Section'
    'Submitted form to create new CMS section'
    'Edit Section - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to edit page for new CMS section'
my @section_inputs1 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^url_name$} });
    $section_inputs1[0]->value eq 'test-section',
    'Verified that new section was created'
# Update CMS section
    form_id => 'edit_section',
    fields => {
        name     => 'Updated Test Section',
        url_name => '',
        hidden   => 'on',
    'Submitted form to update CMS section'
my @section_inputs2 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^url_name$} });
    $section_inputs2[0]->value eq 'updated-test-section',
    'Verified that section was updated'
$t->uri->path =~ m{/admin/pages/section/(\d+)/edit};
my $section_id = $1;

# Add new CMS page
    { text => 'Add page' },
    'Follow menu link to add a new CMS page'
    'Add Page - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached page for adding new CMS pages'
    form_id => 'add_page',
    fields => {
        name     => 'New Page From Test Suite',
        template => $template1_id,
    'Submitted form to create new CMS page'
    'Edit Page - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to edit page for new CMS page'
my @inputs1 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^url_name$} });
    $inputs1[0]->value eq 'new-page-from-test-suite',
    'Verified that new page was created'
$t->uri->path =~ m{/admin/pages/page/(\d+)/edit};
my $page1_id = $1;
    { text => 'Add page' },
    'Follow menu link to add a second page'
    form_id => 'add_page',
    fields => {
        name     => 'Another Test Page',
        url_name => 'another-test-page',
        hidden   => 'on',
        menu_position => '1',
    'Submitted form to create second, hidden, test page'
$t->uri->path =~ m{/admin/pages/page/(\d+)/edit};
my $page2_id = $1;

# Add extra element to page
my $edit_page_path = $t->uri->path;
$t = login_test_admin( $template_admin->username, $template_admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Template Admin';
$c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'CMS Template Admin' ),
    'Logged back in as CMS Template Admin'
$t->get( $edit_page_path );
    form_id => 'add_element',
    fields => {
        new_element => 'extra_page_element',
        new_type    => 'Short Text',
    'Submitted form to add extra element to page'
    'Element added',
    'Verified that element was added'
    form_id => 'edit_page',
    fields => {
        url_name => 'updated-second-test-page',
    'Submitted form to update second CMS page, as a Template Admin'

# Now log in as a CMS Page Editor and check we can still access the page admin area
my $editor = create_test_admin( 'test_admin_pages_editor', 'CMS Page Editor' );
$t = login_test_admin( $editor->username, $editor->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Page Editor';
$c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'CMS Page Editor' ),
    'Logged in as CMS Page Editor'
    'Try to fetch admin area for CMS pages again'
    'List Pages - ShinyCMS',
    'Reached admin area for CMS pages'

    'Try to reach area for adding a CMS page'
    'List Pages - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to list of CMS pages, because Page Editors cannnot add pages'

# Now edit the page we created earlier
    { url_regex => qr{/admin/pages/page/$page1_id/edit$} },
    'Click edit button for page we created a moment ago'
    form_id => 'edit_page',
    fields => {
        name     => 'Updated Page From Test Suite!',
        url_name => '',
        template => $template1_id,
        hidden   => 'on',
    'Submitted form to update CMS page'
my @inputs2 = $t->grep_inputs({ name => qr{^url_name$} });
    $inputs2[0]->value eq 'updated-page-from-test-suite',
    'Verified that CMS page was updated'
    form_id => 'edit_page',
    fields => {
        template => 1,
        hidden   => undef,
    'Update page again to unhide (for last preview test!) and change template'

# And preview the page a couple of times
my $schema = get_schema();
my $page1 = $schema->resultset('CmsPage')->find({ id => $page1_id });
my $page1_section_url_name = $page1->section->url_name;
my $page1_url_name = $page1->url_name;
        name      => 'Testing Preview Feature',
        template  => 1,
        name_1    => 'element_test_name',
        content_1 => 'Element test: content',
    'Test if preview feature works (with template param)'
        name      => 'Testing Preview Feature',
        name_1    => 'element_test_name',
        content_1 => 'Element test: content',
    'Test if preview feature works (without template param)'
    'Testing Preview Feature - ShinySite',
    'Loaded preview page with expected title'

# Log out, then try to access admin area for pages again
    'Log out of CMS page editor account'
    'Try to access admin area for CMS pages after logging out'
    'Log In - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to admin login page instead'

# Log in as the wrong sort of admin, and make sure we're blocked
my $poll_admin = create_test_admin( 'test_admin_pages_poll_admin', 'Poll Admin' );
$t = login_test_admin( $poll_admin->username, $poll_admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as Poll Admin';
$c = $t->ctx;
    $c->user->has_role( 'Poll Admin' ),
    'Logged in as Poll Admin'
    'Try to fetch admin area for CMS pages'
    qr{^.*Page.* - ShinyCMS$},
    'Poll Admin cannot view admin area for CMS pages'

# Try to preview a page without Editor/Admin privs
        name => 'Testing Preview Feature Without Privs',
    'Attempt to preview a page without page editor/admin privs'
    'You do not have the ability to preview page edits',
    'Got appropriate error message'

# Delete template element, and template, as template admin
$t = login_test_admin( $template_admin->username, $template_admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Template Admin';
# Delete template element
    { text => 'List templates' },
    'Log back in as template admin, fetch the list of templates'
    { url_regex => qr{/admin/pages/template/$template1_id/edit$} },
    'Click edit button for our test template'
    { url_regex => qr{/admin/pages/template/$template1_id/delete-element/\d+$} },
    'Delete the first template element'
    'Element removed',
    'Got confirmation message for deletion of template element'
# Delete templates (can't use submit_form_ok due to javascript confirmation)
    { delete => 'Delete' },
    'Submitted request to delete first CMS template'
    { delete => 'Delete' },
    'Submitted request to delete second CMS template'
    'Page Templates - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to list of templates'
    'Updated Test Template',
    'Verified that first CMS template was deleted'
    'Test Template Two',
    'Verified that second CMS template was deleted'

# Delete pages
$t = login_test_admin( $admin->username, $admin->username )
    or die 'Failed to log in as CMS Page Admin';
    { delete => 'Delete' },
    'Submitted request to delete first CMS page'
    { delete => 'Delete' },
    'Submitted request to delete second CMS page'
    'List Pages - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to list of pages'
    'Updated Page From Test Suite!',
    'Verified that first page was deleted'
    'Another Test Page',
    'Verified that second page was deleted'

# Delete section
    { delete => 'Delete' },
    'Submitted request to delete CMS section'
    'Sections - ShinyCMS',
    'Redirected to list of sections'
    'Updated Test Section',
    'Verified that CMS section was deleted'

# Tidy up user accounts
remove_test_admin( $template_admin );
remove_test_admin( $admin          );
remove_test_admin( $editor         );
remove_test_admin( $poll_admin     );
