# ===================================================================
# File: t/controllers/controller_PaymentHandler-PaidListSubscription-CCBill.t
# Project: ShinyCMS
# Purpose: Tests for CCBill payment handler for paid list subscriptions
# Author: Denny de la Haye <2019@denny.me>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Denny de la Haye
# ShinyCMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 or the Artistic License 2.0
# ===================================================================
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst::WithContext;
use lib 't/support';
require 'login_helpers.pl'; ## no critic
# Get a hashref of the site config (including test overrides, if any)
my $config = get_config();
# Get the key from the config
my $key = $config->{ 'Controller::PaymentHandler::PaidListSubscription::CCBill' }->{ key };
# Get a database-connected schema object
my $schema = get_schema();
# Get a mech
my $t = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst::WithContext->new( catalyst_app => 'ShinyCMS' );
# Check that URL-munging gets what it deserves
$t->post( '/payment-handler/paid-list-subscription/ccbill' );
$t->status == 400,
'Accessing the Payment Handler without specifying a key is a Bad Request'
$t->post( "/payment-handler/paid-list-subscription/ccbill/$key" );
$t->status == 400,
'Accessing the Payment Handler without specifying an action is a Bad Request'
# Invalid key
$t->post( '/payment-handler/paid-list-subscription/ccbill/INVALID-KEY/success' );
$t->status == 403,
'Accessing the Payment Handler with an invalid key is Forbidden'
# Create some test data
my $paid_list = $schema->resultset('PaidList')->find_or_create({
name => 'Test List (Paid)',
url_name => 'test-list-paid',
my $template = $schema->resultset('NewsletterTemplate')->find_or_create({
name => 'Test Template',
filename => 'test.tt',
my $paid_list_email = $paid_list->paid_list_emails->find_or_create({
subject => 'Test Paid List Email',
template => $template->id,
delay => 3,
# Valid post to fail endpoint
my $queued_before_fail = $paid_list_email->queued_paid_emails->count;
shinycms_list_id => $paid_list->id,
enc => 'Successful failure',
'Valid post to fail endpoint'
my $queued_after_fail = $paid_list_email->queued_paid_emails->count;
'Unsuccessful payment attempt was logged',
'Unsuccessful payment attempt was logged'
$queued_after_fail == $queued_before_fail,
'Subscriber was not added to paid list'
# Valid post to success endpoint
my $queued_before_success = $schema->resultset('QueuedPaidEmail')->count;
shinycms_list_id => $paid_list->id,
shinycms_username => 'admin',
transaction_id => 'TEST1',
enc => 'Successful success 1',
'First valid post to success endpoint (identifying recipient by username)'
my $queued_after_success = $paid_list_email->queued_paid_emails->count;
$queued_after_success == $queued_before_success + 1,
'Subscriber was added to paid list'
# And post again, this time with email instead of username
shinycms_list_id => $paid_list->id,
shinycms_email => 'new.paid.subscriber@example.com',
transaction_id => 'TEST2',
enc => 'Successful success 2',
status_msg => 'Paid subscription test was successful',
redirect_url => '/',
'Second valid post to success endpoint (identifying recipient by email)'
my $queued_after_more_success = $paid_list_email->queued_paid_emails->count;
$queued_after_more_success == $queued_after_success + 1,
'Subscriber was added to paid list'
# Tidy up