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module RemoteAssociation
  module HasManyRemote
    # Specifies a one-to-many association with another class. This method should only be used
    # if this class is a kind of ActiveResource::Base and service for this resource can
    # return some kind of foreign key.
    # Methods will be added for retrieval and query for a single associated object, for which
    # this object holds an id:
    # [associations()]
    #   Returns the associated objects. +[]+ is returned if none is found.
    # [associations=(associates)]
    #   Just setter, no saves.
    # (+associations+ is replaced with the symbol passed as the first argument, so
    # <tt>has_many_remote :authors</tt> would add among others <tt>authors.nil?</tt>.)
    # === Example
    # A Author class declares <tt>has_many_remote :profiles</tt>, which will add:
    # * <tt>Author#profiles</tt> (similar to <tt>Profile.find(:all, params: { author_id: []})</tt>)
    # * <tt>Author#profiles=(profile)</tt> (will set @profiles instance variable of Author# to profile value)
    # The declaration can also include an options hash to specialize the behavior of the association.
    # === Options
    # [:class_name]
    #   Specify the class name of the association. Use it only if that name can't be inferred
    #   from the association name. So <tt>has_many_remote :profiles</tt> will by default be linked to the Profile class, but
    #   if the real class name is SocialProfile, you'll have to specify it with this option.
    # [:foreign_key]
    #   Specify the foreign key used for searching association on remote service. By default this is guessed to be the name
    #   of the current class with an "_id" suffix. So a class Author that defines a <tt>has_many_remote :profiles</tt>
    #   association will use "author_id" as the default <tt>:foreign_key</tt>.
    #   This key will be used in :get request. Example: <tt>GET[]=1</tt>
    # Option examples:
    #   has_many_remote :firms, :foreign_key => "client_of"
    #   has_many_remote :badges, :class_name => "Label", :foreign_key => "author_id"
    def has_many_remote(remote_rel, options ={})
      rel_options = {
          class_name: remote_rel.to_s.singularize.classify,
          foreign_key: self.model_name.to_s.foreign_key,
          association_type: :has_many_remote

      add_activeresource_relation(remote_rel.to_sym, rel_options)

      class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1

        attr_accessor :#{remote_rel}

        # Adds a method to call remote relation
        # === Example
        #  def customers
        #    if remote_resources_loaded?
        #      @customers ? @customers : nil
        #    else
        #      join_key = self.class.primary_key
        #      @customers ||= Person.
        #        find(:all, params: self.class.build_params_hash_for_customers(self.send(join_key)))
        #    end
        #  end
        def #{remote_rel}
          if remote_resources_loaded?
            @#{remote_rel} ? @#{remote_rel} : []
            join_key = self.class.primary_key
            @#{remote_rel} ||= #{rel_options[:class_name]}.
              find(:all, params: self.class.build_params_hash_for_#{remote_rel}(self.send(join_key)))

        # Returns Hash with HTTP parameters to query remote API
        # == Example
        #  def self.build_params_hash_for_customer(keys)
        #    keys = [keys] unless keys.kind_of?(Array)
        #    {"user_id" => keys}
        #  end
        def self.build_params_hash_for_#{remote_rel}(keys)
          keys = [keys] unless keys.kind_of?(Array)
          {"#{rel_options[:foreign_key]}" => keys}
