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Test Coverage
name: Prod Flag Removal Template
about: Issues used to track removal of production flags
title: ''
assignees: ''


## Description
This issue implements functionality covered in the following story: 
- story number 

## Original PR(s)
These PRs are the original code that is currently behind a prod flag that is being lifted by this PR. 
- PR 1
- PR 2

## Testing
Local Testing

## Assumptions
1. This functionality has been approved to go to Production as of [insert date]. 

## Acceptance Criteria: 
- The functionality outlined in [story number] is now available in the Production Environment. 

## Definition of done
- [ ] Events are logged appropriately
- [ ] Documentation has been updated, if applicable
- [ ] A link has been provided to the originating GitHub issue (or connected to it via ZenHub)
- [ ] No sensitive information (i.e. PII/credentials/internal URLs/etc.) is captured in logging, hardcoded, or specs