import { capitalize } from 'lodash';
import {
} from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-patterns';
import VaMemorableDateField from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-fields/VaMemorableDateField';
import { validateCurrentOrFutureDate } from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/validation';
import {
} from './helpers';
import { generateHelpText } from '../../helpers';
/* NOTE:
* In "Add mode" of the array builder, formData represents the entire formData object.
* In "Edit mode," formData represents the specific array item being edited.
* As a result, the index param may sometimes come back null depending on which mode the user is in.
* To handle both modes, ensure that you check both via RJSF like these pages do.
const numberSchema = {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^\\$?\\d+(\\.\\d{2})?$',
/** @type {ArrayBuilderOptions} */
export const addStudentsOptions = {
arrayPath: 'studentInformation',
nounSingular: 'student',
nounPlural: 'students',
required: true,
isItemIncomplete: item =>
!item?.fullName?.first ||
!item?.fullName?.last ||
!item?.birthDate ||
!item?.ssn ||
(item?.isParent === true && !item?.isParent) ||
!item?.address?.country ||
!item?.address?.street ||
!item?.address?.city ||
!item?.address?.state ||
!item?.address?.postalCode ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.name ||
(item?.schoolInformation?.studentIsEnrolledFullTime === true &&
!item?.schoolInformation?.studentIsEnrolledFullTime) ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.isSchoolAccredited ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.currentTermDates?.officialSchoolStartDate ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.currentTermDates?.expectedStudentStartDate ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.currentTermDates?.expectedGraduationDate ||
(item?.schoolInformation?.studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm === true &&
!item?.schoolInformation?.studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm) ||
(item?.claimsOrReceivesPension === true &&
!item?.claimsOrReceivesPension) ||
(item?.schoolInformation?.studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm === true &&
(!item?.schoolInformation?.lastTermSchoolInformation?.termBegin ||
!item?.schoolInformation?.lastTermSchoolInformation?.dateTermEnded)) ||
(item?.typeOfProgramOrBenefit &&
Object.values(item.typeOfProgramOrBenefit).includes(true) &&
maxItems: 20,
text: {
summaryTitle: 'Review your students',
getItemName: item =>
`${capitalize(item.fullName?.first) || ''} ${capitalize(
) || ''}`,
export const addStudentsIntroPage = {
uiSchema: {
...titleUI('Your students'),
'ui:description': AddStudentsIntro,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {},
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const addStudentsSummaryPage = {
uiSchema: {
'view:completedStudent': arrayBuilderYesNoUI(addStudentsOptions, {
title: 'Do you have another student to add?',
labels: {
Y: 'Yes',
N: 'No',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
'view:completedStudent': arrayBuilderYesNoSchema,
required: ['view:completedStudent'],
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentInformationPage = {
uiSchema: {
title: 'Add a student',
nounSingular: addStudentsOptions.nounSingular,
fullName: fullNameNoSuffixUI(title => `Student’s ${title}`),
birthDate: {
...currentOrPastDateUI('Student’s date of birth'),
'ui:required': () => true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
fullName: fullNameNoSuffixSchema,
birthDate: currentOrPastDateSchema,
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentIDInformationPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s information'),
ssn: {
...ssnUI('Student’s Social Security number'),
'ui:required': () => true,
isParent: {
...yesNoUI('Are you this student’s parent?'),
'ui:required': () => true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
ssn: ssnSchema,
isParent: yesNoSchema,
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentIncomePage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s information'),
studentIncome: {
...yesNoUI('Did this student earn an income in the last 365 days?'),
'ui:description': generateHelpText(
'Answer this question only if you are adding this dependent to your pension.',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentIncome: yesNoSchema,
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentAddressPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s address'),
address: addressUI({
labels: {
'They receive mail outside of the United States on a U.S. military base.',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
address: addressSchema(),
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentMaritalStatusPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s marital status'),
wasMarried: {
...yesNoUI('Has this student ever been married?'),
'ui:required': () => true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
wasMarried: yesNoSchema,
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentEducationBenefitsPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s education benefits',
typeOfProgramOrBenefit: {
'Does the student currently receive education benefits from any of these programs?',
labels: benefitUiLabels,
required: () => false,
description: generateHelpText('Check all that the student receives'),
tuitionIsPaidByGovAgency: {
'Is the student enrolled in a program or school that’s entirely funded by the federal government?',
'ui:required': () => true,
'view:programExamples': {
'ui:description': ProgramExamples,
'ui:options': {
hideOnReview: true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
typeOfProgramOrBenefit: checkboxGroupSchema(benefitSchemaLabels),
tuitionIsPaidByGovAgency: yesNoSchema,
'view:programExamples': {
type: 'object',
properties: {},
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentEducationBenefitsStartDatePage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s education benefit payments',
benefitPaymentDate: {
'When did the student start receiving education benefit payments?',
'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
const addMode =
const editMode = formData?.typeOfProgramOrBenefit;
return (
(addMode && Object.values(addMode).includes(true)) ||
(editMode && Object.values(editMode).includes(true))
'ui:options': {
updateSchema: (formData, schema, _uiSchema, index) => {
const itemData = formData?.studentInformation?.[index];
const values = Object.values(itemData?.typeOfProgramOrBenefit || {});
const typeOfProgramOrBenefit =
values.includes(false) && !values.some(value => value === true);
if (typeOfProgramOrBenefit) {
itemData.benefitPaymentDate = undefined;
return schema;
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
benefitPaymentDate: currentOrPastDateSchema,
/** @returns {PageSchema} */
export const studentProgramInfoPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s education program or school',
schoolInformation: {
name: {
'What’s the name of the school or trade program the student attends?',
errorMessages: {
required: 'Enter the name of the school or trade program',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:options': {
width: 'xl',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: textSchema,
export const studentAttendancePage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Additional information for this student',
schoolInformation: {
studentIsEnrolledFullTime: yesNoUI({
'Has the student attended school continuously since they started school?',
required: () => true,
description: generateHelpText(
'Attending school continuously means they didn’t stop attending school, except for normal breaks during the school year, like winter break or summer break',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentIsEnrolledFullTime: yesNoSchema,
export const studentStoppedAttendingDatePage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Additional information for this student',
schoolInformation: {
dateFullTimeEnded: {
'When did the student stop attending school continuously?',
'ui:options': {
updateSchema: (formData, schema, _uiSchema, index) => {
const itemData = formData?.studentInformation?.[index];
if (itemData?.schoolInformation?.studentIsEnrolledFullTime) {
itemData.schoolInformation.dateFullTimeEnded = undefined;
return schema;
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
dateFullTimeEnded: currentOrPastDateSchema,
export const schoolAccreditationPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Additional information for this student',
schoolInformation: {
isSchoolAccredited: yesNoUI({
title: 'Is the student’s school accredited?',
required: () => true,
'view:accredited': {
'ui:description': AccreditedSchool,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
isSchoolAccredited: yesNoSchema,
'view:accredited': {
type: 'object',
properties: {},
export const studentTermDatesPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s term dates'),
schoolInformation: {
currentTermDates: {
officialSchoolStartDate: {
'When did the student’s regular school term or course officially start?',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:description': TermDateHint,
expectedStudentStartDate: {
'When did the student start or expect to start their course?',
'ui:required': () => true,
expectedGraduationDate: {
'ui:title': 'When does the student expect to graduate?',
'ui:webComponentField': VaMemorableDateField,
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:validations': [validateCurrentOrFutureDate],
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
currentTermDates: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
officialSchoolStartDate: currentOrPastDateSchema,
expectedStudentStartDate: currentOrPastDateSchema,
expectedGraduationDate: currentOrPastDateSchema,
export const previousTermQuestionPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s term dates'),
schoolInformation: {
studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm: yesNoUI({
title: 'Did the student attend school last term?',
description: generateHelpText(
'This includes any type of school or training, including high school.',
required: () => true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm: yesNoSchema,
export const previousTermDatesPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s previous term dates',
schoolInformation: {
lastTermSchoolInformation: {
'ui:options': {
updateSchema: (formData, schema, _uiSchema, index) => {
const itemData = formData?.studentInformation?.[index];
if (
itemData?.schoolInformation?.studentDidAttendSchoolLastTerm ===
) {
itemData.schoolInformation.lastTermSchoolInformation = undefined;
return schema;
termBegin: {
...currentOrPastDateUI('When did the previous school term start?'),
'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
const addMode =
const editMode =
return addMode || editMode;
dateTermEnded: {
...currentOrPastDateUI('When did the previous school term end?'),
'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
const addMode =
const editMode =
return addMode || editMode;
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
schoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
lastTermSchoolInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
termBegin: currentOrPastDateSchema,
dateTermEnded: currentOrPastDateSchema,
export const claimsOrReceivesPensionPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Student’s income'),
claimsOrReceivesPension: {
'Are you claiming or do you already receive Veterans Pension or Survivors Pension benefits?',
'ui:description': generateHelpText(
'If yes, we’ll ask you questions about the student’s income. If no, we’ll skip questions about the student’s income',
'ui:required': () => true,
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
claimsOrReceivesPension: yesNoSchema,
export const studentEarningsPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s income in the year their current school term began',
'ui:options': {
updateSchema: (formData, schema, _uiSchema, index) => {
const itemData = formData?.studentInformation?.[index];
if (itemData?.claimsOrReceivesPension === false) {
itemData.studentEarningsFromSchoolYear = undefined;
itemData.studentExpectedEarningsNextYear = undefined;
itemData.studentNetworthInformation = undefined;
return schema;
studentEarningsFromSchoolYear: {
earningsFromAllEmployment: numberUI('Earnings from all employment'),
annualSocialSecurityPayments: numberUI('Annual Social Security'),
otherAnnuitiesIncome: numberUI('Other annuities'),
allOtherIncome: {
...numberUI('All other income'),
'ui:description': generateHelpText('i.e. interest, dividends, etc.'),
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentEarningsFromSchoolYear: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
earningsFromAllEmployment: numberSchema,
annualSocialSecurityPayments: numberSchema,
otherAnnuitiesIncome: numberSchema,
allOtherIncome: numberSchema,
export const studentFutureEarningsPage = {
uiSchema: {
() => 'Student’s expected income next year',
studentExpectedEarningsNextYear: {
earningsFromAllEmployment: textUI('Earnings from all employment'),
annualSocialSecurityPayments: textUI('Annual Social Security'),
otherAnnuitiesIncome: textUI('Other annuities'),
allOtherIncome: {
...textUI('All other income'),
'ui:description': generateHelpText('i.e. interest, dividends, etc.'),
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentExpectedEarningsNextYear: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
earningsFromAllEmployment: textSchema,
annualSocialSecurityPayments: textSchema,
otherAnnuitiesIncome: textSchema,
allOtherIncome: textSchema,
export const studentAssetsPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Value of student’s assets'),
studentNetworthInformation: {
savings: {
'ui:description': generateHelpText('Includes cash'),
securities: textUI('Securities, bonds, etc.'),
realEstate: {
...textUI('Real estate'),
'ui:description': generateHelpText(
'Don’t include the value of your primary home',
otherAssets: textUI('All other assets'),
totalValue: textUI('All other assets'),
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
studentNetworthInformation: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
savings: textSchema,
securities: textSchema,
realEstate: textSchema,
otherAssets: textSchema,
totalValue: textSchema,
export const remarksPage = {
uiSchema: {
...arrayBuilderItemSubsequentPageTitleUI(() => 'Additional information'),
remarks: textareaUI(
'Is there any other information you’d like to add about this student?',
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
remarks: textareaSchema,