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Test Coverage
  "alert-downtime-title": "This application is down for maintenance",
  "alert-downtime-message": "We\u2019re sorry. This application is currently down while we fix a few things. We\u2019ll be back up as soon as we can.",
  "alert-enrollment-title": "Our records show that you\u2019re not enrolled in VA health care",
  "alert-enrollment-message": "You can only use this form to update your health benefits information if you\u2019re enrolled in VA health care. If you want to apply for VA health care, you can apply online now.",
  "alert-enrollment-action": "Apply for VA health care",
  "alert-server-title": "Something went wrong on our end",
  "alert-server-message": "We\u2019re sorry. Something went wrong on our end. Please try again.",
  "alert-submission-title": "You can\u2019t submit your form right now",
  "alert-submission-primary-message": "We\u2019re sorry. Something went wrong in our system. Try again later.",
  "alert-submission-secondary-message": "You can also submit a form to update your health benefits information by mail, by phone, or in person.",
  "button-edit": "Edit",
  "button-modal-cancel": "No, cancel",
  "button-print" :"Print this page",
  "button-remove": "Remove",
  "button-update-page": "Update page",
  "confirm-success-title": "You\u2019ve submitted your form to update health benefits information",
  "confirm-success-review-message": "After we review and process your form, we\u2019ll update your information.",
  "confirm-success-changes-message": "If there are any changes to your health care benefits, we\u2019ll send you a letter in the mail.",
  "confirm-app-title": "Your submission information",
  "confirm-app-list-name": "Who submitted this form",
  "confirm-app-list-date": "Date submitted",
  "confirm-app-list-confirm": "Confirmation for your records",
  "confirm-app-list-print": "You can print this confirmation page for your records",
  "email-pattern-error-message": "Enter a valid email address without spaces using this format: email\",
  "form-title": "Update your VA health benefits information",
  "form-subtitle": "Health Benefits Update Form (VA Form 10-10EZR)",
  "form-footer-title": "Need help?",
  "military-service-agent-orange-locations-title": "Agent Orange locations",
  "military-service-agent-orange-exposed-title": "Did you serve in any of these locations where the military used the herbicide Agent Orange?",
  "military-service-operations-title": "Operations",
  "military-service-operations-description": "Were you deployed in support of any of these operations?",
  "military-service-agent-orange-service-date-title": "Service dates for Agent Orange locations",
  "military-service-agent-orange-service-date-description": "Enter any date range you served in a location where the military used Agent Orange. You don\u2019t need to have exact dates.",
  "military-service-gulf-war-service-date-title": "Service dates for Gulf War locations",
  "military-service-gulf-war-service-date-description": "Enter any date range you served in a Gulf War location. You don\u2019t need to have exact dates.",
  "military-service-gulf-war-service-title": "Service in Gulf War locations",
  "military-service-gulf-war-service-description": "Did you serve in any of these Gulf War locations?",
  "military-service-agent-orange-start-date": "Service start date",
  "military-service-agent-orange-end-date": "Service end date",
  "military-service-gulf-war-start-date": "Service start date",
  "military-service-gulf-war-end-date": "Service end date",
  "military-service-date-range-description": "If you don\u2019t know the exact date, enter your best guess",
  "military-service-other-toxic-exposure-title": "Other toxic exposures",
  "military-service-other-toxic-exposure-descriptions": "Have you been exposed to any of these toxins or hazards? Check any that you\u2019ve been exposed to.",
  "military-service-air-pollutants-exposure-title": "Air pollutants (like burn pits, sand, oil wells, or sulfur fires)",
  "military-service-asbestos-exposure-title": "Asbestos",
  "military-service-chemicals-exposure-title": "Chemicals (like pesticides, herbicides, or contaminated water)",
  "military-service-water-exposure-title": "Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune",
  "military-service-gas-exposure-title": "Mustard gas",
  "military-service-occupational-exposure-title": "Occupational hazards (jet fuel, industrial solvents, lead, firefighting foams)",
  "military-service-radiation-exposure-title": "Radiation",
  "military-service-shad-exposure-title": "SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense)",
  "military-service-warfare-agents-exposure-title": "Warfare agents (like nerve agents or chemical and biological weapons)",
  "military-service-other-exposure-title": "Other toxins or hazards not listed here",
  "military-service-other-exposure-dates-title": "Dates of exposure",
  "military-service-other-exposure-dates-description": "Enter any date range when you were exposed to other toxins or hazards. You don\u2019t need to have exact dates.",
  "military-service-other-exposure-dates-start": "Exposure start date",
  "military-service-other-exposure-dates-end": "Exposure end date",
  "military-service-other-exposure-title-2": "Other toxic exposure",
  "military-service-other-exposure-description": "You selected that you were exposed to other toxins or hazards.",
  "military-service-other-exposure-description-2": "Enter any toxins or hazards you\u2019ve been exposed to",
  "military-service-other-exposure-description-2-hint": "If you\u2019re listing multiple toxins or hazards, list them without commas or any other special characters",
  "military-service-other-exposure-error-message": "You entered a character we can\u2019t accept. Remove any special characters like commas or dashes.",
  "military-service-radiation-exposure-title-2": "Cleanup or response efforts",
  "military-service-radiation-exposure-description": "Did you take part in any of these clean up or response efforts while serving in any of these locations?",
  "military-service-supporting-documents-title": "Upload supporting documents",
  "military-service-toxic-exposure-title": "Toxic exposure",
  "military-service-toxic-exposure-description": "Do you want to answer questions about your military service history and exposure to any toxins or other hazards?",
  "military-service-validation-toxic-exposure-format": "Enter a date that includes a month and year",
  "military-service-validation-gulf-war-range": "Service end date must be after the service start date",
  "military-service-validation-exposure-range": "Exposure end date must be after the exposure start date",
  "household-dependent-attended-school-label": "If your dependent is between 18 and 23 years old, were they enrolled as a full-time or part-time student in %s?",
  "household-dependent-became-label": "When did they become your dependent?",
  "household-dependent-cancel-button-text": "Cancel %s this dependent",
  "household-dependent-cohabitated-label": "Did your dependent live with you in %s?",
  "household-dependent-disabled-label": "Is your dependent living with a permanent disability that happened before they turned 18 years old?",
  "household-dependent-dob-label": "Dependent\u2019s date of birth",
  "household-dependent-earned-income-label": "Did your dependent earn income in %s?",
  "household-dependent-edit-button-aria-label": "Edit your dependents",
  "household-dependent-education-expenses-label": "Enter the total amount of money your dependent paid for college, vocational rehabilitation, or training (like tuition, books, or supplies)",
  "household-dependent-generic-label": "Dependent",
  "household-dependent-generic-label-plural": "Dependents",
  "household-dependent-income-gross-label": "Enter your dependent\u2019s gross annual income from %s",
  "household-dependent-income-net-label": "Enter your dependent\u2019s net annual income from a farm, property, or business from %s",
  "household-dependent-income-other-label": "Enter your dependent\u2019s other annual income from %s",
  "household-dependent-info-addtl-title": "%s\u2019s additional information",
  "household-dependent-info-basic-title": "%s\u2019s information",
  "household-dependent-info-education-title": "%s\u2019s education expenses",
  "household-dependent-info-income-title": "%s\u2019s annual income from %d",
  "household-dependent-info-support-title": "Financial support for %s",
  "household-dependent-modal-cancel-title": "Cancel %s this dependent?",
  "household-dependent-modal-cancel-description": "If you cancel %s this dependent, we won\u2019t save their information. You\u2019ll return to a screen where you can add or remove dependents.",
  "household-dependent-modal-remove-title": "Remove this dependent?",
  "household-dependent-modal-remove-description": "This will remove %s and all their information from your list of dependents.",
  "household-dependent-modal-remove-button-text": "Yes, remove dependent",
  "household-dependent-name-prefix": "Dependent\u2019s",
  "household-dependent-received-support-label": "If your dependent didn\u2019t live with you in %s, did you provide any financial support?",
  "household-dependent-relationship-label": "What is the dependent\u2019s relationship to you?",
  "household-dependent-report-question": "Do you have any dependents to report?",
  "household-dependent-report-question-addtl" : "Do you have another dependent to report?",
  "household-dependent-review-header-title": "Your Dependents", 
  "household-dependent-ssn-label": "Dependent\u2019s Social Security number",
  "household-dependent-summary-title": "Dependents",
  "household-dependent-summary-list-title": "Review your dependents",
  "household-dependent-update-button-aria-label": "Update your dependents",
  "household-expenses-title": "Deductible expenses from %s",
  "household-expenses-description": "These deductible expenses will lower the amount of money we count as your income.",
  "household-expenses-education-title": "College or vocational education expenses",
  "household-expenses-education-label": "Enter the amount you paid for your own college or vocational education in %s",
  "household-expenses-funeral-title": "Funeral and burial expenses for a spouse or dependent child who died",
  "household-expenses-funeral-description": "Funeral and burial expenses are any payments made by you, like prepaid expenses.",
  "household-expenses-funeral-label": "Enter the amount you paid in funeral or burial expenses in %s",
  "household-expenses-medical-title": "Non-reimbursable medical expenses",
  "household-expenses-medical-label": "Enter the amount you or your spouse (if you\u2019re married) paid in non-reimbursable medical expenses in %s",
  "household-income-gross-title" :"Gross income from work",
  "household-income-gross-description": "Gross income is income before taxes and any other deductions are subtracted.",
  "household-income-net-title" :"Net income from a farm, property, or business",
  "household-income-net-description" :"Net income is income after any taxes and other deductions are subtracted.",
  "household-income-other-title" :"Other income",
  "household-income-other-description": "Other income is additional income that doesn\u2019t come from a job.",
  "household-marital-status-title": "Marital status",
  "household-marital-status-label": "What is your marital status?",
  "household-spouse-addtl-info-title": "Spouse\u2019s additional information",
  "household-spouse-cohabitate-label": "Did you live with your spouse for all or part of %s?",
  "household-spouse-contact-info-title": "Spouse\u2019s address and phone number",
  "household-spouse-dob-label": "Spouse\u2019s date of birth",
  "household-spouse-information-title": "Spouse information",
  "household-spouse-income-title": "Spouse\u2019s annual income from %s",
  "household-spouse-income-gross-label": "Enter your spouse\u2019s gross annual income from %s",
  "household-spouse-income-net-label": "Enter your spouse\u2019s net annual income from a farm, property, or business from %s",
  "household-spouse-income-other-label": "Enter your spouse\u2019s other annual income from %s",
  "household-spouse-marriage-date-label": "Date of marriage",
  "household-spouse-name-prefix": "Spouse\u2019s",
  "household-sponse-phone-label": "Phone number",
  "household-spouse-same-address-label": "Do you currently have the same address as your spouse?",
  "household-spouse-ssn-label": "Spouse\u2019s Social Security number",
  "household-spouse-support-title" :"Spouse\u2019s financial support",
  "household-spouse-support-label": "Did you provide financial support to your spouse in %s even though you didn\u2019t live together?",
  "household-veteran-income-title": "Your annual income from %s",
  "household-veteran-income-gross-label" :"Enter your gross annual income from %s",
  "household-veteran-income-net-label" :"Enter your net annual income from a farm, property, or business from %s",
  "household-veteran-income-other-label" :"Enter your other annual income from %s",
  "insurance-cancel-button-text": "Cancel %s insurance policy",
  "insurance-coverage-question": "Do you have health insurance coverage to add?",
  "insurance-coverage-question-addtl": "Do you have more health insurance coverage to add?",
  "insurance-edit-button-aria-label": "Edit your insurance policies",
  "insurance-group-code-label": "Group code",
  "insurance-group-code-hint-text": "Either this or policy number is required",
  "insurance-medicaid-title": "Are you eligible for Medicaid?",
  "insurance-medicare-title": "Are you enrolled in Medicare Part A?",
  "insurance-medicare-claim-number-label": "What is your Medicare claim number?",
  "insurance-medicare-claim-number-hint": "You\u2019ll find this number on the front of your Medicare card. Enter all 11 numbers and letters.",
  "insurance-medicare-part-a-title": "What is your Medicare Part A effective date?",
  "insurance-medicare-part-a-hint": "You\u2019ll find this date under “coverage starts” on the front of your Medicare card.",
  "insurance-modal-cancel-title": "Cancel %s this insurance policy?",
  "insurance-modal-cancel-description": "If you cancel %s this insurance policy, we won\u2019t save its information. You\u2019ll return to a screen where you can add or remove policies.",
  "insurance-modal-remove-title": "Remove this insurance policy?",
  "insurance-modal-remove-description": "This will remove %s and all its information from your list of insurance policies",
  "insurance-modal-remove-button-text": "Yes, remove policy",
  "insurance-policy-generic-label": "insurance policy",
  "insurance-policy-information-title": "Insurance policy information",
  "insurance-policy-number-label": "Policy number",
  "insurance-policy-number-hint-text": "Either this or group code is required",
  "insurance-policy-tile-label": "Policyholder:",
  "insurance-provider-name-label": "Name of insurance provider",
  "insurance-policyholder-name-label": "Name of policyholder (person whose name the policy is in)",
  "insurance-review-header-title": "Your Insurance Policies", 
  "insurance-review-coverage-answer": "No", 
  "insurance-summary-title": "Health insurance",
  "insurance-summary-list-title": "Review your insurance policies",
  "insurance-summary-description": "Health insurance includes any coverage that you get through a spouse or significant other. This also includes Medicare, private insurance, or insurance from your employer.",
  "insurance-update-button-aria-label": "Update your insurance policies",
  "load-app": "Loading application...",
  "load-enrollment-status": "Verifying your enrollment status...",
  "modal-cancel-button-primary-text": "Yes, cancel %s",
  "modal-cancel-button-secondary-text": "No, continue %s",
  "phone-number-error-message":"Please enter a 10-digit phone number (without dashes)",
  "presubmit-error-message": "You must accept the agreement before continuing.",
  "presubmit-checkbox-label": "I confirm that I agree to the statements listed here. The information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I\u2019ve read and accept the privacy policy.",
  "review-answer-no": "No", 
  "sip-alert-title": "Sign in to update your information online",
  "sip-message-saved": "Your health benefits updates form has been saved",
  "sip-message-expired": "Your saved health benefits update form (10-10EZR) has expired. If you want to update your health benefits information, please start a new form.",
  "sip-message-in-progress": "Your health benefits update form (10-10EZR) is in progress",
  "sip-savedform-no-auth": "Please sign in to continue your health benefit update form.",
  "sip-savedform-not-found": "Please start over to update your health benefits information.",
  "sip-start-form-text": "Start your health benefits update form",
  "sip-sign-in-to-start-text": "Sign in to start your form",
  "sip-text-app-type": "form",
  "sip-text-app-action": "your form",
  "sip-text-continue-btn-text": "Continue your form",
  "sip-text-start-new-btn-text": "Start a new form",
  "sip-text-app-saved-message": "Your form has been saved.",
  "sip-text-finish-later": "Finish this form later",
  "sip-text-review-page-title": "Review your updated information",
  "sip-text-submit-btn-text": "Submit form",
  "validation-currency-format": "Please enter a valid dollar amount",
  "validation-dependent-date": "This date must come after the dependent\u2019s birth date",
  "validation-error-label": "Error",
  "validation-error-message-generic":"Please provide a response",
  "validation-insurance-group-code": "Group code (either this or the policy number is required)",
  "validation-insurance-policy-number": "Policy number (either this or the group code is required)",
  "validation-medicare-claim-number": "Please enter a valid 11-character Medicare claim number",
  "validation-required-label": "(*Required)",
  "vet-address-match-title": "Is your home address the same as your mailing address?",
  "vet-birth-sex-title": "What sex were you assigned at birth?",
  "vet-date-of-birth-label": "Date of birth",
  "vet-contact-info-title": "Phone and email address",
  "vet-gender-identity-title": "Gender identity",
  "vet-home-address-title": "Home address",
  "vet-home-phone-label": "Home phone number",
  "vet-mailing-address-title": "Mailing address",
  "vet-mailing-address-description": "We\u2019ll send any important information about your application to this address.",
  "vet-mobile-phone-label": "Mobile phone number",
  "vet-sigi-title": "Select your gender identity"