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Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import {
} from 'platform/forms/validations';
import { ADDRESS_TYPES } from 'platform/forms/address/helpers';

import {
} from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/definitions/profileAddress';

 * @typedef ContactInfoContent
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} address1 - review & submit address line 1 entry
 * @property {String} address2 - review & submit address line 2 entry
 * @property {String} address3 - review & submit address line 3 entry
 * @property {String} alertContent - successful updating all missing entries
 * @property {String} city - review & submit city entry
 * @property {String} country - review & submit country entry
 * @property {String|JSX} description - Contact info page description
 * @property {String} edit - Edit link text
 * @property {String} editEmail - Edit email page title
 * @property {String} editHomePhone - Edit home phone page title
 * @property {String} editLabel - Edit link aria-label
 * @property {String} editMailingAddress - Edit mailing address page title
 * @property {String} editMobilePhone - Edit mobile phone page title
 * @property {String} email - review & submit email entry
 * @property {String} homePhone - review & submit home phone entry
 * @property {String} mailingAddress - review & submit address
 * @property {String} missingAddress - address missing alert alert text
 * @property {String} missingEmail - email missing alert text
 * @property {String} missingEmailError - review & submit missing email error message
 * @property {String} missingHomeOrMobile - missing home phone alert text
 * @property {String} missingHomePhone - missing home phone alert text
 * @property {String} missingMobilePhone - missing mobile phone alert text
 * @property {String} mobilePhone - review & submit mobile phone entry
 * @property {String} postal - review & submit postal code entry
 * @property {String} province - review & submit province entry
 * @property {String} state - review & submit state entry
 * @property {String} title - Contact info page title
 * @property {String} update - Update button text (editing on review & submit)
 * @property {String} updated - Updated successful alert message
 * Get content for profile contact info pages
 * @param {String} appName - Include your named application, generic
 *  "application" or "request", etc
 * @returns {ContactInfoContent}
export const getContent = (appName = 'application') => ({
  title: 'Contact information',
  description: (
        This is the contact information we have on file for you. We’ll send any
        updates or information about your {appName} to this address.
        <strong>Note:</strong> Any updates you make here will only be reflected
        in this form.

  // page titles & link aria-labels
  editHomePhone: 'Edit home phone number',
  editMobilePhone: 'Edit mobile phone number',
  editEmail: 'Edit email address',
  editMailingAddress: 'Edit mailing address',

  edit: 'Edit', // link text
  editLabel: 'Edit contact information', // link aria-label
  update: 'Update page', // update button on review & submit page
  updated: 'updated', // alert updated text

  // Missing info alert messaging
  missingHomeOrMobile: 'home or mobile phone',
  missingHomePhone: 'home phone',
  missingMobilePhone: 'mobile phone',
  missingAddress: 'mailing address',
  missingEmail: 'email address',
  alertContent: `The missing information has been added to your ${appName}. You may continue.`,

  // review & submit & section titles
  mailingAddress: 'Mailing address',
  mobilePhone: 'Mobile phone number',
  homePhone: 'Home phone number',
  email: 'Email address',
  country: 'Country',
  address1: 'Street address',
  address2: 'Street address line 2',
  address3: 'Street address line 3',
  city: 'City',
  state: 'State',
  province: 'Province',
  postal: 'Postal code',
  zipCode: 'Zip code',

  // Error on review & submit
  missingEmailError: 'Missing email address',
  missingPhoneError: 'Missing phone number',
  missingCountryError: 'Missing country',
  missingStreetAddressError: 'Missing street address',
  missingCityError: 'Missing city',
  missingStateError: 'Missing state',
  // international postal code is optional
  missingZipError: isUS => (isUS ? 'Missing zip code' : ''),

  invalidEmail: 'Invalid email address',
  invalidPhone: 'Invalid phone number',
  invalidZip: isUS => (isUS ? 'Invalid zip code' : ''),

export const CONTACT_INFO_PATH = 'contact-information';
export const CONTACT_EDIT = 'onReviewPageContactInfoEdit';
export const REVIEW_CONTACT = 'onReviewPageContactInfo';

 * Blank schema
export const blankSchema = { type: 'object', properties: {} };

 * Phone schema from Lighthouse
export const standardPhoneSchema = isRequired => ({
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    countryCode: {
      type: 'string',
      pattern: '^[0-9]+$',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 3,
    areaCode: {
      type: 'string',
      pattern: '^[0-9]{1,4}$',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 4,
    phoneNumber: {
      type: 'string',
      pattern: '^[0-9]{1,14}$',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 14,
    phoneNumberExt: {
      type: 'string',
      pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,10}$',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 10,
  required: isRequired ? ['areaCode', 'phoneNumber'] : [],

 * Email schema
export const standardEmailSchema = {
  type: 'string',
  format: 'email',
  minLength: 6,
  maxLength: 255,

 * Address schema matching the user profile mailing address; we're not including
 *  the required field here because it should be handled by the ui:validation
 *  dynamic checks for U.S. vs international addresses
export const profileAddressSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  oneOf: [
    // Schema for international addresses
      required: ['countryName', 'addressLine1', 'city'],
      properties: {
        addressType: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: [],
    // Schema for domestic addresses
      required: ['countryName', 'addressLine1', 'city', 'zipCode'],
      properties: {
        addressType: {
          not: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: [],
        zipCode: {
          type: 'string',
          pattern: US_POSTAL_CODE_PATTERN,
  properties: {
    // ISO2 included here because Lighthouse uses this value over countryName;
    // countryName was required by earlier Lighthouse API endpoints
    countryCodeIso2: {
      type: 'string', // "US"
      pattern: TWO_CAPS_PATTERN,
    countryName: {
      type: 'string', // "United States"
    addressLine1: {
      type: 'string',
    addressLine2: {
      type: 'string',
    addressLine3: {
      type: 'string',
    city: {
      type: 'string',
    stateCode: {
      // state is not required
      type: 'string',
    zipCode: {
      type: 'string',
    province: {
      type: 'string',
    internationalPostalCode: {
      type: 'string',

 * @typedef phoneObject
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} countryCode - country code (1 digit, usually)
 * @property {String} areaCode - area code (3 digits)
 * @property {String} phoneNumber - phone number (7 digits)
 * @property {String} phoneNumberExt - extension
 * @returns
 * Combine area code and phone number in a string
 * @param {phoneObject} phoneObject
 * @returns {String} area code + phone number
export const getPhoneString = (phoneObject = {}) =>
  `${phoneObject?.areaCode || ''}${phoneObject?.phoneNumber || ''}`.trim();

 * Render telephone
 * @param {phoneObject} phoneObject
 * @returns {Element|null}
export const renderTelephone = (phoneObject = {}) => {
  const phoneString = getPhoneString(phoneObject);
  return phoneString ? (
  ) : null;

 * Review & submit page email validations
 * @param {Object} content
 * @param {String} email
 * @returns
export const validateEmail = (content, email) => {
  const processedEmail = (email || '').trim();
  if (!processedEmail) {
    return content.missingEmailError;
  if (!isValidEmail(processedEmail)) {
    return content.invalidEmail;
  return '';

 * Review & submit page phone validation
 * @param {Object} content
 * @param {phoneObject} phoneObject
 * @returns
export const validatePhone = (content, phoneObject) => {
  const processedPhoneString = getPhoneString(phoneObject);
  if (!processedPhoneString) {
    return content.missingPhoneError;
  if (!isValidPhone(processedPhoneString)) {
    return content.invalidPhone;
  return '';

 * Review & submit page zipcode validations
 * @param {Object} content
 * @param {phoneObject} phoneObject
 * @returns
export const validateZipcode = (content, zipcode) => {
  const processedZipcode = (zipcode || '').trim();
  if (!processedZipcode) {
    return content.missingZipError(true);
  if (!isValidZipcode(processedZipcode)) {
    return content.invalidZip(true);
  return '';

 * Convert nullish with an empty string; needed to ensure the schema doesn't
 * cause validation issues
 * @param {Object} object
export const convertNullishObjectValuesToEmptyString = object =>
  Object.entries(object || {}).reduce(
    (result, [key, value]) => ({ ...result, [key]: value ?? '' }),

 * @typedef ContactInfoKeys
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {String} wrapper=veteran - object key wrapping the contact info
 * @property {String} email=email - object key containing the email string
 * @property {String} homePhone=homePhone - object key containing home phone object
 * @property {String} mobilePhone=mobilePhone - object key containing mobile phone object
 * @property {String} address=mailingAddress - object key containing address data
 * Get a list of missing contact info; this list is used within the alerts
 * Only include required fields
 * @param {Object} data - data inside wrapper (formData.veteran by default)
 * @param {ContactInfoKeys} keys - contact info keys
 * @param {ContactInfoContent} content - content for alert
 * @param {String[]} requiredKeys - list of required contact info keys
 * @returns {Array} - array of keys with missing data
export const getMissingInfo = ({ data, keys, content, requiredKeys = [] }) => {
  const missingInfo = [];
  // If both home & mobile selected, make only one phone required
  const phones = [keys.homePhone, '|', keys.mobilePhone];
  const eitherPhone =
    requiredKeys.includes(phones.join('')) ||

  const isValidHomePhone = isValidPhone(getPhoneString(data[keys.homePhone]));
  const isValidMobilePhone = isValidPhone(

  if (keys.homePhone && keys.mobilePhone && eitherPhone) {
      isValidHomePhone || isValidMobilePhone ? '' : content.missingHomeOrMobile,
  } else {
    // If only one phone is used, make it required
    if (keys.homePhone && requiredKeys.includes(keys.homePhone)) {
      missingInfo.push(isValidHomePhone ? '' : content.missingHomePhone);
    if (keys.mobilePhone && requiredKeys.includes(keys.mobilePhone)) {
      missingInfo.push(isValidMobilePhone ? '' : content.missingMobilePhone);
  if ( && requiredKeys.includes( {
    missingInfo.push(data[] ? '' : content.missingEmail);
  if (keys.address && requiredKeys.includes(keys.address)) {
    const addressObject = data[keys.address] || {};
    const isUS = addressObject.addressType !==;
    const hasRequiredAddressFields =
      addressObject.countryName &&
      addressObject.addressLine1 && &&
      (!isUS || (isUS && addressObject.zipCode));
    missingInfo.push(hasRequiredAddressFields ? '' : content.missingAddress);
  return missingInfo.filter(Boolean);

 * Set sessionStorage of last edited contact field. We could have used
 * selectMostRecentlyUpdatedField from the VAP service instead of using
 * sessionStorage, but we wouldn't know if the edit was canceled
 * @param {string} key - ID of contact info input
 * @param {string} state - either "updated" or "canceled"
export const setReturnState = (key = '', state = '') =>
  window.sessionStorage.setItem(CONTACT_EDIT, `${key},${state}`);
 * Get ID and state of last edited contact field so we know where to move focus
 * @returns {Array} Array with ID at index zero, and state at index one
export const getReturnState = () =>
  window.sessionStorage.getItem(CONTACT_EDIT) || '';
export const clearReturnState = () =>

export const contactInfoPropTypes = {
  contactInfoPageKey: PropTypes.string,
  content: PropTypes.shape({
    address1: PropTypes.string, // review & submit address line 1 entry
    address2: PropTypes.string, // review & submit address line 2 entry
    address3: PropTypes.string, // review & submit address line 3 entry
    alertContent: PropTypes.string, // successful updating all missing entries
    city: PropTypes.string, // review & submit city entry
    country: PropTypes.string, // review & submit country entry
    // Contact info page description
    description: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]),
    edit: PropTypes.string, // Edit link text
    editEmail: PropTypes.string, // Edit email page title
    editHomePhone: PropTypes.string, // Edit home phone page title
    editLabel: PropTypes.string, // Edit link aria-label
    editMailingAddress: PropTypes.string, // Edit mailing address page title
    editMobilePhone: PropTypes.string, // Edit mobile phone page title
    email: PropTypes.string, // review & submit email entry
    homePhone: PropTypes.string, // review & submit home phone entry
    invalidEmail: PropTypes.string, // review & submit invalid entry error
    invalidPhone: PropTypes.string, // review & submit invalid phone error
    invalidZip: PropTypes.string, // review & submit invalid zipcode error
    mailingAddress: PropTypes.string, // review & submit address
    missingAddress: PropTypes.string, // address missing alert alert text
    missingCityError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing city error
    missingCountryError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing country error
    missingEmail: PropTypes.string, // email missing alert text
    missingEmailError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing email error message
    missingHomeOrMobile: PropTypes.string, // missing home phone alert text
    missingHomePhone: PropTypes.string, // missing home phone alert text
    missingMobilePhone: PropTypes.string, // missing mobile phone alert text
    missingPhoneError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing phone error
    missingStateError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing state error
    missingStreetAddressError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing street line 1 error
    missingZipError: PropTypes.string, // review & submit missing zipcode error
    mobilePhone: PropTypes.string, // review & submit mobile phone entry
    postal: PropTypes.string, // review & submit postal code entry
    province: PropTypes.string, // review & submit province entry
    state: PropTypes.string, // review & submit state entry
    title: PropTypes.string, // Contact info page title
    update: PropTypes.string, // Update button text (editing on review & submit)
    updated: PropTypes.string, // Updated successful alert message
  keys: PropTypes.shape({
    wrapper: PropTypes.string,
    homePhone: PropTypes.string,
    mobilePhone: PropTypes.string,
    email: PropTypes.string,
    address: PropTypes.string,
  data: PropTypes.shape({
    veteran: PropTypes.shape({
      email: PropTypes.string,
      homePhone: PropTypes.shape({
        countryCode: PropTypes.string,
        areaCode: PropTypes.string,
        phoneNumber: PropTypes.string,
        extension: PropTypes.string,
      mobilePhone: PropTypes.shape({
        countryCode: PropTypes.string,
        areaCode: PropTypes.string,
        phoneNumber: PropTypes.string,
        extension: PropTypes.string,
      mailingAddress: PropTypes.shape({
        addressLine1: PropTypes.string,
        addressLine2: PropTypes.string,
        addressLine3: PropTypes.string,
        addressType: PropTypes.string,
        city: PropTypes.string,
        countryName: PropTypes.string,
        internationalPostalCode: PropTypes.string,
        province: PropTypes.string,
        stateCode: PropTypes.string,
        zipCode: PropTypes.string,