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Test Coverage
/* --------------- Inquiry --------------- */
export const inquiryChapterTitle = "Tell us the reason you're contacting us";
export const inquiryPageTitle = 'Your message';

export const topicLevelOneTitle = 'Which category best describes your message?';
export const topicLevelTwoTitle = 'Which topic best describes your message?';
export const topicLevelThreeTitle =
  'Which subtopic best describes your message?';
export const vaMedicalCenterTitle = 'Medical Center List';
export const routeToStateTitle = 'Route to State';
export const stateOfSchool = 'State of school';
export const stateOfResidence = 'State of residence';
export const facilityCodeTitle = 'Facility Code (FAC)';
export const inquiryTypeTitle = "Tell us the reason you're contacting us";
export const queryTitle = 'Please enter your message below';
/* --------------- Inquiry Errors--------------- */
export const topicLevelOneError = 'Please enter your category';
export const topicLevelTwoError = 'Please enter your topic';
export const topicLevelThreeError = 'Please enter your subtopic';
export const medicalCenterError = 'Please enter your medical center';
export const routeToStateError = 'Please enter your state';
export const stateOfSchoolError = 'Please enter the state of your school';
export const stateOfResidenceError = 'Please enter your state of residence';
export const facilityCodeError = 'Please enter your 8 digit Facility Code';
export const inquiryTypeError = "Please enter the reason you're contacting us";
export const queryError = 'Please enter your message';

/* --------------- Veteran Information --------------- */
export const veteranInformationChapterTitle = 'Tell us about the Veteran';
export const veteranInformationPageTitle = 'Veteran Information';

/* Veteran Status Information */
export const veteranStatusTitle = 'My message is about benefits/services';
export const isDependentTitle = 'Are you the dependent?';
export const relationshipToVeteranTitle = 'Your relationship to the Veteran';
export const isDeceasedTitle = 'Is the Veteran deceased?';
export const dateOfDeathTitle = 'Date of Death if known';
export const branchOfServiceTitle = 'Branch of service';
/* Veteran Status Errors */
export const relationshipToVeteranError =
  'Please enter your relationship to the Veteran';
export const branchOfServiceError =
  "Please enter the Veteran's branch of service";

/* Additional Veteran Information */
export const dateOfBirthTitle = "Veteran's date of birth";
export const socialSecurityNumberTitle = "Veteran's Social Security number";
export const serviceStartDateTitle = 'Service start date';
export const claimNumberTitle = 'Claim number';
export const serviceEndDateTitle = 'Service end date';
export const serviceNumberTitle = 'Service number';

/* Additional Veteran Errors */
export const socialSecurityNumberPatternErrorMessage =
  'Please enter a valid Social Security Number';
export const serviceNumberPatternErrorMessage =
  'Please enter a valid service number';
export const claimNumberPatternErrorMessage =
  'Please enter a valid claim number';
export const serviceDateRangeErrorMessage =
  'End of service must be after start of service';

/* --------------- Contact Information --------------- */
export const contactInformationChapterTitle = 'Tell us about yourself';
export const contactInformationPageTitle = 'Contact Information';

export const preferredContactMethodTitle =
  'How should we get in touch with you?';
export const phoneTitle = 'Daytime phone';
export const emailTitle = 'Email';
export const daytimePhoneAreaCodeTitle = 'Daytime phone';
/* --------------- Contact Information Errors --------------- */
export const firstNameError = 'Please enter your first name';
export const lastNameError = 'Please enter your last name';
export const emailAddressError = 'Please enter your email address';
export const verifyEmailAddressError = 'Please re-enter your email address';
export const phoneNumberError = 'Please enter your phone number';

/* --------------- Dependent Information ------------- */

export const dependentFirstName = "Dependent's first name";
export const dependentLastName = "Dependent's last name";
export const dependentEmail = "Dependent's email";
export const dependentRelationshipToVeteran =
  "Dependent's relationship to the Veteran";
/* -------------- Dependent Errors -------------------- */
export const dependentRelationshipToVeteranError =
  "Please enter the dependent's relationship to the Veteran";
export const dependentFirstNameError =
  "Please enter the dependent's first name";
export const dependentLastNameError = "Please enter the dependent's last name";
export const dependentCountryError = "Please enter the dependent's country";
export const dependentEmailError = "Please enter the dependent's email";

/* --------------- Veteran Information ------------- */

export const veteransFirstName = "Veteran's first name";
export const veteransLastName = "Veteran's last name";
export const veteranEmail = "Veteran's email";
/* --------------- Veteran Errors ------------- */
export const veteranFirstNameError = "Please enter the Veteran's first name";
export const veteranLastNameError = "Please enter the Veteran's last name";
export const veteranCountryError = "Please enter the Veteran's country";
export const veteranEmailError = "Please enter the Veteran's email";

/* Address fields */
export const countryTitle = 'Country';
export const stateTitle = 'State';
export const canadaStateTitle = 'Province';
export const streetAddress = 'Street address';
export const streetTwoTitle = 'Street address line 2';
export const streetThreeTitle = 'Street address line 3';
export const cityTitle = 'City';
export const postalCodeTitle = 'Postal code';
export const zipCodeTitle = 'Zip code';

/* Address error messages */
export const countryErrorMessage = 'Please enter your country';
export const stateOrProvinceMissingErrorMessage =
  'Please enter your state or province, or remove other address information.';
export const stateOrProvinceErrorMessage =
  'Please select your state or province';
export const stateErrorMessage = 'Please enter your state';
export const streetErrorMessage = 'Please enter your street address';
export const cityErrorMessage = 'Please enter your city';
export const postalCodeErrorMessage = 'Please provide your postal code';
export const zipCodeRequiredErrorMessage = 'Please enter your zip code';
export const zipCodePatternErrorMessage =
  'Please enter a valid 5- or 9-digit zip code (dashes allowed)';

/* --------------- Other --------------- */
export const submitButtonText = 'Submit';
export const reviewPageTitle = 'Review your information';
export const savedFormNotFound = 'Please start over to apply for benefits.';
export const savedFormNoAuth = 'Please sign in again to continue your form';
export const formTitle = 'Contact us';
export const formSubTitle = 'Form 0873';
export const unauthStartText = 'Sign in to start your message';

/* -------------- Errors --------------- */
export const generalError = 'Please enter your response';