import VaTextInputField from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-fields/VaTextInputField';
import {
} from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-patterns';
import React from 'react';
import VaSelectField from '~/platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-fields/VaSelectField';
import {
} from '../../constants';
const ssnServiceInfo = (
<div className="vads-u-margin-bottom--neg2p5">
<p className="vads-u-margin-bottom--1">
<span className="vads-u-font-weight--bold">
Social Security or service number
<span className="form-required-span">(*Required)</span>
<span className="vads-u-margin-y--0 vads-u-font-size--sm medium-screen:vads-u-font-size--root">
Please provide one of the following:
const validateSSandSNGroup = (errors, values, formData) => {
if (
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm connected to the Veteran through my work (for example, as a School Certifying Official or fiduciary)") ||
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm a family member of a Veteran") ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === "It's a general question"
) &&
!Object.keys(values).some(key => values[key])
) {
`Please enter your Social Security number or Service number`,
export const personalInformationFormSchemas = {
first: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
middle: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
last: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$', minLength: 1, maxLength: 25 },
suffix: selectSchema(suffixes),
isVeteranDeceased: yesNoSchema,
socialOrServiceNum: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
ssn: ssnSchema,
serviceNumber: serviceNumberSchema,
required: [],
dateOfBirth: dateOfBirthSchema,
branchOfService: selectSchema(branchesOfService),
export const aboutYourselfRelationshipFamilyMemberSchema = {
first: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
middle: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
last: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$', minLength: 1, maxLength: 25 },
suffix: selectSchema(suffixes),
socialNum: ssnSchema,
dateOfBirth: dateOfBirthSchema,
branchOfService: selectSchema(branchesOfService),
export const aboutYourselfGeneralSchema = {
first: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
middle: {
type: 'string',
pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 25,
last: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[A-Za-z]+$', minLength: 1, maxLength: 25 },
suffix: selectSchema(suffixes),
export const personalInformationUiSchemas = {
first: {
'ui:title': 'First name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'given-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a first name' },
middle: {
'ui:title': 'Middle name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'additional-name',
last: {
'ui:title': 'Last name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'family-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a last name' },
suffix: {
'ui:title': 'Suffix',
'ui:webComponentField': VaSelectField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'honorific-suffix',
'ui:options': {
widgetClassNames: 'form-select-medium',
hideEmptyValueInReview: true,
isVeteranDeceased: yesNoUI({
labels: yesNoOptions,
required: () => true,
errorMessages: {
required: 'Please let us know if the Veteran is deceased',
socialOrServiceNum: {
'ui:title': ssnServiceInfo,
'ui:validations': [validateSSandSNGroup],
'ui:options': { showFieldLabel: true },
ssn: ssnUI(),
serviceNumber: serviceNumberUI('Service number'),
dateOfBirth: { ...dateOfBirthUI(), 'ui:required': () => true },
branchOfService: {
'ui:title': 'Branch of service',
'ui:webComponentField': VaSelectField,
'ui:options': {
hideIf: () => true,
export const personalInformationAboutYourselfUiSchemas = {
first: {
'ui:title': 'First name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'given-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a first name' },
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
middle: {
'ui:title': 'Middle name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'additional-name',
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
last: {
'ui:title': 'Last name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'family-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a last name' },
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
suffix: {
'ui:title': 'Suffix',
'ui:webComponentField': VaSelectField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'honorific-suffix',
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
widgetClassNames: 'form-select-medium',
hideEmptyValueInReview: true,
socialOrServiceNum: {
'ui:title': ssnServiceInfo,
'ui:validations': [validateSSandSNGroup],
'ui:options': {
showFieldLabel: true,
hideIf: formData =>
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm connected to the Veteran through my work (for example, as a School Certifying Official or fiduciary)") ||
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm a family member of a Veteran") ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === "It's a general question",
ssn: ssnUI(),
serviceNumber: serviceNumberUI('Service number'),
dateOfBirth: {
'ui:required': formData =>
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm connected to the Veteran through my work (for example, as a School Certifying Official or fiduciary)") ||
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm a family member of a Veteran") ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === "It's a general question"
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
hideIf: formData =>
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm connected to the Veteran through my work (for example, as a School Certifying Official or fiduciary)") ||
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else' &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran ===
"I'm a family member of a Veteran") ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === "It's a general question",
branchOfService: {
'ui:title': 'Branch of service',
'ui:webComponentField': VaSelectField,
'ui:required': formData =>
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Myself' ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else') &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran === "I'm the Veteran" &&
(formData.selectCategory === 'Veteran Identification Card (VIC)' ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Survivor Benefits' ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Burial & Memorial Benefits (NCA)' ||
formData.selectCategory === "Women Veterans' issues" ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Benefits Issues Outside the US'),
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
hideIf: formData =>
(formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Myself' ||
formData.whoIsYourQuestionAbout === 'Someone else') &&
formData.relationshipToVeteran === "I'm the Veteran" &&
(formData.selectCategory === 'Veteran Identification Card (VIC)' ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Survivor Benefits' ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Burial & Memorial Benefits (NCA)' ||
formData.selectCategory === "Women Veterans' issues" ||
formData.selectCategory === 'Benefits Issues Outside the US')
export const aboutYourselfGeneralUISchema = {
first: {
'ui:title': 'First name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'given-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a first name' },
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
middle: {
'ui:title': 'Middle name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'additional-name',
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
last: {
'ui:title': 'Last name',
'ui:webComponentField': VaTextInputField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'family-name',
'ui:required': () => true,
'ui:errorMessages': { required: 'Please enter a last name' },
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
suffix: {
'ui:title': 'Suffix',
'ui:webComponentField': VaSelectField,
'ui:autocomplete': 'honorific-suffix',
'ui:options': {
uswds: true,
widgetClassNames: 'form-select-medium',
hideEmptyValueInReview: true,