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import React from 'react';
import DocumentTypeDescription from './DocumentTypeDescription';
import content from '../../locales/en/content.json';

const ApplicationSignatureDescription = (
      Now we’ll guide you through the steps to review and sign this application.
      First, we need to know if the Veteran will sign this application or if a
      representative will sign for them.
      A representative must have legal authority to make decisions on behalf of
      the Veteran. Or they must have authority to fill out or sign applications
      on behalf of the Veteran.
      If you select that you’re the Veteran’s representative, we’ll ask you to
      upload a document that proves you have this authority.

    <va-additional-info trigger="Learn more about the types of documents we can and can’t accept">
        <p className="vads-u-margin-top--0">

    <p className="vads-u-margin-y--4">
      <strong>Note:</strong> We use this signature only to process your
      application. Signing for the Veteran today doesn’t take away their right
      to make decisions for their care.

export default ApplicationSignatureDescription;