import { camelCase, isEmpty, omit } from 'lodash';
import { transformForSubmit } from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/helpers';
import {
} from '../utils/helpers/form-config';
const submitTransformer = (formConfig, form) => {
const { data: formData } = form;
const primaryKey = hasPrimaryCaregiver(formData) ? 'primary' : null;
const SecondaryOneKey = hasSecondaryCaregiverOne(formData)
? 'secondaryOne'
: null;
const SecondaryTwoKey = hasSecondaryCaregiverTwo(formData)
? 'secondaryTwo'
: null;
if (formData['view:useFacilitiesAPI']) {
const plannedClinicId = formData['view:plannedClinic']
formData.veteranPlannedClinic = plannedClinicId;
// creates chapter objects by matching chapter prefixes
const buildChapterSortedObject = dataPrefix => {
// check to make sure there is a keyName
if (dataPrefix === null) return {};
// matches prefix to fullSchema chapter object labels/keys
const getChapterName = key => {
const keyMap = {
veteran: 'veteran',
primary: 'primaryCaregiver',
secondaryOne: 'secondaryCaregiverOne',
secondaryTwo: 'secondaryCaregiverTwo',
return keyMap[key];
const dataKeys = Object.keys(formData).filter(k => k.includes(dataPrefix));
const chapterName = getChapterName(dataPrefix);
const dataToReturn = dataKeys.reduce((acc, key) => {
const keyWithoutPrefix = camelCase(key.split(dataPrefix)[1]);
// map the home address to the mailing address, if applicable
if (key.includes('HomeSameAsMailingAddress')) {
if (formData[key]) {
acc.mailingAddress = omit(
return acc;
// omit country from address fields, if applicable
if (key.endsWith('Address')) {
acc[keyWithoutPrefix] = omit(formData[key], 'country');
return acc;
// otherwise just populate form data
acc[keyWithoutPrefix] = formData[key];
return acc;
}, {});
return {
[chapterName]: dataToReturn,
// map the form data related to signing as representative
const buildRespresentativeData = () => {
const {
} = formData;
const signAsRepresentative = signAsRepresentativeYesNo === 'yes';
const dataToReturn = { signAsRepresentative };
if (!isEmpty(signAsRepresentativeDocumentUpload) && signAsRepresentative) {
dataToReturn.poaAttachmentId = signAsRepresentativeDocumentUpload[0].guid;
return dataToReturn;
const remappedData = {
data: {
const dataToSubmit = transformForSubmit(formConfig, remappedData);
return JSON.stringify({
caregiversAssistanceClaim: {
form: dataToSubmit,
export default submitTransformer;