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Test Coverage
  "alert-download-message--500": "We\u2019re sorry. is down right now. If you need help right now, please call the VA Help Desk at 800-698-2411. If you have hearing loss, call TTY:711.",
  "alert-download-message--generic": "We\u2019re sorry. Something went wrong on our end. If you need help right now, please call the VA Help Desk at 800-698-2411. If you have hearing loss, call TTY:711.",
  "alert-heading--generic": "Something went wrong",
  "app-download--loading-text" : "Preparing your application for download...",
  "app-title": "Apply for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers",
  "app-subtitle": "Application for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (VA Form 10-10CG)",
  "app-intro": "Use this form to apply for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers. Veterans can also use this application to add or change caregivers after they apply.",
  "app-loading-generic-text": "Loading",
  "app-loading-text": "Loading application...",
  "button-download": "Download your completed application",
  "button-print": "Print this page",
  "button-search": "Search",
  "button-start-app": "Start your application",
  "button-upload": "Upload file",
  "caregiver-address-description--mailing": "If this address is different than the caregiver\u2019s home address, we\u2019ll send any important information about this application to their mailing address.",
  "caregiver-address-description--vet-home": "This is the Veteran\u2019s home address:",
  "caregiver-address-same-as-vet-label": "Use the same address as the Veteran",
  "caregiver-address-street-hint": "Enter the address where the caregiver lives. This address can\u2019t be a PO Box.",
  "certification-signature-note": "According to federal law, there are criminal penalties, including a fine and/or imprisonment for up to 5 years, for withholding information or providing incorrect information. (See 18 U.S.C. 1001)",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-1": "I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-2": "I certify that either: (1) I am a member of the Veteran\u2019s family (including a parent, spouse, a son or daughter, a step-family member, or an extended family member) OR (2) I am not a member of the Veteran\u2019s family, and I reside with the Veteran full-time or will do so upon designation as the Veteran\u2019s %s Family Caregiver.",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-3": "I attest that my application and/or participation in PCAFC is as the Veteran\u2019s Family Caregiver. I acknowledge my eligibility for any payment and/or other benefit that results is contingent on the Veteran\u2019s eligibility and participation and as such the Veteran is involved in my payment related activities.",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-4": "I agree to perform personal care services as the %s Family Caregiver for the Veteran named on this application.",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-5": "I understand that the Veteran or the Veteran\u2019s surrogate may request my discharge from the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) at any time and that my designation as a %s Family Caregiver may be revoked or I may be discharged from PCAFC by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (or designee) as set forth in 38 CFR 71.45.",
  "certification-statement--caregiver-6": "I understand that participation in the PCAFC does not create an employment relationship between me and the Department of Veterans Affairs.",
  "certification-statement--rep-1": "Signed by the Veteran\u2019s legal representative on behalf of the Veteran.",
  "certification-statement--rep-2": "I certify that I give consent to the individual(s) named in this application to perform personal care services for me (or if the Veteran\u2019s Representative, the Veteran) upon being approved as a Primary and/or Secondary Family Caregiver(s) in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.",
  "certification-statement--vet": "I certify that the individual(s) named in this application are involved in my care and I consent to sharing information necessary to their involvement in my health care, payment related to such health care or as needed for notification purposes.",
  "confirmation--alert-heading": "Thank you for completing your application",
  "confirmation--alert-text": "Once we\u2019ve successfully received your application, we\u2019ll contact you to tell you what happens next in the application process.",
  "confirmation--info-heading": "Your application information",
  "confirmation--info-timestamp-label": "Date you applied",
  "confirmation--info-vet-label": "Veteran\u2019s name",
  "confirmation--print-heading": "Confirmation for your records",
  "confirmation--print-text": "You can print this confirmation page for your records. You can also download your completed application as a",
  "dfn--et-abbr": "ET",
  "dfn--et-title": "Eastern Time",
  "dfn--pdf-abbr": "PDF",
  "dfn--pdf-title": "Portable Document Format",
  "error--facilities-fetch": "Error fetching Lighthouse VA facilities",
  "error--facility-search-cancelled": "Empty search string. Search cancelled.",
  "error--facility-search-failed": "Something went wrong. %s",
  "error--fetching-coordinates": "Error fetching MapBox coordinates",
  "error--no-results-found": "No search results found.",
  "facilities-loading-text": "Loading available facilities...",
  "form-address-same-as-label": "Is the %s mailing address the same as their home address? ",
  "form-address-street-label": "%s street address",
  "form-address-street2-label": "Street address line 2",
  "form-address-city-label": "City",
  "form-address-state-label": "State",
  "form-address-postalCode-label": "Postal code",
  "form-address-county-label": "County",
  "form-birth-sex-label": "What\u2019s the %s sex listed at birth?",
  "form-birth-sex-hint": "Select the sex that appears on the %s birth certificate.",
  "form-dob-label": "%s date of birth",
  "form-email-label": "%s email address",
  "form-facilities-search-label": "City, state or postal code",
  "form-facilities-search-hint": "Enter a city, state, or postal code",
  "form-name-hint": "Enter the %s legal name that\u2019s documented with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or Internal Revenue Service (IRS).",
  "form-phone-label": "%s phone number",
  "form-phone-hint": "Enter a 10-digit phone number",
  "form-ssn-label": "Social Security number",
  "form-ssntin-label": "Social Security number or tax identification number",
  "form-vet-relationship-label": "What is the %s relationship to the Veteran?",
  "primary-hint-label": "Primary Caregiver\u2019s",
  "primary-info-title--address-home": "Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address",
  "primary-info-title--address-mailing": "Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s mailing address",
  "primary-info-title--apply": "Apply for Primary Family Caregiver benefits",
  "primary-info-title--chapter": "Primary Family Caregiver applicant information",
  "primary-info-title--contact": "Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s contact information",
  "primary-info-title--id": "Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s identification information",
  "primary-info-title--personal": "Primary Family Caregiver information",
  "primary-address-description--home": "If the Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address is the same as the Veteran\u2019s home address, we\u2019ll fill out those fields for you.",
  "primary address-description--mailing": "If this address is different that the caregiver\u2019s home address, we\u2019ll send any important information about this application to their mailing address.",
  "primary-apply-label": "Would you like to apply for benefits for a Primary Family Caregiver?",
  "primary-input-label": "Primary Family Caregiver\u2019s",
  "primary-signature-label": "Primary Family Caregiver applicant\u2019s",
  "representative-signature-label": "Representative\u2019s",
  "secondary-hint-label": "caregiver\u2019s",
  "secondary-info-title--apply": "Apply for Secondary Family Caregiver benefits",
  "secondary-one-info-title--address-home": "Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address",
  "secondary-one-info-title--address-mailing": "Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s mailing address",
  "secondary-one-info-title--chapter": "Secondary Family Caregiver applicant information",
  "secondary-one-info-title--contact": "Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s contact information",
  "secondary-one-info-title--id": "Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s identification information",
  "secondary-one-info-title--personal": "Secondary Family Caregiver information",
  "secondary-one-address-description--home": "If the Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address is the same as the Veteran\u2019s home address, we\u2019ll fill out those fields for you.",
  "secondary-one-apply-label": "Would you like to apply for benefits for a Secondary Family Caregiver?",
  "secondary-one-input-label": "Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s",
  "secondary-one-signature-label": "Secondary Family Caregiver applicant\u2019s",
  "secondary-two-info-title--address-home": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address",
  "secondary-two-info-title--address-mailing": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s mailing address",
  "secondary-two-info-title--contact": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s contact information",
  "secondary-two-info-title--personal": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver information",
  "secondary-two-intro-title": "Add another Secondary Family Caregiver",
  "secondary-two-intro-description": "You can have up to two Secondary Family Caregivers at any one time.",
  "secondary-two-address-description--home": "If the Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s home address is the same as the Veteran\u2019s home address, we\u2019ll fill out those fields for you.",
  "secondary-two-apply-label": "Do you want to apply for benefits for another Secondary Family Caregiver or add or change another caregiver?",
  "secondary-two-input-label": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver\u2019s",
  "secondary-two-signature-label": "Additional Secondary Family Caregiver applicant\u2019s",
  "sign-as-rep-title--chapter": "Application signature",
  "sign-as-rep-title--review": "Next steps to review and sign your application",
  "sign-as-rep-title--upload": "Upload your supporting document",
  "sign-as-rep-input-label": "Select who will sign for the Veteran today:",
  "sign-as-rep-signature-label": "Representative\u2019s",
  "sign-as-rep-no-text": "I\u2019m the Veteran and signing for myself",
  "sign-as-rep-yes-text": "I\u2019m a representative with legal authority signing on behalf of the Veteran",
  "sign-as-rep-on-behalf-text": "on behalf of %s",
  "sign-as-rep-document-description": "We can only accept a document that proves you have legal authority to make decisions for the Veteran. Or we\u2019ll accept a document that proves you have authority to fill out or sign applications on behalf of the Veteran.",
  "sign-as-rep--signature-text-label": "Enter your name to sign as the Veteran\u2019s representative",
  "sign-as-rep--signature-vet-text-label": "%s full name",
  "signature-checkbox-label": "I certify the information above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.",
  "signature-on-behalf-text": "On behalf of",
  "upload-doc-label": "Upload supporting document",
  "vet-address-description": "Any updates the Veteran makes here to their address will only apply to this application.",
  "vet-address-street-label": "%s street address",
  "vet-address-street-hint": "Enter the address where the Veteran lives. This address can\u2019t be a PO Box.",
  "vet-address-county-label": "County",
  "vet-info-title--address": "Veteran\u2019s home address",
  "vet-info-title--chapter": "Veteran information",
  "vet-info-title--contact": "Veteran contact information",
  "vet-info-title--facility": "VA medical center",
  "vet-info-title--id": "Veteran identification information",
  "vet-info-title--personal": "Veteran\u2019s personal information",
  "vet-input-label": "Veteran\u2019s",
  "vet-med-center-description": "Select the VA medical center where the Veteran receives or plans to receive care.",
  "vet-med-center-search-description": "What VA medical center or clinic does the Veteran get or plan to get their health care?",
  "vet-med-center-state-hint": "Select the state where the VA medical center is located. This may be different from the Veteran\u2019s home address.",
  "validation-address--street-required": "Enter a street address",
  "validation-address--city-required": "Enter a city",
  "validation-address--state-required": "Enter a state",
  "validation-address--postalCode-required": "Enter a postal code",
  "validation-address--postalCode-pattern": "Enter a valid 5- or 9-digit postal code (dashes allowed)",
  "validation-address--county-required": "Enter a county",
  "validation-default-required": "Please provide a response",
  "validation-facilities--search-required": "Enter a city, state or postal code",
  "validation-facilities--default-required": "Select a medical center or clinic",
  "validation-signature-required": "Must certify by checking box",
  "validation-sign-as-rep": "You must sign as representative.",
  "validation-sign-as-rep--vet-name": "Your signature must match previously entered name: %s",
  "validation-ssn-general": "Enter a valid Social Security or tax identification number",
  "validation-ssn-unique": "We\u2019re sorry. You\u2019ve already entered this number elsewhere. Please check your data and try again."