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Test Coverage
  "#-util-capitalize": "{{value, capitalize}}",
  "#-util-uncapitalize": "{{value, uncapitalize}}",
  "add": "Add",
  "address": "Address",
  "agree-to-these-terms": "Agree to these terms",
  "allergies-or-reactions": "Allergies or reactions to your current or past medications",
  "and": "and",
  "and-select-0-were-here-24-7": "and select 0. We’re here 24/7.",
  "and-select-1": "and select 1",
  "answer-a-few-questions-to-find-out-if-you-can-file-your-claim-now": "Answer a few questions to find out if you can file your claim now.",
  "answer-pre-check-in-questions": "Answer pre-check-in questions",
  "answer-questions": "Answer questions",
  "answer-yes-if-you-traveled-from-the-address": "Answer “Yes” if you traveled from the address listed here and you confirm that it’s not a Post Office box.",
  "appointment": "appointment",
  "appointment-day": "{{ date, day }}, {{ date, monthDay }} at {{ date, time }}",
  "appointments_one": "appointment",
  "appointments_other": "appointments",
  "appointments-at_one": "appointment at",
  "appointments-at_other": "appointments at",
  "are-you-claiming-only-mileage": "Are you claiming only mileage and no other expenses?",
  "ask-a-staff-member": "Ask a staff member.",
  "back": "Back",
  "back-to-appointments": "Back to appointments",
  "back-to-last-screen": "Back to last screen",
  "back-to-todays-appointments": "Back to today’s appointments",
  "beneficiary-travel-agreement": "Beneficiary travel agreement",
  "breadcrumb": "Breadcrumb",
  "bring-anything-that-might-help": "Bring anything that might help your health care team work with you to make treatment decisions:",
  "bring-insurance-cards-and-identification": "Bring your health insurance cards and Veteran Health Identification Card.",
  "bring-list-of-medications-including": "Bring an updated list of all the medications you’re taking, including any of these:",
  "brother": "Brother",
  "by-submitting-claim": "By submitting this claim, you agree to the beneficiary travel agreement.",
  "by-submitting-this-claim": "By submitting this claim, you agree to the <0>beneficiary travel agreement</0>.",
  "call": "call",
  "call-your-va-health-care-team": "Call your VA health care team",
  "call-your-va-provider": "call your VA provider.",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "canceled-in-person-appointment": "Canceled in-person appointment",
  "care-you-receive": "Care you receive from other providers",
  "certify-statements": "<0>I have incurred a cost in relation to the travel claim.</0><0>I have neither obtained transportation at Government expense nor through the use of Government request, tickets, or tokens, and have not used any Government-owned convenience or incurred any expenses which may be presented as charges against the Department of Veterans Affairs for transportation, meals, or lodgings in connection with my authorized travel that is not herein claimed.</0><0>I have not received other transportation resources at no-cost to me.</0><0>I am the only person claiming for the travel listed.</0><0>I have not previously received payment for the transportation claimed.</0>",
  "changes-in-medications": "Changes in the medications you’re taking or how you’re taking them",
  "check-if-your-info-is-up-to-date": "Check if your information is up to date",
  "check-in": "Check-In",
  "check-in-at-va": "Check in at VA",
  "check-in-now": "Check in now",
  "check-in-now-for-your-appointment": "Check in now for your appointment",
  "check-in-now-for-your-time-appointment": "Check in now for your {{ time, time }} appointment",
  "check-in-with-a-staff-member": "Check in with a staff member",
  "check-travel-claim-status": "You can check the status of your travel reimbursement claim online 24/7 on the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can access BTSSS through the AccessVA travel claim portal.",
  "check-your-eligibility": "Check your eligibility",
  "child-in-law": "Child in-law",
  "city-is-required": "City is required",
  "claim-checkbox-confirm": "I confirm that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I’ve read and I accept the beneficiary travel agreement.",
  "claim-review-error": "You must accept the beneficiary travel agreement before continuing.",
  "claim-submitted": "Claim submitted",
  "claims": "Claims",
  "clinic": "Clinic",
  "complete-pre-check-in": "Complete pre-check-in",
  "completing-pre-check-in": "Completing pre-check-in...",
  "confirm-who-youd-like-to-represent-your-wishes": "Confirm who you’d like to represent your wishes for care, medical documentation, and benefits if needed. Your next of kin is often your closest living relative, like your spouse, child, parent, or sibling.",
  "contact-information": "Contact Information",
  "contact-your-va-provider": "Contact your VA provider",
  "continue": "Continue",
  "country": "Country",
  "date-day-of-month": "{{date, dayOfMonth}}",
  "date-day-of-week": "{{date, dayOfWeekAbbr}}",
  "date-long": "{{date, dayOfWeek}}, {{date, long}}",
  "date-month-and-year": "{{date, monthAndYear}}",
  "date-of-birth": "Date of birth",
  "date-time": "{{date, time}}",
  "daughter": "Daughter",
  "details": "Details",
  "details-for": "Details for",
  "details-for-appointment": "Details for {{ type }} appointment at {{ time, time }}",
  "did-you-travel-from-your-home-address": "Did you travel from your home address? ",
  "did-you-travel-in-your-own-vehicle": "Did you travel in your own vehicle?",
  "directions": "Directions",
  "directions-to-location": "Directions to {{ location }}",
  "during-pre-check-in-you-can-review-your-contact-information": "During pre-check-in, you can review your personal, emergency contact, and next of kin information and confirm it’s up to date. This helps us better prepare for your appointment.",
  "email-address": "Email address",
  "emergency-and-next-of-kin-information": "Emergency and next of kin information",
  "emergency-information": "Emergency information",
  "extended-family-member": "Extended family member",
  "facility": "Facility",
  "facility-canceled": "Facility canceled this appointment.",
  "facility-name-at-phone": "{{facility}} at <0></0>",
  "father": "Father",
  "file-claim": "File claim",
  "file-for-travel-reimbursement-later": "File for travel reimbursement later",
  "file-later": "File later",
  "file-mileage-only-claim": "File a mileage-only claim",
  "file-mileage-only-claim-todays-appointment_one": "File a mileage-only claim for today’s appointment",
  "file-mileage-only-claim-todays-appointment_other": "File a mileage-only claim for today’s appointments",
  "file-travel-reimbursement-claim": "File a travel reimbursement claim",
  "file-your-claim": "File your claim",
  "find-out-how-to-check-in-on-the-day-of-your-appointment": "Find out how to check in on the day of your appointment",
  "find-out-how-to-file--link": "Find out how to file for travel reimbursement",
  "find-out-how-to-request-travel-pay-reimbursement": "Find out how to request travel pay reimbursement",
  "find-out-if-youre-eligible--link": "Find out if you’re eligible and how to file for travel reimbursement",
  "find-out-what-to-bring": "Find out what to bring to your appointment",
  "find-the-travel-contact-for-your-facility": "Find the travel contact for your facility",
  "find-your-health-facilities-phone-number": "Find your health facility’s phone number",
  "find-your-va-health-facility": "Find your VA health facility",
  "finding-your-appointment-information": "Finding your appointment information",
  "finish-reviewing-your-travel-claim": "Finish reviewing your travel claim",
  "first-need-last-name-date-birth": "First, we need your last name and date of birth to make sure it’s you.",
  "for-each-include-this": "For each medication, include this information:",
  "for-help-using-this-tool-to-prepare-for-your-appointments": "<0>For help using this tool to prepare for your appointments,</0> call our MyVA411 main information line at <1></1> (<2></2>). We’re here 24/7.",
  "for-questions-about-filing-a-travel-reimbursement-claim": "<0>For questions about filing a travel reimbursement claim or to check your claim status,</0> call our BTSSS toll-free call center at <1></1> or call your VA health facility’s Beneficiary Travel contact.",
  "for-questions-about-travel-reimbursement": "<0>For questions about travel reimbursement and filing a claim,</0> call your VA health facility’s Beneficiary Travel contact. ",
  "for-questions-about-your-appointment": "<0>For questions about your appointment or if you have a health-related concern,</0> ask a staff member at your VA health facility.",
  "for-questions-about-your-appointment-or-if-you-have-a-health-related-concern": "For questions about your appointment or if you have a health-related concern,",
  "for-questions-or-help-with-pre-check-in": "For questions about how to fill out your pre-check-in tasks or if you need help with the form,",
  "get-tips-for-protecting-your-personal-health-information": "Get tips for protecting your personal health information",
  "go-to-all-your-va-appointments": "Go to all your VA appointments",
  "go-to-the-accessva-travel-claim-portal-now": "Go to the AccessVA travel claim portal now",
  "grandchild": "Grandchild",
  "have-you-arrived-at-your-va-health-facility": "Have you arrived at your VA health facility?",
  "home-address": "Home address",
  "home-phone": "Home phone",
  "how-can-i-update-my-information": "How can I update my information?",
  "how-often-how-much": "How often, how much, and how you take it (like a pill or injection)",
  "how-to-check-in": "How to check in",
  "how-to-update-next-of-kin": "How to update your next of kin information",
  "how-we-calculate-mileage": "How we calculate mileage",
  "how-you-traveled": "How you traveled",
  "husband": "Husband",
  "i-live-on-a-united-states-military-base-outside-of-the-united-states": "I live on a United States military base outside of the United States.",
  "if-claiming-other-expenses-file-online-or-mail-or-in-person": "If you’re claiming other expenses, like lodging, meals, or tolls, you will need receipts for these expenses. You can file online through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS), by mail, or in person.",
  "if-this-is-not-your-correct-information-a-staff-member-can-help--dayOf": "If this is not your correct information, select <0>No</0> and a staff member can help you check in and update your information.",
  "if-this-is-not-your-correct-information-a-staff-member-can-help--preCheckIn": "If this is not your correct information, select <0>No</0>. A staff member will help you update your next of kin information on the day of your appointment.",
  "if-you-choose-to-file-later": "<0>If you choose to file later, you can text travel to 54804 until the end of today.</0> Or you can file within 30 days through the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS).",
  "if-you-didnt-travel-from-your-home-address": "If you didn’t travel from your home address",
  "if-you-didnt-travel-in-your-own-vehicle": "If you didn’t travel in your own vehicle",
  "if-you-have-hearing-loss-call": "If you have hearing loss, call",
  "if-you-have-other-expenses-to-claim": "If you have other expenses to claim",
  "if-you-have-questions-about-your-appointments": "<0>If you have questions about your appointments,</0> call your VA health facility.",
  "if-you-have-questions-please-call-us-were-here-24-7": "If you have questions, please call us at <0></0> (<1></1>). We’re here 24/7.",
  "if-you-need-submit-receipts-other-expenses": "<0>If you need to submit receipts for other expenses like tolls, meals, or lodging, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-need-to-make-changes-please-talk-to-a-staff-member-when-you-check-in": "If you need to make changes, please talk to a staff member when you check in.",
  "if-you-need-to-submit-receipts-for-other-expenses--helptext": "If you need to submit receipts for other expenses like tolls, meals, or lodging, you can’t file a claim now. But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-think-your-life-or-health-is-in-danger": "<0>If you think your life or health is in danger,</0> call <1></1> or go to the nearest emergency room.",
  "if-you-traveled-by-bus-train-taxi-or-other-authorized--help-text": "<0>If you traveled by bus, train, taxi, or other authorized public transportation, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-traveled-from-a-different-address-you--helptext": "<0>If you traveled from a different address, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-wait-more-than": "If you wait more than 15 minutes, tell a staff member.",
  "if-you-want-to-reschedule": "If you want to reschedule, call us at <0></0> (<1></1>) or schedule a new appointment online.",
  "if-your-appointment-is-in-person": "If your appointment is in person, a staff member will help you on the day of your appointment.",
  "if-youre-claiming-mileage-file-online-now": "If you’re only claiming mileage, you can file online right now. We’ll just ask you a few questions—you won’t need receipts.",
  "if-youre-eligible-for-travel-reimbursement-you-can-file": "If you’re eligible for health care travel reimbursement and you have your direct deposit set up, you can file a reimbursement claim now.",
  "if-youre-filing-only-mileage-no-other-file-all-claims-now": "If you’re filing only mileage and no other expenses, you can file all your claims right now for today’s appointments. You’ll need to file separate claims for any appointments that you don’t select.",
  "if-yourre-in-crisis-or-having-thoughts-of-suicide-call-the": "<0>If you’re in crisis or having thoughts of suicide,</0> call the Veterans Crisis Line at <1></1>. Then select 1. Or text <2></2>. We offer confidential support anytime, day or night.",
  "in-en": "in English",
  "in-person": "in person",
  "in-person-appointment": "In-person appointment",
  "in-person-at": "In person at",
  "in-your-own-vehicle": "In your own vehicle",
  "international-postal-code-is-required": "International postal code is required.",
  "is-required": "is required",
  "is-this-your-current-contact-information": "Is this your current contact information?",
  "is-this-your-current-emergency-contact": "Is this your current emergency contact?",
  "is-this-your-current-next-of-kin": "Is this your current next of kin?",
  "is-this-your-current-next-of-kin-information": "Is this your current next of kin information?",
  "its-time-to-check-in-for-your-time-appointment": "It’s time to check in for your appointment",
  "latest-update": "<bold>Latest update:</bold> {{ date, longAtTime }}",
  "learn-how-file-claims-other-expenses": "Learn how to file claims for other expenses",
  "loading": "Loading...",
  "loading-your-appointment-details": "Loading your appointment details",
  "loading-your-appointment-information": "Loading your appointment information…",
  "loading-your-appointments-for-today": "Loading your appointments for today",
  "loading-your-check-in-experience": "Loading your check in experience",
  "loading-your-upcoming-appointment-information": "Loading your upcoming appointment information…",
  "location": "Location",
  "login": "login",
  "mailing-address": "Mailing address",
  "medications-get-in-clinic-or-sample": "Medications you get in a clinic or as a sample",
  "mileage-only-reimbursement": "Mileage-only reimbursement",
  "mileage-only-reimbursement-for": "Mileage-only reimbursement for",
  "mileage-only-reimbursement-for-your": "Mileage-only reimbursement for your appointment at {{facility}}{{provider}} on {{date, dayWithTime}}",
  "mobile-phone": "Mobile phone",
  "mother": "Mother",
  "name": "Name",
  "need-help": "Need help?",
  "next-of-kin": "Next of kin",
  "next-of-kin-explanation": "Next of kin explanation",
  "niece-nephew": "Niece/Nephew",
  "no": "No",
  "not-available": "Not available",
  "on-day-of-appointment-we-send-text": "On the day of the appointment, we’ll send you a text when it’s time to check in.",
  "online-check-in-isnt-available-check-in-with-a-staff-member": "Online check-in isn’t available for this appointment. Check in with a staff member.",
  "or": "or",
  "or-call-our-BTSSS-toll-free-call-center": "Or call our BTSSS toll-free call center at <0></0> (<1></1>). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.",
  "or-talk-to-a-staff-member-if-youre-at-a-va-facility": "Or talk to a staff member if you’re at a VA facility.",
  "or-you-can-call-MyVA411": "Or you can call MyVA411 main information <0></0> or call your VA health care team.",
  "or-you-can-sign-in": "Or you can <0>{{link}}</0> to your VA account to update your contact information online.",
  "or-you-can-still-file-within": "Or you can still file within 30 days of the appointment through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS).",
  "our-online-check-in-tool-doesnt-include-all": "Our online check-in tool doesn’t include all appointment types at this time. To find all your appointments, you can use our appointments tool on, or call your VA or community care health facility.",
  "our-online-check-in-tool-doesnt-include-all--accordion-item": "Our online check-in tool doesn’t include all appointment types at this time. To find appointments that aren’t in this list, you’ll need to go to our appointments tool on",
  "our-staff-can-help-you-update-your-contact-information": "Our staff can help you update your contact information.",
  "our-staff-can-help-you-update-your-emergency-contact-information": "Our staff can help you update your emergency contact information.",
  "our-staff-can-help-you-update-your-next-of-kin-information": "Our staff can help you update your next of kin information.",
  "over-the-counter-medications": "Over-the-counter medications (like antacids)",
  "penalty-statement": "<0>Penalty statement:</0> There are severe criminal and civil penalties, including a fine, imprisonment, or both, for knowingly submitting a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim.",
  "phone": "Phone",
  "phone-call": "Phone Call",
  "please-call": "Please call <0></0> and select 0. We’re here 24/7.",
  "please-call-our-myva411-main-information-line-at": "please call our MyVA411 main information line at",
  "please-enter-a-valid-date": "Please enter a valid date",
  "please-enter-a-valid-email-address": "Please enter a valid email address.",
  "please-enter-an-email-address": "Please enter an email address.",
  "please-enter-valid-phone-number": "Please enter a valid phone number.",
  "please-enter-your-last-name": "Please enter your last name.",
  "please-provide-a-response": "Please provide a response",
  "pre-check-in-no-longer-available--info-message": "We’re sorry. Pre-check-in is no longer available for your appointment time. Ask a staff member for help to check in.",
  "privacy-act-statement": "Privacy Act Statement",
  "privacy-act-statement-text": "We ask you to provide the information in this questionnaire to help with your medical care (under law 38 U.S.C. Chapter 17). It’s your choice if you want to provide this information. If you choose not to provide this information, it may make it harder for us to prepare for your visit. But it won’t have any effect on your eligibility for any VA benefits or services. We may use and share the information you provide in this questionnaire in the ways we’re allowed to by law. We may make a “routine use” disclosure of the information as outlined in the Privacy Act system of records notice in “24VA10A7 Patient Medical Record – VA” and following the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Notice of Privacy Practices.",
  "processing-travel-claim": "<0>We’re processing your travel reimbursement claim.</0> We’ll send you a text to let you know the status of your claim.",
  "provider": "Provider",
  "read-more-about-privacy-and-security-on-va-gov": "Read more about privacy and security on",
  "reason-for-visit": "Reason for visit",
  "received-reimbursement-claim": "And we received your travel claim.",
  "refresh": "Refresh",
  "reimbursement-claim-number": "Reimbursement claim number",
  "relationship": "Relationship",
  "relationship-is-required": "Relationship is required",
  "relationship-to-you": "relationship to you",
  "remember-to-bring-your-insurance-cards-with-you": "Remember to bring your insurance cards with you. On the day of the appointment, we’ll send you a text when it’s time to check in.",
  "review-body-text": "You can submit your claim now or choose to file later. Either way, you’ll still be taken to your appointment list where you can check in for your appointment.",
  "review-your-claim-information-now-to-file": "Review your claim information now to file your travel pay claim.",
  "review-your-travel-claim": "Review your travel claim",
  "saving-your-responses": "Saving your responses...",
  "select-appointments-to-file-today": "Select the appointments you want to file for today",
  "select-at-least-one-appointment": "Select at least one appointment",
  "select-the-appointments-you-want": "Select the appointments you want to file for",
  "set-up-direct-deposit": "Set up direct deposit",
  "set-up-direct-deposit-to-receive-travel-reimbursement": "You have to set up direct deposit to receive travel reimbursement. If you’ve already done this, no additional steps are needed.",
  "sign-in": "sign in",
  "sign-in-to-btsss": "Sign in to BTSSS to check your claim status",
  "sign-in-to-manage": "Sign in to manage all appointments",
  "sister": "Sister",
  "some-content-may-be-in-english": "Some content may be in English.",
  "something-went-wrong-on-our-end": "Something went wrong on our end",
  "son": "Son",
  "sorry-pre-check-in-is-no-longer-available": "Sorry, pre-check-in is no longer available",
  "sorry-we-cant-complete-pre-check-in": "Sorry, we can’t complete pre-check-in",
  "sorry-we-couldnt-find-an-account-that-matches-last-name-or-dob": "We’re sorry. We couldn’t find an account that matches that last name or date of birth. Please try again.",
  "start-again": "Start again",
  "start-here": "Start here",
  "start-over": "Start over",
  "start-pre-check-in": "Start pre-check-in",
  "starting-address": "Starting address",
  "state-is-required": "State is required",
  "state-province-region-is-required": "State/Province/Region is required.",
  "stepchild": "Stepchild",
  "tell-a-staff-member-if-you-wait": "Tell a staff member if you wait more than 15 minutes or if you haven’t been called back by your scheduled appointment time.",
  "thank-you-for-checking-in": "Thank you for checking in.",
  "the-staff-can-call-you-back-anytime": "The staff can call you back anytime now that you’ve completed check-in.",
  "the-staff-can-call-you-back-anytime-see-staff": "The staff can call you back anytime now that you’ve completed check-in. See a staff member when you arrive in the waiting room.",
  "this-appointment-isnt-eligible-check-in-with-a-staff-member": "This appointment isn’t eligible for online check-in. Check-in with a staff member.",
  "this-helps-us-keep-information-about-your-next-of-kin-up-to-date": "This helps us keep information about your next of kin up to date.",
  "this-link-has-expired": "This link has expired",
  "this-must-be-true-youre-traveling-for-care": "<0>This must be true:</0> You’re traveling for care at a VA health facility or for VA-approved care at a non-VA health facility in your community. <0>And at least one of these must also be true:</0>",
  "time": "Time",
  "travel-method": "Travel method",
  "travel-pay-cant-file-message": "We’re sorry. We can’t file this type of travel reimbursement claim for you now. But you can still file within <0>30 days</0> of the appointment.",
  "travel-pay-reimbursement--info-message": "VA travel pay reimbursement pays eligible Veterans and caregivers back for mileage and other travel expenses to and from approved health care appointments.",
  "travel-reimbursement": "Travel reimbursement",
  "travel-reimbursement-eligibility": "Travel reimbursement eligibility",
  "trying-to-check-in-for-an-appointment--info-message": "Trying to check in for an appointment? Text <0>check in</0> to <1></1>.",
  "tty-711": "TTY: 711",
  "type-of-care": "Type of care",
  "united-states": "United States",
  "unrelated-friend": "Unrelated Friend",
  "update": "Update",
  "VA-appointment": "VA appointment",
  "ward": "Ward",
  "we-ask-this-question-because-staff-can-call-you": "We ask this question because staff can call you back anytime after you complete check-in. If you’re more than 5-10 minutes away after completing check-in, see a staff member when you arrive.",
  "we-can-better-follow-up-with-when-we-have-your-current-information": "We can better follow up with you after your appointment when we have your current information.",
  "we-can-better-prepare-for-your-appointment-and-contact-you-more-easily": "We can better prepare for your appointment and contact you more easily.",
  "we-cant-file-a-claim": "We can’t file a travel reimbursement claim for you in this tool right now. But you can still file within 30 days of the appointment through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS).",
  "we-cant-file-this-type": "We can’t file this type of travel reimbursement claim",
  "we-cant-match-your-information": "We can’t match your information to our records",
  "we-couldnt-check-you-in": "We couldn’t check you in",
  "we-couldnt-file-your-claim": "We couldn’t file your claim",
  "we-encourage-you-to-file-travel-reimbursement-now": "We’ll ask you 3 additional questions that can help you file your claim faster. We encourage you to try filing your claim now, even if you’re not sure that you’re eligible.",
  "we-make-every-effort-to-keep-your-personal-information-private-and-secure": "We make every effort to keep your personal information private and secure.",
  "we-need-some-information-to-verify-your-identity-so-we-can-check-you-in": "We need some information to verify your identity so we can check you in.",
  "we-need-to-verify-your-identity-so-you-can-start-pre-check-in": "We need to verify your identity so you can start pre-check-in.",
  "well-get-you-from-waiting-room-when-time-for-your-appointment": "We’ll come get you from the waiting room when it’s time for your appointment to start.",
  "well-send-you-a-text-to-let-you-know": "We’ll send you a text to let you know the status of your claim.",
  "were-processing-your-travel-claim": "We’re processing your travel reimbursement claim",
  "were-sorry-cant-file-travel-file-later--info-message": "We’re sorry. We can’t file a travel reimbursement claim for you now. But you can still file within <0>30 days</0> of the appointment.",
  "were-sorry-something-went-wrong-on-our-end-check-in-with-a-staff-member": "We’re sorry. Something went wrong on our end. Check in with a staff member.",
  "were-sorry-something-went-wrong-on-our-end-please-try-again": "We’re sorry. Something went wrong on our end. Please try again.",
  "were-sorry-we-cant-file-this-type": "We’re sorry. We can’t file this type of travel reimbursement claim for you in this tool right now. But you can still file within 30 days of the appointment through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS).",
  "were-sorry-we-couldnt-file-your-claim": "We’re sorry. We couldn’t file your travel reimbursement claim in this tool right now. Please try again later.",
  "were-sorry-we-couldnt-match-your-information": "We’re sorry. We couldn’t match your information to our records.",
  "were-sorry-we-couldnt-match-your-information-please-ask-for-help": "We’re sorry. We couldn’t match your information to our records. Please ask a staff member for help.",
  "were-sorry-we-couldnt-match-your-information-to-our-records": "We’re sorry. We couldn’t match your information to our records.",
  "were-sorry-you-already-filed-a-claim": "We’re sorry. You already filed a travel pay claim for your appointment on {{date, long}}.",
  "what": "What",
  "what-if-i-have-questions-about-my-appointment": "What if I have questions about my appointment?",
  "what-is-pre-check-in": "What is pre-check-in?",
  "what-youre-claiming": "What you’re claiming",
  "when": "When",
  "where-to-attend": "Where to attend",
  "where-you-traveled-from": "Where you traveled from",
  "why-cant-i-pre-check-in": "Why can’t I pre-check-in?",
  "why-do-i-need-to-make-sure-my-information-is-up-to-date": "Why do I need to make sure my information is up to date?",
  "wife": "Wife",
  "will-va-protect-my-personal-health-information": "Will VA protect my personal health information?",
  "with": "with",
  "work-phone": "Work phone",
  "would-you-like-to-file-a-travel-reimbursement-claim": "Would you like to file a travel reimbursement claim?",
  "yes": "Yes",
  "you-already-filed-a-claim": "You already filed a travel pay claim",
  "you-are-already-checked-in": "You are already checked in.",
  "you-can-also-file-a-claim-online--help-text": "You can also file a claim online 24/7 through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). Or you can use VA Form 10-3542 to submit a claim by mail, fax, email, or in person. Be sure to file your claim on time. You must file within <0>30 days</0> of the appointment.",
  "you-can-also-sign-in-to-your-va-gov-profile-to-review-your-information": "You can also <0>{{link}}</0> to your profile to review your information.",
  "you-can-check-in-starting-at-this-time": "You can check in starting at {{date, time}}",
  "you-can-pre-check-in-online-before-midnight-of-the-day-of-your-appointment": "You can pre-check-in online before midnight of the day of your appointment.",
  "you-can-pre-check-in-online-until-date": "You can pre-check in online until {{date, long}}.",
  "you-can-still-check-in-once-you-arrive": "You can still check-in with your phone once you arrive at your appointment.",
  "you-can-still-check-in-travel-reimbursement": "You can still check in for your appointment, but our travel reimbursement system isn’t working at this time. You can still file within 30 days through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS).",
  "you-can-still-check-in-with-your-phone-on-the-day-of-your-appointment": "You can still check in with your phone on the day of your appointment.",
  "you-can-still-file-within": "You can still file within 30 days of the appointment through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS).",
  "you-can-submit-your-claim-now-in-this-tool": "You can submit your claim now in this tool or choose to file later.",
  "you-can-use-this-tool-file-claim": "You can use this tool to file a claim for today’s appointments until the end of today.",
  "you-cant-afford-to-pay-for-your-travel": "You can’t afford to pay for your travel, as defined by our guidelines, <0>or</0>",
  "you-checked-in-at": "You checked in at {{date, time}}",
  "you-dont-need-to-do-anything-else": "You don’t need to do anything else.",
  "you-have-a-va-disability-rating-of": "You have a VA disability rating of 30% or higher, <0>or</0>",
  "you-have-an-annual-income-below-the-maximum": "You have an annual income that’s below the maximum annual VA pension rate, <0>or</0>",
  "you-may-need-to-wait": "You may need to wait about 15 minutes for their call. Thanks for your patience.",
  "you-receive-va-pension-benefits": "You receive a VA pension, <0>or</0>",
  "your-answers-will-help-us-better-prepare-for-your-needs": "Your answers will help us better prepare for your needs.",
  "your-appointment-at-on-is-canceled": "Your appointment at {{time, time}} on {{day, long}} is canceled.",
  "your-appointment-started-more-than-15-minutes-ago-ask-for-help": "Your appointment started more than 15 minutes ago. We can’t check you in online. Ask a staff member for help.",
  "your-appointments_one": "Your appointment",
  "your-appointments_other": "Your appointments",
  "your-appointments-on-day_one": "Your appointment is on {{day, long}}.",
  "your-appointments-on-day_other": "Your appointments are on {{day, long}}.",
  "your-appointments-on-day-facility_one": "Your appointment is on {{day, long}} at {{facility}}.",
  "your-appointments-on-day-facility_other": "Your appointments are on {{day, long}} at {{facility}}.",
  "your-date-of-birth-can-not-be-in-the-future": "Your date of birth can not be in the future",
  "your-last-name": "Your last name",
  "your-provider-will-call-you": "Your provider will call you.",
  "your-provider-will-call-you-at-your-appointment-time": "Your provider will call you at your appointment time. You may need to wait about 15 minutes for their call. Thanks for your patience.",
  "youre-also-responsible-for-protecting-your-personal-health-information": "You’re also responsible for protecting your personal health information. If you print or download your information—or share it electronically with others—you’ll need to take steps to protect it.",
  "youre-checked-in": "You’re checked in",
  "youre-traveling-for-one-of-these-reasons": "You’re traveling for one of these reasons:",
  "youre-traveling-for-treatment-of-a-service-connected-condition": "You’re traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition, <0>or</0>",
  "youre-traveling-in-relation-to-a-compensation-and-pension": "A scheduled VA claim exam (also called a compensation and pension, or C&P, exam), to get a service dog, or for VA-approved transplant care.",
  "youve-completed-pre-check-in": "You’ve completed pre-check-in",
  "zip-code-is-required": "Zip code is required",
  "on-date-at-time": "on {{date, dayOfWeek}}, {{date, long}} at {{date, time}}",
  "start-travel-claim-over": "Start travel claim over",
  "at": "at",
  "you-can-join-your-appointment-by-using-our-appointments-tool": "You can join your appointment by using our appointments tool on We’ll add the link 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.",
  "go-to-facility-for-this-video-appointment": "Go to {{facility}} for this video appointment.",
  "video-appointment": "video appointment",
  "video-at": "Video at",
  "video-appointment-at-facility": "Video appointment at {{facility}}",
  "video-error-help-text": "You can join your appointment by using our appointments tool on We’ll add the link 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.",
  "sign-in-to-find-appointment": "Sign in to to find your appointment",
  "phone-appointment": "Phone appointment",
  "phone-error-help-text": "Your provider will call you at the appointment time. You may need to wait 15 minutes for their call.",
  "pre-check-in-no-longer-available": "Pre-check-in is no longer available for your appointment time.",
  "something-went-wrong-please-try-again": "Something went wrong on our end. Please try again.",
  "if-you-have-questions-call": "If you have questions about your appointments, call your VA health facility.",
  "something-went-wrong": "Something went wrong. If you have questions about your appointments, call your VA health facility.",
  "clinic-phone": "Clinic phone",
  "need-to-make-changes": "Need to make changes?",
  "contact-this-facility": "Contact this facility if you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.",
  "select-appointment-to-file-today": "Select the appointment you want to file for today",
  "select-the-appointment-you-want": "Select the appointment you want to file for",
  "this-claim-is-for-your": "This claim is for your appointment at {{facility}}{{provider}} on {{date, dayWithTime}}",
  "we-pay-round-trip-mileage-for-scheduled": "We pay round-trip mileage for your scheduled appointments",
  "we-may--only-pay-return-for-unscheduled": "We may only pay return mileage for unscheduled appointments, like walk-ins and labs",
  "start-checking-in-for-your-appointment": "Start checking in for your appointment",
  "we-need-your-last-name-and-birth": "First, we need your last name and date of birth to make sure it’s you.",
  "upcoming-appointments": "Upcoming appointments",
  "what-to-do-next": "What to do next",
  "review-your-information-now": "Review your information now",
  "your-information-is-up-to-date": "Your information is up to date",
  "day-of-week-month-day-time": "{{ date, day }}, {{ date, monthDay }}, {{ date, time }}",
  "in-person-appointments": "In-person appointments",
  "phone-appointments": "Phone appointments",
  "check-in-now-for-your-date-time-appointment": "Check in now for appointment on {{ date, day }}, {{ date, monthDay }} at {{ date, time }}",
  "details-for-appointment-on-date-at-time": "Details for {{ type }} appointment on {{ dateTime, date }} at {{ dateTime, time }}",
  "appointment-on-date-at-time": "Appointment on {{dateTime, date}} at {{ dateTime, time}}",
  "submit-claim": "Submit claim",
  "review-body-text-unified": "You can submit your claim now or choose to file later. Either way, you can still complete the check-in process.",
  "we-cant-find-any-upcoming-appointments": "We can’t find any upcoming VA medical appointments for you",
  "canceled": "Canceled",
  "you-canceled": "You canceled this appointment.",
  "sign-in-to-schedule": "Sign in to schedule a new appointment",
  "or-talk-staff-if-at-facility": "Or talk to a staff member if you’re at a VA facility.",
  "video": "Video",
  "we-cant-access-appointments": "We can’t access your appointments right now",
  "were-sorry-theres-a-problem-with-system": "We’re sorry. There’s a problem with our system.",
  "when-time-to-check-in-for-appointment-well-send-another-text": "When it’s time to check in for your appointment, we’ll send you another text.",
  "what-if-cant-find-appointments-in-list": "What if I can’t find my appointments in this list?",
  "youve-successfully-reviewed-your-contact-information": "You’ve successfully reviewed your contact information",
  "todays-appointments-at-this-facility": "Today’s appointments at this facility",
  "review-your-information": "Review your information",
  "who": "Who",
  "you-cant-review-information-right-now": "You can’t review your contact information right now",
  "the-link-selected-has-expired": "The link you selected from our text message has expired. When it’s time to check in for your upcoming appointment, we’ll send you another text. Or if you’re at the facility, see staff to check you in. You can review your contact information at that time.",
  "you-can-review-online-until-date": "You can review your contact information online until {{date, long}}.",
  "were-sorry-something-went-wrong-on-our-end": "We’re sorry. Something went wrong on our end. Please try again.",
  "review-your-contact-information-for-your-appointment_one": "Review your contact information for your appointment",
  "review-your-contact-information-for-your-appointment_other": "Review your contact information for your appointments",
  "sorry-this-link-has-expired": "We’re sorry. This link has expired.",
  "sorry-we-cant-file-now": "We’re sorry. We can’t file a travel reimbursement claim for you now. But you can still file within <0>30 days</0> of the appointment.",
  "what-should-i-bring": "What should I bring to my health care appointments?",
  "prescriptions-from-provider": "Prescriptions from any provider",
  "vitamins-supplements-herbal-remedies": "Vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies",
  "the-name": "The name",
  "why-take-it": "Why you take it",
  "who-prescribed-it": "Who prescribed it (if it’s a prescription medication)",
  "problems-questions-concerns": "Problems, questions, or concerns with your medications",
  "you-may-need-to-take-other-steps": "You may need to take other steps to prepare for certain appointments, like video appointments. You’ll find these instructions in your appointment details.",
  "review-contact-information": "Review your contact information",
  "prepare-for-your-appointment_one": "Prepare for your appointment",
  "prepare-for-your-appointment_other": "Prepare for your appointments",
  "manage-your-appointments": "Manage your appointments",
  "sign-in-to-vagov-and-schedule": "Sign in to and schedule",
  "review-your-upcoming-appointments": "Review your upcoming appointments",
  "review-todays-appointments": "Review today’s appointments",
  "were-sorry-weve-run-into-a-problem": "We’re sorry. We’ve run into a problem.",
  "were-having-trouble-getting-your-upcoming-appointments": "We’re having trouble getting your upcoming appointments. Please try again later.",
  "to-file-another-claim-for-different-date": "To file another claim for a different date, you can visit the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System (BTSSS). You must file within 30 days of the appointment.",
  "find-a-full-list-of-things-to-bring": "Find a full list of things to bring to your appointment",
  "find-out-how-to-check-in-opens-in-new-tab": "Find out how to check in (opens in new tab)",
  "we-cant-show-all-information": "We can’t show all your information right now",
  "some-appointment-information-not-available": "Some of your appointment information is not available right now.",
  "find-all-appointment-information-check-in": "To find all your appointment information, finish checking in for your appointment first. Then go to appointments on",
  "find-all-appointment-information-pre-check-in": "To find all your appointment information, finish reviewing your contact information first. Then go to appointments on",
  "review-your-appointments": "Review your appointments",
  "check-current-mileage-rates-new-tab": "Check current mileage rates (opens in a new tab)",
  "bring-insurance-cards-and-list-medications-other": "Bring your insurance cards. And bring a list of your medications and other information to share with your provider.",
  "veterans-affairs": "Veterans Affairs",
  "if-youre-claiming-mileage-file-online-now--UPDATE": "If you’re only claiming mileage, you can file online right now. We’ll just ask you a few questions—you won’t need receipts.",
  "if-claiming-other-expenses-file-online-or-mail-or-in-person--UPDATE": "If you’re claiming other expenses, like lodging, meals, or tolls, you will need receipts for these expenses. You can file online through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS), by mail, or in person.",
  "penalty-statement--UPDATE": "<0>Penalty statement:</0> There are severe criminal and civil penalties, including a fine, imprisonment, or both, for knowingly submitting a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim.",
  "if-you-need-submit-receipts-other-expenses--UPDATE": "<0>If you need to submit receipts for other expenses like tolls, meals, or lodging, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-need-to-submit-receipts-for-other-expenses--helptext--UPDATE": "If you need to submit receipts for other expenses like tolls, meals, or lodging, you can’t file a claim now. But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-traveled-by-bus-train-taxi-or-other-authorized--help-text--UPDATE": "<0>If you traveled by bus, train, taxi, or other authorized public transportation, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542.",
  "if-you-traveled-from-a-different-address-you--helptext--UPDATE": "<0>If you traveled from a different address, you can’t file a claim in this tool right now.</0> But you can file your claim online, within 30 days, through the Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS). You can also file by mail or in person using VA Form 10-3542."