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Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import environment from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-utilities/environment';

export const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 10;

// Date Formats
export const DATE_FORMATS = {
  LONG_DATE: 'MMMM d, yyyy',

export const CST_BREADCRUMB_BASE = [
  { href: '/', label: ' home' },
    href: '/your-claims',
    label: 'Check your claims and appeals',
    isRouterLink: true,

// This should make it a bit easier to turn mocks on and off manually
const SHOULD_USE_MOCKS = true;
// NOTE: This should only be TRUE when developing locally
const CAN_USE_MOCKS = !window.Cypress && environment.isLocalhost();

export const canUseMocks = () => SHOULD_USE_MOCKS && CAN_USE_MOCKS;

// This is used in useDataDogRum
export const isProductionEnv = () => {
  return (
    !environment.BASE_URL.includes('localhost') &&
    !window.DD_RUM?.getInitConfiguration() &&

// These are claim types codes for disability compensation claims. Claim type codes listed here
// are used in isDisabilityCompensationClaim() to show the 8 claim phase steps instead of 5.
export const disabilityCompensationClaimTypeCodes = [

// These are claim type codes for dependency claims that involve requests to add or remove a
// dependent (a subset of the larger list of all claim type codes for the "Dependency" claim type).
// These codes are currently only used to render a more specific title for the claim, e.g. "Request
// to add or remove a dependent" rather than just "Claim for dependency".
export const addOrRemoveDependentClaimTypeCodes = [

// The Standard 5103 Notice Response doesnt come through as a tracked item from our API until it is closed so we need to make a
// mocked item with information.
export const standard5103Item = {
  displayName: 'Review evidence list (5103 notice)',
  type: '5103 Notice Response',
  description: (
        We sent you a “List of evidence we may need (5103 notice)” letter. This
        letter lets you know if submitting additional evidence will help decide
        your claim.
        You can also let us know that you’re done submitting additional
        evidence, for now.