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import merge from 'lodash/merge';
import { format, isValid, parseISO } from 'date-fns';

import environment from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-utilities/environment';
import { apiRequest } from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-utilities/api';
import { scrollAndFocus, scrollToTop } from 'platform/utilities/ui';
import titleCase from 'platform/utilities/data/titleCase';
import { setUpPage, isTab } from './page';

import { SET_UNAUTHORIZED } from '../actions/types';
import {
} from '../constants';

// Adding !! so that we convert this to a boolean
export const claimAvailable = claim =>
  !!(claim && claim.attributes && Object.keys(claim.attributes).length !== 0);

// Using a Map instead of the typical Object because
// we want to guarantee that the key insertion order
// is maintained when converting to an array of keys
export const getStatusMap = () => {
  const map = new Map();
  map.set('COMPLETE', 'COMPLETE');
  return map;

const statusStepMap = {
  CLAIM_RECEIVED: 'Step 1 of 5: Claim received',
  INITIAL_REVIEW: 'Step 2 of 5: Initial review',
    'Step 3 of 5: Evidence gathering, review, and decision',
  PREPARATION_FOR_NOTIFICATION: 'Step 4 of 5: Preparation for notification',
  COMPLETE: 'Step 5 of 5: Closed',

export function getStatusDescription(status) {
  return statusStepMap[status];

const claimPhaseTypeStepMap = {
  CLAIM_RECEIVED: 'Step 1 of 8: Claim received',
  UNDER_REVIEW: 'Step 2 of 8: Initial review',
  GATHERING_OF_EVIDENCE: 'Step 3 of 8: Evidence gathering',
  REVIEW_OF_EVIDENCE: 'Step 4 of 8: Evidence review',
  PREPARATION_FOR_DECISION: 'Step 5 of 8: Rating',
  PENDING_DECISION_APPROVAL: 'Step 6 of 8: Preparing decision letter',
  PREPARATION_FOR_NOTIFICATION: 'Step 7 of 8: Final review',
  COMPLETE: 'Step 8 of 8: Claim decided',

export function getClaimPhaseTypeHeaderText(claimPhaseType) {
  return claimPhaseTypeStepMap[claimPhaseType];

const phase8ItemTextMap = {
  1: 'We received your claim in our system',
  2: 'Step 2: Initial review',
  3: 'Step 3: Evidence gathering',
  4: 'Step 4: Evidence review',
  5: 'Step 5: Rating',
  6: 'Step 6: Preparing decision letter',
  7: 'Step 7: Final review',
  8: 'Your claim was decided',

const phase5ItemTextMap = {
  1: 'Step 1: Claim received',
  2: 'Step 2: Initial review',
  3: 'Step 3: Evidence gathering, review, and decision',
  4: 'Step 3: Evidence gathering, review, and decision',
  5: 'Step 3: Evidence gathering, review, and decision',
  6: 'Step 3: Evidence gathering, review, and decision',
  7: 'Step 4: Preparation for notification',
  8: 'Step 5: Closed',

export function getPhaseItemText(phase, showEightPhases = false) {
  return showEightPhases ? phase8ItemTextMap[phase] : phase5ItemTextMap[phase];

const claimPhaseTypeDescriptionMap = {
  CLAIM_RECEIVED: 'We received your claim in our system.',
    'We’re checking your claim for basic information, like your name and Social Security number. If information is missing, we’ll contact you.',
    'We’re reviewing your claim to make sure we have all the evidence and information we need. If we need anything else, we’ll contact you.',
    'We’re reviewing all the evidence for your claim. If we need more evidence or you submit more evidence, your claim will go back to Step 3: Evidence gathering.',
    'We’re deciding your claim and determining your disability rating. If we need more evidence or you submit more evidence, your claim will go back to Step 3: Evidence gathering.',
    'We’re preparing your decision letter. If we need more evidence or you submit more evidence, your claim will go back to Step 3: Evidence gathering.',
    'A senior reviewer is doing a final review of your claim and the decision letter.',
    'You can view and download your decision letter. We also sent you a copy by mail.',

export function getClaimPhaseTypeDescription(claimPhaseType) {
  return claimPhaseTypeDescriptionMap[claimPhaseType];

const statusDescriptionMap = {
    'We received your claim. We haven’t assigned the claim to a reviewer yet.',
    'We assigned your claim to a reviewer. The reviewer will determine if we need any more information from you.',
    'We’re getting evidence from you, your health care providers, government agencies, and other sources. We’ll review the evidence and make a decision.',
    'We’ve made a decision on your claim. We’re getting your decision letter ready to mail to you.',
    'We’ve made a decision about your claim. If available, you can view your decision letter. We’ll also send you your letter by U.S. mail.',

export function getClaimStatusDescription(status) {
  return statusDescriptionMap[status];

export function isDisabilityCompensationClaim(claimTypeCode) {
  return disabilityCompensationClaimTypeCodes.includes(claimTypeCode);

export function isClaimOpen(status, closeDate) {
  const STATUSES = getStatusMap();
  return status !== STATUSES.get('COMPLETE') && closeDate === null;

const evidenceGathering = 'Evidence gathering, review, and decision';

const phaseMap = {
  1: 'Claim received',
  2: 'Initial review',
  3: evidenceGathering,
  4: evidenceGathering,
  5: evidenceGathering,
  6: evidenceGathering,
  7: 'Preparation for notification',
  8: 'Complete',

// Gets the user phase for LH or EVSS claim
export function getPhaseDescription(phase) {
  return phaseMap[phase];

export function getUserPhaseDescription(phase) {
  if (phase < 3) {
    return phaseMap[phase];
  if (phase === 3) {
    return evidenceGathering;

  return phaseMap[phase + 3];

export function getUserPhase(phase) {
  if (phase < 3) {
    return phase;
  if (phase >= 3 && phase < 7) {
    return 3;

  return phase - 3;

function isInEvidenceGathering(claim) {
  const allowedClaimTypes = ['evss_claims', 'claim'];
  const isEvssClaim = claim.type === 'evss_claims';
  const isLighthouseClaim = claim.type === 'claim';

  if (!allowedClaimTypes.includes(claim.type)) {
    return false;

  if (isEvssClaim) return claim.attributes.phase === 3;
  if (isLighthouseClaim) {
    return claim.attributes.status === 'EVIDENCE_GATHERING_REVIEW_DECISION';

  return false;

// START lighthouse_migration
export const getTrackedItemDate = item => {
  return item.closedDate || item.receivedDate || item.requestedDate;
// END lighthouse_migration

export function getFilesNeeded(trackedItems, useLighthouse = true) {
  // trackedItems are different between lighthouse and evss
  // Therefore we have to filter them differntly
  if (useLighthouse) {
    return trackedItems.filter(item => item.status === 'NEEDED_FROM_YOU');

  return trackedItems.filter(
    event =>
      event.status === 'NEEDED' && event.type === 'still_need_from_you_list',

export function getFilesOptional(trackedItems, useLighthouse = true) {
  // trackedItems are different between lighthouse and evss
  // Therefore we have to filter them differntly
  if (useLighthouse) {
    return trackedItems.filter(item => item.status === 'NEEDED_FROM_OTHERS');

  return trackedItems.filter(
    event =>
      event.status === 'NEEDED' && event.type === 'still_need_from_others_list',

export function getItemDate(item) {
  // Tracked item that has been marked received.
  // status is either INITIAL_REVIEW_COMPLETE,
  // or ACCEPTED
  if (item.receivedDate) {
    return item.receivedDate;

  // Tracked item that has documents but has not been marked received.
  if (item.documents && item.documents.length) {
    return item.documents[item.documents.length - 1].uploadDate;

  // Supporting document.
  // uploadDate is sometimes null
  if (item.type === 'other_documents_list' && item.uploadDate) {
    return item.uploadDate;

  // Most likely this is a tracked item that has a status
  // of NEEDED

function getPhaseNumber(phase) {
  return parseInt(phase.replace('phase', ''), 10);

function isEventOrPrimaryPhase(event) {
  if (event.type === 'phase_entered') {
    return event.phase <= 3 || event.phase >= 7;

  return !!getItemDate(event);

export function groupTimelineActivity(events) {
  const phases = {};
  let activity = [];

  const phaseEvents = events
    .map(event => {
      if (event.type.startsWith('phase')) {
        return {
          type: 'phase_entered',
          phase: getPhaseNumber(event.type) + 1,

      return event;

  phaseEvents.forEach(event => {
    if (event.type.startsWith('phase')) {
      phases[getUserPhase(event.phase)] = activity;
      activity = [];
    } else {

  if (activity.length > 0) {
    phases[1] = activity;

  return phases;

export function displayFileSize(size) {
  if (size < 1024) {
    return `${size}B`;

  const kbSize = size / 1024;
  if (kbSize < 1024) {
    return `${Math.round(kbSize)}KB`;

  const mbSize = kbSize / 1024;
  return `${Math.round(mbSize)}MB`;

export function groupClaimsByDocsNeeded(list) {
  const groupingPredicate = c => {
    return c.attributes.documentsNeeded && isInEvidenceGathering(c);

  const claimsWithOpenRequests = list.filter(groupingPredicate);

  const claimsWithoutOpenRequests = list.filter(
    claim => !groupingPredicate(claim),

  return claimsWithOpenRequests.concat(claimsWithoutOpenRequests);

export const DOC_TYPES = [
  { value: 'L029', label: 'Copy of a DD214' },
  { value: 'L450', label: 'STR - Dental - Photocopy' },
  { value: 'L451', label: 'STR - Medical - Photocopy' },
    value: 'L049',
    label: 'Medical Treatment Record - Non-Government Facility',
  { value: 'L034', label: 'Military Personnel Record' },
    value: 'L107',
    label: 'VA Form 21-4142 - Authorization To Disclose Information',
    value: 'L827',
      'VA Form 21-4142a - General Release for Medical Provider Information',
    value: 'L229',
      'VA Form 21-0781a - Statement in Support of Claim for PTSD Secondary to Personal Assault',
    value: 'L228',
    label: 'VA Form 21-0781 - Statement in Support of Claim for PTSD',
    value: 'L149',
      'VA Form 21-8940 - Veterans Application for Increased Compensation Based on Un-employability',
    value: 'L115',
      'VA Form 21-4192 - Request for Employment Information in Connection with Claim for Disability',
    value: 'L159',
      'VA Form 26-4555 - Application in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing or Special Home Adaptation Grant',
    value: 'L117',
      'VA Form 21-4502 - Application for Automobile or Other Conveyance and Adaptive Equipment Under 38 U.S.C. 3901-3904',
    value: 'L139',
    label: 'VA Form 21-686c - Declaration of Status of Dependents',
    value: 'L133',
    label: 'VA Form 21-674 - Request for Approval of School Attendance',
    value: 'L102',
      'VA Form 21-2680 - Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Regular Aid & Attendance',
    value: 'L222',
      'VA Form 21-0779 - Request for Nursing Home Information in Connection with Claim for Aid & Attendance',
  { value: 'L702', label: 'Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ)' },
  { value: 'L703', label: 'Goldmann Perimetry Chart/Field Of Vision Chart' },
  { value: 'L070', label: 'Photographs' },
  { value: 'L023', label: 'Other Correspondence' },

export function getDocTypeDescription(docType) {
  return DOC_TYPES.filter(type => type.value === docType)[0].label;

export const isPopulatedClaim = ({ claimDate, claimType, contentions }) =>
  !!claimType && (contentions && !!contentions.length) && !!claimDate;

export function hasBeenReviewed(trackedItem) {
  const reviewedStatuses = ['INITIAL_REVIEW_COMPLETE', 'ACCEPTED'];
  return reviewedStatuses.includes(trackedItem.status);

export function stripEscapedChars(text) {
  return text && text.replace(/\\(n|r|t)/gm, '');

// strip escaped html entities that have made its way into the desc
export function stripHtml(text) {
  return text && text.replace(/[<>]|&\w+;/g, '');

export function scrubDescription(text) {
  return stripEscapedChars(stripHtml(text));

export function truncateDescription(text, maxLength = 120) {
  if (text && text.length > maxLength) {
    return `${text.substr(0, maxLength)}…`;
  return scrubDescription(text);

export function isClaimComplete(claim) {
  return claim.attributes.decisionLetterSent || claim.attributes.phase === 8;

export function itemsNeedingAttentionFromVet(items) {
  return items?.filter(item => item.status === 'NEEDED_FROM_YOU').length;

export function makeAuthRequest(
) {
  const options = merge(
      method: 'GET',
      credentials: 'include',
      mode: 'cors',
      responseType: 'json',

  return apiRequest(`${environment.API_URL}${url}`, options)
    .catch(resp => {
      if (resp.status === 401) {
          type: SET_UNAUTHORIZED,
      } else {

export function getClaimType(claim) {
  return claim?.attributes?.claimType || 'Disability Compensation';

export const mockData = {
  data: [
      // Status: Review your statement of the case - pending_form9
      id: '7387389',
      type: 'legacyAppeal',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['7387389', '123'],
        updated: '2018-01-03T09:30:15-05:00',
        active: true,
        incompleteHistory: true,
        aoj: 'vba',
        programArea: 'compensation',
          'Service connection for tinnitus, hearing loss, and two more',
        type: 'original',
        aod: false,
        location: 'aoj',
        status: {
          type: 'pending_soc',
          details: {
            lastSocDate: '2015-09-12',
            certificationTimeliness: [1, 4],
            socTimeliness: [2, 16],
        docket: null,
        issues: [
            active: true,
            description: 'Service connection for tinnitus',
            lastAction: 'null',
            date: '2016-05-30',
        alerts: [
            type: 'form9_needed',
            details: {
              date: '2018-01-28',
            type: 'ramp_eligible',
            details: {
              date: '2016-05-30',
            type: 'decision_soon',
            details: {},
        events: [
            type: 'claim',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            details: {},
            type: 'nod',
            date: '2016-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'form9',
            date: '2016-09-12',
            details: {},
            type: 'soc',
            date: '2016-12-15',
            details: {},
        evidence: [
            description: 'Service treatment records',
            date: '2017-09-30',
      // Status: Waiting to be assigned to a judge - on_docket
      id: '7387390',
      type: 'legacyAppeal',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['7387390', '456'],
        updated: '2018-01-03T09:30:15-05:00',
        active: true,
        incompleteHistory: false,
        aoj: 'vba',
        programArea: 'compensation',
          'Service connection for tinnitus, hearing loss, and two more',
        type: 'original',
        aod: false,
        location: 'aoj',
        status: {
          type: 'on_docket',
          details: {
            regionalOffice: 'Chicago Regional Office',
        docket: {
          front: false,
          total: 206900,
          ahead: 109203,
          ready: 22109,
          month: '2016-08-01',
          docketMonth: '2016-04-01',
          eta: null,
        issues: [
            active: true,
            description: 'Service connection for tinnitus',
            lastAction: null,
            date: '2016-05-30',
        alerts: [],
        events: [
            type: 'claim',
            date: '2010-05-30',
            details: {},
            type: 'nod',
            date: '2012-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'soc',
            date: '2013-06-01',
            details: {},
            type: 'form9',
            date: '2014-06-12',
            details: {},
            type: 'certified',
            date: '2014-09-21',
            details: {},
            type: 'hearing_held',
            date: '2015-05-06',
            details: {
              regionalOffice: 'Chicago',
        evidence: [
            description: 'Service treatment records',
            date: '2017-09-30',
      // Status: The Board has made a decision on your appeal - bva_decision
      id: '7387391',
      type: 'legacyAppeal',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['7387391', '789'],
        updated: '2018-01-03T09:30:15-05:00',
        active: true,
        incompleteHistory: false,
        aoj: 'vba',
        programArea: 'compensation',
          'Service connection for tinnitus, hearing loss, and two more',
        type: 'original',
        aod: false,
        location: 'aoj',
        status: {
          type: 'bva_decision',
          details: {
            regionalOffice: 'Chicago Regional Office',
            issues: [
                description: 'Heel, increased rating',
                disposition: 'allowed',
                date: '2016-05-30',
                description: 'Knee, increased rating',
                disposition: 'allowed',
                date: '2016-05-30',
                description: 'Tinnitus, increased rating',
                disposition: 'denied',
                date: '2016-05-30',
                description: 'Leg, service connection',
                disposition: 'denied',
                date: '2016-05-30',
                description: 'Diabetes, service connection',
                disposition: 'remand',
                date: '2016-05-30',
                description: 'Shoulder, service connection',
                disposition: 'remand',
                date: '2016-05-30',
        docket: {
          front: false,
          total: 206900,
          ahead: 109203,
          ready: 22109,
          eta: '2019-08-31',
        issues: [
            active: true,
            description: 'Tinnitus, service connection',
            lastAction: null,
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: true,
            description: 'Head, increased rating',
            lastAction: null,
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: true,
            description: 'Shoulder, increased rating',
            lastAction: null,
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: true,
            description: 'Knee, service connection',
            lastAction: 'field_grant',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: false,
            description: 'Toe, service connection',
            lastAction: 'withdrawn',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: true,
            description: 'Tinnitus, service connection',
            lastAction: 'allowed',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: false,
            description: 'Tinnitus, service connection',
            lastAction: 'denied',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: true,
            description: 'Tinnitus, service connection',
            lastAction: 'remand',
            date: '2016-05-30',
            active: false,
            description: 'Tinnitus, service connection',
            lastAction: 'cavc_remand',
            date: '2016-05-30',
        alerts: [],
        events: [
            type: 'claim',
            date: '2010-05-30',
            details: {},
            type: 'nod',
            date: '2011-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'soc',
            date: '2012-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'form9',
            date: '2013-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'certified',
            date: '2014-06-10',
            details: {},
            type: 'hearing_held',
            date: '2015-06-10',
            details: {
              regionalOffice: 'Chicago',
            type: 'bva_decision',
            date: '2016-06-10',
            details: {},
        evidence: [
            description: 'Service treatment records',
            date: '2017-09-30',
      id: 'SC105',
      type: 'supplementalClaim',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['SC105'],
        updated: '2019-05-29T19:38:48-04:00',
        incompleteHistory: false,
        active: true,
        description: 'Eligibility for dental treatment',
        location: 'aoj',
        aoj: 'vha',
        programArea: 'medical',
        status: {
          type: 'sc_received',
          details: {},
        alerts: [],
        issues: [
            description: 'Eligibility for dental treatment',
            diagnosticCode: null,
            active: true,
            lastAction: null,
            date: null,
        events: [
            type: 'sc_request',
            date: '2019-02-19',
      id: 'HLR101',
      type: 'higherLevelReview',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['HLR101'],
        updated: '2019-08-29T19:38:48-04:00',
        incompleteHistory: false,
        active: true,
          'Severance of service connection, hypothyroidism, and 1 other',
        location: 'aoj',
        aoj: 'vba',
        programArea: 'compensation',
        status: {
          type: 'hlr_dta_error',
          details: {
            issues: [
                description: 'Service connection, sciatic nerve paralysis',
                disposition: 'denied',
                description: 'Severance of service connection, hypothyroidism',
                disposition: 'allowed',
        alerts: [
            type: 'ama_post_decision',
            details: {
              decisionDate: '2019-08-05',
              availableOptions: [
              dueDate: '2020-08-04',
              cavcDueDate: '2019-12-02',
        issues: [
            description: 'Service connection, sciatic nerve paralysis',
            diagnosticCode: '8520',
            active: false,
            lastAction: 'denied',
            date: '2019-08-05',
            description: 'Severance of service connection, hypothyroidism',
            diagnosticCode: '7903',
            active: false,
            lastAction: 'allowed',
            date: '2019-08-05',
        events: [
            type: 'hlr_request',
            date: '2019-02-19',
            type: 'hlr_dta_error',
            date: '2019-06-01',
            type: 'hlr_decision',
            date: '2019-08-05',
      id: 'A102',
      type: 'appeal',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['A102'],
        updated: '2019-05-29T19:38:44-04:00',
        incompleteHistory: false,
        type: 'original',
        active: true,
          'Service connection, malignant skin neoplasm, and 2 others',
        aod: false,
        location: 'bva',
        aoj: 'vba',
        programArea: 'compensation',
        status: {
          type: 'pending_hearing_scheduling',
          details: {
            type: 'video',
        alerts: [],
        docket: {
          type: 'hearing',
          month: '2019-02-01',
          switchDueDate: '2019-06-05',
          eligibleToSwitch: true,
        issues: [
            description: 'Service connection, malignant skin neoplasm',
            diagnosticCode: '7818',
            active: true,
            lastAction: null,
            date: null,
            description: 'Service connection, coronary artery disease',
            diagnosticCode: '7005',
            active: true,
            lastAction: null,
            date: null,
            description: 'Service connection, diabetes',
            diagnosticCode: '7913',
            active: true,
            lastAction: null,
            date: null,
        events: [
            type: 'ama_nod',
            date: '2019-02-23',
      id: 'A106',
      type: 'appeal',
      attributes: {
        appealIds: ['A106'],
        updated: '2021-02-29T19:38:44-04:00',
        incompleteHistory: false,
        type: 'original',
        active: false,
        description: 'Reasonableness of attorney fees',
        aod: false,
        location: 'bva',
        aoj: 'other',
        programArea: 'other',
        status: {
          type: 'bva_decision',
          details: {
            issues: [
                description: 'Reasonableness of attorney fees',
                disposition: 'allowed',
        alerts: [
            type: 'ama_post_decision',
            details: {
              decisionDate: '2021-02-20',
              availableOptions: ['supplemental_claim', 'cavc'],
              dueDate: '2022-02-19',
              cavcDueDate: '2021-06-19',
        docket: {
          type: 'hearing',
          month: '2019-02-01',
          switchDueDate: '2019-06-05',
          eligibleToSwitch: false,
        issues: [
            description: 'Reasonableness of attorney fees',
            diagnosticCode: null,
            active: false,
            lastAction: 'allowed',
            date: '2021-02-20',
        events: [
            type: 'ama_nod',
            date: '2019-02-23',
            type: 'hearing_no_show',
            date: '2020-05-21',
            type: 'hearing_held',
            date: '2020-10-21',
            type: 'bva_decision',
            date: '2021-02-20',

// returns the value rounded to the nearest interval
// ex: roundToNearest({interval: 5000, value: 13000}) => 15000
// ex: roundToNearest({interval: 5000, value: 6500}) => 5000
export function roundToNearest({ interval, value }) {
  return Math.round(value / interval) * interval;

export const setDocumentTitle = title => {
  document.title = `${title} | Veterans Affairs`;

// Takes a format string and returns a function that formats the given date
// `date` must be in ISO format ex. 2020-01-28
export const buildDateFormatter = (formatString = DATE_FORMATS.LONG_DATE) => {
  return date => {
    const parsedDate = parseISO(date);

    return isValid(parsedDate)
      ? format(parsedDate, formatString)
      : 'Invalid date';

export const isAutomated5103Notice = itemDisplayName => {
  return itemDisplayName === 'Automated 5103 Notice Response';

// Capitalizes the first letter in a given string
export const sentenceCase = str => {
  return typeof str === 'string' && str.length > 0
    ? str[0].toUpperCase().concat(str.substring(1))
    : '';

// Returns a title for a claim for the specified placement:
//   'detail' for the heading on the single page view
//   'breadcrumb' for the breadcrumbs on the single page view
//   'document' for the browser tab title on the single page view
//   the default return is for the list view (card heading)
export const generateClaimTitle = (claim, placement, tab) => {
  // This will default to 'disability compensation'
  const claimType = getClaimType(claim).toLowerCase();
  const isRequestToAddOrRemoveDependent = addOrRemoveDependentClaimTypeCodes.includes(
  // Determine which word should follow the tab name.
  // "Files for...", "Status of...", "Details of...", "Overview of..."
  const tabPrefix = `${tab} ${tab === 'Files' ? 'for' : 'of'}`;
  // Use the following to (somewhat) cut down on repetition in the switch below.
  const addOrRemoveDependentClaimTitle = 'request to add or remove a dependent';
  const baseClaimTitle = isRequestToAddOrRemoveDependent
    ? addOrRemoveDependentClaimTitle
    : `${claimType} claim`;
  // This switch may not scale well; it might be better to create a map of the strings instead.
  // For examples of output given different parameters, see the unit tests.
  switch (placement) {
    case 'detail':
      return `Your ${baseClaimTitle}`;
    case 'breadcrumb':
      if (claimAvailable(claim)) {
        return `${tabPrefix} your ${baseClaimTitle}`;
      // Default message if claim fails to load.
      return `${tabPrefix} your claim`;
    case 'document':
      if (claimAvailable(claim)) {
        const formattedDate = buildDateFormatter()(claim.attributes.claimDate);
        return titleCase(`${tabPrefix} ${formattedDate} ${baseClaimTitle}`);
      // Default message if claim fails to load.
      return `${tabPrefix} Your Claim`;
      return isRequestToAddOrRemoveDependent
        ? sentenceCase(addOrRemoveDependentClaimTitle)
        : `Claim for ${claimType}`;

// Use this function to set the Document Request Page Title, Page Tab and Page Breadcrumb Title
export function setDocumentRequestPageTitle(displayName) {
  return isAutomated5103Notice(displayName)
    ? 'Review evidence list (5103 notice)'
    : `Request for ${displayName}`;

// Used to set page title for the CST Tabs
export function setTabDocumentTitle(claim, tabName) {
  setDocumentTitle(generateClaimTitle(claim, 'document', tabName));

// Used to set the page focus on the CST Tabs
export function setPageFocus(lastPage, loading) {
  if (!isTab(lastPage)) {
    if (!loading) {
    } else {
  } else {
// Used to get the oldest document date
// Logic used in getTrackedItemDateFromStatus()
const getOldestDocumentDate = item => {
  const arrDocumentDates = => document.uploadDate);
  return arrDocumentDates.sort()[0]; // Tried to do Math.min() here and it was erroring out
// Logic here uses a given tracked items status to determine what the date should be.
// This logic is used in RecentActivity and on the ClaimStatusHeader
export const getTrackedItemDateFromStatus = item => {
  switch (item.status) {
    case 'NEEDED_FROM_YOU':
      return item.requestedDate;
      return item.closedDate;
      return getOldestDocumentDate(item);
    case 'ACCEPTED':
      return item.receivedDate;
      return item.requestedDate;