import React from 'react';
import MetaTags from 'react-meta-tags';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import UnauthenticatedPageContent from '../components/UnauthenticatedPageContent';
import { AuthenticatedPageContent } from '../components/AuthenticatedPageContent';
import { FrequentlyAskedQuestions } from '../components/FrequentlyAskedQuestions';
export default function App() {
const isLoading = useSelector(state => state?.user?.profile?.loading);
const isLoggedIn = useSelector(state => state?.user.login.currentlyLoggedIn);
const pageContent = isLoggedIn ? (
<AuthenticatedPageContent />
) : (
<UnauthenticatedPageContent />
const content = isLoading ? <va-loading-indicator set-focus /> : pageContent;
const disclaimerText = () => {
return (
This page is meant for Digital Health Pathway pilot participants only.
</strong>{' '}
If you have not received an invitation to join a DHP pilot program but
are interested in sharing your device data with your VA care team,
please visit the{' '}
VA Share My Health Data app
return (
<div className="usa-grid-full margin landing-page">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<div className="usa-width-three-fourths">
<article className="usa-content">
<div className="schemaform-title">
<h1>Connect your health devices to share data</h1>
<div className="va-introtext">
Connecting a device will share your health data with VA. This data
will become available to your care team.
<FrequentlyAskedQuestions />