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4 days
Test Coverage
 * The intent for this module is to provide a flexible, reusable address schema and widget that can be used in any form throughout
 * The address uiSchema should be flexible enough to handle these cases:
 * 1. Top level address property (
 * 2. Nested address property (
 * 3. Array items.
 * Fields that may depend on external variables to make the form required:
 * 1. Country - could depend on things like: yes/no field, checkbox in a different form chapter, etc.
 * 2. Address Line 1 - same as country
 * 3. City - same as country
 * Fields that are required based on internal field variables:
 * 1. State - required if the country is the United States OR US Military Address
 * 2. Zipcode - required if the country is the United States OR US Military Address
 * 3. International Postal Code - required if the country is NOT the United States OR US Military address
 * Fields that are optional:
 * 1. State/Province/Region - shows up if the country is NOT the US, but NOT required.

import { countries } from 'platform/forms/address';
import ADDRESS_DATA from 'platform/forms/address/data';
import cloneDeep from 'platform/utilities/data/cloneDeep';
import get from 'platform/utilities/data/get';
import React from 'react';
import ReviewCardField from '../components/ReviewCardField';
import { militaryCities, states50AndDC } from '../constants';

 * 1. MILITARY_STATES - object of military state codes and names.
 * 2. USA - used to just reference the United States
 * 3. MilitaryBaseInfo - expandable text to expound on military base addresses.
 * 4. addressSchema - data model for address schema.

const MILITARY_STATES = Object.entries(ADDRESS_DATA.states).reduce(
  (militaryStates, [stateCode, stateName]) => {
    if (ADDRESS_DATA.militaryStates.includes(stateCode)) {
      return {
        [stateCode]: stateName,
    return militaryStates;

const USA = {
  value: 'USA',
  label: 'United States',

const MilitaryBaseInfo = () => (
  <div className="vads-u-padding-x--2p5">
    <va-additional-info trigger="Learn more about military base addresses">
        The United States is automatically chosen as your country if you live on
        a military base outside of the country.

const addressSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  oneOf: [
      properties: {
        country: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: ['CAN'],
        state: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: [
        postalCode: {
          type: 'string',
          maxLength: 10,
      properties: {
        country: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: ['MEX'],
        state: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: [
        postalCode: {
          type: 'string',
          maxLength: 10,
      properties: {
        country: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: ['USA'],
        state: {
          type: 'string',
          enum: [
        postalCode: {
          type: 'string',
          maxLength: 10,
      properties: {
        country: {
          not: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['CAN', 'MEX', 'USA'],
        state: {
          type: 'string',
          maxLength: 51,
        postalCode: {
          type: 'string',
          maxLength: 51,
      properties: {
        isMilitaryBase: {
          type: 'boolean',
          default: false,
  properties: {
    isMilitaryBase: {
      type: 'boolean',
      default: false,
    country: {
      type: 'string',
    'view:livesOnMilitaryBaseInfo': {
      type: 'string',
    street: {
      type: 'string',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 50,
      pattern: '^.*\\S.*',
    street2: {
      type: 'string',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 50,
      pattern: '^.*\\S.*',
    city: {
      type: 'string',
      minLength: 1,
      maxLength: 51,
    state: {
      type: 'string',
    province: {
      type: 'string',
    postalCode: {
      type: 'string',
      pattern: '(^\\d{5}$)|(^\\d{5}-\\d{4}$)',
    internationalPostalCode: {
      type: 'string',

 * Builds address schema based on isMilitaryAddress.
 * @param {boolean} isMilitaryBaseAddress represents whether or not the form page requires the address to support the option of military address.
 * @returns {object} an object containing the necessary properties for a domestic US address, foreign US military address, and international address.
export const buildAddressSchema = isMilitaryBaseAddress => {
  if (isMilitaryBaseAddress) return cloneDeep(addressSchema);
  const schema = cloneDeep(addressSchema);
  return schema;

 * This method takes a list of parameters and generates an addressUiSchema.
 * @param {function} callback slots into the 'ui:required' for the necessary fields.
 * @param {string} path represents the path to the address in formData.
 * @param {boolean} isMilitaryBaseAddress represents whether or not the form page requires the address to support the option of military address.

const MILITARY_BASE_PATH = 'isMilitaryBase';

export const addressUISchema = (
  isMilitaryBaseAddress = false,
) => {
  // As mentioned above, there are certain fields that depend on the values of other fields when using updateSchema, replaceSchema, and hideIf.
  // The two constants below are paths used to retrieve the values in those other fields.
  const livesOnMilitaryBasePath = `${path}.${MILITARY_BASE_PATH}`;
  const insertArrayIndex = (key, index) => key.replace('[INDEX]', `[${index}]`);

  const addressDescription = (
        Any updates you make here will only change your mailing address for this
        If you want to change your address for other VA benefits and services,
        <a href="" className="vads-u-margin-left--0p5">
          go to your profile
        . Or
          find out how to change your address on file with VA

  return {
    'ui:order': [
    'ui:subtitle': addressDescription,
    'ui:field': ReviewCardField,
    isMilitaryBase: {
        'I live on a United States military base outside of the United States.',
      'ui:options': {
        hideIf: () => !isMilitaryBaseAddress,
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,
    'view:livesOnMilitaryBaseInfo': {
      'ui:title': ' ',
      'ui:field': MilitaryBaseInfo,
      'ui:options': {
        hideIf: () => !isMilitaryBaseAddress,
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,
    country: {
      'ui:required': callback,
      'ui:title': 'Country',
      'ui:options': {
        updateSchema: (formData, schema, uiSchema) => {
          const countryUI = uiSchema;
          const countryFormData = get(path, formData);
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            countryUI['ui:disabled'] = true;
   = USA.label;
            return {
              enum: [USA.label],
              default: USA.label,
          countryUI['ui:disabled'] = false;
          return {
            type: 'string',
            enum: => country.label),
        useDlWrap: true,
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please select a country',
    street: {
      'ui:required': callback,
      'ui:title': 'Street address',
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please enter a street address',
        pattern: 'Street address must be under 100 characters',
      'ui:options': {
        useDlWrap: true,
    street2: {
      'ui:title': 'Street address line 2',
      'ui:options': {
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,
    city: {
      'ui:required': callback,
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please enter a city',
        pattern: 'City must be under 100 characters',
      'ui:options': {
        replaceSchema: formData => {
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return {
              type: 'string',
              title: 'APO/FPO/DPO',
              enum: militaryCities,
          return {
            type: 'string',
            title: 'City',
            minLength: 1,
            maxLength: 100,
            pattern: '^.*\\S.*',
        useDlWrap: true,
    state: {
      'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
        let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
        if (typeof index === 'number') {
          countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
        const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
        const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
        return (
          (countryName && countryName === USA.label) || livesOnMilitaryBase
      'ui:title': 'State',
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please select a state',
      'ui:options': {
        hideIf: (formData, index) => {
          // Because we have to update countryName manually in formData above,
          // We have to check this when a user selects a non-US country and then selects
          // the military base checkbox.
          let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
          if (typeof index === 'number') {
            countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return false;
          const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
          return countryName && countryName !== USA.label;
        useDlWrap: true,
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        updateSchema: formData => {
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return {
              enum: Object.keys(MILITARY_STATES),
              enumNames: Object.values(MILITARY_STATES),
          return {
            enum: => state.value),
            enumNames: => state.label),
    province: {
      'ui:title': 'State/Province/Region',
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please enter a state/province/region',
      'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
        let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
        if (typeof index === 'number') {
          countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
        const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
        return countryName && countryName !== USA.label;
      'ui:options': {
        hideIf: (formData, index) => {
          let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
          if (typeof index === 'number') {
            countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return true;
          const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
          return countryName === USA.label || !countryName;
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,
    postalCode: {
      'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
        let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
        if (typeof index === 'number') {
          countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
        const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
        const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
        return (
          (countryName && countryName === USA.label) ||
          (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase)
      'ui:title': 'Postal code',
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Please enter a postal code',
        pattern: 'Zip code must be 5 digits',
      'ui:options': {
        widgetClassNames: 'usa-input-medium',
        hideIf: (formData, index) => {
          // Because we have to update countryName manually in formData above,
          // We have to check this when a user selects a non-US country and then selects
          // the military base checkbox.
          let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
          if (typeof index === 'number') {
            countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return false;
          return countryName && countryName !== USA.label;
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,
    internationalPostalCode: {
      'ui:required': (formData, index) => {
        let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
        if (typeof index === 'number') {
          countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
        const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
        return countryName && countryName !== USA.label;
      'ui:title': 'Please enter an international postal code',
      'ui:errorMessages': {
        required: 'Postal code is required',
      'ui:options': {
        widgetClassNames: 'usa-input-medium',
        hideIf: (formData, index) => {
          let countryNamePath = `${path}.country`;
          if (typeof index === 'number') {
            countryNamePath = insertArrayIndex(countryNamePath, index);
          const livesOnMilitaryBase = get(livesOnMilitaryBasePath, formData);
          if (isMilitaryBaseAddress && livesOnMilitaryBase) {
            return true;
          const countryName = get(countryNamePath, formData);
          return countryName === USA.label || !countryName;
        hideOnReviewIfFalse: true,
        useDlWrap: true,