import constants from 'vets-json-schema/dist/constants.json';
import fullSchema from 'vets-json-schema/dist/21-526EZ-ALLCLAIMS-schema.json';
const { pciuStates: PCIU_STATES } = constants;
import {
} from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-forms/constants';
import { getDisabilityLabels } from './content/disabilityLabels';
export const PAGE_TITLES = {
ALL: 'File for disability compensation',
BDD: 'File a Benefits Delivery at Discharge claim',
export const PAGE_TITLE_SUFFIX = 'with VA Form 21-526EZ';
export const DOCUMENT_TITLE_SUFFIX = ' | Veterans Affairs';
export const START_TEXT = {
ALL: 'Start the Disability Compensation Application',
BDD: 'Start the Benefits Disability at Discharge Application',
export const itfStatuses = {
active: 'active',
expired: 'expired',
claimRecieved: 'claim_recieved',
duplicate: 'duplicate',
incomplete: 'incomplete',
canceled: 'canceled',
export const RESERVE_GUARD_TYPES = {
nationalGuard: 'National Guard',
// Not updating to "Reserves"; used in string matching comparisons
reserve: 'Reserve',
export { PCIU_STATES };
export const STATE_LABELS = => state.label);
export const STATE_VALUES = => state.value);
export const MILITARY_STATE_VALUES = ['AA', 'AE', 'AP'];
export const MILITARY_STATE_LABELS = [
'Armed Forces Americas (AA)',
'Armed Forces Europe (AE)',
'Armed Forces Pacific (AP)',
export const MILITARY_CITIES = ['APO', 'DPO', 'FPO'];
export const USA = 'USA';
export const ADDRESS_PATHS = {
mailingAddress: 'mailingAddress',
forwardingAddress: 'forwardingAddress',
export const HOMELESSNESS_TYPES = {
atRisk: 'atRisk',
homeless: 'homeless',
notHomeless: 'no',
export const AT_RISK_HOUSING_TYPES = {
losingHousing: 'losingHousing',
leavingShelter: 'leavingShelter',
other: 'other',
shelter: 'shelter',
notShelter: 'notShelter',
anotherPerson: 'anotherPerson',
other: 'other',
notServiceConnected: 'NOTSVCCON',
serviceConnected: 'SVCCONNCTED',
export const DATA_PATHS = {
hasVAEvidence: 'view:selectableEvidenceTypes.view:hasVaMedicalRecords',
hasAdditionalDocuments: 'view:selectableEvidenceTypes.view:hasOtherEvidence',
export const DISABILITY_526_V2_ROOT_URL =
export const VA_FORM4142_URL =
export const VA_FORM4192_URL =
export const MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB = 50;
export const MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB * 1024 ** 2; // binary based
export const MAX_PDF_FILE_SIZE_MB = 99;
// binary based
export const MAX_PDF_FILE_SIZE_BYTES = MAX_PDF_FILE_SIZE_MB * 1024 ** 2;
export const PTSD_MATCHES = [
'post traumatic stress disorder',
'post-traumatic stress disorder',
'post traumatic stress',
'post-traumatic stress',
// Percent of string length used to calculate maximum levenshtein edit distance
// E.g., for a 10-char string, we'd say the max edit distance is:
// Math.ceil(10 x TYPO_THRESHOLD)
export const TYPO_THRESHOLD = 0.25;
// Max number of incident iterations a user can go through.
export const NINE_ELEVEN = '2001-09-11';
export const ERR_MSG_CSS_CLASS = '.usa-input-error-message';
export const submissionStatuses = {
// Statuses returned by the API
pending: 'try', // Submitted to EVSS, waiting response
retry: 'retryable_error',
succeeded: 'success', // Submitted to EVSS, received response
exhausted: 'exhausted', // EVSS is down or something; ran out of retries
failed: 'non_retryable_error', // EVSS responded with some error
// When the api serves a failure
apiFailure: 'apiFailure',
export const terminalStatuses = new Set([
export const accountTitleLabels = {
CHECKING: 'Checking Account',
SAVINGS: 'Savings Account',
NOBANK: 'No Bank Account',
export const disabilityActionTypes = {
export const causeTypes = {
VA: 'VA',
export const specialIssueTypes = {
export const defaultDisabilityDescriptions = {
primaryDescription: 'This disability is related to my military service.',
'This disability was caused by another condition.',
worsenedDescription: 'This disability was worsened by military service.',
'This pre-existing disability was worsened by military service.',
'This disability was caused by an injury or event that happened while I was receiving VA care.',
export const PTSD_CHANGE_LABELS = {
'Sudden requests for a change in occupational series or duty assignment',
increasedLeave: 'Increased use of leave',
withoutLeave: 'AWOL - Absent without leave',
performanceChanges: 'Changes in performance and performance evaluations',
economicChanges: 'Economic changes',
resign: 'Resigning from your job',
'Increased visits to a medical or counseling clinic or dispensary, even without a specific diagnosis or specific ailment',
pregnancyTests: 'Pregnancy tests around the time of the incident',
hivTests: 'Tests for HIV or sexually transmitted diseases',
weightChanges: 'Extreme weight loss or gain',
lethargy: 'Lethargy',
breakup: 'Breakup of primary relationship',
increasedDisregard: 'Increased disregard for military or civilian authority',
withdrawal: 'Withdrawal from friends',
unexplained: 'Unexplained social behavior changes',
'Episodes of depression, panic attacks, or anxiety without an identifiable cause',
obsessive: 'Obsessive behaviors',
'Increased or decreased use of prescription medications or over-the-counter medications',
substance: 'Substance abuse such as alcohol or drugs',
hypervigilance: 'Hypervigilance, heightened fight or flight response',
agoraphobia: 'Staying at home, not wanting to go out, agoraphobia',
fear: 'Increased fear of surroundings, inability to go to certain areas',
// KEYS on formData that contain uploaded files that need to be added to attachments
export const ATTACHMENT_KEYS = [
export const LOWERED_DISABILITY_DESCRIPTIONS = Object.values(
).map(v => v.toLowerCase());
export const PTSD_TYPES_TO_FORMS = {
combatNonCombat: '781',
personalAssaultSexualTrauma: '781a',
export const HELP_TEXT_CLICKED_EVENT = 'help-text-label';
export const ANALYTICS_EVENTS = {
openedPrivateRecordsAcknowledgment: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 4142 - Private Medical Records: Read the full text',
openedPrivateChoiceHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 4142 - Private Medical Records: Which should I choose',
openedLimitedConsentHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 4142 - Private Medical Records Release: What does this mean',
openedPtsdTypeHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - PTSD Intro - Which should I choose',
openedPtsd781WalkthroughChoiceHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 21-0781 - Walkthrough Choice - Which should I choose',
openedPtsd781aWalkthroughChoiceHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 21-0781a - Walkthrough Choice - Which should I choose',
openedPtsd781IncidentDateHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 21-0781 - What if I can’t remember the date',
openedPtsd781aIncidentDateHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 21-0781a - What if I can’t remember the date',
openedPtsd781aOtherSourcesHelp: {
event: 'disability-526EZ-form-help-text-clicked',
'Disability - Form 21-0781a - PTSD Secondary Sources - Which should I choose',
// new /v0/disability_compensation_in_progress_forms/21-526EZ. Not using the
// platform/forms/helpers/inProgressApi because the mock doesn't include the
// environment.API_URL
export const MOCK_SIPS_API =
export const NULL_CONDITION_STRING = 'Unknown Condition';
// Moment date format
export const DATE_FORMAT = 'LL';
// sessionStorage key used to show the wizard has or hasn't been completed
export const WIZARD_STATUS = 'wizardStatus526';
// sessionStorage key used to determine if the form title should be set to BDD
export const FORM_STATUS_BDD = 'formStatusBdd';
export const SHOW_8940_4192 = 'showSubforms';
export const SERVICE_BRANCHES = 'militaryServiceBranches';
// sessionStorage key used for the user entered separation date in the wizard
// used by the first page of the form to populate the form data
export const SAVED_SEPARATION_DATE = 'savedSeparationDate';
export const EBEN_526_PATH =
export const BDD_INFO_URL =
/** Public Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQs) page which links to the Separation Helth Assessment Part A */
export const DBQ_URL =
// maxLength from schema
export const CHAR_LIMITS = [
(list, key) => ({
// migration max string length
export const MAX_HOUSING_STRING_LENGTH = 500;
export const OMB_CONTROL = '2900-0747';
// used to save feature flag in form data for toxic exposure
export const SHOW_TOXIC_EXPOSURE = 'showToxicExposure';
export const TE_URL_PREFIX = 'toxic-exposure';
export const GULF_WAR_1990_LOCATIONS = Object.freeze({
afghanistan: 'Afghanistan',
bahrain: 'Bahrain',
egypt: 'Egypt',
iraq: 'Iraq',
israel: 'Israel',
jordan: 'Jordan',
kuwait: 'Kuwait',
neutralzone: 'Neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia',
oman: 'Oman',
qatar: 'Qatar',
saudiarabia: 'Saudi Arabia',
somalia: 'Somalia',
syria: 'Syria',
uae: 'The United Arab Emirates (UAE)',
turkey: 'Turkey',
'The waters of the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea',
airspace: 'The airspace above any of these locations',
none: 'None of these locations',
notsure: 'I’m not sure if I served in these locations',
export const GULF_WAR_2001_LOCATIONS = Object.freeze({
djibouti: 'Djibouti',
lebanon: 'Lebanon',
uzbekistan: 'Uzbekistan',
yemen: 'Yemen',
airspace: 'The airspace above any of these locations',
none: 'None of these locations',
notsure: 'I’m not sure if I served in these locations',
export const HERBICIDE_LOCATIONS = Object.freeze({
cambodia: 'Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province',
guam: 'Guam, American Samoa, or their territorial waters',
koreandemilitarizedzone: 'In or near the Korean demilitarized zone',
johnston: 'Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll',
laos: 'Laos',
'Somewhere you had contact with C-123 airplanes while serving in the Air Force or the Air Force Reserves',
thailand: 'A U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand',
vietnam: 'Vietnam or the waters in or off of Vietnam',
none: 'None of these locations',
notsure: 'I’m not sure if I served in these locations',
export const ADDITIONAL_EXPOSURES = Object.freeze({
asbestos: 'Asbestos',
'Chemical and biological warfare testing through Project 112 or Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD)',
water: 'Contaminated water at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River, North Carolina',
mos: 'Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)-related toxin',
mustardgas: 'Mustard Gas',
radiation: 'Radiation',
none: 'None of these',
notsure: 'I’m not sure if I have been exposed to these hazards',