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35 mins
Test Coverage
import React from 'react';

export const claimExamsDescription = (
      After you file your disability claim, we may ask you to have a claim exam
      (also known as a C&P exam).

    <va-alert status="warning" uswds>
      <h3 slot="headline">
        You might receive a phone call from an unfamiliar number to schedule
        your exam
      <p className="vads-u-font-size--base">
        You’ll receive a phone call from a VA third-party vendor or from VA to
        schedule your exam. It’s important that you answer any calls you receive
        after you file a disability claim.
        You can go to your{' '}
        <a href="/profile" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
 profile (opens in new tab)
        </a>{' '}
        to confirm your phone number.

    <p>At this time we partner with 3 vendors:</p>
      <li>QTC Medical Services (QTC)</li>
      <li>Veterans Evaluation Services (VES)</li>
      <li>Logistics Health Inc. (LHI)</li>

export const claimExamsFAQ = (
    <h3 className="vads-u-font-size--h4">More information about claim exams</h3>
    <va-accordion bordered uswds>
      <va-accordion-item bordered uswds>
        <h4 slot="headline">What happens if I miss a phone call?</h4>
          If we can’t reach you by phone, we’ll schedule an appointment for you.
          We’ll send you a letter with the date and time of your exam.
          Please call the number on your appointment letter to confirm your exam
          time and location.
          If you can’t make your appointment, let us know right away. You can
          most likely reschedule, but this may delay your claim.
          If you’re a Veteran who lives overseas, you may{' '}
            {' '}
            contact an Overseas Military Services Coordinator (opens in new tab)
          </a>{' '}
          for help scheduling a claim exam.
      <va-accordion-item bordered uswds>
        <h4 slot="headline">Why do I need a claim exam?</h4>
          Not everyone who files a disability claim will need an exam. We’ll ask
          you to have an exam only if we need more information to decide your